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/ PC World Komputer 1998 July & August / Pcwk78a98.iso / E-MAIL / Thebat / the_bat.exe / TheBat.LNG (.txt) < prev   
Borland Turbo Vision Resource  |  1998-04-24  |  107.7 KB  |  4,330 lines

  3. The Bat!
  4. hFolders
  5. Folder
  6. Total
  7. bFetch
  8. Get new mail
  9. bSend
  10. Send queued mail
  11. bNewMail
  12. Create a new message
  13. bReply
  14. Reply to the message(s) selected
  15. bDelete
  16. Delete the message(s) selected
  17. bSaveAs
  18. Save the selected message(s) as...
  19. bSearch
  20. Search text
  21. bAddrBook
  22. Address Book
  23. bPrint
  24. Print the message(s) selected
  25. bReplyAll
  26. Reply to all
  27. bForward
  28. Forward the message(s) selected
  29. hMessages
  30. Subject
  31. Received
  32. Created
  33. FPanel
  34. FPanel
  35. FSplit
  36. FSplit
  37. Label1
  38. From:
  39. Label2
  40. Label3
  41. Subject:
  42. File1
  43. &Message
  44. mNewMsg
  45. Newmessage1
  46. mmReply
  47. &Reply
  48. mmReplyAll
  49. Reply to &All    
  50. mmForward
  51. &Forward
  52. mmResend
  53. Re-send    
  54. mRedirect
  55. R&edirect    
  56. mmMoveMsg
  57. &Move to folder...    
  58. mmCopyMsg
  59. &Copy to folder...
  60. mmSaveAs
  61. &Save as...
  62. mmDelete
  63. &Delete
  64. mMarkUnread
  65. Mark as &Unread    
  66. mMarkRead
  67. M&ark as Read    
  68. Specials2
  69. Spec&ials
  70. mAddSender
  71. &Add sender to Address Book
  72. mDeleteAddress
  73. &Delete from Address Book
  74. mCreateFilter
  75. &Create filter...
  76. mOpenReply
  77. &Open reply
  78. mPark
  79. Par&k
  80. mUnpark
  81. U&npark
  82. mmPrint
  83. &Print...
  84. mExit
  85. E&xit
  86. Folder1
  87. &Folder
  88. mmCreateNewFolder
  89. &New...    
  90. Compress1
  91. &Compress
  92. Refresh1
  93. &Refresh
  94. mmEmptyFolder
  95. &Empty
  96. Deletefolder1
  97. &Delete...
  98. Folderproperties1
  99. &Properties...
  100. Edit1
  101. &Account
  102. mmFetch
  103. &Get new mail
  104. mmSendQueue
  105. &Send Queued mail
  106. ChangePOP3password1
  107. Change &POP3 password...
  108. Dispatchmailonserver1
  109. &Dispatch mail on server
  110. mDispatchNew
  111. &New messages only
  112. mDispatchAll
  113. &All messages
  114. mViewLog
  115. &View Log
  116. mNewAccount
  117. &New...
  118. mDelAccount
  119. &Delete
  120. mmLock
  121. Set &Access Password...
  122. mMsgSort
  123. Sorting &Office/Filters
  124. mEditAccount
  125. &Properties...
  126. Tools1
  127. &Tools
  128. mAddressBook
  129. &Address book
  130. mSearch
  131. &Search...    
  132. mPGPcheck
  133. &Check PGP signature...
  134. mPgpImport
  135. Import P&GP key
  136. mmExport
  137. &Export message...
  138. mmImport
  139. &Import message...
  140. mFetchAllAccounts
  141. &Check mail for all accounts
  142. mSendAllQueued
  143. Send &Queued mail from all accounts
  144. View1
  145. &View
  146. ms_Toolbar
  147. &Toolbar
  148. ms_Autoview
  149. &Message autoview
  150. mvLog
  151. &Log panel
  152. msFiles
  153. &Attached files
  154. mvAutoAttach
  155. Show &Automatically
  156. mvShowAttach
  157. &Show always
  158. mvHideAttach
  159. &Hide
  160. mSplit
  161. &Split mode
  162. msHorizontal
  163. &Vertical split
  164. msVertical
  165. &Horizontal split
  166. msFullTree
  167. &Full-height account tree
  168. mmHeader
  169. &Display message header
  170. ms_Kludges
  171. Show &kludges
  172. Viewtextas1
  173. &View text as
  174. mv_Plain
  175. &Plain text
  176. mv_Rich
  177. &Rich text
  178. mmXlat
  179. &Translation
  180. mtNone
  181. &None
  182. Options1
  183. &Options
  184. mmSimple
  185. Simple interface
  186. Editorpreferences1
  187. &Editor preferences
  188. mNetCfg
  189. &Network && Administration
  190. XLATTables1
  191. &XLAT Tables    
  192. mMiniTray
  193. &Minimize to Tray
  194. moRasMonitor
  195. &Show Dial-up Monitor    
  196. mLanguage
  197. &Language    
  198. plEnglish
  199. &English    
  200. plRussian
  201. &Russian
  202. plRomanian
  203. R&omanian
  204. plPolish
  205. &Polish
  206. plGerman
  207. &German
  208. plDutch
  209. &Dutch    
  210. plSpanish
  211. &Spanish    
  212. plSwedish
  213. S&wedish    
  214. plFinnish
  215. &Finnish    
  216. plItalian
  217. &Italian
  218. Czech1
  219. &Czech
  220. plHungarian
  221. &Hungarian
  222. plPortugese
  223. P&ortugese
  224. plLithuanian
  225. &Lithuanian
  226. plUkrainian
  227. &Ukrainian
  228. plMitky
  229. Russian (&Mitky)
  230. Help1
  231. &Help
  232. Helptopics1
  233. &Help topics    
  234. Feedback1
  235. &Feedback
  236. mmBug
  237. &Bug report
  238. mmInfoHelp
  239. &Information request
  240. mmSuggestions
  241. &Suggestions
  242. Website1
  243. WWW Home page    
  244. Register1
  245. Register
  246. About1
  247. &About
  248. mFetch
  249. &Get new mail...
  250. mSendOut
  251. &Send queued messages
  252. Createamessage1
  253. &Create a new message...
  254. mNewFolder
  255. &New folder...
  256. mDelFolder
  257. &Delete
  258. mEmptyFolder
  259. &Empty
  260. mEditFolder
  261. &Properties...
  262. Popup4
  263. Popup
  264. Createanewmessage1
  265. Create a ne&w message...
  266. mOpenMessage
  267. &Open 
  268. Reply2
  269. &Reply...
  270. mReplyMessage
  271. &Reply...
  272. mFwdMessage
  273. &Forward...
  274. mmRedirect
  275. R&edirect
  276. mvCopy
  277. &Copy to folder...
  278. mvMove
  279. &Move to folder...
  280. mSaveMessage
  281. &Save as...
  282. mDelMessage
  283. &Delete
  284. Refresh2
  285. Refresh    
  286. Specials1
  287. Specials
  288. mmAddAddress
  289. &Add sender to Address Book
  290. mmDeleteAddress
  291. &Delete from Address Book
  292. mmMakeFilter
  293. &Create filter...
  294. mmFindReply
  295. &Open reply
  296. mmPark
  297. &Park
  298. mmUnpark
  299. &Unpark
  300. mmMarkunread
  301. Mark as &Unread
  302. mmMarkRead
  303. &Mark as Read
  304. mlSelectAll
  305. Selec&t All
  306. mlMovedown
  307. Move down
  308. Popup3
  309. Popup
  310. maView
  311. &Open...
  312. maSave
  313. &Save...
  314. maDelete
  315. &Delete
  316. maPrint
  317. &Print...    
  318. maForward
  319. &Forward...
  320. Popup1
  321. Popup    
  322. meNewMail
  323. &Write a message...
  324. meReplyLink
  325. R&eply to this address...
  326. meAddAddress
  327. Add e-mail to Address &Book
  328. meOpenLink
  329. &Open this link
  330. meCopyLink
  331. &Location to Clipboard
  332. Reply1
  333. &Reply...
  334. mvReplyAll
  335. Re&ply to All
  336. Forward2
  337. &Forward...
  338. Forward1
  339. &Forward...
  340. Saveas1
  341. &Save as...
  342. mvDelete
  343. Delete
  344. mlCopy
  345. &Copy
  346. mlCopyTo
  347. Copy &To...
  348. Selectall1
  349. Select &All
  350. mvMoveDown
  351. Move Down
  352. ml_Kludges
  353. &Show technical message info
  354. mlXLat
  355. Tra&nslation
  356. mlNone
  357. &None
  358. Properties1
  359. &Preferences...
  360. Popup2
  361. Popup
  362. Restore1
  363. &Restore
  364. Newmessage2
  365. &New message...
  366. Getnewmail1
  367. &Get new mail
  368. ViewLog1
  369. &View Log
  370. Dispatchmailonserver2
  371. &Dispatch mail on server
  372. Newmessagesonly1
  373. &New messages only
  374. Allmessages1
  375. &All messages
  376. Checkmailforallaccounts1
  377. &Check mail for all accounts    
  378. mtAccount
  379. &Active account
  380. Exit1
  381. E&xit
  382. USERDIALOG    
  383. Edit Userd
  384. Button1
  385. bCancel
  386. Cancel
  387. bMacro
  388. &Macros...
  389. Panel1
  390. Label1
  391. &Name:    
  392. GroupBox1    
  393. From information
  394. Label2
  395. &From Name:
  396. Label3
  397. From &Address:
  398. Label4
  399. &Organization:    
  400. GroupBox2    
  401. Reply-To information
  402. Label5
  403. Reply-To A&ddress:
  404. Label6
  405. &Reply-To Name:    
  406. GroupBox3    
  407. Send mail
  408. Label7
  409. &SMTP Server:    
  410. GroupBox4    
  411. Receive mail
  412. Label8
  413. &POP Server:
  414. Label9
  415. &User:
  416. Label10
  417. &Password:
  418. cbAPOP
  419. &Encrypted logon (APOP)
  420. cb8Bit
  421. 8-bit characters are treated
  422. &Without changes
  423. as &Quoted-printable
  424. as &Base64
  425. cbFullFetch
  426. &Combined delivery (send+receive)
  427. cbAskPOP
  428. &Always ask for POP3 password 
  429. rgDelivery
  430. Delivery
  431. &Immediate    
  432. &Deferred    
  433. GroupBox6    
  434. Message management
  435. lKbytes
  436. K Bytes
  437. lDays
  438. cbLimit
  439. &Receive header only if message size is greater than
  440. cbDelete
  441. &Delete received messages from server
  442. cbLeave
  443. &Leave messages on server
  444. cbDelTrash
  445. Delete message from server when it is removed from &Trash    
  446. cbMaxDays
  447. &Keep messages on server for    
  448. GroupBox9    
  449. Ports
  450. Label22
  451. &SMTP:
  452. Label23
  453. &POP3:
  454. Label24
  455. &IMAP4:
  456. GroupBox11    
  457. Mail Dispatcher    
  458. lDspLines
  459. &Message body lines to download with header:
  460. cbAutoDispatch
  461. In&voke automatically at each mail check
  462. cbDspAll
  463. Show &all messages left on the server    
  464. lReadTime
  465. &Time of reading to mark a message as read:
  466. lMaxLog
  467. Maximum &Log file size:
  468. lPsec
  469. lLKbytes
  470. K bytes    
  471. GroupBox5    
  472. Mailbox checking
  473. lPmin
  474. cbCheck
  475. &Check mailbox at startup
  476. cbAutoCheck
  477. &Periodical checking each
  478. cbEmptyTrash
  479. &Empty Trash folder on exit
  480. cbIgnoreAll
  481. Ignore 'Check All Accounts' request    
  482. cb8bitHdr
  483. Allow &8-bit characters in message header    
  484. cbCfmSend
  485. Confirm i&mmediate sending from the message editor
  486. lHomeDir
  487. &Home Directory:    
  488. GroupBox8    
  489. Attachments
  490. Label16
  491. &Directory:    
  492. bClearAtt
  493. Clear
  494. bBrowseAtt
  495. Browse
  496. cbTrashAttach
  497. Delete attached files when a message is deleted from &Trash folder
  498. rgAttach
  499. File attachments are stored,
  500. &Separate from messages in special directory
  501. &In message bodies
  502. rgEncoding
  503. Default encoding
  504. &Base64
  505. bHomeDir
  506. Browse
  507. bClearHome
  508. Clear
  509. GroupBox10    
  510. lTemp
  511. Label12
  512. &Template for a new message
  513. lCahrset
  514. &Use Character set:
  515. cbRRQ
  516. &Receipt request
  517. cbRCR
  518. Reading Confirmation
  519. Label13
  520. &Reply Template
  521. cbQuote
  522. Sender information used for quotation
  523. &None    
  524. &Initials
  525. &First name
  526. &Last Name
  527. Fir&st initial
  528. F&ull name
  529. Label14
  530. &Forwarding template:    
  531. cbMimeFwd
  532. Use &MIME standard for forwarding
  533. Label21
  534. &Reading confirmation template:
  535. rgRCRaction
  536. Action
  537. &Put in Outbox
  538. &Send immediately
  539. &Edit
  540. &Ignore
  541. cbRCRPrompt
  542. Prompt before the &Action
  543. Label18
  544. &Cookie lines:
  545. bAddCookies
  546. &Add from file...
  547. bClearCookies
  548. &Clear
  549. cbSound
  550. &Play sound when new mail arrives    
  551. GroupBox7    
  552. Sound options
  553. Label19
  554. File:
  555. Label20
  556. &Allow sound only within time interval:
  557. bBrowseWAV
  558. &Browse...
