home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 24310 Quit the application, prompting to save documents
- 24320 Editing commands, undo and Clipboard access
- 24321 Undo the last action
- 24322 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
- 24323 Copy the selection to the Clipboard
- 24324 Insert the Clipboard contents at the caret
- 24325 Delete the selection
- 24326 Clear the document
- 24327 Insert a new line
- 24328 Edit the current line
- 24330 Create, open, save and print documents
- 24331 Create a new document
- 24332 Open an existing document
- 24333 Save this document
- 24334 Save this document with a new name
- 24335 Revert changes to last document save
- 24337 Print this document
- 24339 Close this document
- 24341 Create a new view for this document
- 24351 Find the specified text
- 24352 Find the specified text and change it
- 24353 Find the next match
- 24360 Arrange open windows
- 24361 Cascade open windows
- 24362 Tile open windows
- 24364 Arrange iconic windows along bottom
- 24365 Close all open windows
- 32300 Untitled
- 32301 (WSAEINTR): Interrupted system call
- 32302 (WSAEBADF): Bad file number
- 32303 (WSAEACCES): Permission denied
- 32304 (WSAEFAULT): Bad address passed
- 32305 (WSAEINVAL): Invalid parameter passed
- 32306 (WSAEMFILE): Too many open files
- 32307 (WSAEWOULDBLOCK): Operation would block
- 32308 (WSAEINPROGRESS): Operation is now in progress
- 32309 (WSAEALREADY): Operation is already in progress
- 32310 (WSAENOTSOCK): Socket operation on non-socket
- 32311 (WSAEDESTADDRREQ): Destination address required
- 32312 (WSAEMSGSIZE): Message is too long
- 32313 (WSAEPROTOTYPE): The protocol is of the wrong type for the socket
- 32314 (WSAENOPROTOOPT): The requested protocol is not available
- 32315 (WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT): The requested protocol is not supported
- 32316 (WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT): The specified socket type is not supported
- 32317 (WSAEOPNOTSUPP): The specified operation is not supported
- 32318 (WSAEPFNOSUPPORT): The specified protocol family is not supported
- 32319 (WSAEAFNOSUPPORT): The specified address family is not supported
- 32320 (WSAEADDRINUSE): The specified address is already in use
- 32321 (WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL): The requested address is unassignable
- 32322 (WSAENETDOWN): The network appears to be down
- 32323 (WSAENETUNREACH): The network is unreachable
- 32324 (WSAENETRESET): The network dropped the connection on reset
- 32325 (WSAECONNABORTED): Software caused a connection abort
- 32326 (WSAECONNRESET): Connection was reset by peer
- 32327 (WSAENOBUFS): Out of buffer space
- 32328 (WSAEISCONN): Socket is already connected
- 32329 (WSAENOTCONN): Socket is not presently connected
- 32330 (WSAESHUTDOWN): Can't send data because socket is shut down
- 32331 (WSAETOOMANYREFS): Too many references, unable to splice
- 32332 (WSAETIMEDOUT): The connection timed out
- 32333 (WSAECONNREFUSED): The connection was refused
- 32334 (WSAELOOP): Too many symbolic link levels
- 32335 (WSAENAMETOOLONG): File name is too long
- 32336 (WSAEHOSTDOWN): The host appears to be down
- 32337 (WSAEHOSTUNREACH): The host is unreachable
- 32338 (WSAENOTEMPTY): The directory is not empty
- 32339 (WSAEPROCLIM): There are too many processes
- 32340 (WSAEUSERS): There are too many users
- 32341 (WSAEDQUOT): The disk quota is exceeded
- 32342 (WSAESTALE): Bad NFS file handle
- 32343 (WSAEREMOTE): There are too many levels of remote in the path
- 32344 (WSAEDISCO): Disconnect
- 32345 (WSASYSNOTREADY): Network sub-system is not ready or unusable
- 32346 (WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED): The requested version is not supported
- 32347 (WSANOTINITIALISED): Socket system is not initialized
- 32348 (WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND): The host was not found
- 32349 (WSATRY_AGAIN): Non-authoritative host not found
- 32350 (WSANO_RECOVERY): Non-recoverable error
- 32351 (WSANO_DATA): No information of the requested type was available
- 32352 (???): Unknown error
- 32440 &Apply
- 32441 Back
- 32442 Cancel
- 32443 Close
- 32444 Finish
- 32445 &Help
- 32446 Next
- 32447 OK
- 32450 Shell failure
- 32451 TShellMalloc::Alloc failed.
