1000 %s\n\nThis file does not exist. Do you want a reference added to the project anyway?
1001 %s\n\nThis file is generated by an existing target. Do you wish to add a reference to this target instead of the actual file?
1002 Add &Files to Folder...
1003 Add &Files to Project...
1004 Insert Ne&w Folder...
1005 %s\nThe specified file '%s' does not exist in directory '%s'.\nDo you want to add a reference to the project anyway?\n\nNote: Multiple files should be specified by surrounding each file name with double-quotes and separating the quoted file names with spaces.
1006 %s\nThe specified file does not exist.\nDo you want to add a reference to the project anyway?
1007 Project Configuration...
1008 Add
1009 Add Files
1010 Project...
1011 All Configurations
1012 Auto
1013 An invalid configuration object was provided.
1014 The custom build step cannot be added
1015 The tool settings cannot be added as requested.
1016 The resource cannot be opened
1017 The tool settings cannot be removed as requested.
1018 A build cannot be started because another build is already in progress.
1019 %1\n\nThis configuration no longer exists.
1020 %1\n\nThis configuration uses an unsupported platform.
1021 The configuration object being used is no longer valid.
1022 Could not find the active configuration name.
1023 %1\n\nThis project no longer exists.
1024 \nA backup copy of your original project file will be made at %s.
1025 Format of decimal number '%s' is incorrect. It may only contain characters 0-9. It must be positive, the '+' prefix is optional. The maximum allowed decimal number is 4,294,967,295.
1026 Illegal directory specification
1027 Format of hex number '%s' is incorrect. It may only contain characters 0-9 and A-F (a-f). A '0x' prefix is optional. The maximum allowed hex number is 0xFFFFFFFF.
1028 Format of octal number '%s' is incorrect. It may contain characters 0-7. A '0c' prefix is optional. The maximum allowed octal number is 0c37777777777.
1029 %s\n\nThe specified path is invalid.
1030 You must select at least one platform that your external makefile supports.
1031 Source Files
1032 Build target not copied to remote machine during a batch build.
1033 Browse
1034 Browse Info
1035 Browser Database Maker
1036 Bsc Maker
1037 Build
1038 Do you want to continue building the remaining configurations?
1039 %s - %i error(s), %i warning(s)
1040 A project configuration with this name already exists.
1050 Cannot add new configuration for external project
1051 Build : warning : failed to (or don't know how to) build '%s'\n
1052 File %s cannot be created.
1053 Dependency groups and dependency files cannot be deleted directly.
1054 The main project folder cannot be deleted.
1055 Cannot compile the file '%s'; no compile tool is associated with the file extension.
1056 Can't write to %1.
1057 The workspace file
1058 The Java Virtual Machine platform does not support external make files
1059 Customize
1060 C++ Language
1061 Customize
1062 Debug
1063 Debug and Run-Time
1064 Input
1065 Listing Files
1066 Optimizations
1067 Precompiled Headers
1068 Preprocessor
1069 Output
1070 Close
1071 Do you want to close all document windows?
1072 This build command requires an active project workspace. Would you like to create a default project workspace?
1073 Common
1074 C/C++
1075 CFG
1076 No configuration specified. Defaulting to %s.
1077 Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified.
1078 This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
1079 You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
1080 use the Export Makefile command and run
1081 by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
1082 Possible choices for configuration are:
1083 "%s" (based on "%s")
1084 An invalid configuration is specified.
1085 Modify...
1086 Object/Library Files
1087 Source Files
1088 %s\n\nThis makefile could not be converted to a Visual Studio project.
1089 %s\n\nThis project was generated by a previous version of Visual C++. Continuing will convert it to a Developer Studio workspace.
1090 %s\n\nThis project was generated by a previous version of Developer Studio. Continuing will convert it to the new format.
1091 \n\nDo you want to convert the project?