  559. bTestSound
  560. &Test now
  561. cbOwnConnection
  562. Use Account-specific Network settings
  563. gConnection    
  564. Connect to the Internet using
  565. rbLAN
  566. &Local Area Network or manual connection
  567. rbDUN
  568. &Dial-up networking connection
  569. cbAutoDisconnect
  570. A&uto-disconnect after mail transmission
  571. cbUseExistingDUN
  572. Use an e&xisting Dial-up connection (if any)
  573. Label11
  574. &Memo
  575. bHelp
  576. mmText
  577. &Text
  578. mmSender
  579. &Sender info
  580. mmRece
  581. &Recipient info
  582. mmDef
  583. &Pre-defined fields
  584. mtAttachFile
  585. &Attach a file...    
  586. mtInclude
  587. &Include template file...
  588. mtPut
  589. Put text file...
  590. Popup1
  591. Popup
  593. Edit Folder)
  594. General
  595. Template
  596. Reply
  597. Forward
  598. Sound
  599. Identity
  600. Label1
  601. &Name:    
  602. gbOptions    
  603. Options
  604. lHomeDir
  605. &Directory:
  606. bHomeDir
  607. bClearHome
  608. Clear    
  609. GroupBox2    
  610. On exit
  611. cbPurge
  612. &Remove old messages
  613. cbCompress
  614. &Compress the folder
  615. cbKeepMsgs
  616. &Maximum number of stored messages is
  617. cbKeepDays
  618. &Keep messages in the base for (days) :
  619. Label4
  620. &Message template:
  621. Label6
  622. &Reply message template:
  623. Label7
  624. &Message forwarding template:
  625. cbSound
  626. Sound when new mail arrived
  627. Use &Account settings
  628. &Use own sound settings
  629. &Sound disabled
  630. gbSound    
  631. Settings
  632. Label9
  633. &File:
  634. bBrowseWAV
  635. &Browse...
  636. bTestSound
  637. &Test now    
  638. cbOwnTime
  639. &Override account's allowance interval:    
  640. GroupBox1    
  641. From information
  642. Label2
  643. &From Name:
  644. Label3
  645. From &Address:
  646. Label8
  647. &Organization:    
  648. GroupBox3    
  649. Reply-To information
  650. Label10
  651. Reply-To A&ddress:
  652. Label11
  653. &Reply-To Name:
  654. Label5
  655. &Memo:
  656. bCancel
  657. Cancel
  658. bMacro
  659. &Macros...
  660. bHelp
  661. mmText
  662. &Text
  663. mmSender
  664. &Sender info
  665. mmRece
  666. &Recepient info
  667. mmDef
  668. &Pre-defined fields
  669. mtAttachFile
  670. &Attach a file...    
  671. mtInclude
  672. &Include template file...
  673. mtPut
  674. Put text file...
  675. Popup1
  676. Popup
  678. Delete Mail Folder
  679. cbTrash
  680. &Move messages to Trash Folder
  681. Button1
  682. Button2
  683. &Yes    
  685. Edit Mail Message
  686. pnTools
  687. bSend
  688. Send the letter
  689. bStore
  690. Put the letter in Outbox
  691. bDraft
  692. Save draft
  693. bSave
  694. Save the message
  695. bCopy
  696. Copy to Clipboard
  697. Cut to Clipboard
  698. bPaste
  699. Paste from Clipboard
  700. bQPaste
  701. Paste Quoted
  702. bSearch
  703. Search Text
  704. bReplace
  705. Search & Replace
  706. bCopyTo
  707. Copy to a file
  708. bPasteFrom
  709. Paste from a file
  710. bQPasteFrom
  711. Paste from a file as Quotation
  712. bAttach
  713. Attach a file
  714. bCancel
  715. Cancel the message
  716. Panel3
  717. pnAttach
  718. FSplit
  719. Panel1
  720. pnHeader
  721. OSplit
  722. File1
  723. &Message
  724. SendNow2
  725. &Send now
  726. mSend
  727. &Send now
  728. mQueue
  729. Queue in &Outbox
  730. meSave
  731. Sa&ve
  732. mDraft
  733. Save &Draft
  734. mSaveAs
  735. Save &as...
  736. mCancel
  737. Cancel
  738. mEEdit
  739. &Edit
  740. Undo1
  741. &Undo
  742. mCopy
  743. &Copy
  744. mPaste
  745. &Paste
  746. mClear
  747. &Delete
  748. mQPaste
  749. Paste as &Quotation
  750. mCopyTo
  751. Copy &to...
  752. mPasteFrom
  753. Paste &from...
  754. mQPasteFrom
  755. P&aste as Quotation from...
  756. Search1
  757. &Search
  758. mFind
  759. &Find...
  760. mReplace
  761. &Replace...
  762. Searchagain1
  763. &Search again
  764. Reversesearch1
  765. Re&verse search
  766. Utilities1
  767. &Utilities
  768. mInsertDate
  769. Insert &Date
  770. mInsertTime
  771. Insert &Time
  772. mmFormat
  773. &Format Block
  774. AlignLeft1
  775. &Left
  776. Justify1
  777. &Justify
  778. Right1
  779. &Right
  780. Center1
  781. &Center
  782. Addafile1
  783. &Attach a file
  784. MIMEcoded1
  785. &MIME-coded...
  786. QuotedPrintable1
  787. &Quoted-Printable...
  788. UUencoded1
  789. &UU-encoded...
  790. mbSpell
  791. Spell C&hecker
  792. mbAutoSpell
  793. &Automatic checking
  794. mbSpellAll
  795. &Check entire text
  796. mbLng
  797. &Language
  798. mbAEnglish
  799. &American English
  800. BritishEnglish1
  801. &British English
  802. Catalan1
  803. &Catalan
  804. Czech1
  805. C&zech
  806. Danish1
  807. &Danish
  808. Dutch1
  809. Du&tch
  810. Finnish1
  811. &Finnish
  812. French1
  813. Fr&ench
  814. German2
  815. &German
  816. Hungarian1
  817. &Hungarian
  818. Italian1
  819. &Italian
  820. Norwegian1
  821. &Norwegian (Bokmal)
  822. NorwegianNynorsk1
  823. Norwegian (N&ynorsk)
  824. Polish1
  825. &Polish
  826. PortugeseBrasilian1
  827. P&ortugese (Brasilian)
  828. PortugeseIberian1
  829. Port&ugese (Iberian)
  830. Russian1
  831. &Russian
  832. Spanish1
  833. &Spanish
  834. Swedish1
  835. S&wedish
  836. mbSpellOpts
  837. &Options...
  838. mbSpellDict
  839. &Dictionaries...
  840. mPGPSign
  841. &Sign entire text...
  842. Encryp1
  843. &Encrypt entire text...
  844. Sign &Block...
  845. Encryptselection1
  846. E&ncrypt Block...
  847. View1
  848. &View
  849. mShowTools
  850. &Toolbar
  851. mShowFrom
  852. &From
  853. mShowReplyTo
  854. &Reply-to
  855. mShowCC
  856. &Carbon Copy
  857. mShowBCC
  858. &Blind CC
  859. mShowFollowup
  860. &Followup to
  861. mShowOrigin
  862. &Original text
  863. Options1
  864. &Options
  865. &Confirm Receipt
  866. &Reading confirmation
  867. mNormal
  868. &Normal Priority
  869. mHigh
  870. &High Priority
  871. &Low priority
  872. mmXlat
  873. &Message encoding
  874. mtNone
  875. &None
  876. meAccount
  877. &Active account
  878. mAddFile
  879. &Add a file
  880. mAddMIME
  881. &MIME-coded
  882. mAddQuoted
  883. &Quoted-Printable
  884. mAddUUE
  885. &UU-encoded
  886. maSave
  887. &Save...
  888. maDel
  889. &Delete
  890. maView
  891. &Open...
  892. maPrint
  893. &Print...    
  894. MenuItem1
  895. maForward
  896. &Forward...
  897. PopUp1
  898. PopUp    
  899. meNewMail
  900. &Write a message...
  901. meReplyLink
  902. R&eply to this address...
  903. meAddAddress
  904. &Add e-mail to address book
  905. meOpenLink
  906. &Open this link
  907. meCopyLink
  908. &Location to Clipboard    
  909. meDivider
  910. Reply1
  911. &Reply...
  912. Forward1
  913. &Forward...    
  914. MenuItem2
  915. &Save as...
  916. mlCopy
  917. &Copy
  918. mlCopyTo
  919. Copy &To...    
  920. MenuItem3
  921. ml_Kludges
  922. &Show message kludges    
  923. MenuItem4
  924. Properties1
  925. &Preferences...
  926. Popup2
  927. Popup
  928. meQuote
  929. &Quote    
  930. meQuoteWO
  931. Quote &Without Prefixes
  932. meCopy
  933. &Copy
  934. meCut
  935. mePaste
  936. &Paste
  937. mePasteQuoted
  938. Paste as &Quotation
  939. meDelete
  940. &Delete
  941. meFind
  942. &Find...    
  943. meReplace
  944. &Replace...
  945. meSearchAgain
  946. &Search Again
  947. Blocktype1
  948. &Block type
  949. meStream
  950. &Stream
  951. meColumn
  952. &Column
  953. meLinear
  954. &Linear
  955. mePrefs
  956. Pr&eferences...
  957. SelectAll1
  958. Select All
  959. Popup3
  960. Popup
  961. Undo    
  962. msbStream
  963. &Stream    
  964. msbColumn
  965. &Column    
  966. msbLinear
  967. &Linear    
  968. msbInsert
  969. &Insert mode
  970. msbOverride
  971. &Override mode
  972. msbHigh
  973. &High priority    
  974. msbNormal
  975. &Normal priority
  976. msbLow
  977. &Low priority
  978. msbDiv
  979. msbRRQ
  980. &Confirm Receipt
  981. msbRead
  982. &Reading confirmation
  983. msbNone
  984. &None
  985. nosuggestions1
  986. (no suggestions)
  987. mspSuggest
  988. &Suggest more...
  989. mspIgnoreAll
  990. &Ignore all
  991. mspAddWord
  992. &Add to dictionary
  993. Dictionarytoadd1
  994. &Dictionary to add to
  995. mspOptions
  996. &Options...
  998. Search text
  999. Label1
  1000. &Text:
  1001. bCancel
  1002. Cancel    
  1003. GroupBox1    
  1004. Options
  1005. &Whole words only
  1006. &Case sensitive
  1007. rgAction
  1008. Action
  1009. &Select
  1010. &Open    
  1011. GroupBox2    
  1012. Scope
  1013. cbAnywhere
  1014. &Anywhere
  1015. cbText
  1016. &Message text
  1017. cbSender
  1018. S&ender
  1019. cbRecepient
  1020. &Recepient
  1021. cbSubj
  1022. S&ubject    
  1023. cbKludges
  1024. &Kludges
  1026. FolderViewFormu
  1027. MsgPanel
  1028. AttPanel
  1029. AttSplit
  1030. BodyPanel
  1031. pnMsg
  1032. pnHeader
  1033. Label2
  1034. From:
  1035. Label3
  1036. Label4
  1037. Subject:
  1038. hdrFrom
  1039. hdrTo
  1040. hdrSubj
  1041. <none>
  1042. pBookA
  1043. pnBook
  1044. pnTools
  1045. bReply
  1046. Reply to the message
  1047. bReplyAll
  1048. Reply to All
  1049. bForward
  1050. Forward the message
  1051. bSaveAs
  1052. Save the message as...
  1053. bvPrint
  1054. Print
  1055. bVCopyTo
  1056. Copy to a file
  1057. bVCopy
  1058. Copy to Clipboard
  1059. bVSearch
  1060. Search Text
  1061. bPark
  1062. Park message
  1063. bPrev
  1064. Read the previous message
  1065. bNext
  1066. Read the next message
  1067. bDelUp
  1068. Delete the message and read the previous one
  1069. bDelDown
  1070. Delete the message and read the next one
  1071. bDelete
  1072. Delete the message
  1073. pnMsgList
  1074. hMessages
  1075. Subject
  1076. Received
  1077. Created    
  1078. xMsgSplit
  1079. maView
  1080. &Open...
  1081. maSave
  1082. &Save...
  1083. maPrint
  1084. &Print...
  1085. maForward
  1086. &Forward...
  1087. Popup1
  1088. Popup
  1089. Createanewmessage1
  1090. Create a Ne&w Message...
  1091. mOpenMessage
  1092. &Open 
  1093. Reply2
  1094. &Reply...
  1095. mReplyMessage
  1096. &Reply...
  1097. mFwdMessage
  1098. &Forward...
  1099. mmRedirect
  1100. R&edirect
  1101. mvCopy
  1102. &Copy to Folder...
  1103. mvMove
  1104. &Move to Folder...
  1105. mSaveMessage
  1106. &Save as...
  1107. mDelMessage
  1108. &Delete    
  1109. Specials1
  1110. Specials
  1111. mmAddAddress
  1112. &Add Sender to Address Book
  1113. mmDeleteAddress
  1114. &Delete from Address Book
  1115. mmMakeFilter
  1116. &Create Filter...
  1117. mmFindReply
  1118. &Open Reply
  1119. mmPark
  1120. &Park
  1121. mmUnpark
  1122. &Unpark
  1123. mmMarkunread
  1124. Mark as &Unread
  1125. mmMarkRead
  1126. &Mark as Read
  1127. mlSelectAll
  1128. Selec&t All
  1129. mlMovedown
  1130. Move Down
  1131. Popup3
  1132. Popup
  1133. mlXlat
  1134. Translation
  1135. mlNone
  1136. &None
  1137. FIle2
  1138. &Message
  1139. mvReply
  1140. &Reply...
