<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>The Options tab</TITLE></HEAD><BODY topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"><TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><TR><TD bgcolor="#39C2C6"><FONT size="6"> </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><TR><TD rowspan="2" width="48" bgcolor="#39C2C6"> </TD><TD rowspan="2" width="106"><IMG src="htmlcomp.gif" hspace="5" vspace="5" width="96" height="96"></TD><TD bgcolor="#39C2C6"> <FONT color="#FFFFFF"><A href="../Help.htm">Contents</A></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color="#38A4C7" size="6" face="Arial"><STRONG>The Options tab</STRONG></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><TR><TD width="101" bgcolor="#39C2C6"></TD><TD><BLOCKQUOTE><P><IMG src="Image3.gif" width="502" height="472" alt="Image3.gif (11551 bytes)"></P><P>With the Options tab you can set some options so youcan customize HTML (Un)Compress to your own taste.At the bottom of this form, you can also see the currentregistration state of the program, whether it is registered,whether you're still in the trial period and so on.</P><P>By using the<EM>Animate when switching tabs</EM> checkbox, you can select whether you want the formto change from size when switching between the Normaltab and the other two. It's mainly useful when youhave a rather small monitor and resolution. On othercomputers, it makes less sense.</P><P>By using the<EM>Use AutoComplete checkbox</EM>, you can select whether you want to have AutoCompletewhen you are typing in the files by hand in the Normaltab.</P><P>By using the<EM>Load List on Startup</EM> checkbox, you can select you want to automaticallyload a list in the list on the Advanced tab or not.You can select which list to load by using the browsebutton next to the textbox, or by simply typing inthe name of the file by hand.</P><P>You can also set some options when using UnCompress.By using<EM>Divide long lines in smaller parts</EM>, you can select whether you want long lines of continuestext to be uncompressed in one line or in more lines.You can set the amount of characters after witch acarriage return is inserted by typing in the amountyou beneath the checkbox. You can select whether ornot you want to use hanging<EM>indents</EM> in your UnCompressed files, and what you exactly wantthen:a tab or a space.</P></BLOCKQUOTE></TD></TR></TABLE><BLOCKQUOTE><P> </P></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML>