You can also get it by e-mail. Send mail to and put this in the message body:
cd /pub/net-services
get spamh.exe
To get the "lite", change spamh.exe to spamhl.exe.
Alternatives to include:
#What's the difference between the "lite" and "full" versions?¼Many people already have a file called VBRUN300.DLL on their system, typically in c:\windows\system. The lite version of Spam Hater comes without that file. The Full contains it and installs it for you. If in doubt, get the "full".
#SPAMH.EXE, SPAMHL.EXE and SPAMHATE.EXE¼SPAMH.EXE is complete with VBRUN300.DLL (see above). You have to run it to install Spam Hater. SPAMHL.EXE is similar but does not have VBRUN300.DLL. SPAMHATE.EXE is just part of the Spam Hater installation and needs extra files.
#How do I run Spam Hater¼You run Spam Hater at the same time as your e-mail software. Here is a typical sequence:
* Start up your normal e-mail software
* Download your e-mail
* Open a message and discover that it's spam *Ugh*
* If you have Windows 3.1 or similar, use the Alt-TAB sequence to
reach the Program Manager. Double click the Spam Hater Icon
* Windows 95 users, press Start, Programs, Spam Hater and then
the Spam Hater Icon.
* Press "Analyse" in Spam Hater
* Review the addresses displayed
* Select the "Flame"
* Press "Send Response"
The next time you send mail, the response will be sent out.
#Problems with Forte Agent¼In Agent, it is possible to change the Title Bar from "Agent" to something else by selecting Options, User and System Profile, System and change the Title Bar field.
Do NOT do that, it stops Spam hater working
#Spam Hater doesn't work with (Insert name of e-mail program)?¼
* Check the E-Mail Program selector in Spam Hater
* Does the description match your mailer *exactly*?
* It's worth trying near version matches but don't be too surprised if it doesn't work
* Try running your e-mail program in the "maximized" state. To do
that click the top left hand corner of your mail program and
select "Maximize" from the menu that appears
* We're working on a Mail Form Driver "Designer" so that other
people can create "Mail Form Drivers" for use with Spam Hater
* To apply to join a beta program for the Designer, please mail with a detailed report of
the problem you have with your e-mail program
#Problems with AOL?¼It seems that the programs supplied to us here in the UK is slightly different to the US versions. The following versions of AOL are supported and be aware that the "I" suffix in these versions is important.
V2.5I, V3.0, V3.0I, V3.0 for Windows 95.
These are English Language versions of AOL. We are beta testing a German Language version of AOL 3.0I
We have reports that an AOL add-on "Power-Mail" conflicts with Spam Hater.
#Problems with WinCIM/Compuserve?¼
* The main problem is that the versions of WinCIM we've seen do not allow Spam Hater to transfer more than one address to the "To" line.
* As with AOL, there seems to be several national versions of WinCIM and we generally only have access to UK versions.
#E-Mail program isn't compatible. What can I do?¼
We're working on a number of things to ease this. See "How can I keep updated?" but her's a brief summary of what we're working on:
* This version works with the Windows Clipboard. See Preferences and set the "E-Mail Program Selector" to Clipboard. We hesitate to say that this will cope with *every* mail program but it should do most of them.
* We're working on a tool that helps you analyse an e-mail program to produce a driver to work with Spam Hater
* Check out the Software Development Kit on our PGP Tools page for information on the open standard we use for writing the drivers
* From time to time we develop extra drivers to support mail programs that people want to use with our other software such as "Mollusc".
#Spam Hater still can't see the spam¼Spam Hater can only see and hence Analyse the Spam if *you* can. You must open the spam so that you can read the actual words the spammer has typed.
#"Error in ... 53,1" messages¼Spam Hater failed to find windows\system\call32.dll on your system. This is usually caused by selecting a 16 bit install when you really have a 32 bit system. Another cause is if you deleted call32.dll somehow.
What to do: Uninstall Spam Hater (see later in the FAQ) and reinstall. When you get to the "32 bit system?" dialog, be sure to press Yes.
#Error messages referring to "_UDRA3"?¼Locate and delete a file called _UDRA3.EXE on your system. Note the "_" character at the start of the name. The file will be in c:\mfd-ns on most systems.
#Undeliverable messages?¼There are a number of reasons:
* The spammer's account has recently been terminated
* The spammer forged his origin too effectively
#I got an aggressive response. Why?¼There are a number of reasons and it can be very hard to determine the correct one:
* You and lots of other people are complaining to a spammer and he doesn't like it. One clue that you've hit a real spammer is if they go on about freedom of speech. It's an argument often used by people who want to send their messages to millions of people who don't want it. We have no problem in general with free speech.
* You complained to an innocent third party. This can happen if a spammer lays a false trail as they sometimes do. However, an *aggressive* response isn't very likely. You're much more likely to get a message is polite and explains your error and often a pointer to the correct address. True, it may not be the most friendly e-mail you've ever had but it won't threaten you with jail.
#I use Eudora ... not many addresses found ... enable headers¼Look for a button to the left of the Subject box labelled "Blah" and use that.
#How can I keep updated?¼Mail and in the body of the message put:
You should get mail within a day or two of any change.
#There's no help file or documentation¼Yes there is. Press the Help button
#I get a message that an outward mail form is open?¼If you are running Microsoft Internet Mail or Microsoft Exchange, the answer is that it's a problem we are working on.
If you are running AOL you have one or both of these problems:
* You don't have V1.05 or later
* You must match the "E-Mail Program Selector" to your version of
AOL exactly
#How do I uninstall Spam Hater?¼1. Delete the entire directory that contains SPAMHATE.EXE
2. In Program Manager or Start|Settings|TaskBar, find and delete the Spam Hater icon3. If you do NOT have Mollusc, Faxmail or Interbot, remove your MFD Resource Directory. To do that, look for a file called WIN.INI in your Windows directory. This is usually in C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI. Open up the file with an editor such as Notepad and find lines:
[Mail Form Drivers]
The "something" is your MFD Resource Directory. On many systems, it will be C:\MFD-NS. As well as deleting that directory, delete the WIN.INI entry referred to above (*not* WIN.INI itself)
#What is Ameol?¼It's a very good "off-line reader for e-mail, news and the wonderful CIX "conferencing system". See
#To Find your MFD Resource Directory¼Look for a file called WIN.INI in your Windows directory
This is usually in C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI. Open up the file with an editor such as Notepad and find a line:
[Mail Form Drivers]
The "something" is your MFD Resource Directory. On many systems, it will be C:\MFD-NS
#Why does Spam Hater do its domain enquiries/trace routes by mail?¼This question often comes from advanced users. They know that if you have a permanent Internet connection (instead of a dial-up) you can run these enquiries in a few seconds. However, there's lots of people without a permanent connection and some (EG: Juno) who never have a "real" Internet connection at all. So, for now, we've put in the "by mail" scheme because it should work for just about everyone. It keeps things simple.
#I use several e-mail programs - how do I configure Spam Hater?¼The simple answer is that at any time you can change the "E-Mail Program Selector". So, you can Analyse, change the Selector and then Respond via different e-mail program.
The problem with this is that Spam Hater will rebuild its index of Mail Form Drivers the first time you change the Selector unless you leave Spam Hater running continuously.
Workaround 2: Remove all the unwanted drivers so that the rebuild is much quicker.
* Make sure you still have the original installation file, SPAMH.EXE or SPAMHL.EXE. If you delete the wrong file from your installation these will allow you to reinstall completely.
* Locate your "MFD Resources Directory". To do that, look for a file called WIN.INI in your Windows directory. This is usually in C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI.Open up the file with an editor such as Notepad and find a line:
[Mail Form Drivers]
The "something" is your MFD Resource Directory.
* Look for files there that end with ".INF" and open them up with Notepad or Edit. You will see that it tells you in plain english what mailer the file is supporting. When you find reference to an e-mail program you don't use, you may delete the file and its corresponding .EXE file. Example:
- See that it refers to a program called Ameol
- You don't use Ameol
- Delete _AMEOL.INF
- Delete _AMEOL.EXE
* Look for files there that end with ".MFS" and open them up with Notepad or Edit. Look for a line
If it refers to a program you don't use, you may delete the file Example:
- Open _FM100.MFS
- See that it refers to a program called Freemail
- You don't use Freemail
- Delete _FM100.MFS
VERY IMPORTANT POINT: Do not *alter* the file content. Simply inspect them and delete as required. If you alter the files you will need to completely uninstall Spam Hater (see elsewhere in the FAQ) and start again.
#Getting more support¼We do our best to help with problems not covered above and here's some *very* important tips about getting that help: (Actually, they are very good tips on how to get help for *any* product)
1. Be precise. Say, "I got a message 'Foo Bar 23a'. Don't say"I got an error"
2. Don't say "facility X doesn't work". It probably *does* work but not in the way you expected. So tell us what you did and what you expected.
Example: "I pressed 'Close' and expected the program to terminate. Instead I got a message saying 'Foo Bar 509'"
Finally, remember that quite a lot of paid-for software comes with *no* effective support at all. Spam Hater is free and comes with *limited* support.