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Makefile | 1997-08-25 | 24.5 KB | 723 lines |
- ###########################################################################
- # Makefile for Samba SMB client/server for unix
- # Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1992-1996
- # Copyright John H Terpstra 1995-1997
- ###########################################################################
- # The base directory for all samba files
- BASEDIR = /usr/local/samba
- # The base manpages directory to put the man pages in
- # Note: $(MANDIR)/man1, $(MANDIR)/man5 and $(MANDIR)/man8 must exist.
- MANDIR = /usr/local/man
- # The directories to put things in. If you use multiple
- # architectures or share the samba binaries across NFS then
- # you will probably want to change this layout.
- # Note: The SBINDIR is for files you do not want users to access
- # normally only applies to nmbd and smbd
- # SBINDIR implies a secure binary directory
- # The permissions to give the executables
- # Add any optimisation or debugging flags here
- # add -DSYSLOG for syslog support
- # RPM_OPT_FLAGS is needed when building an RPM distribution package
- # for RedHat Linux.
- FLAGS1 = -O
- LIBS1 =
- # You will need to use a ANSI C compiler. This means under SunOS 4 you can't
- # use cc, instead you will have to use gcc.
- # CC = gcc
- # This may help with some versions of make
- SHELL = /bin/sh
- # The following can be useful for compiling on multiple architectures
- # just uncommment them putting the right directory in.
- # srcdir=./
- # VPATH=$(srcdir)
- # set these to where to find various files
- # These can be overridden by command line switches (see smbd(8))
- # or in smb.conf (see smb.conf(5))
- SMBLOGFILE = $(VARDIR)/log.smb
- NMBLOGFILE = $(VARDIR)/log.nmb
- CONFIGFILE = $(LIBDIR)/smb.conf
- # the directory where lock files go
- LOCKDIR = $(VARDIR)/locks
- # set this to the default group you want your machine to appear in
- # for browsing. This can also be set in nmbd (see nmbd(8))
- # set this to the name of the default account, which is the one
- # to use when no username or password is specified. This can be overridden
- # in the runtime configuration file (see smb.conf(5))
- # NOTE: The account "nobody" may not be a good one as
- # on many unixes it may not be able to print. Thus you
- # might have to create a separate guest account that can print.
- # where you are going to have the smbrun binary. This defaults to the
- # install directory. This binary is needed for correct printing
- # and magic script execution. This should be an absolute path!
- # Also not that this should include the name "smbrun" on the end (the
- # name of the executable)
- SMBRUN = $(BINDIR)/smbrun
- #
- # The following (PAM, AFS, DCE/DFS, Kerberos5, SMB) are the
- # alternate choices for Samba authentication. If you are using
- # the UNIX password database to authenticate users you do not
- # need to uncomment any of them. If you wish to use one of these
- # alternate methods then only uncomment one of them.
- # This is for PAM authentication. RedHat Linux uses PAM.
- # If you use PAM, then uncomment the following lines:
- # PAM_LIBS = -ldl -lpam
- # This is for AFS authentication. If you use AFS then set AFS_BASE
- # according to your system layout, and uncomment the other lines as well.
- # AFS_BASE = /usr/afsws
- # AFS_FLAGS = -DAFS_AUTH -I$(AFS_BASE)/include
- # AFS_LIBDIR = $(AFS_BASE)/lib
- # NOTE: You may need to add -laudit in the line below
- # AFS_LIBS = -L$(AFS_LIBDIR) -L$(AFS_LIBDIR)/afs -lkauth -lprot -lubik \
- # -lauth -lrxkad -lsys -ldes -lrx -llwp -lcom_err \
- # $(AFS_LIBDIR)/afs/util.a
- # This is for DCE/DFS enablement. Uncomment this so that smbd can
- # operate as an authenticated user identity to operate on files that
- # live in the DCE Distributed Filesystem.
- # DCE_BASE = /opt/dcelocal
- # DCE_FLAGS = -I$(DCE_BASE)/include
- # DCE_LIBDIR = -L$(DCE_BASE)/lib
- # DCE_LIBS =
- # This is for Kerberos 5 authentication. Contributed by Nathan Neulinger
- # Univ. of Missouri - Rolla <nneul@umr.edu>
- # KRB5_BASE = /usr/local/krb5
- # KRB5_FLAGS = -DKRB5_AUTH -I$(KRB5_BASE)/include
- # KRB5_LIBS = -L$(KRB5_BASE)/lib -ldes425 -lkrb5 -lcrypto -lcom_err
- # This is for SMB encrypted (lanman) passwords.