1092 The project "%s" has been successfully converted and the following new project file(s) added to the workspace:\n\n
1093 \nNever delete these project files (%s) or you will have to recreate your project. You can still export .mak files, but these cannot be read back in without the corresponding %s files.\n\n
1094 In order for ClassView and other features to work correctly, you must include your project header files and resource files in the project. The conversion process tries to import the appropriate files into your project, however it is impossible to anticipate every situation.\n\n
1095 If you see an External Dependencies folder in your project after conversion, this will include files that were not recognized as belonging in the project. You should carefully review these files and drag and drop into the project any that were missed.\n\n
1096 Similarly, if the converted project contains files which should really be external dependencies, simply delete them from the project and they will automatically be added to the External Dependencies folder.
1097 Build : warning : could not create output directory '%s'\n
1098 Error deleting temporary file:
1099 Error: Could not create temporary files path from current directory. Temporary files cannot be created.
1100 Error: Could not get temporary file name.
1101 Warning: Could not get path for temporary files. Current directory will be used instead.
1102 Error opening temporary file:
1103 Build %s
1104 &Compile %s
1105 Settings...
1106 &Create...
1107 Project file %s does not exist.\nDo you want to create a new file?
1108 &Create
1109 Custom Build
1110 Performing Custom Build Step
1111 Custom Build
1112 Additional DLLs
1113 Browse
1114 Debug
1115 None
1116 Line Numbers Only
1117 C7 Compatible
1118 Program Database
1119 &Build browse info file
1120 &Update remote output file
1121 %1\n\nRemove this project configuration?
1122 %1\n\nRemove this project?
1123 Dependencies
1124 Header File
1125 Creating browse info file...
1126 Deleting intermediate files and output files for project '%s'.
1127 Compiling...
1128 Linking...
1129 Creating library...
1130 Linking...
1131 Creating Type Library...
1132 Performing
1133 Compiling resources...
1134 Invalid destination for %s\nThe output file must have the extension '%s'.
1135 Invalid destination for %s\nThe output destination '%s' is not a valid path.
1136 Browse Info File
1137 Invalid destination for %s\nOutput destination cannot be a directory.
1138 Class Wizard Info File
1139 Include File
1140 Please clarify destination for %s\nDoes this output destination specify a directory?
1141 Resource File
1142 Source Browse Info Files
1143 Type Library File
1144 Target File
1145 UUID File
1146 A build is in progress. This build will not be affected by changes in the directory settings.
1147 %s\n\nThis directory does not exist.\nAdd the directory anyway?
1148 Error changing to directory %1.
1149 A file already exists with the same name as your new project name.
1150 Directories
1151 Class files
1152 Executable files
1153 Include files
1154 Library files
1155 Source files
1156 This project file contains configurations for platforms that are no longer supported by Visual C++.
1157 older versions of the product.\n\nProceed with conversion?
1158 Conversion of this project will remove unsupported configurations from the project. However
1159 your original .mak file will be saved so you can still use it with
1160 Local Name
1161 Preload
1162 Remote Name
1163 ** DO NOT EDIT **
1164 Files cannot be dropped onto the workspace window during a build.
1165 Active Server Page
1166 ActiveX Component
1167 ActiveX Control
1168 Windows Executable
1169 File
1170 HTML Document
1171 Java Applet
1172 Java Bean
1173 Java Package
1174 FrontPage Web Page
1175 Directory already specified.
1176 The selection contained one or more duplicate files. Settings from the first instance of each file will be used.
1177 The name "%s" is reserved and cannot be used as a folder name.
1178 The custom build setting requires an output file.
1179 The project being converted contains a 'target' with the same name as a project that already exists in the workspace.\n\nThis project cannot be inserted into the current workspace.
1180 Cannot create subproject.
1181 A file may be opened by only one editor at a time. This project is already open in the workspace.
1182 Projects generated by a previous version of Visual C++ and cannot be loaded or converted by Visual Studio 6.0.\n\n%s\nYou must use Visual C++ 6.0 to convert these projects.
1183 This project was generated by a previous version of Visual J++.\n\nAttempts to convert it to the current version have failed.
1184 This project was generated by a previous version of Visual J++ and cannot be converted because the current Visual J++ product is not installed.
1185 The directory '%s' does not exist.
1186 No primary platforms are available.\nThe build system will be disabled. It is likely that a build system 'add-on' platform (.pkg), installed by Setup, failed to load.