  1141. ReplytoAll1
  1142. Reply to &All    
  1143. mvForward
  1144. &Forward...
  1145. mvResend
  1146. R&e-send    
  1147. Redirect1
  1148. R&edirect
  1149. Saveas1
  1150. &Save as...
  1151. Delete1
  1152. &Delete
  1153. SelectAll2
  1154. Select All
  1155. MarkasUnread1
  1156. Mark as &Unread
  1157. MarkasRead1
  1158. M&ark as Read
  1159. Print1
  1160. &Print...
  1161. mvExit
  1162. E&xit
  1163. Edit1
  1164. &Edit
  1165. Copy1
  1166. &Copy
  1167. Copyto1
  1168. Copy &to...    
  1169. Specials3
  1170. &Specials
  1171. AddsendertoAddressBook1
  1172. &Add sender to Address Book
  1173. DeletefromAddressBook1
  1174. &Delete from Address Book
  1175. Createfilter1
  1176. &Create filter...
  1177. Openreply1
  1178. &Open reply
  1179. CheckPGPSignature1
  1180. &Check PGP Signature
  1181. ImportPGPkeys1
  1182. &Import PGP key(s)
  1183. SelectAll1
  1184. Select All
  1185. Park1
  1186. &Park
  1187. Unpark1
  1188. &Unpark
  1189. Navigation1
  1190. &Navigation
  1191. Viewprevious1
  1192. &Follow previous    
  1193. Viewnext1
  1194. Follo&w next
  1195. Deleteandviewnext1
  1196. Delete and follow &next
  1197. Deleteandviewprevious1
  1198. Delete and follow pr&evious
  1199. View2
  1200. &View
  1201. mvShowToolbar
  1202. &Toolbar
  1203. mvShowMsgList
  1204. Messages List
  1205. Attachedfiles1
  1206. &Attached files
  1207. mvShowAuto
  1208. Show &Automatically
  1209. mvShowAlways
  1210. &Show always
  1211. mvHideAttach
  1212. &Hide
  1213. mvHeader
  1214. &Header    
  1215. mvKludges
  1216. &Kludges
  1217. mmXlat
  1218. &Translation
  1219. mtNone
  1220. &None
  1222. Getting new mail
  1223. lStatus
  1224. lSize
  1225. 0 Bytes
  1226. lZero
  1227. bCancel
  1228. Cancel    
  1230. Message Hunt
  1231. Label1
  1232. Search for messages to be stored in the current folder?    
  1233. GroupBox1    
  1234. Options
  1235. cbSubj
  1236. &Subjects
  1237. cbAddr
  1238. &Addresses    
  1239. cbMessage
  1240. &Message body
  1241. cbUsers
  1242. &Other accounts
  1244. Message Hunt    
  1245. Label1
  1246. Account:
  1247. lUser
  1248. lFolder
  1249. Label3
  1250. Folder:
  1251. lTotal
  1252. Label4
  1253. Messages processed:
  1254. lFound
  1255. Label5
  1256. Messages found:
  1257. bCancel
  1258. Cancel
  1259. SENDFORM
  1260. Sending mail
  1261. lStatus
  1262. lSize
  1263. 0 Bytes
  1264. lZero
  1265. bCancel
  1266. Cancel
  1268. Editor/Viewer Preferences.
  1269. General
  1270. Display
  1271. Richtext
  1272. Label1
  1273. &Right margin:
  1274. Label2
  1275. A&utosave every
  1276. Label3
  1277. GroupBox1    
  1278. cbAutowrap
  1279. &Autowrap
  1280. cbWrapJustify
  1281. &Justify on wrap
  1282. cbSmartTab
  1283. '&Smart' tabs
  1284. cbAutoIndent
  1285. Auto &Indent
  1286. cbBSIndent
  1287. &Backspace unindents
  1288. cbFindAtCursor
  1289. &Find text at cursor    
  1290. GroupBox2    
  1291. Blocks
  1292. cbPersistentBlock
  1293. &Persistent blocks
  1294. cbOverwriteBlock
  1295. O&verwrite blocks    
  1296. GroupBox5    
  1297. Pasting different block type
  1298. cbAutoInsert
  1299. S&kip prompt
  1300. cbAutoAdjust
  1301. Adjust auto&matically    
  1302. GroupBox3    
  1303. Cursor shape
  1304. cbBlockInsert
  1305. Blo&ck insert cursor
  1306. cbBriefCursor
  1307. BRI&EF cursor shape
  1308. Label4
  1309. &Font:
  1310. Label7
  1311. Si&ze:    
  1312. GroupBox4    
  1313. Colouring
  1314. Label5
  1315. Ite&m:
  1316. Label6
  1317. &Colour:
  1318. gbStyle    
  1319. Style
  1320. cbFBold
  1321. &Bold    
  1322. cbFItalic
  1323. &Italic
  1324. cbFUnderline
  1325. &Underlined
  1326. cbFStrikeout
  1327. &Strikeout
  1328. bEditColor
  1329. Edit...
  1330. cChangeFont
  1331. C&hange...
  1332. Label8
  1333. &Font:
  1334. Label9
  1335. Si&ze:    
  1336. bRichFont
  1337. C&hange...    
  1338. GroupBox6    
  1339. Colouring
  1340. Label10
  1341. Ite&m:
  1342. Label11
  1343. &Colour:    
  1344. GroupBox7    
  1345. Style
  1346. cbRichBold
  1347. &Bold
  1348. cbRichItalic
  1349. &Italic
  1350. cbRichUnderLine
  1351. &Underlined
  1352. cbRichStrike
  1353. &Strikeout
  1354. cbEditRichColor
  1355. Edit...
  1356. bCancel
  1357. Cancel
  1359. XLat Manager
  1360. Label1
  1361. &Tables
  1362. &Close
  1363. &Add...
  1364. bDelete
  1365. &Delete
  1366. hTables
  1367. Character Set
  1368. bReset
  1369. &Reset
  1371. Browse directories
  1372. Label1
  1373. Dri&ve:
  1374. Label2
  1375. &Directories
  1376. Label3
  1377. &Select:
  1378. Button2
  1379. Cancel
  1381. Address Book@
  1382. Panel1
  1383. Panel2
  1384. bMessage
  1385. Write a new message
  1386. bNewUser
  1387. Create a new user
  1388. bNewFolder
  1389. Create new address group
  1390. bDelete
  1391. Delete selected
  1392. bSearch
  1393. Search address entry
  1394. bExport
  1395. Export to .INI file
  1396. bImport
  1397. Import from .INI file
  1398. Panel3
  1399. sProperties
  1400. Properties
  1401. Label1
  1402. &Nickname:
  1403. Label2
  1404. &Real Name:
  1405. Label4
  1406. &Home address:
  1407. lEmail
  1408. &E-mail address:
  1409. Label5
  1410. &Telephones:
  1411. cbPopup
  1412. &Add to pop-up menu
  1413. sMemo
  1414. Panel4
  1415. Entry properties
  1416. File1
  1417. &File
  1418. mWrite
  1419. &Write new message...
  1420. mmOpen
  1421. &Open...
  1422. Savem
  1423. &Save
  1424. Saveas1
  1425. Save &as...
  1426. mExport
  1427. E&xport to .INI file...
  1428. Import1
  1429. &Import
  1430. mImport
  1431. I&NI file...
  1432. mImportComma
  1433. &Comma-separated file...
  1434. mImportTab
  1435. &Tab-separated file
  1436. mmClose
  1437. &Close
  1438. Edit1
  1439. &Edit
  1440. NewAddressentry1
  1441. New &Address entry
  1442. mNewFolder
  1443. New Address &Group
  1444. mNewRoot
  1445. New Address entry at &Root 
  1446. mDelete
  1447. &Delete
  1448. Sort1
  1449. &Sort
  1450. byName1
  1451. by &Name
  1452. byLastname1
  1453. by &Last name
  1454. byAddress1
  1455. by e-mail &Address
  1456. by Nickna&me
  1457. byMailhost1
  1458. by &Mail host
  1459. Reverseorder1
  1460. &Reverse order
  1461. Search1
  1462. &Search
  1463. mFind
  1464. &Find entry...
  1465. mSearchAgain
  1466. &Search again
  1467. mmWrite
  1468. &Write new message...
  1469. Newaddress1
  1470. New &Address entry
  1471. Newfolder1
  1472. New Address &Group    
  1473. mmNewRoot
  1474. New Address entry at &Root 
  1475. mmDelete
  1476. &Delete    
  1477. maDivider
  1478. mapCut
  1479. mapCopy
  1480. &Copy
  1481. mapPaste
  1482. &Paste    
  1483. mapDelete
  1484. &Delete
  1485. mapSelectAll
  1486. Select &All
  1488. Sender
  1489. bCancel
  1490. Cancel
  1491. &Select all
  1492. Button2
  1493. &Unselect all    
  1495. The Bat! is not Freeware
  1496. Panel1
  1497. Label1
  1498. This program is provided to you for evaluation purposes.
  1499. Label2
  1500. If you find The Bat! useful and wish to continue using it, please find the time to register it. If you do not want to use the program any further, please remove its copy from your disk within the period stated in The Licence Agreement.
  1501. bExit
  1502. Exit    
  1504. Print
  1505. TabSheet1
  1506. Options
  1507. Label1
  1508. &Left margin:
  1509. Label2
  1510. &Top margin:
  1511. Label3
  1512. Units:
  1513. Label4
  1514. &Bottom margin:
  1515. Label5
  1516. &Right margin:    
  1517. GroupBox1    
  1518. Text output
  1519. cbWrap
  1520. &Wrap lines
  1521. cbHilite
  1522. &Highlight text
  1523. cbColor
  1524. &Use colour
  1525. bSetup
  1526. &Printer Setup...    
  1527. TabSheet2
  1528. Template
  1529. bCancel
  1530. Cancel    
  1531. SEARCHDLG    
  1532. Find Text
  1533. Label1
  1534. &Text:    
  1535. GroupBox1    
  1536. Options
  1537. cbCase
  1538. &Case sensitive
  1539. cbWords
  1540. &Whole words only
  1541. rDirection
  1542. Direction
  1543. &Forward    
  1544. &Backward
  1545. rScope
  1546. Scope
  1547. &Global
  1548. &Selected text only
  1549. rOrigin
  1550. Origin
  1551. From c&ursor
  1552. &Entire text
  1553. Button1
  1554. Button2
  1555. Cancel
  1556. bHelp
  1557. &Help
  1559. Replace Text
  1560. Label1
  1561. &Text to find:    
  1562. GroupBox1    
  1563. Options
  1564. cbCase
  1565. &Case sensitive
  1566. cbWords
  1567. &Whole words only
  1568. rDirection
  1569. Direction
  1570. &Forward    
  1571. &Backward
  1572. rScope
  1573. Scope
  1574. &Global
  1575. &Selected text only
  1576. rOrigin
  1577. Origin
  1578. From c&ursor
  1579. &Entire text
  1580. Button1
  1581. Button2
  1582. Cancel
  1583. bHelp
  1584. &Help
  1585. Label2
  1586. &Replace with:
  1587. cbPrompt
  1588. &Prompt on replace
  1589. Button3
  1590. Replace &All...
  1592. Address search
  1593. Label1
  1594. &Text:    
  1595. GroupBox1    
  1596. Scope
  1597. cbName
  1598. &Name
  1599. cbEmail
  1600. &E-mail address
  1601. cbHandle
  1602. Ni&ckname
  1603. cbHome
  1604. &Home address
  1605. cbPhone
  1606. &Phone numbers
  1607. cbMemo
  1608. &Memo
  1609. mbFind
  1610. &Find next
  1611. Button2
  1612. Cancel
  1614. Delete Mail Account
  1615. Label1
  1616. Do you really want to delete the current account?
  1617. Button1
  1618. Button2
  1619. cbRemove
  1620. &Remove all the files related to this account
  1622. Message sorting configuration?
  1623. Panel1
  1624. Panel2
  1625.  Sorting rules
  1626. Panel3
  1627. bDelete
  1628. &Remove
  1629. bCopy
  1630. Cop&y
  1631. Move &up
  1632. bDown
  1633. Move d&own
  1634. shFilter
  1635. Label1
  1636. &Name:
  1637. &Source folder:
  1638. Label2
  1639. &Move messages to folder
  1640. Label3
  1641. &Filtering strings
  1642. bBrowseTarget
  1643. Label4
  1644. &Signal strings:
  1645. rgKillDetect
  1646. Detect by
  1647. &Originator    
  1648. &Subject 
  1649. Rou&ting
  1650. cbActive
  1651. Acti&ve
  1652. bAddFilter
  1653. bDelFilter
  1654. &Delete
  1655. tsAlternatives
  1656. Alternatives
  1657. pnAlternatives
  1658. bAddAlt
  1659. &Add set
  1660. bDelAlt
  1661. &Delete set    
  1662. pgActions
  1663. Actions
  1664. bFwdAddr
  1665. Browse Address Book
  1666. bRedirAddr
  1667. Browse Address Book
  1668. bNewAddr
  1669. Browse Address Book
  1670. lExternalNote
  1671. (Use %1 parameter to specify the file name containing the message in RFC-822 format)
