home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 2 Windows Meta File
- 3 Include Placeable Header
- 15 File
- 16 RLE Compressed
- 17 .TMP
- 18 NUM!
- 19 N/A!
- 20 Printing:
- 21 Draft
- 22 Page: %d
- 23 Sheet: %d
- 26 NAME?
- 27 Network Connection
- 28 REF!
- 29 Preview
- 30 turbo97.ini
- 31 NULL!
- 32 DIV/0!
- 33 AddOns
- 34 ..
- 35 CD-ROM Disc
- 36 .
- 37 *.*
- 38 \
- 39 Uncompressed
- 40 All of the Above
- 41 FALSE
- 42 TRUE
- 43 Inch Floppy Disk
- 44 true type font
- 45 &Start
- 46 &Empty
- 47 File Control
- 53 File name:
- 55 - line %lu of total %lu lines
- 56 Date:
- 58 Text
- 60 or
- 72 and
- 73 Compressed
- 74 &DOS Header
- 75 &New Header
- 76 &Entry Table
- 77 &Segments
- 78 Total Size
- 79 Untitled
- 80 Graphics
- 81 &Quick View
- 82 NonResiden&t Names
- 83 Free Space
- 84 Resi&dent Names
- 85 &Imported Names
- 86 &Resources
- 87 P&roperties
- 88 Size
- 89 Modified
- 90 Folder
- 91 Local Disk
- 92 &Portable Header
- 93 Data &Directories
- 94 &Sections
- 95 RAM Disk
- 102 Error!
- 103 &Resources Section
- 104 No Filter (Hex Display)
- 105 Files and Folders
- 106 Shortcut to
- 107 Rena&me
- 108 (Disk free space:
- 109 &Import/Export Data Sections
- 110 &Remove
- 111 default
- 129 Up-to-date
- 130 Needs updating
- 131 Orphan
- 132 %lu samples
- 133 ; mono/%u bits; %.2f kHz
- 134 ; stereo/%u bits; %.2f kHz
- 135 Information
- 136 Name
- 137 > %lu colors; %s
- 138 %lu colors; %s
- 139 %lu object(s) %s bytes
- 140 %lu error(s)
- 141 System Folder
- 142 Searching contents for %u difference(s). Click Stop to interrupt.
- 143 All
- 151 BMP (*.BMP)|*.bmp|DIB (*.DIB)|*.dib|RLE (*.RLE)|*.rle|GIF (*.GIF)|*.gif|JPG (*.JPG)|*.jpg|PCX (*.PCX)|*.pcx|TGA (*.TGA)|*.tga|TIFF (*.TIF)|*.tif|WMF (*.WMF)|*.wmf|EMF (*.EMF)|*.emf|
- 152 Icon|*.ico|
- 153 Cursor|*.cur|
- 154 Animated Cursor|*.ani|
- 155 Shortcut|*.lnk|
- 156 Program|*.exe;*.dll;*.drv;*.com|
- 157 Zip|*.zip|
- 158 Font|*.ttf;*.fon|
- 159 System|*.ini;*.cfg;*.inf;*.bat;*.sys|
- 160 Help|*.hlp|
- 161 Database|*.dbf|
- 162 PowerPoint|*.ppt;*.pot|
- 171 Clipboard|*.clp|
- 172 Windows Metafile|*.wmf|
- 173 Enhanced Metafile|*.emf|
- 174 Computer Graphics Metafile|*.cgm|
- 175 Encapsulated PostScript|*.eps|
- 176 WordPerfect Graphics|*.wpg|
- 181 Video for Windows|*.avi|
- 182 Animator Pro|*.fli;*.flc|
- 183 QuickTime for Windows|*.mov|
- 184 MPEG|*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.mpe|
- 185 Wave Sound|*.wav|
- 186 MIDI Sequence|*.mid;*.rmi|
- 191 Bitmap|*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle|
- 192 Color Wheel|*.cwd|
- 193 GIF|*.gif|
- 194 JPEG|*.jpg;*.jpeg|
- 195 PhotoCD|*.pcd|
- 196 PCX|*.pcx|
- 197 PICT|*.pic|
- 198 Targa|*.tga|
- 199 TIFF|*.tif|
- 211 ASCII Text|*.txt|
- 212 Ami Pro|*.sam|
- 213 MS Word|*.doc|
- 214 WordPerfect|*.wpd;*.wp|
- 215 Windows Write|*.wri|
- 216 MS Works|*.wps|
- 217 Rich Text Format|*.rtf|
- 218 HyperText Markup Language|*.htm;*.html|
- 219 PostScript|*.ps|
- 221 1-2-3/Symphony|*.wk1;*.wk3;*.wk4;*.wr1;*.wrk|
- 222 Excel|*.xls;*.xlk;*.xlw|
- 223 Quattro Pro|*.wb1;*.wb2|
- 224 MS Works|*.wks|
- 231 General
- 232 Document
- 233 Clip Art
- 234 Image
- 235 Multimedia
- 236 Sprdsheet
- 246 PM Bitmap
- 247 A;A$; S; BF;Cr$ ; ;C$;PRC ; Kc;Dkr ; ECU; mk; F; DM; Dr;HK$; Ft;Rs ;Rp ;IR ;L. ; ; LF;Rm ;N$;F ;NZ$;Nkr ; ZI; Esc.; Lei; R;S$; Sk;SIT ;R;W; Pts; Skr;SFr ;NT$; Bt;$;OTH ;
- 248 CCITT Group 3
- 249 Fax CCITT Group 3
- 250 Fax CCITT Group 4
- 251 Packbits
- 252 NONE
- 253 SHARED
- 255 New EXE Header Info
- 256 Library: %s
- 257 Module: %s
- 258 Description: %s
- 259 Data: %s
- 260 Windows Version: %u.%u
- 261 (PMODE ONLY!)