1187 Cannot open file.
1188 Error openning process
1189 The executable file %s is recognized as belonging to a platform that has not been installed as an 'add-on' DLL by Setup.\nYou will not be able to debug this executable file.
1190 Writing exported makefile
1191 External Dependencies
1192 %s\n\nThe external makefile already has this name. You should supply a different name for the project file that wraps the external makefile.
1193 Error executing %*.*s.
1194 Error spawning %*.*s
1195 Error spawning 'vcspawn.exe'. The build could not be performed.
1196 One or more files could not be added to the specified project.\n\nThese files already exist in the project:%s
1197 The selection contained files that are already present in the specified project.
1198 Only a single %s file may be marked as included in the build. Mark %s as included in the build and exclude the other %s file(s)?
1199 The source file does not exist.
1200 %s\n\nCannot compile this file because it is not part of the project.
1201 %s\n\nCannot update dependencies for this file because it is not part of the project.
1202 Multiple %s files exist in this project. Only one can be marked as included in the build. The others will be excluded from the build.
1238 Please specify the executable file for the debug session.
1239 Error: Could not generate command line for the %s tool.
1240 In order to debug remotely or update the remote target, the remote executable file name is required.
1241 As part of the build process, the remote target will be updated. This action requires the remote executable filename.
1242 Folder
1243 %s No. %i
1244 No.
1245 Header Files
1246 h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;fi;fd
1247 Help Files
1248 Visual Studio 97 Project System
1249 Represents a group of related files that can include one or more configurations
1250 Returns the set of configurations in this project
1251 Represents a library or executable program that you can build as part of a project
1252 Adds a custom build step to this configuration, which is executed after the configuration is built
1253 Changes the settings of a specified tool, such as the Visual C++ compiler, for all corresponding files in the configuration
1254 Dependent project configurations collection
1255 Make the current settings of this config the defaults
1256 Returns the name of the configuration as displayed in the FileView
1257 Open this resource in the resource editor
1258 Returns the project containing this configuration
1259 Removes settings of a specified tool, such as the Visual C++ compiler, for all corresponding files in the configuration
1260 Represents all the configurations on a specific project
1261 Gets the number of configurations in the project
1262 Returns a specific configuration by name or index
1263 Returns the project containing the configurations
1264 %s\n\nThis file type cannot be added to the project.
1265 %s(%d): Could not find the file %s.
1266 Disable *
1267 Only __inline
1268 Any Suitable
1269 Inputs
1270 Add Files
1271 OK
1272 Files will be inserted into folder titled '%s' in project '%s'.
1273 <invalid name>
1274 Invalid name for a configuration.
1275 Invalid name for new project.
1276 %s.\nThe file could not be opened as a project file.\nThe local path is invalid.
1277 Invalid name for new subdirectory.
1278 Library
1279 Library Manager
1280 Lib Manager
1281 Link
1282 COFF Linker
1283 No Listing
1284 Assembly-Only Listing
1285 Assembly, Machine Code, and Source
1286 Assembly with Machine Code
1287 Assembly with Source Code
1288 %s\n\nThis makefile was not generated by Developer Studio.
1289 This project (%s) does not contain any configurations whose platforms are supported by this installation of Developer Studio. You will need to create a new supported configuration before you will be able to build, run, or debug your project.
1290 This project file refers to an unknown project type "%s" for the configuration"%s."
1291 This project contains configurations whose platforms are not supported by this installation of Developer Studio. You will not be able to build, run, debug or modify these configurations.
1292 Copy
1293 Use MFC in a Shared DLL
1294 Use MFC in a Static Library
1295 Not Using MFC
1296 This project may require the Microsoft Foundation classes to build successfully. These have not yet been installed. Please re-run Setup to install these classes.\nWould you like to open the project anyway?
1297 The following environment variables were not found
1298 OLE Types
1299 OLE Type Library Maker
1300 Midl
1301 <more files...>
1302 Multiple Configurations...
1303 <multiple selection>
1304 Multiple Windows definition (.def) files have been specified for this project. '%s' exists in the current project, and '/DEF:%s' exists in the current linker settings.\nThe file specified by '/DEF:' will be used for the build.\nContinue?