- # you may wish to add -DREPLACE_GETPASS if your getpass() is limited
- # to 8 chars
- # DES_BASE=/usr/local/libdes
- # DES_LIB= -L$(DES_BASE) -ldes
- # PASSWD_FLAGS=-DUSE_LIBDES -DSMB_PASSWD=\"$(BINDIR)/smbpasswd\" -DSMB_PASSWD_FILE=\"$(BASEDIR)/private/smbpasswd\"
- ######################################
- # VTP-Support
- #
- # uncomment the following two lines to enable VTP-Support
- #VTP_OBJ = vt_mode.o
- ######################################
- ######################################
- # WHICH AWK? awk is used for automatic prototype generation. GNU awk works
- # where inferior awks don't. Sun is one manufacturer who supplies both
- # a broken awk called 'awk' and a fixed one called 'nawk'. mkproto.awk will
- # only work with the latter, and even that isn't as good as free GNU awk.
- #
- # Leave this uncommented; the OS-specific stuff will override it if required
- AWK = awk
- ######################################
- #####################################
- #
- # The following are additional flags that may apply
- # -DNETGROUP if your machine supports yp netgroups
- # -DAUTOMOUNT to ask for yp auto.home for users' home directories
- # -DSHADOW_PWD if you are using shadow passwords
- # -DGETPWANAM if you wish to use getpwanam() call
- # -DPWDAUTH if you have and want to use the pwdauth() call
- # -DUFC_CRYPT if you want the fast crypt routine
- # -DALLOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD if you want users to be able to set their password
- # remotely (only works on some systems)
- # -DQUOTAS for quota support in disk_free(). This probably only works
- # on some systems.
- # -DFAST_SHARE_MODES if you want the fast shared memory instead of the
- # slow description files for share mode locking. This
- # requires the mmap() and fcntl() system calls.
- #
- # NOTE: GETPWANAM & PWDAUTH are mutually exclusive, if you
- # Define one, you should NOT define the other.
- #####################################
- #####################################
- # select filename's code set for KANJI/KANA in UNIX,
- # apply the following flag
- # -DKANJI=\"<code>\"
- # <code> is select character code set for JAPAN.
- # sjis: if your machine support SJIS
- # euc: if your machine support EUC
- # jis7: if your machine support JIS7
- # jis8: if your machine support JIS8
- # junet: if your machine support jis7 + junet rule
- # hex: if your machine only support 7 bits ascii filename only
- # convert to hexdecimal code preseeding ':'.
- # see also README.jis
- ######################################
- # This is for SUNOS 4. Use the SUNOS5 entry for Solaris 2.
- # Note that you cannot use Suns "cc" compiler
- # as it's not an Ansi-C compiler. Get gcc or acc.
- # Note that if you have adjunct passwords you may need the GETPWANAM
- # or PWDAUTH option. There have been reports that using PWDAUTH may crash
- # your pwdauthd server so GETPWANAM is preferable (and probably faster)
- # contributed by Andrew.Tridgell@anu.edu.au
- # LIBSM =
- # AWK = nawk
- # Use this for Linux with shadow passwords
- # contributed by Andrew.Tridgell@anu.edu.au
- # add -DLINUX_BIGCRYPT is you have shadow passwords but don't have the
- # right libraries and includes
- # LIBSM = -lshadow
- # Use this for Linux without shadow passwords
- # contributed by Andrew.Tridgell@anu.edu.au
- # AXPROC defines DEC Alpha Processor
- # LIBSM =
- # Use this for Linux with shadow passwords and quota
- # contributed by xeno@mix.hive.no
- # Tested on the 1.3.57 kernel and ext2fs filesystem.
- # Notes:
- # /usr/include/sys/quota.h must be a symlink to /usr/include/linux/quota.h
- # The directory quota here must be a symlink to your quota package.
- # I just do 'ln -sf /usr/src/quota-1.50 quota' in this directory to get it to work.
- # LIBSM = -lshadow
- # Use this for Linux with quota and glibc2
- # contributed by Thorvald Natvig <slicer@bimbo.hive.no>
- # Tested on the 2.0.30 kernel and ext2fs filesystem.
- # LIBSM = -L/lib/libc5-compat -lcrypt
- # This is for SUNOS5.4 and later (also known as Solaris 2.4 and later)
- # contributed by Andrew.Tridgell@anu.edu.au
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl
- # AWK = nawk
- # This is for SUNOS 5.2 and 5.3 (also known as Solaris 2.2 and 2.3)
- # contributed by hdsi@newtech.net
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl
- # AWK = nawk
- # This is for UXP/DS
- # contributed by dsfrost@oai6.yk.fujitsu.co.jp
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl
- # This is for SVR4
- # Contributed by mark@scot1.ucsalf.ac.uk
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl -lc -L/usr/ucblib -lucb
- # This is for the Motorola 88xxx/9xx range of machines
- # Contributed by RPE@monnet.com
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl -lc -L/usr/ucblib -lucb
- # This is for UnixWare 1.x.
- # Contributed by Warren Young <tkennedy@cyberport.com>
- #LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl -lc -L/usr/ucblib -lucb
- # This is for UnixWare 2.x WITH libdes support.
- # Contributed by tangent@cyberport.com
- #FLAGSM = -Xa -DSVR4
- #LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl -lc -L/usr/ucblib -lucb
- # This is for UnixWare 2.x WITHOUT libdes support.
- # Contributed by tangent@cyberport.com
- #LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl -lc -L/usr/ucblib -lucb -lcrypt -liaf
- # This is for UNIXWARE 2.x with shadow passwords.
- # Contributed by fja@extratech.com
- #LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl -lc -L/usr/ucblib -lucb -lcrypt -lgen
- # This is for ULTRIX. Add -DULTRIX_AUTH for Ultrix enhanced security.
- # contributed by iversen@dsfys1.fi.uib.no
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for OSF1 (Alpha)
- # contributed by errath@balu.kfunigraz.ac.at
- # NOTE: You may need -warning_unresolved if you get unresolved symbols
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for OSF1 with DCE/DFS
- # contributed by Jim Doyle <doyle@oec.com>
- # LIBSM = -ldce -lpthreads -lmach -lc_r
- # This is for OSF1 (Alpha) with NIS and Fast Crypt
- # contributed by David Gardiner <dgardine@cssip.edu.au>
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for OSF1 (Alpha) V2.0 Enhanced Security
- # contributed by Udo Linauer <ul@eacpc4.tuwien.ac.at>
- # LIBSM = -lsecurity
- # This is for AIX 4.x
- # contributed by tomc@osi.curtin.edu.au
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for AIX 4.x with quota support
- # contributed by tomc@osi.curtin.edu.au
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for AIX 3.2.5 with DCE/DFS
- # contributed by Jim Doyle <doyle@oec.com>
- # LIBSM = -lc_r -ldce -lpthreads
- # CC = cc_r
- # This is for BSDI
- # contributed by tomh@metrics.com
- # versions of BSDI prior to 2.0 may need to add -DUSE_F_FSIZE for
- # disk usage stats to be correct
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for NetBSD. Add -DNETBSD_1_0 if you are using 1.0
- # contributed by noses@oink.rhein.de
- # LIBSM = -lcrypt
- # This is for SEQUENT.
- # Contributed by fwk@ix.netcom.com (Frank Keeney) and
- # rpwillia@Pentagon-EMH6.army.mil (Ray Williams)
- # tested on DYNIX/ptx(R) V2.1.0
- # LIBSM = -lrpc -lsocket -lPW -linet -lnsl -lseq -lsec
- # This is for SEQUENT PTX 4.1.x
- # Contributed by bressler@iftccu.ca.boeing.com (Rick Bressler)
- # based on Keeny and Williams contribution.
- # tested on DYNIX/ptx(R) V4.1.3
- # LIBSM = -lrpc -lsocket -lPW -lnsl -lseq -lsec
- # This is for HP-UX. Note that some systems don't like the -Aa switch.
- # contributed by Pasi.Kaara@atk.tpo.fi
- # You will need -DREPLACE_GETPASS if you use smb encryption
- # Add -DHPUX10 if compiling on HPUX 10.x
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for HP-UX with DCE/DFS
- # contributed by Jim Doyle <doyle@oec.com>
- # Add -DHPUX10 if compiling on HPUX 10.x
- # LIBSM = -ldce -lM -lc_r
- # HP-UX 10.x Trusted System
- # Contributed by David-Michael Lincke (dlincke@sgcl1.unisg.ch)
- # LIBSM = -lsec
- # This is for SGI.
