PC World Komputer 1998 July & August
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Text File
102 lines
104 GenProj
15998 Can't find genprjui.dll!
16003 "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT"
16033 No.
16040 NMAKE /f "%s" CFG="%s"
16044 Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Format Version
16045 Microsoft Utility Project Generated NMAKE File, Format Version
16081 "$(CFG)" == ""
16083 CFG
16094 Microsoft Visual C++ Generated NMAKE File, Format Version
16173 Mapfile
16176 SYSINCL*.*
16235 Generic
16236 Gen
16243 Perform_If_Able
16245 Internal
16246 Executable Path
16247 Menu Text
16248 Deferred
16252 Current TL
16265 Transports
16266 Microsoft Utility Project File
16269 Debugging
16271 Input_Spec.
16275 Output_Spec.
16292 TL Attributes
16293 TL Description
16294 Execution Models (non-native)
16295 Expression Evaluators
16296 Execution Models
16297 NM Attributes
16298 Current EE
16299 Current EM
16300 Current SH
16301 Symbol Handlers
16329 Makefile
16375 _MBCS
16376 user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib
16377 ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
16378 _AFXDLL
16379 _WINDLL
16380 _USRDLL
16381 odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
16382 kernel32.lib
16384 Macro_Prefix
16443 BuildSystemX Class
16448 VcProjCfgEnum Class
16458 GenCfg Class
16466 NULL
16467 nul
16471 Win32 (x86)
16472 Macintosh
16473 Win32
16474 Macintosh (PowerPC)
16490 Begin Custom Macros
16491 End Custom Macros
16495 Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Based on
16496 Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version
16497 Microsoft Utility Project Generated NMAKE File, Based on
16498 Microsoft Utility Project Generated Build File, Format Version
16504 Name
16505 Value
16506 iexplore.exe
16507 <param name=%s value=%s>\n
16508 Generic
16509 Additional classes
16510 Browse for Class
16511 Classes (.class)
16513 Browser
16514 Information For Running Class
16515 Run project under
16516 Stand-alone interpreter
16518 jview.exe
16519 iexplore.exe
16520 .dll
16524 .class
16532 Win32 (80x86)
16549 Power Macintosh
16550 Win32 (MIPS)
16551 NMAKE /f "
16571 Win32 (PowerPC)
16621 ProfilerInstalled
16649 java;html
16710 <html>\n<! NOTE - this file was generated by Microsoft Utility Project System because no HTML file was specified.\n
16711 DO NOT EDIT this file. It will be regenerated each time you launch your applet.\nTo create a permanent HTML file,\n
16712 1. Create a new text file and save it\n 2. Insert the file into your project\n
16713 3. Select "Settings..." from the "Project" menu\n a. Choose the "Debug" tab\n
16714 b. Set the "Category" to "Browser"\n c. In the "Parameters" \n\n\n\n\n\nsection, select "Use
16715 parameters from HTML page"\n d. Specify the new HTML file name in the edit box for "HTML page"\n>\n
16716 <head>\n<title>%s</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<hr>\n<applet\ncode=%s\nwidth=200\nheight=200>\n%s\n
16717 </applet>\n<hr>\n</body>\n</html>\n
16724 Custom
20001 Debug
20002 Release
20035 Microsoft Developer Studio Project File
20036 - Package Owner=<
20039 - Name="
32338 \/:*?"<>|
32448 Utility Projects
32449 Utility Project Items