1 *** All the strings that start with *** are comments to the localizer.
2 *** These comments specify where the strings are used. Also, if those strings are localizable.
3 General Error
4 Not yet implemented.
5 This functionality is not available in Technical Preview 1.
6 Class Builder
300 *** General strings. Localizable
301 Wizard/Builder generated method. Add your own implementation.
302 Duplicate name.
303 Data Type cannot be blank.
304 Illegal name.
305 Name cannot be blank.
306 Type not recognized.
400 *** Java identifiers. Localizable, but the strings must be legal Java identifiers. Initial capital, no spaces, no punctuation, only letters, digits. (Use of _ is discouraged)
401 returnValue
402 value
403 event
500 *** Common strings used by many forms. Localizable
501 Add
502 Modify
503 Cancel
504 Clone
505 OK
506 Go to Code
507 Delete
508 Help
600 *** Warning dialog box. Localizable
601 Do not show me this dialog again
602 Action:
603 Add Class Error
604 Class name cannot be blank.
605 Delete ClassInfo
606 785
607 ClassInfo is not empty. Are you sure you want to delete it?
608 Yes, delete ClassInfo.
609 No, do not delete ClassInfo.
610 Update ClassInfo Superclass
611 789
612 You have selected a new superclass. Do you want to update the superclass of ClassInfo?
613 Yes, update the superclass of ClassInfo.
614 No, do not update the superclass of ClassInfo.
700 *** Options dialog box. Localizable
701 Class Builder Options
702 Filter listbox entries.
703 751
704 Include call to super in overrides.
705 753
706 Include TODO comments in new methods.
707 755
708 Add interface methods in abstract classes.
709 757
710 Remove interface methods when removing an interface.
711 759
712 Automatically update ClassInfo when superclass changes.