- # contributed by lpc@solomon.technet.sg (Michael Chua)
- # FOR SGI IRIX 4.x.x, use the following line
- # LIBSM = -lsun
- # FOR SGI IRIX 5.x.x, use this line instead
- # LIBSM =
- # FOR SGI IRIX 6.2 using the system compiler (*NOT* gcc), use this line instead
- # Contributed by David.Billinghurst@restech.cra.com.au
- # LIBSM =
- # FLAGS1 = -O -n32
- # This is for FreeBSD
- # contributed by kuku@acds.physik.rwth-aachen.de
- # NOTE: You may need to add -DBSD44 if you have password problems
- # LIBSM = -lcrypt
- # This is for NEXTSTEP Release 2.X
- # No Posix.
- # contributed by brad@cac.washington.edu (Brad Greer)
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for NEXTSTEP Release 3.0 and greater (including OPENSTEP for Mach).
- # contributed by brad@cac.washington.edu (Brad Greer)
- # additional configuration by pmarcos@next.com (Paul Marcos)
- # For compiling n-way fat executables, you should append the appropriat -arch
- # flags to the FLAGSM variable. Valid flags are:
- # -arch m68k
- # -arch i386
- # -arch hppa
- # -arch sparc
- # To compile 4-way fat, you would append
- # -arch m68k -arch i386 -arch hppa -arch sparc
- # FLAGSM = -DNEXT3_0
- # LIBSM =
- # NOTE: ISC is also known as "INTERACTIVE"
- # This is for Sunsoft ISC SVR3V4 running in POSIX mode
- # contributed by pim@cti-software.nl (Pim Zandbergen)
- # LIBSM = -lsec -lcrypt -linet
- # This is for Sunsoft ISC SVR3V4 running in iBCS2 mode
- # contributed by pim@cti-software.nl (Pim Zandbergen)
- # LIBSM = -lsec -lcrypt -linet -lcposix
- # This is for A/UX 3.0
- # Contributed by root@dolphin.csudh.edu (Jon S. Stevens)
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for Altos Series 386/1000
- # Contributed by cal@zls.com
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lxenix
- #Note: The SCO entries require the libcrypt library. You can get it via
- #anonymous ftp from ftp.sco.com:/SLS/lng225b.* or ftp.uu.net:/vendors/sco
- #
- # Use this for SCO with shadow passwords. Tested on "Open enterprise 3.0"
- # SCO changes from Heinz Mauelshagen (mauelsha@ez.da.telekom.de)
- # LIBSM = -lyp -lrpc -lyp -lsec -lsocket -lcrypt_i -lintl
- # Use this for SCO with shadow passwords, without YP.
- # Tested on "Open Enterprise Server 3.0" (John Owens john@micros.com)
- # Also, use "CC = cc" above.
- # LIBSM = -lsec -lsocket -lcrypt_i
- # Use this for SCO with TCB passwords (default).
- # Tested on "Open enterprise 3.0". Contributed by lance@fox.com.
- # CC = cc
- # FLAGSM = -DSCO -DSecureWare
- # LIBSM = -lprot_s -lcrypt -lsocket -lm -lc_s
- # Use this for SCO Unix 3.2v2 (ODT 1.1) with TCB passwords (default).
- # Contributed by Stephen.Rothwell@pd.necisa.oz.au
- # N.B. this needs gcc
- # FLAGSM = -DSCO -DSecureWare -DSCO3_2_2
- # LIBSM = -lprot -lcrypt_i -lsocket -lm -lintl
- # This is for the european distribution of SCO.
- # Contributed by Urmet.Janes@gwhite.goodwin.ee
- # LIBSM = -lsec -lsocket /usr/lib/libcrypt_i.a -lintl
- # Use this for SCO OpenServer 5 with TCB passwords (default).
- # contributed by Scott Michel <scottm@intime.intime.com>
- # you may also like to add the -dy switch (recommended by Marnus van
- # Niekerk, mvn@pixie.co.za)
- # CC = cc -Xc
- # LIBSM = -lprot -lcurses -lcrypt -lsocket -lPW -lm -lx -lc_s -lc
- # This is for intergraph.
- # contributed by cjkiick@flinx.b11.ingr.com
- # modified by ttj@sknsws61.sjo.statkart.no
- # LIBSM = -lbsd -lc_s
- # This is for DGUX.
- # Contributed by ross@augie.insci.com (Ross Andrus)
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for DGUX on Intel boxes.