  1672. cbMarkRead
  1673. &Mark message as read
  1674. cbAddAddress
  1675. &Add the sender's address to Address Book
  1676. cbDelMsg
  1677. &Delete message
  1678. cbAutoReply
  1679. Send Auto-&Reply
  1680. bReply
  1681. Template...
  1682. cbFwd
  1683. &Forward to
  1684. cbRedir
  1685. R&edirect the message to
  1686. cbNewMsg
  1687. Cr&eate a message for
  1688. bNewTemplate
  1689. Template
  1690. cbExportMsg
  1691. E&xport message to file
  1692. cbExportKludges
  1693. Export Kludges
  1694. cbRunExternal
  1695. Run External &Program
  1696. cbMakeCopy
  1697. Create a c&opy of message in another folder
  1698. cbMarkCopyRead
  1699. Mark the copy as read
  1700. bBrowseExport
  1701. Browse
  1702. bBrowseCopy
  1703. Browse folders
  1704. bBrowseCmd
  1705. Broswe
  1706. pnAddress
  1707. cbUseCurrentBook
  1708. Use C&urrent Address Book
  1709. cbSpecBook
  1710. &Specific Address Book:
  1711. bBrowseBook
  1712. Browse
  1713. pnExport
  1714. cbExportAppend
  1715. Append to existing file
  1716. cbExportOver
  1717. Overwrite existing file
  1718. cbDelAddress
  1719. Delete from Address &Book
  1720. cbMakeDetach
  1721. Create a detached process
  1722. cbFwdNoAttach
  1723. Do not send attachments
  1724. cbRedirNoAttach
  1725. Do not send attachments
  1726. cbFwdKludges
  1727. Include kludges in the text    
  1728. cbFwdMime
  1729. Always use MIME envelope    
  1730. tsOptions
  1731. Options    
  1732. cbMakeRCR
  1733. Create &Reading Confirmation (if required)
  1734. rgSendOpts
  1735. Send generated messages
  1736. &Queue in Outbox
  1737. &Immediately
  1738. bClose
  1739. &Close
  1740. bHelp
  1742. Set password
  1743. Label1
  1744. &Password:
  1745. Label2
  1746. &Confirm password:
  1747. bCancel
  1748. Cancel
  1750. Enter password
  1751. Label1
  1752. &Password:
  1753. bCancel
  1754. Cancel
  1755. LOGFORM
  1756. Account Log
  1757. Panel1
  1758. Button1
  1759. bClear
  1760. Clear
  1761. cbHighlight
  1762. &Highlights only
  1763. FETCHMGR
  1764. Message DispatcherL
  1765. Panel1
  1766. bCancel
  1767. Cancel dispatching
  1768. bReply
  1769. Reply
  1770. bReplyAll
  1771. Reply to All
  1772. Start transfer
  1773. bInfo
  1774. Shiow header
  1775. bOpen
  1776. Open message
  1777. SpeedButton5
  1778. Forward
  1779. lStatus
  1780. pnInfo
  1781. hList
  1782. Receive
  1783. Delete
  1784. Subject
  1785. VSplit
  1786. mmHeader
  1787. &Show full header
  1788. View1
  1789. &Open
  1790. mReply
  1791. &Reply    
  1792. mReplyAll
  1793. Reply to &All
  1794. mForward
  1795. &Forward
  1796. mmToggle
  1797. &Toggle flag
  1798. Read1
  1799. &Read
  1800. mtsRead
  1801. &Read
  1802. Receive1
  1803. Recei&ve
  1804. mtsRece
  1805. Recei&ve
  1806. Delete1
  1807. &Delete
  1808. mtsDel
  1809. &Delete
  1810. Open2
  1811. &Open
  1812. mtsOpen
  1813. &Open
  1814. mmSetAll
  1815. Set flag for all messages
  1816. mmgRead
  1817. &Read
  1818. mmgRece
  1819. Recei&ve
  1820. mmgDel
  1821. &Delete
  1822. mmgOpen
  1823. &Open
  1824. mmResetAll
  1825. Reset flag for all messages
  1826. mrgRead
  1827. &Read
  1828. mrgRece
  1829. Recei&ve
  1830. mrgDel
  1831. &Delete
  1832. Open1
  1833. &Open
  1834. Toggleflagsforallmessages1
  1835. Toggle flag for all messages
  1836. mtgRead
  1837. &Read
  1838. mtgReceive
  1839. Recei&ve    
  1840. mtgDelete
  1841. &Delete
  1842. mtgOpen
  1843. &Open
  1844. Cancel1
  1845. Cancel
  1846. Popup1
  1847. Popup
  1848. Message1
  1849. &Message
  1850. Open6
  1851. &Open
  1852. Reply1
  1853. &Reply
  1854. ReplytoAll1
  1855. Reply to &All
  1856. Forward1
  1857. &Forward
  1858. Read6
  1859. &1 Read
  1860. Receive6
  1861. &2 Receive
  1862. Delete6
  1863. &3 Delete
  1864. Open8
  1865. &4 Open
  1866. &Execute
  1867. Global1
  1868. &Global
  1869. Toggleflagforallmessages1
  1870. Toggle flag
  1871. Read4
  1872. &Read
  1873. Receive4
  1874. Recei&ve
  1875. Delete4
  1876. &Delete
  1877. Open5
  1878. &Open
  1879. Setflagforallmessages1
  1880. Set flag
  1881. Read2
  1882. &Read
  1883. Receive2
  1884. Recei&ve
  1885. Delete2
  1886. &Delete
  1887. Open3
  1888. &Open
  1889. Resetflagforallmessages1
  1890. Reset flag
  1891. Read3
  1892. &Read
  1893. Receive3
  1894. Recei&ve
  1895. Delete3
  1896. &Delete
  1897. Open4
  1898. &Open
  1899. View2
  1900. &View
  1901. mvHeader
  1902. &Header autoview    
  1903. ID_PSWDLG
  1904. Enter ID and password
  1905. Label2
  1906. &Password:
  1907. cbStore
  1908. &Store the information in the Password Database
  1909. bCancel
  1910. Cancel
  1912. Execution Error
  1913. Label1
  1914. Program output:
  1915. bClose
  1916. &Close
  1918. The Bat! - Initial Setup
  1919. cbMakeDT
  1920. Create shortcut on the Windows &Desktop
  1921. cbMakeStart
  1922. Create shortcut in &Start Menu
  1923. gStart    
  1924. Start Menu Group
  1925. bCancel
  1926. Cancel    
  1927. GroupBox1    
  1928. &Basic Mail Directory
  1929. bChDir
  1930. &Change...
  1932. Change POP3 password
  1933. Label1
  1934. POP3 &User
  1935. Label2
  1936. &Password
  1937. Label3
  1938. &New passwor
  1939. Label4
  1940. &Confirm
  1941. Label5
  1942. &Server
  1943. bCancel
  1944. Cancel
  1946. Add Recipients
  1947. Label1
  1948. Address &Book
  1949. Label2
  1950. &Recipients
  1951. RcpTabs
  1952. bCancel
  1953. Cancel
  1954. rgShow
  1955. &Show in tree
  1956. &Names
  1957. &E-mail
  1958. &Aliases
  1959. bOpen
  1960. Open...
  1961. Button1
  1962. LOGINDLG
  1963. Log on to The Bat!
  1964. Label1
  1965. User:
  1966. Label2
  1967. Password:
  1968. Button1
  1969. Button2
  1970. Cancel
  1972. Network and Administration
  1973. pNetwork
  1974. Network    
  1975. GroupBox1    
  1976. Connect to the Internet using
  1977. lbHold
  1978. &Pause between dials:
  1979. lbMin
  1980. rbLAN
  1981. &Local Area Network or manual connection
  1982. rbDUN
  1983. &Dial-up networking connection
  1984. cbAutoDisconnect
  1985. A&uto-disconnect after mail transmission
  1986. cbUseExistingDUN
  1987. Use an e&xisting Dial-up connection (if any)
  1988. rgMode
  1989. This machine is
  1990. &Workstation with TCP/IP
  1991. &TCP/IP or Dial-out Server
  1992. &Non-TCP/IP Workstation
  1993. pPrivileges
  1994. Privileges
  1995. Label1
  1996. &Account:
  1997. rgAccess
  1998. Access rights
  1999. Ad&ministrator
  2000. &User    
  2001. GroupBox2    
  2002. Disabled actions
  2003. cbATransport
  2004. &Changing Account transport properties    
  2005. cbAFolder
  2006. &Folder management
  2007. cbASorting
  2008. &Sorting Office configuration    
  2009. cbAAttach
  2010. &File attachments
  2011. pGroups
  2012. Groups
  2013. Label2
  2014. &Group:
  2015. lUList
  2016. &Users included:    
  2017. lPassword
  2018. &Password:
  2019. lConfirm
  2020. &Confirm password:
  2021. &Add...
  2022. &Delete
  2023. bRename
  2024. &Rename
  2025. bChange
  2026. C&hange
  2027. bCancel
  2028. Cancel
  2029. Button3
  2031. Dial-up Monitor
  2032. tsQueue
  2033. Queue
  2034. hQueue
  2035. Action
  2036. Connection    
  2037. tsConnect
  2038. Connection
  2039. Label1
  2040. Phonebook entry:
  2041. bDial
  2042. &Dial now
  2043. bEdit
  2044. &Edit...    
  2045. GroupBox1    
  2046. Status
  2047. Label2
  2048. State:
  2049. lDevice
  2050. Device:
  2051. lStatus
  2052. lDevName
  2053. bCancel
  2054. Hang &up
  2055. bHide
  2056. &Hide
  2057. bDelete
  2058. &Delete
  2060. Create New User Account
  2061. bBack
  2062. <   &Back
  2063. bNext
  2064. &Next   >
  2065. bCancel
  2066. Cancel
  2067. lGeneral
  2068. Enter user name and the account's home directory. Make sure that the name is not used by other account. If there are account configuration files in the home directory already, the data from those files will be used for defaults for next steps.
  2069. Label2
  2070. Account name:
  2071. Label3
  2072. &Home directory:
  2073. bBrowse
  2074. Browse
  2075. bClear
  2076. Clear
  2077. lEmail
  2078. Enter your e-mail data. This information will appear by default in your messages as originator's data
  2079. Label1
  2080. &Your full name:
  2081. Label4
  2082. &E-mail address:
  2083. Label5
  2084. &Organisation:
  2085. Label6
  2086. Enter your mail servers' addresses - they must be provided by your Network Administrator or the Internet Service Provider. SMTP server is used for sending mail out, POP3 server is used for mail retrieval.
  2087. Label7
  2088. &SMTP server:
  2089. Label8
  2090. POP3 server:
  2091. Label9
  2092. Specify POP3 data for this account. If you choose APOP login method, make sure that this method is supported by your POP3 server. If you leave password field blank, you will be prompted for the password later.
  2093. Label10
  2094. &Username:
  2095. Label11
  2096. &Password:
  2097. cbAPOP
  2098. Use &encrypted login method (APOP)
  2099. cbLeaveMail
  2100. &Leave copy of messages on the server
  2101. Label12
  2102. Specify the method you are connecting to the Internet. Make sure that TCP/IP protocol is installed on your machine and configured properly.
  2103. lbDUN
  2104. of mail transfer
  2105. rbLAN
  2106. &Local Area Network or manual connection
  2107. rbDUN
  2108. &Dial-up connection:
  2109. cbAutoHangup
  2110. Disconnect &automatically after completion
  2111. Label14
  2112. The initial account setup is complete. You may check all other settings such as message templates, message management options and preferences right now or leave this for later. Click Finish button to add this account to The Bat! account list.
  2113. Label15
  2114. Do you want to check all account's settings now?
  2115. rbYes
  2117. Spell checking
  2118. Label1
  2119. &Not in dictionary:
  2120. Label2
  2121. &Change to:
  2122. Label3
  2123. &Suggestions:
  2124. Label4
  2125. Add &words to:
  2126. bIgnore
  2127. &Ignore
  2128. bIgnoreAll
  2129. Ig&nore All
  2130. bChange
  2131. &Change
  2132. bChangeAll
  2133. C&hange All
  2134. bOptions
  2135. &Options...
  2136. bDictionary
  2137. &Dictionaries...
  2138. bSuggest
  2139. &Suggest
  2140. Cancel
  2141. Cancel
  2142. bUndo
  2143. &Undo
  2145. Spell checking options
  2146. cbIgnoreCaps
  2147. Ignore capitalised &words (e.g., Europe)
  2148. cbIgnoreAllCaps
  2149. Ignore &all-caps words (e.g., FYI)
  2150. cbIgnoreNumbers
  2151. Ignore words with &numbers (e.g., Win32)
  2152. cbIgnoreMixed
  2153. Ignore words with mi&xed case (e.g., SuperBase)
  2154. cbCase
  2155. &Case-sensitive
  2156. cbPhonetic
  2157. &Phonetic suggestions
  2158. cbTypo
  2159. &Typographical suggestions
  2160. cbSplit
  2161. Suggest split wor&ds
  2162. cbAutoCorrect
  2163. A&uto correct    
  2164. rgSuggest
  2165. Suggestions
  2166. &Fast but less accurate
  2167. &Moderately fast and accurate
  2168. &Slow but accurate
  2169. bCancel
  2170. Cancel
  2172. Edit Dictionaries
  2173. Label1
  2174. &Words:
  2175. Label2
  2176. A&ction:
  2177. lOther
  2178. Ot&her word:
  2179. bAddWord
  2180. &Add word
  2181. bDelWord
  2182. &Delete Word
  2183. gbDic    
  2184. Dictionary
  2185. Label3
  2186. &File:
  2187. Label4
  2188. Language:
  2189. lLang
  2190. American English
  2191. bNewDic
  2192. &New File...
  2193. bAddDic
  2194. Add &File
  2195. bDelDic
  2196. &Remove
  2197. bImport
  2198. I&mport...
  2199. bExport
  2200. &Export...
