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- SendM@ail Version V1.09 Oct 1997.
- ---------------
- SendM@ail allows you to send mail using a single click on
- the taskbar. You need only your SMTP Server name to configure
- SendM@ail. Also allows text files and MIME attachments to be
- sent from the command prompt.
- ------------
- Windows 95 or Windows NT.
- Access to an SMTP Server
- -------------------------
- Unzip the zip archive file into an empty directory and
- type -
- sendm32
- You should see an About dialog, and click the OK button.
- Another dialog box requesting the name of your SMTP Server
- and its port will be shown. Enter them and click OK.
- If you don't know them ask your ISP or Network
- Administrator or check your existing EMail program.
- The From Details Dialog will appear, enter your own
- email address (this is where any replies you get will
- go to). You can also enter a 'signature' - this will be
- sent at the end of every message.
- Now you're ready to Send mail. Double click on the SendM@ail
- tray icon and enter the recipients email address and the text
- of the mail you want to send and click the Send button.
- To send mail from the prompt (command line), create a text
- file (eg called 'filename.txt'), put the recipients names on
- the first line (seperated by commas or spaces) after 'To:' and
- start the message on the second line. Save the file and then
- from the command line type -
- sendm32 filename.txt
- See smhelp.htm for much more details on this. Also
- http://www.deadsys.com/sw/smdev.html is a useful reference for
- those wishing to send email from other programs.
- A brief example of a text file is as follows -
- To: Bart@simpsons.com
- Cc: Homer@duff.beer.org
- Subject: Drinking up Time
- Hi Bart,
- ...rest of message goes here ...
- ---------------------------
- If you no longer wish to use SendM@ail after the evaluation
- period has expired, please mail us and tell us why. If there's
- any improvements that would make you reconsider let us know.
- We can be reached at sendmail@deadsys.com.
- If you visit our URL at
- http://www.deadsys.com/sw/
- you may even find that these improvements have already been made.
- To uninstall SendM@ail delete the entire contents of the
- directory you installed it in, and remove the directory.
- ------------
- The help files supplied are in HTML format so you'll
- need a WWW browser (such as Netscape or Internet Explorer)
- to view them.
- There are 3 of them -
- smhelp.htm - General help
- smfaq.htm - Frequently asked questions
- smreg.htm - How to get a license for SendM@ail.
- The lastest versions of these files can be found on the
- World Wide Web at the following URL
- http://www.deadsys.com/sw/sm.html
- If you have any concerns visit the above URL for details
- about how to contact us.
- ------------
- SendM@ail is shareware. It will stop working after 30 days.
- To register and obtain a license see the following details -
- This program can be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network.
- RegNet can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL:
- http://www.swregnet.com/533p.htm
- or by calling 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (805) 288-1827.
- and quoting the RegNet #: 533
- Regnet will accept credit cards, cheques or money orders.