- 262 Signature: %#04x
- 263 Linker Version: %#04x
- 264 Linker Revision: %#04x
- 265 Entry Table Offset: %#04X
- 266 Entry Table Length: %#04X
- 267 Checksum: %#08lX
- 268 Module Flags: %#04X
- 269 DGROUP: seg %#04X
- 270 Heap Size: %#04X
- 271 Stack Size: %#04X
- 272 Inital CS:IP: seg %#04X offset %#04x
- 273 Inital SS:SP: seg %#04X offset %#04x
- 274 Entries in Segment Table: %#04X
- 275 Entries in Module Table: %#04X
- 276 Non-Resident Name Table Size: %#04X
- 277 Segment Table Offset: %#04X
- 278 Resource Table Offset: %#04X
- 279 Resident Name Table Offset: %#04X
- 280 Module Table Offset: %#04X
- 281 Imported Name Table Offset: %#04X
- 282 Non-Resident Name Table Offset: %#08lX
- 283 Moveable entries: %#04X
- 284 Alignment Shift Count: %#04X
- 285 Resource Segments: %#04X
- 286 Executable Type: %#04X
- 287 Additional Flags: %#04X
- 288 Fast Load Offset: %#04X
- 289 Fast Load Length: %#04X
- 290 DOS EXE Header Info
- 291 File Signature: %#04X
- 292 Bytes on last page: %#04X
- 293 Pages in file: %#04X
- 294 Relocation items: %#04X
- 295 Paragraphs in header: %#04X
- 296 Extra paragraphs needed: %#04X
- 297 Extra paragraphs desired: %#04X
- 298 Initial SP value: %#04X
- 299 Checksum: %#04X
- 300 Initial IP Value: %#04X
- 301 Code displacement: %#04X
- 302 Relocation table offset: %#04X
- 303 Overlay Number: %#04X
- 304 New EXE Offset: %#08lX
- 305 Entry Table
- 306 Ordinal Segment# Offset Stack Words Flags
- 307 %d Placeholder
- 308 %d-%d Placeholders
- 309 %d %#04x %#04x %#04x MOVEABLE
- 312 %d %#04x %#04x %#04x FIXED
- 313 Segment Table
- 314 Type Sector(<<align) Length Memory Flags
- 315 Shift Count: %d
- 316 [TYPE] Offset Length Flags Name
- 317 Resident Name Table
- 318 Ordinal Name
- 319 Imported Name Table
- 320 Name
- 321 Non-Resident Name Table
- 322 DATA
- 323 CODE
- 325 (moveable)
- 326 (discardable)
- 328 PURE
- 330 Type# ID Resource Type Resource Name
- 331 Width Height Colors Planes Bits/Pel Size(bytes) Ordinal
- 332 Viewing Icon Group
- 333 Viewing Cursor Group
- 334 Viewing Accelerator Table
- 335 Viewing String Table
- 336 Viewing Font Directory
- 337 Width Height Planes Bits/Pel Size(bytes) Ordinal
- 338 Event ID Flags
- 339 Ordinal String
- 340 Font Entry #%d
- 341 Ordinal: %#04x Version: %#04x Size: %#08lx
- 342 Type: %#04x Points: %#04x VertRes: %#04x HorzRes: %#04x
- 343 Ascent: %#04x IntLead: %#04x ExtLead: %#04x
- 344 Italic: %#04x Underline:%#04x StrikeOut:%#04x
- 345 Weight: %#04x CharSet: %#04x PixWidth: %#04x PixHeight: %#04x
- 346 Pitch: %#04x AveWidth: %#04x MaxWidth: %#04x
- 347 FirstChar: %#04x LastChar: %#04x DefChar: %#04x BreakChar: %#04x
- 348 WidthBytes:%#04x Device: %#08lx Face: %#08lx
- 349 DeviceName: %s
- 350 FaceName: %s
- 351 Viewing Icon
- 352 Icon not created!