  2201. bClose
  2202. Close
  2204. Select a folder
  2205. bCancel
  2206. Cancel
  2207. New...
  2209. Edit template
  2210. Panel1
  2211. Panel2
  2212. bCancel
  2213. Cancel
  2214. bMacros
  2215. Macros
  2216. Panel3
  2217. mmText
  2218. &Text
  2219. mmSender
  2220. &Sender info
  2221. mmRece
  2222. &Recipient info
  2223. mmDef
  2224. &Pre-defined fields
  2225. Popup1
  2226. Popup
  2228. Import Address Book
  2229. bCancel
  2230. Cancel
  2231. cbGroupImport
  2232. Import in the ¤t group
  2234. Create mail filter
  2235. lName
  2236. &Name:
  2237. Label1
  2238. &Use for
  2239. Label2
  2240. &Move to folder:
  2241. gbDetect    
  2242. Detect by
  2243. cbSender
  2244. &Sender:
  2245. cbSubj
  2246. S&ubject:
  2247. cbRece
  2248. &Recipient:
  2249. bBrowse
  2250. cbOver
  2251. O&verride existing filters
  2252. bEdit
  2253. &Edit
  2254. Button2
  2255. Cancel
  2257. Message Finder}
  2258. MsgPanel
  2259. AttPanel
  2260. AttSplit
  2261. BodyPanel
  2262. pnMsg
  2263. pnHeader
  2264. Label2
  2265. From:
  2266. Label3
  2267. Label4
  2268. Subject:
  2269. hdrFrom
  2270. hdrTo
  2271. hdrSubj
  2272. <none>
  2273. pBookA
  2274. pnBook
  2275. tsSearch
  2276. Options
  2277. Label1
  2278. &Search for:    
  2279. GroupBox1    
  2280. Scop&e
  2281. cbAnywhere
  2282. Anywhere
  2283. cbSender
  2284. Sender
  2285. cbRecipient
  2286. Recipient
  2287. cbSubj
  2288. Subject    
  2289. cbHeaders
  2290. Headers
  2291. cbBody
  2292. Body    
  2293. GroupBox3    
  2294. Look in
  2295. cbFolder
  2296. &Folder:
  2297. cbSubfolders
  2298. Include subfolders
  2299. bBrowse
  2300. cbCurUser
  2301. &Current account
  2302. cbAllUsers
  2303. &All accounts
  2304. tsResult
  2305. Results    
  2306. hMessages
  2307. Subject
  2308. Received
  2309. Created    
  2310. tsOptions
  2311. Advanced
  2312. lKbytes1
  2313. K bytes
  2314. lKbytes2
  2315. K bytes
  2316. cbCase
  2317. Case sensitive search
  2318. cbAttach
  2319. Message has attachments    
  2320. cbReplied
  2321. Message is not replied
  2322. cbBefore
  2323. Received BEFORE
  2324. cbAfter
  2325. Received AFTER
  2326. cbLarger
  2327. Size is LARGER than    
  2328. cbSmaller
  2329. Size is SMALLER than
  2330. cbParked
  2331. Message is parked
  2332. cbUnread
  2333. Unread messages only
  2334. cbWords
  2335. Search for whole words only
  2336. Panel2
  2337. bStart
  2338. Start
  2339. bStop
  2340. S&top
  2341. bClose
  2342. Close
  2343. bHelp
  2344. &Help    
  2345. xMsgSplit
  2346. maView
  2347. &Open...
  2348. maSave
  2349. &Save...
  2350. maPrint
  2351. &Print...
  2352. maForward
  2353. &Forward...
  2354. Popup1
  2355. Popup
  2356. Createanewmessage1
  2357. Create a ne&w message...
  2358. mOpenMessage
  2359. &Open 
  2360. Reply2
  2361. &Reply...
  2362. mReplyMessage
  2363. &Reply...
  2364. mFwdMessage
  2365. &Forward...
  2366. mmRedirect
  2367. R&edirect
  2368. mvCopy
  2369. &Copy to folder...
  2370. mvMove
  2371. &Move to folder...
  2372. mSaveMessage
  2373. &Save as...
  2374. mDelMessage
  2375. &Delete    
  2376. Specials1
  2377. Specials
  2378. mmAddAddress
  2379. &Add sender to Address Book
  2380. mmDeleteAddress
  2381. &Delete from Address Book
  2382. mmMakeFilter
  2383. &Create filter...
  2384. mmFindReply
  2385. &Open reply
  2386. mmPark
  2387. &Park
  2388. mmUnpark
  2389. &Unpark
  2390. mmMarkunread
  2391. Mark as &Unread
  2392. mmMarkRead
  2393. &Mark as Read
  2394. mlSelectAll
  2395. Selec&t all
  2396. mlMovedown
  2397. Move down
  2398. Popup3
  2399. Popup
  2400. mlXLAT
  2401. Translation
  2402. mlNone
  2403. FIle2
  2404. &Message
  2405. mvReply
  2406. &Reply...
  2407. ReplytoAll1
  2408. Reply to &All    
  2409. mvForward
  2410. &Forward...
  2411. mvResend
  2412. R&e-send    
  2413. Redirect1
  2414. R&edirect
  2415. Saveas1
  2416. &Save as...
  2417. Delete1
  2418. &Delete
  2419. SelectAll1
  2420. Select All
  2421. MarkasUnread1
  2422. Mark as &Unread
  2423. MarkasRead1
  2424. M&ark as Read
  2425. Print1
  2426. &Print...
  2427. mvExit
  2428. E&xit
  2429. Edit1
  2430. &Edit
  2431. Copy1
  2432. &Copy
  2433. Copyto1
  2434. Copy &to...    
  2435. Specials3
  2436. &Specials
  2437. AddsendertoAddressBook1
  2438. &Add sender to Address Book
  2439. DeletefromAddressBook1
  2440. &Delete from Address Book
  2441. Createfilter1
  2442. &Create filter...
  2443. Openreply1
  2444. &Open reply
  2445. CheckPGPSignature1
  2446. &Check PGP Signature
  2447. ImportPGPkeys1
  2448. &Import PGP key(s)    
  2449. MenuItem1
  2450. Park1
  2451. &Park
  2452. Unpark1
  2453. &Unpark
  2454. View2
  2455. &View
  2456. Attachedfiles1
  2457. &Attached files
  2458. mvShowAuto
  2459. Show &Automatically
  2460. mvShowAlways
  2461. &Show always
  2462. mvHideAttach
  2463. &Hide
  2464. mHeaderVisible
  2465. &Header
  2466. mShowKludges
  2467. &Kludges
  2468. mmXlat
  2469. &Translation
  2470. mtNone
  2471. &None
  2472. You cannot edit the properties
  2473. of a default folder
  2474. You cannot delete a default folder
  2475. OK to delete ALL unsent messages?
  2476. OK to delete ALL messages in the folder?
  2477. Save Messages
  2478. Nothing to send
  2479. Attachment
  2480. &Save%s...    
  2481. Address t&o clipboard
  2482. &Location to clipboard
  2483. Save attachment as
  2484. Address for %s is already stored in Address Book. 
  2485. Add anyway?
  2486. Cancel the message?
  2487. Message from %s (%s)
  2488. Save Message As
  2489. You cannot leave FROM: field blank
  2490. You cannot leave TO: field blank
  2491. Modified
  2492. Column
  2493. Stream
  2494. Insert
  2495. Overwrite
  2496. Add a File
  2497. OK to remove the attachment named as "%s"?
  2498. From: %s
  2499.   To: %s
  2500. Subj: %s
  2501. Invalid character in Base64 line
  2502. Address book
  2503. New address
  2504. New folder
  2505. OK to delete the entry named as
  2506. &All addresses!
  2507. No addresses defined"
  2508. Version %s#
  2511. Registered to
  2512. OK to delete the folder named as
  2513.  "%s"?'
  2514.     From: (
  2515.       To: )
  2516.  Subject: *
  2517. Edit Folder Properties - %s+
  2518. Create a New Folder,
  2519. There is a folder with name %s
  2520. Please change the name-
  2521. Could not create the folder named %s
  2522. Please change the name.
  2523. Select Sound file/
  2524. Sound files (*.wav)|*.wav|All files (*.*)|*.*0
  2525. Thank you for registering The Bat!1
  2526. Password does not match the key specified2
  2527. -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2528.     From: %From
  2529.       To: %To
  2530.     Date: %Date
  2531.  Subject: %Subj
  2532. -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2533. %Text3
  2534. From:4
  2535. Reply-To:5
  2536. BCC:8
  2537. Follow up:9
  2538. Subject::
  2539. Account Log - ;
  2540. OK to clear entire log file?<
  2541. received message from %s (%d bytes)=
  2542. could not store message (file name - %s)>
  2543. message size is too big to receive (%dK bytes)?
  2544. %d messages in the mailbox, %d new@
  2545. connected to POP3 serverA
  2546. receiving mail messagesB
  2547. cancel requested by operatorC
  2548. connection finished - %d messages receivedD
  2549. sending message to %sE
  2550. too many recipients for one messageF
  2551. message to %s sent (%d bytes)G
  2552. connected to SMTP serverH
  2553. sending mail messages - %d messages in queueI
  2554. connection finished - %d messages sentJ
  2555. GeneralK
  2556. TransportL
  2557. Mail managementM
  2558. OptionsN
  2559. Files & directoriesO
  2560. TemplatesP
  2561. New messageQ
  2562. ReplyR
  2563. ForwardS
  2564. Reading confirmationT
  2565. CookiesU
  2566. SoundV
  2567. NetworkW
  2568. MemoX
  2569. Server reports error. The response is: %sY
  2570. Sending QUIT commandZ
  2571. Receiving message %d of %d[
  2572. Connecting to host\
  2573. Logging on to server]
  2574. Logging off from server^
  2575. Getting number of messages_
  2576. Deleting message #%d`
  2577. Could not connect to the servera
  2578. Could not open socketb
  2579. Image files (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.pcx,*.tif)|*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.pcx,*.tif,*.jpeg,*.tiff|All files (*.*)|*.*c
  2580. Audio files (*.voc,*.wav,*.mid)|*.voc,*.wav,*.mid|All files (*.*)|*.*d
  2581. Video files (*.avi,*.mpg)|*.avi,*.mpg|All files (*.*)|*.*e
  2582. Line too shortf
  2583. Invalid character in UU-coded lineg
  2584. Could not save the file named as
  2585. Unsupported encoding type,
  2586. do you want to save the file as it is?i
  2587. Invalid registration key.j
  2588. Invalid directory namek
  2589. Sending message textl
  2590. Message has not been sent. Server reply - %sm
  2591. Sending message headern
  2592. Could not move message to the Sent Mail Foldero
  2593. Server is not readyp
  2594. Select the Mail directoryq
  2595. This feature is available only in registered versionr
  2596. Add a Tables
  2597. Enter the Name of XLat Tablet
  2598. Enter the Character Setu
  2599. XLT files (*.xlt)|*.xlt|All files (*.*)|*.*v
  2600. &Name:w
  2601. OK to delete XLat Table named as
  2602. "%s"?x
  2603. File too shorty
  2604. Export Address Book to .INI filez
  2605. Import Address Book from .INI file{
  2606. Add addresses to the current Address Book?|
  2607. Overwrite the current Address Book?}
  2608. INI files (*.ini)|*.ini|All files (*.*)|*.*~
  2609. Nothing to import from "%s"
  2610. Edit User - %s
  2611. New User
  2612. Create a New User
  2613. There is a user with name %s already
  2614. Please change the name
  2615. Could not create the folder named %s
  2616. Please change the name
  2617. Import Cookies
  2618. OK to delete all Cookie lines?
  2619. Searching text
  2620.  A message with the size exceeding %d K bytes limit has arrived to your address - 
  2621.  the message has been automatically removed from the server.
  2622.  The message header follows
  2623.  A message with the size exceeding %d K bytes limit has arrived to your address - 
  2624.  the message number on the server is %d.
  2625.  Please take care of it by yourself
  2626.  The message header follows
  2627. Large message arrived to your address
  2628. Normal
  2629. Converting Message Base
  2630. Templates are used for customising your message when you are about to write them.
  2631. From our point of view, it is a more convenient way than giving only possibility to use signatures.
  2632. The subsections of this section are designed to create default templates. It is also possible to define other templates for each custom folder.
  2633. Use right mouse button click or Macro button to obtain the list of available macros.
  2634. Could not export message
  2635. Choose Export Directory
  2636. Import message from a file
  2637. MSG files (*.MSG)|*.Msg|All files (*.*)|*.*
  2638. Could not compress folder
  2639. Folder compressed.
  2640. Bytes saved: %d
  2641. Setting password
  2642. Set account password
  2643. Receiving mail - %s (%d%%)
  2644. Receiving mail - %s
  2645. %.0n bytes
  2646. Delivering mail - %s (%d%%)
  2647. Delivering mail - %s
  2648. Could not create output file
  2649. Incoming mail
  2650. Outgoing mail
  2651. Read messages
  2652. Replied messages
  2653. New rule
  2654. OK to delete the rule named
  2655. "%s"?
