0 *** Do *NOT* Localize any string that starts with '***'.
1 *** They are comments to be used by localizers to identify sections.
2 *** They also mark the beginning of a new 'section' within the String Table.
10 VJ98 Application Wizard
15 VJ98 App Wizard
19 *** Font information for all forms
20 Tahoma
21 8
23 0
100 Help
101 Cancel
102 < &Back
103 &Next >
104 &Finish
199 *** Introduction
200 Welcome to the Visual J++ Application Wizard
210 Introduction
220 This wizard guides you through the process of creating Java Application.
299 ***Summary
300 Application Wizard Summary
310 Summary
320 Congratulations! You have successfully completed the application wizard. \n\nPress Finish to finalize your choices.
330 VJ Application Wizard Summary Report
399 ***Deployment
400 Choose the program deployment options
410 &Where do you want your Java program to be stored while it is being developed?
420 In the same directory as the source files
430 In a different directory:
440 Browse...
450 On a web server:
499 ***Packaging
500 Choose the program packaging options
510 Java programs can be distributed in several different formats. &Which format do you want to distribute your program in?
520 Class files - the standard distribution format for Java programs.
530 EXE file - allows your program to be started directly from a command line.
540 Cabinet (CAB) file - a highly compressed collection of CLASS files.
550 Deploy to (URL):
999 ***Application Type
1000 Choose type of Application
1007 Application Type
1010 This wizard can add form based or data based applications. Which of the following forms do you want to add?
1020 Form Based &Application
1030 Form Based Application with &Data
1040 &About box
1999 ***Features
2000 Add features to your application
2007 Application Features
2010 Which of the following feature capabilities do you want to add to your application?
2020 Menu
2030 Edit
2040 &Details...
2050 Tool Bar
2070 Help
2080 Status Bar
2090 not yet implemented.
2100 ToolBar and StatusBar
2999 ***Commenting Style
3000 Choose the kind of comments you want
3001 This wizard can add a variety of comments to your source code. How much detail would you like?
3002 &JavaDoc comments
3003 &TODO comments
3004 &Sample Functionality comments
3007 Commenting Style
3999 *** Text for the Report
4000 <html> <body> <p>
4001 <LI>The application will be localized at the end of the wizard
4002 <LI>Menu support
4003 <LI>Progress Bar support
4004 <LI>Edit support
4005 <LI>Toolbar support
4006 <LI>Help support
4007 <LI>Status Bar Support
4009 <LI> Sample functionality
4010 <LI> Splash Screen
4011 <LI> Login Dialog
4012 <LI> About Box
4013 <LI>JavaDoc Comments
4014 <LI>TODO Comments
4015 <LI>Sample Functionality Comments
4020 <LI> Packaged to class files
4022 <LI> Packaged to a Windows.EXE
4024 <LI> Packaged to a CAB
4030 <LI> Deployed in the same directory as the source
4032 <LI> Deployed in
4034 <LI> Deployed on web server
4050 Congratulations! You have successfully completed this wizard. Here is a list of the selections you have made:
4070 </UL></p> </body></html>
4100 Wizard Report
5000 ***Template Text
5010 &New
5020 &Open...
5030 &Save
5040 -
5050 E&xit
5060 &File
5070 Cu&t
5080 &Copy
5090 &Paste
5100 &Date/Time
5110 &Word Wrap
5120 &Edit
5130 &About
5140 &Help
5150 Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*
5160 *.txt
5170 Save &As...
6000 ***Comments in the template
6010 @author: Application Wizard
6020 @version: 1.0
6030 WordWrap
6040 Paste
6050 todo add the paste code
6060 Copy
6070 Cut
6080 New
6090 TODO: Add code to check if the user wants to save the current context
6100 //Required for Visual J++ Form Designer support
6110 //TODO: Add any constructor code after initForm call
6120 /*\n * NOTE: The following code is required by the Visual J++ form\n * designer. It can be modified using the form editor. Do not\n * modify it using the code editor.\n */
6130 //NOTE: End of form designer support code.
6140 //TODO: Add your property and event infos here
6150 Exit
6160 Date/Time
6170 New
6180 Save As
6190 Save
6200 Open
6210 The text in the
6220 Untitled
6230 file has changed. \n\n Do you want to save the changes?