1305 The remote target "%s" is invalid.\nPlease include a volume name.
1306 The makefile name or some other command line may be specified in\nthe Project Settings dialog. Would you like to go there now?
1307 You cannot change the active project while a build is in progress. Select the Stop Build command before changing the active project.
1308 You cannot close a project while a build is in progress. Select the Stop Build command before closing the project.
1309 You cannot close the workspace while a build is in progress. Select the Stop Build command before closing the workspace.
1310 You must select at least one configuration.
1311 You cannot create a new project of this type while a build is in progress. Select the Stop Build command before attempting to create a new project of this type.
1312 %s\n\nThis executable file does not exist.
1313 Folder name cannot be blank.
1314 Project configuration name cannot be blank.
1315 You cannot close a workspace while a build is in progress. Select the Stop Build command before closing.
1316 Environment Variables are not allowed in Output or Intermediate Directories.
1317 No Matching Configuration
1318 You cannot open a project of this type while a build is in progress. Select the Stop Build command before attempting to open a project of this type.
1319 You cannot open a workspace while a build is in progress. Select the Stop Build command before opening.
1320 The remote target "%s" is invalid.\nPartial path names are not allowed.
1321 You do not have proper access to create the new subdirectory.
1322 The project is not up-to-date or was not built with profiling enabled. To enable profiling, choose Settings from the Project menu, click the Link tab, select the General category, and click the Enable Profiling checkbox. Rebuild your project.
1323 No projects were checked. This command requires at least one project to be checked.
1325 There is no source file to build.
1326 Exported makefiles will not work correctly if spaces exist in Output or Intermediate Directories.
1327 There are no available projects that can be added as dependencies.
1328 The file does not exist.
1329 The input file does not exist.
1330 The output file does not exist.
1331 %1\n\nNone of the configurations can be dependencies of this configuration.
1332 \n\nCannot create a project of this type. Please check your installation.
1333 This project file only contains configurations for platforms that are no longer supported by Visual C++.\n\nThis project file cannot be converted.
1334 %s\n\nThis file is not included in the project. Would you like to add it?
1335 Error opening file %s to scan dependencies: %s.
1336 The file could not be opened as a Developer Studio project.
1337 Makefile
1338 The options file (.opt) for this workspace specified a project configuration"%s" that no longer exists. The configuration will be set to"%s."
1339 Default
1340 Disable (Debug)
1341 Maximize Speed
1342 Minimize Size
1343 Customize
1344 Assume No Aliasing
1345 Assume Aliasing Across Function Calls
1346 Global Optimizations
1347 Generate Intrinsic Functions
1348 Improve Float Consistency
1349 Favor Small Code
1350 Favor Fast Code
1351 Frame-Pointer Omission
1352 Full Optimization
1353 &Options:
1354 Outputs
1355 OutsEnum Class
1356 %1 already exists. Do you want to replace it?
1357 FileView
1358 Intermediate object directories cannot be created under this long path. Please choose a shorter path.
1359 Inheritance description not available.
1360 Post-build step
1361 Pre-link step
1362 Pre-link/Post-build
1363 Previous Folder
1365 &Profile...
1366 Error: Could not delete file "%s" %s
1367 Deleting output files for rebuild.
1368 Project &Files
1369 Error opening project file for save.
1370 &Save
1371 Error saving project file.
1372 The project settings have changed since the last build. Would you like to rebuild the affected files?
1373 The file does not exist.
1374 Project
1375 , and
1376 , and not
1377 Add Files
1378 Properties
1379 replaces
1380 &Build %s
1381 &Compile %s
1382 A project already exists with this name.
1383 ProjOuts Class
1384 Target Node
1385 Best-Case Always *
1386 General-Purpose Always
1387 Point to Any Class *
1388 Point to Single- and Multiple-Inheritance Classes
1389 Point to Single-Inheritance Classes
1390 The file %s is missing and cannot be loaded as an internal project.
1391 The file %s has been modified and cannot be loaded as a Developer Studio project.
1392 Reading project file
1393 The file %s cannot be renamed to %s.
1394 The project file %s cannot be renamed.
1395 The file %s could not be renamed.
1396 You are about to rename a header file, "%s".\n\nThis file may be included in one or more project source files, which you will also have to modify to refer to the new file name.\n\nAre you sure you want to rename this file?