  2656. Kill filters
  2657. Sender
  2658. Recipient
  2659. Subject
  2660. Kludges
  2661. Anywhere
  2662. Retrieving message header #%d
  2663. Strings
  2664. Location
  2665. Presence
  2666. Make Configuration File
  2667. Load Configuration File
  2668. %CURSOR
  2669. Editor cursor position
  2670. %QUOTES
  2671. Original message quoted
  2672. %TEXT
  2673. Original message text
  2674. %COOKIE
  2675. Cookie line
  2676. %TONAME
  2677. Recipient's full name
  2678. %TOFNAME
  2679. Recipient's first name
  2680. %TOLNAME
  2681. Recipient's last name
  2682. %FROMNAME
  2683. Sender's full name
  2684. %FROMFNAME
  2685. Sender's first name
  2686. %FROMLNAME
  2687. Sender's last name
  2688. %REPLYNAME
  2689. Reply-to full name
  2691. Reply-to first name
  2693. Reply-to last name
  2694. %OTONAME
  2695. Orig. recipient's full name
  2696. %OTOFNAME
  2697. Orig. recipient's first name
  2698. %OTOLNAME
  2699. Orig. recipient's last name
  2700. %OFROMNAME
  2701. Original sender's full name
  2703. Original sender's first name
  2705. Original sender's last name
  2707. Original Reply-to full name
  2709. Original Reply-to first name
  2711. Original Reply-to last name
  2712. %DATE
  2713. Current date in full
  2714. %DATESHORT
  2715. Short current date
  2716. %TIME
  2717. Current time (short)
  2718. %TIMELONG
  2719. Current time (full)
  2720. Current day of week
  2721. %ODATE
  2722. Original message date in full
  2724. Short original message date
  2725. %OTIME
  2726. Original message time (short)
  2727. %OTIMELONG
  2728. Original message time (full)
  2729. %ODOW
  2730. Original message day of week
  2731. %SUBJ
  2732. Message subject
  2733. %OSUBJ
  2734. Original message subject
  2735. %TOADDR
  2736. Recipient's address
  2737. %FROMADDR
  2738. Sender's address
  2739. %REPLYADDR
  2740. Reply-to address
  2741. %OTOADDR
  2742. Original recipient's address
  2743. %OFROMADDR
  2744. Original sender's address
  2746. Original Reply-to address
  2747. <default>
  2748. Composing message
  2749. Choose directory
  2750. Directory %s is not empty.
  2751. Do you still want to use it?
  2752. Directory %s does not exist.
  2753. OK to create it?
  2754. Password is not confirmed
  2755. Search string '%s' not found
  2756. Create Reading Confirmation?
  2757. Delete the message?
  2758. Could not run PGP executable
  2759. This message is not PGP signed
  2760. PGP Verification Error
  2761. PGP Signature verified OK
  2762. There are no PGP keys in this message
  2763. PGP Public Keys Imported OK
  2764. PGP Error
  2765. Error
  2766. Warning
  2767. Information
  2768. Confirm
  2769. No help available
  2770. Cancel
  2771. &Help
  2772. &Close
  2773. &Ignore
  2774. Retry
  2775. Abort
  2776. Cancel
  2777. &Close
  2778. &Ignore
  2779. &Retry
  2780. &Abort
  2781. Cannot create file %s
  2782. Cannot open file %s
  2783. Stream read error
  2784. Stream write error
  2785. %SUBJECT=""
  2786. New message subject    
  2787. %TO=""
  2788. Additional TO recipient
  2789. %CC=""
  2790. Additional CC recipient
  2791. %BCC=""
  2792. Additional BCC recipient
  2793. The Bat!
  2794. The Bat! (%d new messages)
  2795. Sorting Office - %s
  2796. You have entered invalid password.
  2797. The Bat! cannot log you on.
  2798. User Account "%s" does not exist.
  2799. The Bat! cannot log you on.
  2800. You cannot modify this account - it is locked by another user.
  2801. Account "%s" is locked. Please contact your system administrator -
  2802. the account may be either under administration or in use of somebody else.
  2803. Server cannot log you on.
  2804. Make sure that you have entered
  2805. correct user data.
  2806. Password has been successfully changed.
  2807. Could not connect to the server.
  2808. It is possible that Password Daemon does not run
  2809. at the server or the address is not correct.
  2810. Password has not been changed
  2811. due unknown problem on the server.
  2812. Logging on to server
  2813. Changing the password
  2814. Logging off from server
  2815. Connecting...
  2816. &Username:
  2817. Update &Account's data
  2818. Cannot set access rights for user %s -
  2819. make sure that the account is not locked by
  2820. another machine within the network.
  2821. Enter group name
  2822. Name: 
  2823. The group name "%s" is already used.
  2824. Please enter another name!
  2825. Purging folder %s"
  2826. Compressing folder %s#
  2827. Cleaning up$
  2828. Emptying Trash of %s%
  2829. Dial-up - %s&
  2830. Dialling...'
  2831. Could not dial the entry "%s".
  2832. Please check dial-up networking settings
  2833. and try again.(
  2834. Logging in...)
  2835. Connected*
  2836. Waiting for Modem Reset+
  2837. Error %d,
  2838. &Next   >-
  2839. &Finish.
  2840. You must specify the name of new account/
  2841. You must enter your name0
  2842. You must enter your e-mail address1
  2843. You have entered an invalid e-mail address.
  2844. This is an example of valid E-mail address:
  2845.   jsmith@domain.com2
  2846. View Folder %s of %s3
  2847. View %s4
  2848. Searching folder %s (%d messages found)5
  2849. Search finished (%d messages found)6
  2850. The directory specified seems to be
  2851. already used by other folder
  2852. Do you still want to use this directory?7
  2853. Search string not found8
  2854. Send the message?9
  2855. No recipients stated:
  2856. OK to delete the related entry
  2857. from Address Book?;
  2858. There are no Address Book entries with such address(es) found<
  2859. Reply was not found in most appropriate folders.
  2860. Would you like to search through whole message base?
  2861. (It may take a long time)=
  2862. The message does not contain an ID>
  2863. This message is addressed to you but it is not marked
  2864. as replied. Do you believe that the reply has been written??
  2865. OK to re-send this message?@
  2866. Could not re-send the messageA
  2867. OK to reset Translation Tables to defaults?B
  2868. Import finished. %d addresses were addedC
  2869. Delete %d messages?D
  2870. %d entries has been deletedE
  2871. %s is an inline attachmentF
  2872. OK to delete %s?
  2874. The Bat!
  2875. hFolders
  2876. bFetch
  2877. bSend
  2878. bNewMail
  2879. bReply
  2880. bDelete
  2881. bSaveAs
  2882. bSearch
  2883. bAddrBook
  2884. bPrint
  2885. bReplyAll
  2886. bForward
  2887. hMessages
  2888. Label1
  2889. Label2
  2890. Label3
  2891. File1
  2892. mNewMsg
  2893. Newmessage1
  2894. mmReply
  2895. mmReplyAll
  2896. mmForward
  2897. mmResend
  2898. Re-send    
  2899. mRedirect
  2900. mmMoveMsg
  2901. mmCopyMsg
  2902. mmSaveAs
  2903. mmDelete
  2904. mMarkUnread
  2905. mMarkRead
  2906. Specials2
  2907. mAddSender
  2908. mDeleteAddress
  2909. mCreateFilter
  2910. mOpenReply
  2911. mPark
  2912. mUnpark
  2913. mmPrint
  2914. mExit
  2915. Folder1
  2916. mmCreateNewFolder
  2917. Compress1
  2918. Refresh1
  2919. mmEmptyFolder
  2920. Deletefolder1
  2921. Folderproperties1
  2922. Edit1
  2923. mmFetch
  2924. mmSendQueue
  2925. ChangePOP3password1
  2926.  &POP3 
  2927. Dispatchmailonserver1
  2928. mDispatchNew
  2929. mDispatchAll
  2930. mViewLog
  2931. mNewAccount
  2932. mDelAccount
  2933. mmLock
  2934. mMsgSort
  2935. mEditAccount
  2936. Tools1
  2937. mAddressBook
  2938. mSearch
  2939. mPGPcheck
  2940.  PGP...
  2941. mPgpImport
  2942.  PGP &
  2943. mmExport
  2944. mmImport
  2945. mFetchAllAccounts
  2946. mSendAllQueued
  2947. View1
  2948. ms_Toolbar
  2949. ms_Autoview
  2950. mvLog
  2951. msFiles
  2952. mvAutoAttach
  2953. mvShowAttach
  2954. mvHideAttach
  2955. mSplit
  2956. msHorizontal
  2957. msVertical
  2958. msFullTree
  2959. mmHeader
  2960. ms_Kludges
  2961. Viewtextas1
  2962. mv_Plain
  2963. mv_Rich
  2964. &Rich-
  2965. mmXlat
  2966. mtNone
  2967. Options1
  2968. mmSimple
  2969. Editorpreferences1
  2970. mNetCfg
  2971. XLATTables1
  2972. mMiniTray
  2973. moRasMonitor
  2974. mLanguage
  2975. plEnglish
  2976. plRussian
  2977. plRomanian
  2978. plPolish
  2979. plGerman
  2980. plDutch
  2981. plSpanish
  2982. plSwedish
  2983. plFinnish
  2984. plItalian
  2985. Czech1
  2986. plHungarian
  2987. plPortugese
  2988. plLithuanian
  2989. plUkrainian
  2990. plMitky
  2991. Help1
  2992. Helptopics1
  2993. Feedback1
  2994. mmBug
  2995. mmInfoHelp
  2996. mmSuggestions
  2997. Website1
  2998.  &WWW 
  2999. Register1
  3000. About1
  3001. mFetch
  3002. mSendOut
  3003. Createamessage1
  3004. mNewFolder
  3005. mDelFolder
  3006. mEmptyFolder
  3007. mEditFolder
  3008. Popup4
  3009. Popup
  3010. Createanewmessage1
  3011. mOpenMessage
  3012. Reply2
  3013. mReplyMessage
  3014. mFwdMessage
  3015. mmRedirect
  3016. mvCopy
  3017. mvMove
  3018. mSaveMessage
  3019. mDelMessage
  3020. Refresh2
  3021. Specials1
  3022. mmAddAddress
  3023. mmDeleteAddress
  3024. mmMakeFilter
  3025. mmFindReply
  3026. mmPark
  3027. mmUnpark
  3028. mmMarkunread
  3029. mmMarkRead
  3030. mlSelectAll
  3031. mlMovedown
  3032. Popup3
  3033. maView
  3034. maSave
  3035. maDelete
  3036. maPrint
  3037. maForward
  3038. Popup1
  3039. meNewMail
  3040. meReplyLink
  3041. meAddAddress
  3042. meOpenLink
  3043. meCopyLink
  3044. Reply1
  3045. mvReplyAll
  3046. Forward2
  3047. &Forward...
  3048. Forward1
  3049. Saveas1
  3050. mvDelete
  3051. mlCopy
  3052. mlCopyTo
  3053. Selectall1
  3054. mvMoveDown
  3055. ml_Kludges
  3056. mlXLat
  3057. mlNone
  3058. Properties1
  3059. Popup2
  3060. Popup
  3061. Restore1
  3062. Newmessage2
  3063. Getnewmail1
  3064. ViewLog1
  3065. Dispatchmailonserver2
  3066. Newmessagesonly1
  3067. Allmessages1
  3068. Checkmailforallaccounts1
  3069. mtAccount
  3070. Exit1
  3072. Button1
  3073. bCancel
  3074. bMacro
  3075. Panel1
  3076. Label1
  3077. GroupBox1    
  3078. Label2
  3079. Label3
  3080. E-mail &
  3081. Label4
  3082. GroupBox2    
  3083. Label5
  3084. E-mail &
  3085. Label6
  3086. GroupBox3    
  3087. Label7
  3088. &SMTP 
  3089. GroupBox4    
  3090. Label8
  3091. &POP 
  3092. Label9
  3093. Label10
  3094. cbAPOP
  3095. cb8Bit
  3096. &Quoted-printable
  3097. &Base64
  3098. cbFullFetch
  3099. cbAskPOP
  3100.  POP3
  3101. rgDelivery
  3102. GroupBox6    
  3103. lKbytes
  3104. lDays
  3105. cbLimit
  3106. cbDelete
  3107. cbLeave
  3108. cbDelTrash
  3109. cbMaxDays
  3110. GroupBox9    
  3111. Label22
  3112. &SMTP:
  3113. Label23
  3114. &POP3:
  3115. Label24
  3116. &IMAP4:
  3117. GroupBox11    
  3118. lDspLines
  3119. cbAutoDispatch
  3120. cbDspAll
  3121. lReadTime
  3122. lMaxLog
  3123. lPsec
  3124. lLKbytes
  3125. GroupBox5    
  3126. lPmin
  3127. cbCheck
  3128. cbAutoCheck
  3129. cbEmptyTrash
  3130. cbIgnoreAll
  3131. cb8bitHdr
  3132. cbCfmSend
  3133. lHomeDir
  3134. GroupBox8    
  3135. Label16
  3136. bClearAtt
  3137. bBrowseAtt
  3138. cbTrashAttach
  3139. rgAttach
  3140. rgEncoding
  3141. &Base64
  3142. bHomeDir
  3143. bClearHome
  3144. GroupBox10    
  3145. lTemp
  3146. Label12
  3147. lCahrset
  3148. cbRRQ
  3149. cbRCR
  3150. Label13
  3151. cbQuote
  3152. Label14
  3153. cbMimeFwd
  3154.  &MIME 
  3155. Label21
  3156. rgRCRaction
  3157. cbRCRPrompt
  3158. Label18
  3159. bAddCookies
  3160. bClearCookies
  3161. cbSound
  3162. GroupBox7    
  3163. Label19
  3164. Label20
  3165. bBrowseWAV
  3166. bTestSound
  3167. cbOwnConnection
  3168. gConnection    
  3169. rbLAN
  3170. rbDUN
  3171. cbAutoDisconnect
  3172. cbUseExistingDUN
  3173.  Dial-Up 
  3174. Label11
  3175. bHelp
  3176. mmText
  3177. mmSender
  3178. mmRece
  3179. mmDef
  3180. mtAttachFile
  3181. mtInclude
  3182. mtPut
  3183. Popup1
  3185. Label1
  3186. gbOptions    
  3187. lHomeDir
  3188. bHomeDir
  3189. bClearHome
  3190. GroupBox2    
  3191. cbPurge
  3192. cbCompress
  3193. cbKeepMsgs
  3194. cbKeepDays
  3195. Label4
  3196. Label6
  3197. Label7
  3198. cbSound
  3199. gbSound    
  3200. Label9
  3201. bBrowseWAV
  3202. bTestSound
  3203. cbOwnTime
  3204. GroupBox1    
  3205. Label2
  3206. Label3
  3207. &E-Mail:
  3208. Label8
  3209. GroupBox3    
  3210. Label10
  3211. -&Mail:
  3212. Label11
  3213. Label5
  3214. bCancel
  3215. bMacro
  3216. bHelp
  3217. mmText
  3218. mmSender
  3219. mmRece
  3220. mmDef
  3221. mtAttachFile
  3222. mtInclude
  3223. mtPut
  3224. Popup1
  3226. cbTrash
  3227. Button1
  3228. Button2
  3230. pnTools
  3231. bSend
  3232. bStore
  3233. bDraft
  3234. bSave
  3235. bCopy
  3236. bPaste
  3237. bQPaste
  3238. bSearch
  3239. bReplace
  3240. bCopyTo
  3241. bPasteFrom
  3242. bQPasteFrom
  3243. bAttach
  3244. bCancel
  3245. Panel3
  3246. pnAttach
  3247. FSplit
  3248. Panel1
  3249. pnHeader
  3250. OSplit
  3251. File1
  3252. SendNow2
  3253. mSend
  3254. mQueue
  3255. meSave
  3256. mDraft
  3257. mSaveAs
  3258. mCancel
  3259. mEEdit
  3260. Undo1
  3261. mCopy
  3262. mPaste
  3263. mClear
  3264. mQPaste
  3265. mCopyTo
  3266. mPasteFrom
  3267. mQPasteFrom
  3268. Search1
  3269. mFind
  3270. mReplace
  3271. Searchagain1
  3272. Reversesearch1
  3273. Utilities1
  3274. mInsertDate
  3275. mInsertTime
  3276. mmFormat
  3277. AlignLeft1
  3278. Justify1
  3279. Right1
  3280. Center1
  3281. Addafile1
  3282. MIMEcoded1
  3283. &MIME-
  3284. QuotedPrintable1
  3285. &Quoted-Printable...