- # Contributed by tim@denmantire.com
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv
- # This is for Apollo Domain/OS sr10.3 (systype = BSD4.3)
- # Added 1994-07-08 Stephen C. Steel <steve@qv3donald.LeidenUniv.nl>
- # additional patches by jmi@csd.cri.dk (John Mills)
- # you may need the "-A ansi" switch to cc
- # LIBSM =
- # RiscIX.
- # contributed by Jim Barry <jim@ilp.com> and
- # Charles Gay-Jones <charlie@ilp.com>
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for System V with some berkely extensions (Motorola 88k R32V3.2).
- # contributed by tonyb@plaza.ds.adp.com (Tony D. Birnseth)
- # FLAGSM = -DM88K_R3
- # LIBSM = -lgen -lbsd -lnsl
- # This is for DNIX.
- # contributed by Peter Olsson <pol@leissner.se>
- # NOTE: You may need an updated libc.a from your vendor as older
- # versions have broken mktime calls and no initgroups() call
- # NOTE2: You may need -lpasswd if you use shadow passwords
- # NOTE3: Please read the file DNIX.txt in the docs directory. It
- # contains important information about uid handling under DNIX, you may
- # need to patch your C library.
- # FLAGSM = -DDNIX -I/usr/include/bsd
- # LIBSM = -ln
- # This is for Cray, Unicos 8.0
- # contributed by velo@sesun3.epfl.ch (Martin Ouwehand)
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for Convex
- # contributed by Victor Balashov <balashov@cv.jinr.dubna.su>
- # and Ulrich Hahn <ulrich.hahn@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>
- # LIBSM=
- # This is for SMP_DC.OSx v1.1-94c079 on Pyramid S series
- # contributed by jeffrey@itm.org
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl
- # This is for QNX 4.22
- # Contributed by eldo@invisa.satlink.net (Eldo Loguzzo)
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for SONY NEWS, NEWS-OS 4.2.x
- # contributed by sky@sm.sony.co.jp (Katushi Sato)
- # FLAGSM = -DNEWS42 -DKANJI=\"sjis\"
- # LIBSM =
- # This is for SONY NEWS, NEWS-OS 6.1.x
- # contributed by kobo@sm.sony.co.jp (Yoichi Kobori)
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl
- # This is for OS/2 using EMX
- # Contributed by jasonr@pec.co.nz (Jason Rumney)
- # Now maintained by Jacco de Leeuw <leeuw@wins.uva.nl>
- # FLAGSM = -DOS2
- # LIBSM = -Zexe -lsocket
- # This is for LYNX 2.3.0 (gcc v2.6)
- # Contributed by woelfel@hpe.fzk.de (Manfred Woelfel)
- # LIBSM = -lbsd
- # This is for MachTen (a unix like system for Macintoshes)
- # contributed by Trevor Strohman (trev@figment.tenon.com)
- # LIBSM =
- # RISCOs 5.0B
- # contributed by John Agnew <johna@bfs.Unibol.COM>
- # FLAGSM = -systype svr4 -std -DSVR4
- # LIBSM = -lsocket -lnsl -lc -L/usr/ucblib -lucb
- # This is for B.O.S. (Bull Operating System)
- # Contributed by koine@fileita.it
- # LIBSM = -linet
- # This for Amiga using GCC and ixemul.library 43.0 or later.
- # contributed by Rask Ingemann Lambertsen <rask@k4315.kampsax.dtu.dk>
- # The binaries will support both AmiTCP and AS225R2 compatible
- # protocol stacks because of the use of ixnet.library.
- # Other protocol stacks will be supported automatically if
- # support for them is added to ixnet.library.
