Beta MAIL FORM DRIVER FOR WinCIM 3.0.1 UK Copyright Net Services 1996
Updated 14 Dec 1996
This driver is intended to support use of MFD compliant programs with WinCIM 3.0.1 UK
Please note:
- You may only have one recipient on outgoing messages. This is not a problem with FaxMail or Interbot. It is more of a limitation with Mollusc and Spamhater.
Supported Features:
- Access to the text of an incoming message
- Access to the text, "Address" and "Subject" fields of an outgoing mail message
Unsupported Features:
- Forum Messages
- Attachments
- Mail to multiple recipients
Other Versions of WinCIM Supported:
- Other versions of WinCIM have not been tested. It is unlikely to work with versions with a significantly different version number. Non-UK versions may work.