  3286. UUencoded1
  3287. mbSpell
  3288. mbAutoSpell
  3289. mbSpellAll
  3290. mbLng
  3291. mbAEnglish
  3292. BritishEnglish1
  3293. Catalan1
  3294. &Catalan
  3295. Czech1
  3296. Danish1
  3297. &Danish
  3298. Dutch1
  3299. Du&tch
  3300. Finnish1
  3301. &Finnish
  3302. French1
  3303. Fr&ench
  3304. German2
  3305. &German
  3306. Hungarian1
  3307. &Hungarian
  3308. Italian1
  3309. &Italian
  3310. Norwegian1
  3311. &Norwegian (Bokmal)
  3312. NorwegianNynorsk1
  3313. Norwegian (N&ynorsk)
  3314. Polish1
  3315. &Polish
  3316. PortugeseBrasilian1
  3317. P&ortugese (Brasilian)
  3318. PortugeseIberian1
  3319. Port&ugese (Iberian)
  3320. Russian1
  3321. &Russian
  3322. Spanish1
  3323. &Spanish
  3324. Swedish1
  3325. S&wedish
  3326. mbSpellOpts
  3327. mbSpellDict
  3328. mPGPSign
  3329. Encryp1
  3330. Encryptselection1
  3331. View1
  3332. mShowTools
  3333. mShowFrom
  3334. mShowReplyTo
  3335. mShowCC
  3336. mShowBCC
  3337. mShowFollowup
  3338. mShowOrigin
  3339. Options1
  3340. mNormal
  3341. mHigh
  3342. mmXlat
  3343. mtNone
  3344. meAccount
  3345. mAddFile
  3346. mAddMIME
  3347. &MIME-
  3348. mAddQuoted
  3349. &Quoted-Printable
  3350. mAddUUE
  3351. maSave
  3352. maDel
  3353. maView
  3354. maPrint
  3355. MenuItem1
  3356. maForward
  3357. PopUp1
  3358. meNewMail
  3359. meReplyLink
  3360. meAddAddress
  3361. meOpenLink
  3362. meCopyLink
  3363. meDivider
  3364. Reply1
  3365. Forward1
  3366. MenuItem2
  3367. mlCopy
  3368. &Copy
  3369. mlCopyTo
  3370. MenuItem3
  3371. ml_Kludges
  3372. MenuItem4
  3373. Properties1
  3374. Popup2
  3375. Popup
  3376. meQuote
  3377. meQuoteWO
  3378. meCopy
  3379. meCut
  3380. mePaste
  3381. mePasteQuoted
  3382. meDelete
  3383. meFind
  3384. meReplace
  3385. meSearchAgain
  3386. Blocktype1
  3387. meStream
  3388. meColumn
  3389. meLinear
  3390. mePrefs
  3391. SelectAll1
  3392. Popup3
  3393. Popup
  3394. Undo    
  3395. msbStream
  3396. msbColumn
  3397. msbLinear
  3398. msbInsert
  3399. msbOverride
  3400. msbHigh
  3401. msbNormal
  3402. msbLow
  3403. msbDiv
  3404. msbRRQ
  3405. msbRead
  3406. msbNone
  3407. nosuggestions1
  3408. mspSuggest
  3409. mspIgnoreAll
  3410. mspAddWord
  3411. Dictionarytoadd1
  3412. mspOptions
  3414. Label1
  3415. bCancel
  3416. GroupBox1    
  3417. rgAction
  3418. GroupBox2    
  3419. cbAnywhere
  3420. cbText
  3421. cbSender
  3422. cbRecepient
  3423. cbSubj
  3424. cbKludges
  3426. MsgPanel
  3427. AttPanel
  3428. AttSplit
  3429. BodyPanel
  3430. pnMsg
  3431. pnHeader
  3432. Label2
  3433. Label3
  3434. Label4
  3435. hdrFrom
  3436. hdrTo
  3437. hdrSubj
  3438. <none>
  3439. pBookA
  3440. pnBook
  3441. pnTools
  3442. bReply
  3443. bReplyAll
  3444. bForward
  3445. bSaveAs
  3446. bvPrint
  3447. bVCopyTo
  3448. bVCopy
  3449. bVSearch
  3450. bPark
  3451. bPrev
  3452. bNext
  3453. bDelUp
  3454. bDelDown
  3455. bDelete
  3456. pnMsgList
  3457. hMessages
  3458. xMsgSplit
  3459. maView
  3460. maSave
  3461. maPrint
  3462. maForward
  3463. PopUp1
  3464. Createanewmessage1
  3465. mOpenMessage
  3466. Reply2
  3467. mReplyMessage
  3468. mFwdMessage
  3469. mmRedirect
  3470. mvCopy
  3471. mvMove
  3472. mSaveMessage
  3473. mDelMessage
  3474. Specials1
  3475. mmAddAddress
  3476. mmDeleteAddress
  3477. mmMakeFilter
  3478. mmFindReply
  3479. mmPark
  3480. mmUnpark
  3481. mmMarkunread
  3482. mmMarkRead
  3483. mlSelectAll
  3484. mlMovedown
  3485. Popup3
  3486. mlXlat
  3487. mlNone
  3488. FIle2
  3489. mvReply
  3490. ReplytoAll1
  3491. mvForward
  3492. mvResend
  3493. Redirect1
  3494. Saveas1
  3495. Delete1
  3496. SelectAll2
  3497. MarkasUnread1
  3498. MarkasRead1
  3499. Print1
  3500. mvExit
  3501. Edit1
  3502. Copy1
  3503. Copyto1
  3504. Specials3
  3505. AddsendertoAddressBook1
  3506. DeletefromAddressBook1
  3507. Createfilter1
  3508. Openreply1
  3509. CheckPGPSignature1
  3510.  PGP-
  3511. ImportPGPkeys1
  3512.  PGP-&
  3513. SelectAll1
  3514. Park1
  3515. Unpark1
  3516. Navigation1
  3517. Viewprevious1
  3518. Viewnext1
  3519. Deleteandviewnext1
  3520. Deleteandviewprevious1
  3521. View2
  3522. mvShowToolbar
  3523. mvShowMsgList
  3524. Attachedfiles1
  3525. mvShowAuto
  3526. mvShowAlways
  3527. mvHideAttach
  3528. mvHeader
  3529. mvKludges
  3530. mmXlat
  3531. mtNone
  3533. lStatus
  3534. lSize
  3535. lZero
  3536. bCancel
  3538. Label1
  3539. GroupBox1    
  3540. cbSubj
  3541. cbAddr
  3542. cbMessage
  3543. cbUsers
  3545. Label1
  3546. lUser
  3547. lFolder
  3548. Label3
  3549. lTotal
  3550. Label4
  3551. lFound
  3552. Label5
  3553. bCancel
  3554. SENDFORM
  3555. lStatus
  3556. lSize
  3557. lZero
  3558. bCancel
  3560. Richtext
  3561. Label1
  3562. Label2
  3563. Label3
  3564. GroupBox1    
  3565. cbAutowrap
  3566. cbWrapJustify
  3567. cbSmartTab
  3568. cbAutoIndent
  3569. cbBSIndent
  3570. cbFindAtCursor
  3571. GroupBox2    
  3572. cbPersistentBlock
  3573. cbOverwriteBlock
  3574. GroupBox5    
  3575. cbAutoInsert
  3576. cbAutoAdjust
  3577. GroupBox3    
  3578. cbBlockInsert
  3579. cbBriefCursor
  3580. BRIEF &
  3581. Label4
  3582. Label7
  3583. GroupBox4    
  3584. Label5
  3585. Label6
  3586. gbStyle    
  3587. cbFBold
  3588. cbFItalic
  3589. cbFUnderline
  3590. cbFStrikeout
  3591. bEditColor
  3592. cChangeFont
  3593. Label8
  3594. Label9
  3595. bRichFont
  3596. GroupBox6    
  3597. Label10
  3598. Label11
  3599. GroupBox7    
  3600. cbRichBold
  3601. cbRichItalic
  3602. cbRichUnderLine
  3603. cbRichStrike
  3604. cbEditRichColor
  3605. bCancel
  3607. Label1
  3608. bDelete
  3609. hTables
  3610. bReset
  3612. Label1
  3613. Label2
  3614. Label3
  3615. Button2
  3617. Panel1
  3618. Panel2
  3619. bMessage
  3620. bNewUser
  3621. bNewFolder
  3622. bDelete
  3623. bSearch
  3624. bExport
  3625.  .INI 
  3626. bImport
  3627.  .INI 
  3628. Panel3
  3629. sProperties
  3630. Label1
  3631. Label2
  3632. Label4
  3633. lEmail
  3634. &E-mail 
  3635. Label5
  3636. cbPopup
  3637. sMemo
  3638. Panel4
  3639. File1
  3640. mWrite
  3641. mmOpen
  3642. &Open...
  3643. Savem
  3644. Saveas1
  3645. mExport
  3646.  .INI 
  3647. Import1
  3648. mImport
  3649.  .INI 
  3650. mImportComma
  3651. mImportTab
  3652. mmClose
  3653. Edit1
  3654. NewAddressentry1
  3655. mNewFolder
  3656. mNewRoot
  3657. mDelete
  3658. Sort1
  3659. byName1
  3660. byLastname1
  3661. byAddress1
  3662.  e-mail &
  3663. byMailhost1
  3664. Reverseorder1
  3665. Search1
  3666. mFind
  3667. mSearchAgain
  3668. mmWrite
  3669. Newaddress1
  3670. Newfolder1
  3671. mmNewRoot
  3672. mmDelete
  3673. maDivider
  3674. mapCut
  3675. mapCopy
  3676. mapPaste
  3677. mapDelete
  3678. mapSelectAll
  3680. bCancel
  3681. Button2
  3682. UNREGFORM"
  3683. The Bat! - 
  3684. Panel1
  3685. Label1
  3686. Label2
  3687.  The Bat! 
  3688. bExit
  3690. TabSheet1
  3691. Label1
  3692. Label2
  3693. Label3
  3694. Label4
  3695. Label5
  3696. GroupBox1    
  3697. cbWrap
  3698. cbHilite
  3699. cbColor
  3700. bSetup
  3701. TabSheet2
  3702. bCancel
  3704. Label1
  3705. GroupBox1    
  3706. cbCase
  3707. cbWords
  3708. rDirection
  3709. rScope
  3710. rOrigin
  3711. Button1
  3712. Button2
  3713. bHelp
  3715. Label1
  3716. GroupBox1    
  3717. cbCase
  3718. cbWords
  3719. rDirection
  3720. rScope
  3721. rOrigin
  3722. Button1
  3723. Button2
  3724. bHelp
  3725. Label2
  3726. cbPrompt
  3727. Button3
  3729. Label1
  3730. GroupBox1    
  3731. cbName
  3732. cbEmail
  3733. &E-mail 
  3734. cbHandle
  3735. cbHome
  3736. cbPhone
  3737. cbMemo
  3738. mbFind
  3739. Button2
  3741. Label1
  3742. Button1
  3743. Button2
  3744. cbRemove
  3746. Panel1
  3747. Panel2
  3748. Panel3
  3749. bDelete
  3750. bCopy
  3751. bDown
  3752. shFilter
  3753. Label1
  3754. Label2
  3755. Label3
  3756. bBrowseTarget
  3757. Label4
  3758. rgKillDetect
  3759. cbActive
  3760. bAddFilter
  3761. bDelFilter
  3762. tsAlternatives
  3763. pnAlternatives
  3764. bAddAlt
  3765. bDelAlt
  3766. pgActions
  3767. bFwdAddr
  3768. bRedirAddr
  3769. bNewAddr
  3770. lExternalNote
  3771.  %1  
  3772.  RFC-882)
  3773. cbMarkRead
  3774. cbAddAddress
  3775. cbDelMsg
  3776. cbAutoReply
  3777. bReply
  3778. cbFwd
  3779. cbRedir
  3780. cbNewMsg
  3781. bNewTemplate
  3782. cbExportMsg
  3783. cbExportKludges
  3784. cbRunExternal
  3785. cbMakeCopy
  3786. cbMarkCopyRead
  3787. bBrowseExport
  3788. bBrowseCopy
  3789. bBrowseCmd
  3790. pnAddress
  3791. cbUseCurrentBook
  3792. cbSpecBook
  3793. bBrowseBook
  3794. pnExport
  3795. cbExportAppend
  3796. cbExportOver
  3797. cbDelAddress
  3798. cbMakeDetach
  3799. cbFwdNoAttach
  3800. cbRedirNoAttach
  3801. cbFwdKludges
  3802. cbFwdMime
  3803.  MIME    
  3804. tsOptions
  3805. cbMakeRCR
  3806. rgSendOpts
  3807. bClose
  3808. bHelp
  3810. Label1
  3811. Label2
  3812. bCancel
  3814. Label1
  3815. bCancel
  3816. LOGFORM
  3817. Panel1
  3818. Button1
  3819. bClear
  3820. cbHighlight
  3821. FETCHMGR
  3822. Panel1
  3823. bCancel
  3824. bReply
  3825. bReplyAll
  3826. bInfo
  3827. bOpen
  3828. SpeedButton5
  3829. lStatus
  3830. pnInfo
  3831. hList
  3832. VSplit
  3833. mmHeader
  3834. View1
  3835. mReply
  3836. mReplyAll
  3837. mForward
  3838. mmToggle
  3839. Read1
  3840. mtsRead
  3841. Receive1
  3842. mtsRece
  3843. Delete1
  3844. mtsDel
  3845. Open2
  3846. mtsOpen
  3847. mmSetAll
  3848. mmgRead
  3849. mmgRece
  3850. mmgDel
  3851. mmgOpen
  3852. mmResetAll
  3853. mrgRead
  3854. mrgRece
  3855. mrgDel
  3856. Open1
  3857. Toggleflagsforallmessages1
  3858. mtgRead
  3859. mtgReceive
  3860. mtgDelete
  3861. mtgOpen
  3862. Cancel1
  3863. Popup1
  3864. Popup
  3865. Message1
  3866. Open6
  3867. Reply1
  3868. ReplytoAll1
  3869. Forward1
  3870. Read6
  3871. Receive6
  3872. Delete6
  3873. Open8
  3874. Global1
  3875. Toggleflagforallmessages1
  3876. Read4
  3877. Receive4
  3878. Delete4
  3879. Open5
  3880. Setflagforallmessages1
  3881. Read2
  3882. Receive2
  3883. Delete2
  3884. Open3
  3885. Resetflagforallmessages1
  3886. Read3
  3887. Receive3
  3888. Delete3
  3889. Open4
  3890. View2
  3891. mvHeader
  3892. ID_PSWDLG
  3893. Label2
  3894. cbStore
  3895. bCancel
  3897. Label1
  3898. bClose
  3900. The Bat! - 
  3901. cbMakeDT
  3902. cbMakeStart
  3903. gStart    
  3904. bCancel
  3905. GroupBox1    
  3906.  The Bat!:
  3907. bChDir
  3909.  POP3 
  3910. Label1
  3911. Label2
  3912. Label3
  3913. Label4
  3914. Label5
  3915. bCancel
  3917. Label1
  3918. Label2
  3919. RcpTabs
  3920. bCancel
  3921. rgShow
  3922. -mail
  3923. bOpen
  3924. Button1
  3925. LOGINDLG
  3926.  The Bat!
  3927. Label1
  3928. Label2
  3929. Button1
  3930. Button2
  3932. pNetwork
  3933. GroupBox1    
  3934. lbHold
  3935. lbMin
  3936. rbLAN
  3937. rbDUN
  3938. cbAutoDisconnect
  3939. cbUseExistingDUN
  3940. Use an e&xisting Dial-up connection (if any)
  3941. rgMode
  3942.  TCP/IP
  3943.  &TCP/IP
  3944.  TCP/IP
  3945. pPrivileges
  3946. Label1
  3947. rgAccess
  3948. GroupBox2    
  3949. cbATransport
  3950. cbAFolder
  3951. cbASorting
  3952. cbAAttach
  3953. pGroups
  3954. Label2
  3955. lUList
  3956. lPassword
  3957. lConfirm
  3958. bRename
  3959. bChange
  3960. bCancel
  3961. Button3
  3963. tsQueue
  3964. hQueue
  3965. tsConnect
  3966. Label1
  3967. bDial
  3968. bEdit
  3969. GroupBox1    
  3970. Label2
  3971. lDevice
  3972. lStatus
  3973. lDevName
  3974. bCancel
  3975. bHide
  3976. bDelete
  3978. bBack
  3979. <   &
  3980. bNext
  3981. bCancel
  3982. lGeneral
  3983. Label2
  3984. Label3
  3985. bBrowse
  3986. bClear
  3987. lEmail
  3988. Label1
  3989. Label4
  3990. &E-mail 
  3991. Label5
  3992. Label6
  3993. . SMTP 
  3994.  POP3 - 
  3995. Label7
  3996. &SMTP 
  3997. Label8
  3998. &POP3 server:
  3999. Label9
  4000.  POP3 
  4001.  APOP 
  4002.  POP3 
  4003. Label10
  4004. Label11
  4005. cbAPOP
  4006.  APOP
  4007. cbLeaveMail
  4008. Label12
  4009.  TCP/IP.
  4010. lbDUN
  4011. rbLAN
  4012. rbDUN
  4013. cbAutoHangup
  4014. Label14
  4015. Label15
  4016. rbYes
  4018. Label1
  4019. Label2
  4020. Label3
  4021. Label4
  4022. bIgnore
  4023. bIgnoreAll
  4024. bChange
  4025. bChangeAll
  4026. bOptions
  4027. bDictionary
  4028. bSuggest
  4029. Cancel
  4030. bUndo
  4032. cbIgnoreCaps
  4033. cbIgnoreAllCaps
  4034. cbIgnoreNumbers
  4035. , Win32)
  4036. cbIgnoreMixed
  4037. , SuperBase)
  4038. cbCase
  4039. cbPhonetic
  4040. cbTypo
  4041. cbSplit
  4042. cbAutoCorrect
  4043. rgSuggest
  4044. bCancel
  4046. Label1
  4047. Label2
  4048. lOther
  4049. bAddWord
  4050. bDelWord
  4051. gbDic    
  4052. Label3
  4053. Label4
  4054. lLang
  4055. bNewDic
  4056. bAddDic
  4057. bDelDic
  4058. bImport
  4059. bExport
  4060. bClose
  4062. bCancel
  4064. Panel1
  4065. Panel2
  4066. bCancel
  4067. bMacros
  4068. Panel3
  4069. mmText
  4070. mmSender
  4071. mmRece
  4072. mmDef
  4073. Popup1
  4075. bCancel
  4076. cbGroupImport
  4078. lName
  4079. Label1
  4080. Label2
  4081. gbDetect    
  4082. cbSender
  4083. cbSubj
  4084. cbRece
  4085. bBrowse
  4086. cbOver
  4087. bEdit
  4088. Button2
  4090. MsgPanel
  4091. AttPanel
  4092. AttSplit
  4093. BodyPanel
  4094. pnMsg
  4095. pnHeader
  4096. Label2
  4097. Label3
  4098. Label4
  4099. hdrFrom
  4100. hdrTo
  4101. hdrSubj
  4102. <none>
  4103. pBookA
  4104. pnBook
  4105. tsSearch
  4106. Label1
  4107. GroupBox1    
  4108. cbAnywhere
  4109. cbSender
  4110. cbRecipient
  4111. cbSubj
  4112. cbHeaders
  4113. cbBody
  4114. GroupBox3    
  4115. cbFolder
  4116. cbSubfolders
  4117. bBrowse
  4118. cbCurUser
  4119. cbAllUsers
  4120. tsResult
  4121. hMessages
  4122. tsOptions
  4123. lKbytes1
  4124. lKbytes2
  4125. cbCase
  4126. cbAttach
  4127. cbReplied
  4128. cbBefore
  4129. cbAfter
  4130. cbLarger
  4131. cbSmaller
  4132. cbParked
  4133. cbUnread
  4134. cbWords
  4135. Panel2
  4136. bStart
  4137. bStop
  4138. bClose
  4139. bHelp
  4140. xMsgSplit
  4141. maView
  4142. maSave
  4143. maPrint
  4144. maForward
  4145. Popup1
  4146. Createanewmessage1
  4147. mOpenMessage
  4148. Reply2
  4149. mReplyMessage
  4150. mFwdMessage
  4151. mmRedirect
  4152. mvCopy
  4153. mvMove
  4154. mSaveMessage
  4155. mDelMessage
  4156. Specials1
  4157. mmAddAddress
  4158. mmDeleteAddress
  4159. mmMakeFilter
  4160. mmFindReply
  4161. mmPark
  4162. mmUnpark
  4163. mmMarkunread
  4164. mmMarkRead
  4165. mlSelectAll
  4166. mlMovedown
  4167. Popup3
  4168. mlXLAT
  4169. mlNone
  4170. FIle2
  4171. mvReply
  4172. ReplytoAll1
  4173. mvForward
  4174. mvResend
  4175. Redirect1
  4176. Saveas1
  4177. Delete1
  4178. SelectAll1
  4179. MarkasUnread1
  4180. MarkasRead1
  4181. Print1
  4182. mvExit
  4183. Edit1
  4184. Copy1
  4185. Copyto1
  4186. Specials3
  4187. AddsendertoAddressBook1
  4188. DeletefromAddressBook1
  4189. Createfilter1
  4190. Openreply1
  4191. CheckPGPSignature1
  4192.  PGP-
  4193. ImportPGPkeys1
  4194.  PGP-
  4195. MenuItem1
  4196. Park1
  4197. Unpark1
  4198. View2
  4199. Attachedfiles1
  4200. mvShowAuto
  4201. mvShowAlways
  4202. mvHideAttach
  4203. mHeaderVisible
  4204. mShowKludges
  4205. mmXlat
  4206. mtNone
  4207. %s...    
  4208.  %s. 
  4209.  %s (%s)
  4210.  "%s" 
  4211.  Base64 
  4212.  "%s"?'
  4213.  - %s+
  4214.  (*.wav)|*.wav|
  4215.  (*.*)|*.*0
  4216. -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  4218. : %From
  4219. : %To
  4220. : %Date
  4221. : %Subj
  4222. -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  4223. %Text3
  4224. BCC:8
  4225.  %s (%d 
  4226.  - %s)>
  4227.  POP3 
  4228.  (%d 
  4229.  SMTP 
  4230.  - %d 
  4231. : %sY
  4232.  QUITZ
  4233.  (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.pcx,*.tif)|*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.pcx,*.tif,*.jpeg,*.tiff|
  4234.  (*.*)|*.*c
  4235.  (*.voc,*.wav,*.mid)|*.voc,*.wav,*.mid|
  4236.  (*.*)|*.*d
  4237.  (*.avi,*.mpg)|*.avi,*.mpg|
  4238.  (*.*)|*.*e
  4239. : %sm
  4240.  (*.XLT)|*.XLT|
  4241.  (*.*)|*.*v
  4242. "%s"?x
  4243.  .INI 
  4244.  .INI 
  4245.  (*.ini)|*.ini|
  4246.  (*.*)|*.*~
  4247.  "%s" 
  4248.  - %s
  4249. =?Windows-1251?Q?
  4250.  (*.MSG)|*.Msg|
  4251.  (*.*)|*.*
  4252.  - %s (%d%%)
  4253.  - %s
  4254. %.0n 
  4255.  - %s (%d%%)
  4256.  - %s
  4257. "%s"?
  4258. Make Configuration File
  4259. Load Configuration File
  4260. %CURSOR
  4261. %QUOTES
  4262. %TEXT
  4263. %COOKIE
  4264. %TONAME
  4265. %TOFNAME
  4266. %TOLNAME
  4267. %FROMNAME
  4268. %FROMFNAME
  4269. %FROMLNAME
  4270. %REPLYNAME
  4273. %OTONAME
  4274. %OTOFNAME
  4275. %OTOLNAME
  4276. %OFROMNAME
  4282. %DATE
  4283. %DATESHORT
  4284. %TIME
  4285. %TIMELONG
  4286. %ODATE
  4288. %OTIME
  4289. %OTIMELONG
  4290. %ODOW
  4291. %SUBJ
  4292. %OSUBJ
  4293. %TOADDR
  4294. E-mail 
  4295. %FROMADDR
  4296. E-mail 
  4297. %REPLYADDR
  4298.  E-mail 
  4299. %OTOADDR
  4300. E-mail 
  4301. %OFROMADDR
  4302. E-mail 
  4304.  E-mail 
  4305.  "%s" 
  4306.  PGP 
  4307.  PGP 
  4308.  PGP 
  4309. %SUBJECT=""
  4310. %TO=""
  4311. %CC=""
  4312. %BCC=""
  4313. The Bat!
  4314. The Bat! (%d 
  4315.  - %s
  4316. The Bat! 
  4317.  "%s" 
  4318. The Bat! 
  4319.  "%s" 
  4320.  %s -
  4321.  "%s" 
  4322.  - %s&
  4323.  "%s".
  4324.    >-
  4325.  e-mail 
  4326.  e-mail 
  4327.  e-mail 
  4328.   jsmith@domain.com2
  4329.  %s (