- 32452 Invalid Path
- 32453 IShellFolder::BindToObject failed.
- 32454 ::SHGetDesktopFolder failed.
- 32455 ::SHGetSpecialFolderLocation failed.
- 32456 IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf failed.
- 32457 ::SHGetFileInfo failed.
- 32458 IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf failed.
- 32459 ::SHGetPathFromIDList failed.
- 32460 IShellFolder::SetNameOf failed.
- 32461 IShellFolder::GetUIObjectOf failed.
- 32462 IShellFolder::CompareIDs failed.
- 32463 TShellItem is invalid.
- 32464 IShellFolder::EnumObjects failed.
- 32465 IEnumIDList::Clone failed.
- 32466 Attempt to read past end of TShellItemIterator list.
- 32467 IEnumIDList::Next failed.
- 32468 IEnumIDList::Skip failed.
- 32469 IEnumIDList::Reset failed.
- 32470 IEnumIDList pointer is zero.
- 32471 ::SHGetMalloc failed.
- 32472 IExtractIcon::GetIconLocation failed.
- 32473 IExtractIcon::Extract failed.
- 32474 TShellItem::Rename attempted on item that cannot be renamed.
- 32475 TShellItem::Copy attempted on item that cannot be copied.
- 32476 TShellItem::Move attempted on item that cannot be moved.
- 32477 TShellItem::Delete attempted on item that cannot be deleted.
- 32478 CoCreateInstance(IShellLink) failed.
- 32479 IShellLink::QueryInterface(IPersistFile) failed.
- 32480 IPersistFile::Load failed.
- 32481 IShellLink::GetIDList failed.
- 32482 IShellLink::SetPath failed.
- 32483 IShellLink::SetDescription failed.
- 32500 &File
- 32501 --Document Type--
- 32502 --View Type--
- 32503 Document
- 32504 Unable to open document.
- 32505 Unable to close document.
- 32506 Document read error.
- 32507 Document write error.
- 32508 The document has been changed.\n\nDo you want to save the changes?
- 32509 The document has not been changed.
- 32510 Document Manager not present.
- 32511 Insufficient memory for view.
- 32512 Document already loaded.
- 32531 | | | | |
- 32540 Cannot find "%s".
- 32550 Untitled
- 32551 Unable to read file %s from disk.
- 32552 Unable to write file %s to disk.
- 32553 The text in the %s file has changed.\n\nDo you want to save the changes?
- 32554 Text files (*.TXT)|*.TXT|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
- 32555 RTF files (*.RTF)|*.RTF|Text files (*.TXT)|*.TXT|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
- 32584 Line number %d
- 32589 Cannot print without a default printer.
- 32590 on
- 32591 '%s' not printed. %s.
- 32592 Out of memory
- 32593 Out of disk space
- 32594 Printing canceled
- 32595 Printing aborted in Print Manager
- 32596 Error encountered during print
- 32597 Print Error
- 32707 Invalid client window %s
- 32708 Invalid child window %s
- 32709 Invalid window %s
- 32729 Attempt to open busy clipboard
- 32730 WING failure
- 32731 WING not available
- 32732 Invalid DIB handle %X
- 32733 GDI object %X destroy failure
- 32734 GDI object %X delete failure
- 32735 GDI file read failure
- 32736 GDI resource load failure
- 32737 GDI creation failure
- 32738 GDI allocate failure
- 32739 GDI failure
- 32740 Invalid relative window specified in layout constraint in window %s
- 32741 Incomplete layout constraints specified in window %s
- 32742 Printer error
- 32743 Validator syntax error
- 32744 Menu creation failure
- 32745 Child create fail for window %s
- 32746 Execute fail for window %s
- 32747 Create fail for window %s
- 32748 Child class registration fail for window %s
- 32749 Class registration fail for window %s
- 32755 Failure in Common Control DLL
- 32756 Ordinal %d not found in module
- 32757 Function %s not found in module
- 32758 VBX Library init failure
- 32759 Invalid MainWindow
- 32760 Unable to load module %s
- 32761 Out of memory
- 32762 No application object
- 32763 Unknown error
- 32764 Unhandled Exception
- 32765 OK to resume?
- 32766 ObjectWindows Exception
- 32767 Unknown exception
- 61439 Commands for manipulating this and other windows
- 61440 Resize this window
- 61456 Move the window to a different screen location
- 61472 Collapse this window to an icon
- 61488 Expand this window to full screen size
- 61504 Switch to next window
- 61520 Switch to previous window
- 61536 Close this window
- 61728 Restore this window to normal size
- 61744 Switch to another task