- # The binaries will have automatic stack extension :-)
- # smbd must be run from inetd :-(
- # FLAGSM = -DAMIGA -Dfork=vfork -mstackextend
- # LIBSM =
- ######################################################################
- ######################################################################
- SPROGS = smbd nmbd
- PROGS1 = smbclient testparm testprns smbrun smbstatus smbpasswd
- PROGS = $(PROGS1) nmblookup
- SCRIPTS = smbtar addtosmbpass
- all : CHECK $(SPROGS) $(PROGS)
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)checkos.sh $(FLAGSM)
- @echo "Using CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS)"
- @echo "Using LIBS = $(LIBS)"
- INCLUDES1 = version.h local.h includes.h smb.h
- INCLUDES2 = trans2.h
- UTILOBJ1 = util.o system.o charset.o kanji.o fault.o smbencrypt.o charcnv.o
- UTILOBJ2 = $(UTILOBJ1) md4.o loadparm.o params.o pcap.o username.o time.o
- UTILOBJ = $(UTILOBJ2) interface.o replace.o
- PARAMOBJ = $(UTILOBJ) ufc.o smbpass.o access.o shmem.o
- SMBDOBJ1 = $(PARAMOBJ) trans2.o pipes.o message.o dir.o printing.o locking.o
- SMBDOBJ2 = ipc.o reply.o mangle.o chgpasswd.o password.o quotas.o uid.o
- SMBDOBJ = predict.o $(SMBDOBJ1) $(SMBDOBJ2) $(VTP_OBJ)
- NMBDOBJ1 = nmblib.o namepacket.o nameresp.o nmbsync.o nameannounce.o nameelect.o
- NMBDOBJ2 = namedbresp.o namedbwork.o namedbserver.o namedbsubnet.o namedbname.o
- NMBDOBJ3 = nameservresp.o nameservreply.o namelogon.o namebrowse.o namework.o nameserv.o clientutil.o
- .SUFFIXES: .c .o .h
- .c.o: $(INCLUDES)
- @echo Compiling $*.c
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)$*.c
- smbd: server.o $(SMBDOBJ)
- @echo Linking smbd
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o smbd server.o $(SMBDOBJ) $(LIBS) $(AFS_LIBS)
- smbrun: smbrun.o
- @echo Linking smbrun
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o smbrun smbrun.o $(LIBS)
- nmblookup: nmblookup.o namequery.o nmblib.o $(UTILOBJ)
- @echo Linking nmblookup
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o nmblookup nmblookup.o namequery.o nmblib.o $(UTILOBJ) $(LIBS)
- nmbd: nmbd.o $(NMBDOBJ)
- @echo Linking nmbd
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o nmbd nmbd.o $(NMBDOBJ) $(LIBS)
- smbclient: client.o clitar.o getsmbpass.o namequery.o nmblib.o $(UTILOBJ)
- @echo Linking smbclient
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o smbclient client.o clitar.o getsmbpass.o namequery.o nmblib.o $(UTILOBJ) $(LIBS)
- smbstatus: status.o $(PARAMOBJ)
- @echo Linking smbstatus
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o smbstatus status.o $(PARAMOBJ) $(LIBS)
- testparm: testparm.o $(PARAMOBJ)
- @echo Linking testparm
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o testparm testparm.o $(PARAMOBJ) $(LIBS)
- testprns: testprns.o $(PARAMOBJ)
- @echo Linking testprns
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o testprns testprns.o $(PARAMOBJ) $(LIBS)
- smbpasswd: smbpasswd.o getsmbpass.o $(PARAMOBJ)
- @echo Linking smbpasswd
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o smbpasswd smbpasswd.o getsmbpass.o $(PARAMOBJ) $(LIBS)
- install: installbin installman installscripts
- installbin: all
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)installbin.sh $(INSTALLPERMS) $(BASEDIR) $(SBINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(VARDIR) $(SPROGS)
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)installbin.sh $(INSTALLPERMS) $(BASEDIR) $(BINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(VARDIR) $(PROGS)
- installscripts:
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)installscripts.sh $(INSTALLPERMS) $(BINDIR) $(SCRIPTS)
- # revert to the previously installed version
- revert:
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)revert.sh $(SBINDIR) $(SPROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)revert.sh $(BINDIR) $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
- installman:
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)installman.sh $(MANDIR) $(srcdir)
- uninstall: uninstallman uninstallbin uninstallscripts
- uninstallman:
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)uninstallman.sh $(MANDIR) $(srcdir)
- uninstallbin:
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)uninstallbin.sh $(INSTALLPERMS) $(BASEDIR) $(SBINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(VARDIR) $(SPROGS)
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)uninstallbin.sh $(INSTALLPERMS) $(BASEDIR) $(BINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(VARDIR) $(PROGS)
- uninstallscripts:
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)uninstallscripts.sh $(INSTALLPERMS) $(BINDIR) $(SCRIPTS)
- clean:
- rm -f core *.o *~ $(PROGS) $(SPROGS)
- cleandir: clean
- rm -f .depend tags
- proto:
- @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)checkos.sh $(FLAGSM)
- $(AWK) -f mkproto.awk *.c > proto.h
- realclean: clean