- 353 Viewing Cursor
- 354 Cursor not created!
- 355 Bitmap not created!
- 357 ALT
- 358 SHIFT
- 361 %s @ %#x, Length %#x
- 362 Section Table
- 363 Raw Data Offs: %08X Raw Data Size: %08X
- 364 Relocation Offs: %08X Relocations: %08X
- 365 Line # Offs: %08X Line #'s: %08X
- 366 Name: %s Offset: %08X
- 367 ID: %08X Offset: %08X
- 368 ResDir (%s) Named:%02X ID:%02X TimeDate:%08X Vers:%u.%02u Char:%X
- 369 Imports Table:
- 370 Hint/Name Table: %08X
- 371 TimeDateStamp: %08X
- 372 ForwarderChain: %08X
- 373 First thunk RVA: %08X
- 374 Ordinal:%4u
- 375 Exports Table:
- 376 Name: %s
- 377 Characteristics: %08X
- 378 TimeDateStamp: %08X
- 379 Version: %u.%02u
- 380 Ordinal Base: %08X
- 381 # of Functions: %08X
- 382 # of Names: %08X
- 383 \n Entry Pt Ordn Name\n
- 384 %s @ %4u; Entry %08X
- 385 VirtSize
- 386 PhysAddr
- 387 Viewing Bitmap
- 388 Viewing Menu
- 461 Nothing selected or entered!
- 462 No file found!
- 463 Can not find it. Make sure the path and file name are correct.
- 464 Decoding filter is not available!
- 465 Folder %s does not exist. Do you want to create it ?
- 466 Drive or folder does not exist!
- 467 Insufficient disk space!
- 468 The search text is not found!
- 469 Fail to launch the application for printing!
- 470 Fail to launch the application!
- 471 No ASCII text to display!
- 472 Printer: EndPage failed!
- 473 Printer: StartPage failed!
- 475 StretchDIBits() failed!
- 476 Printer: StartDoc failed!
- 477 Printer: Error getting a DC!
- 478 Error locking memory!
- 479 Error creating palette!
- 480 Error creating bitmap!
- 481 There is no conversion handler for this file!
- 483 Couldn't allocate memory!
- 484 Error reading file
- 485 Error opening file!
- 486 Error writing file!
- 487 Can not copy or move. Source and destination files or folder are the same
- 488 Printer or Driver error!
- 489 Error creating folder!
- 490 The associated TTF file is missing!
- 491 Can not rename to an existing file/folder!
- 492 Can not rename to a differnt folder or drive!
- 493 You must specify a valid date or time!
- 494 Path information is not allowed in file specification.
- 495 Illegal file size!
- 496 Can not print binary file!
- 497 No search content!
- 498 Maximum number is %s!
- 499 The selected size is not available!
- 500 Fail to convert WMF to EMF!
- 501 Fail to preview!
- 502 Fail to convert EMF to WMF!
- 503 %s folder already exists.
- 504 Empty queue or empty folder!
- 505 A file name can not contain any of the following characters \/:*?<>|
- 506 Fail to extract ASCII text!
- 507 Can not open font file. Try again!!
- 508 Error in displaying font!
- 509 Right click for Quick View.
- 510 Double click to view Help file.
- 511 The end of document is reached!
- 512 The contents of the file list have changed. Do you want to update the list?
- 513 Can not locate CR/LF!
- 514 Password-proctected or Hidden!
- 515 Sound off!
- 516 Invalid format!
- 517 Can not drop to itself!
- 518 Missing filters!
- 519 No replacement by user request!
- 520 Can not convert folder!
- 521 Can not print folder!
- 522 Canceled
- 523 Extracted
- 524 Error
- 525 OK
- 526 Operation Successful
- 527 Nothing to copy!
- 528 Read
- 529 Write
- 530 Select the Interrupt Command before closing!
- 586 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 588 Resource file of
- 589 0123456789
- 590 for EGA
- 591 for VGA
- 592 for 8514
- 593 for printer
- 594 for CGA
- 608 Video
- 611 Icon [%d]
- 612 Icon [%s]
- 613 %dx%d, %d bit color
- 614 Number of data records: %lu
- 615 Length of one record: %d
- 616 Date of last update: %s
- 617 # Field Name Type Width Dec
- 618 %d %-10s %c %d %d
- 619 Data Record %d: