MAIL FORM DRIVER FOR AGENT 0.99f-g (16 bit) Copyright Net Services 1996
Updated 29 Jan 97
This driver is intended to support use of MFD compliant programs with Agent version 0.99f (32 bit)
* CAUTION * Does *not* work with _Free_ Agent
* CAUTION * Converting your system to 32 bit? Read notes below.
When used with Mollusc, please note:
- The Bcc field is ignored when encrypting since sending mail encrypted to multiple recipients and relying on PGP to conceal those
recipients from each other is impossible.
- The Attachments field permits multiple files:
-- There are no plans to support multiple files in this driver
Supported Features:
- Access to the text of an incoming message
- Access to the text, "To", "CC" "Attachment" and "Subject" fields of an outgoing message
Unsupported Features:
- The Bcc field is ignored
Other Versions of Agent Supported:
- Other versions of Agent/Free Agent have not been tested.
Note: Processing of attachments should become faster with Mollusc version V1.06 (when released)
Converting between 16 and 32 bit systems:
This MFD detects whether your system is 16 bit (EG: Windows 3.1) or 32 bit (EG: Windows 95) on installation and configures itself accordingly. If you change your system from 16 to 32 bits (or vice versa) you must reinstall this MFD.