1397 You are about to rename a resource file, "%s".\n\nThis file may be included in one or more project resource scripts, which you will also have to modify to refer to the new file name.\n\nAre you sure you want to rename this file?
1404 Cannot open the '%s' resource script for the project.
1405 The source files "%s" and "%s" are both configured to produce the output file "%s".\nThe project cannot be built.
1406 OK
1407 %s\n\nThis file is read-only.\nYour changes will not be saved.
1408 Do you want to save state information for %s?
1409 Error scanning file %s for dependencies.
1410 Project file %s does not exist.\nDo you want to try to get it from source control?
1411 Please select at least one platform for your project.
1412 Con&figuration:
1413 BuildComplete
1414 Build Complete
1415 BuildError
1416 Build Error
1417 BuildUpToDate
1418 Build Up To Date
1419 BuildWarning
1420 Build Warning
1421 Source Control
1422 cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;hpj;bat;for;f90
1423 Some of the input files that the %s tool uses do not exist. Would you like to do a full build instead?
1424 files
1425 Sto&p Profile Ctrl+Break
1426 Error creating a new subdirectory with the project name.
1428 Taking a snapshot of the workspace.
1429 Project Folder
1430 Template Files
1431 <templates>
1432 %*.*s terminated at user request.
1433 Command line is too long (tool does not support response files).
1434 Tools
1435 Please select fewer files and try again.
1436 You can speed up your builds by disabling compiled browse information, and using Developer Studio's "no-compile" browser. Do you want to disable compiled browse information?
1437 Default Settings
1438 Settings
1439 Insert Project Files
1440 Add Folder
1441 Drop
1442 \n (Not Supported)
1443 Updating dependencies
1444 Done updating dependencies.
1445 Tool execution canceled by user.
1446 %s\nWorkspace File not Found. Unable to open workspace.
1447 The old project configuration file for this project specified a project configuration"%s" that no longer exists. The configuration will be set to"%s."
1448 Warning: Dependent file "%s" does not exist.
1449 %s\n\nA project with this name already exists. Continuing with this operation will overwrite that project. Are you sure you want to continue?
1450 %s\n\nThis project file has read-only attributes. You will not be able to save your changes to this project.
1451 The Persist As expression '%s' does not evaluate to '%s' .\n\nDo you want to reset it to the previous value?
1452 Are you sure you want to reset the settings of the selected items? This will restore the settings used when the items were created.
1453 None
1454 Level 1 *
1455 Level 2
1456 Level 3
1457 Level 4
1458 %s\n\nContinuing will create a new Developer Studio project to wrap this makefile. You will be prompted to save after the new project has been created.\n\nDo you want to continue?
1459 Save project file(s)
1460 Writing project file
1461 The Browser Information file will not be created unless "Generate browse info" is checked on the C/C++ settings page for the target or at least one file.
1462 Exporting the makefile when writing the project file causes the project to be scanned for dependencies every time the project is saved. This process will slow down saving the project.
1463 Source Files
1464 Utility Projects
8000 The file name association is incomplete or invalid.
8001 The DDE transaction failed.
8002 The system is out of memory or resources.
8003 The specified file was not found.
8004 The working copy of the file '%1' cannot be released because it is currently open in the project workspace.
8005 The specified path was not found.
8006 Unable to connect to server '%1'.
8007 Unable to retrieve folder information from the server.
8008 Unable to retrieve object information for folder '%1'.
8009 Unable to add '%1' to the project.
8010 You must enter a new name.
8011 Unable to find file '%1'.
8012 All or part of the path '%1' is invalid.
8013 The permitted number of open files was exceeded.
8014 Access to the file '%1' is denied.
8015 There was an attempt to use an invalid handle in accessing '%1'.
8016 The current working directory cannot be removed.
8017 There are no more directory entries.
8018 There was an error trying to set the file pointer in '%1'.
8019 A hardware error was encountered trying to access '%1'.
8029 There is no application associated with the given file name extension.
8030 A sharing violation occurred.
8031 The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image).