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/ PC World Komputer 1998 July & August / Pcwk78a98.iso / Micrsoft / VJ / OS / SYSTEM / MSORCL32.CNT (.txt) < prev    next >
Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1998-02-12  |  2KB  |  31 lines

  1. :Base MSORCL32.hlp
  2. :Title Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle
  3. 1 What's New=Whats_New
  4. 1 Overview=IDH_Overview>main
  5. 1 Setting Up the Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle
  6. 2 System Requirements=System_Requirements>main
  7. 1 Using the Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle
  8. 2 Adding and Modifying Data Sources=Adding_and_Modifying_Data_Sources_Using_Setup>main
  9. 2 Configuring the Oracle ODBC Driver=Configuring_the_Oracle_ODBC_Driver>main
  10. 2 Connecting to a Data Source=Connecting_to_a_Data_Source>main
  11. 2 Connection String Attributes=Connection_String_Attributes>main
  12. 1 Technical Reference
  13. 2 ODBC Conformance Levels=ODBC_Conformance_Levels>main
  14. 2 SQL Conformance Levels=SQL_Conformance_Levels
  15. 2 Mapping Data Types=Mapping_Data_Types>main
  16. 2 Advanced Topics
  17. 3 Using Microsoft Transaction Server=Using_Microsoft_Transaction_Server
  18. 3 Using Microsoft Internet Information Server=Using_Microsoft_Internet_Information_Server>main
  19. 3 Using Operating System Authentication=Using_Operating_System_Authentication>main
  20. 3 Limitations of Using Keyset-Driven Cursors=Limitations_of_Using_Keyset-Driven_Cursors>main
  21. 3 Returning Array Parameters from Stored Procedures=Returning_Array_Parameters_from_Stored_Procedures>main
  22. 3 Connect Options Table=Connect_Options_Table>main
  23. 3 Statement Options Table=Statement_Options_Table>main
  24. 3 Cursor Type and Concurrency Combinations Table=Cursor_Type_and_Concurrency_Combinations_Table>main
  25. 3 API Functions
  26. 4 Thread-Safety Notes=Thread-Safety_Notes_on_API_Functions>main
  27. 4 Core Level Functions=Core_Level_Functions
  28. 4 Level 1 Functions=Level_1_Functions
  29. 4 Level 2 Functions=Level_2_Functions
  30. 1 Error Messages=Error_Messages>main