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- Title : POPIt POP3 Mail Notifier Plus For Windows 95 and NT 4.0
- Version : 1.85 Shareware Release
- Company : Productive Programming, Inc.
- Contact : Roger A. Clary
- RACMan@Pro-Pro.com
- Product Page: http://www.Pro-Pro.com/POPIt.htm
- Registration: https://www.pslweb.com/cgi-win/psl_ords.exe/ITEM14858
- *******************************************************************************************
- Description
- *******************************************************************************************
- POPIt (pop-it) is a an easy to use Windows 95 and NT 4.0 mail program which sends
- and receives messages for multiple mailboxes and improves your mail system with some
- much needed features. POPIt is small and uses the system Taskbar tray to display a
- separate icon indicating the number of received messages for each maildrop (up to 10) that
- is automatically monitored. The concise and intuitive configuration screen makes for a quick
- setup and allows each mailbox profile to be configured independently. Dial-Up Networking
- support will dial your provider, retrieve mail headers and hang-up automatically! Any
- combination of audible, visual or program launch notifications can be configured to occur
- when new mail is received. A single click of a POPIt icon brings up the informative
- InstaScanTM interface that displays the mailbox headers for instant message information.
- InstaViewTM allows you to instantly view, save, print and delete any message. MIME
- compliant attachments and URL addresses are automatically decoded and listed for you to
- easily launch. SPAM-XTM is a built in Anti-SPAM tool that allows POPIt to filter out SPAM
- junk mail and take corrective action whenever any is recieved. You can use InstaReplyTM to
- reply to a message or InstaNoteTM to send a quick note instantly (including attachment) -
- without loading your memory hungry mail program. So highly configurable and simple to
- use you may not need another mail client! PLUS many MORE features, a 30 day FREE
- evaluation and FREE upgrades (new enhancements added monthly)!
- Also available: Windows 3.11 and NT 3.50 version at http://www.Pro-Pro.com/POPIt16.htm
- *******************************************************************************************
- Client Profile Configuration
- *******************************************************************************************
- To open the configuration dialog box, bring up the popup menu by right clicking on the
- POPIt envelope in the Taskbar icon tray who's profile you want to change. Select
- Configuration.
- This dialog is used to configure each of the ten (10) possible client configurations. The
- profile currently being edited is indicated with the nomenclature of "CLIENT PROFILE X"
- where "X" is the profile number. For easier identification, the profile email address or
- Nickname is also displayed under the client profile number.
- To change from one client profile to the next, use the PREV / NEXT buttons.
- Select one of the configuration "tabs" to change the options pertaining to the tab name.
- Select the SAVE button after configuring the client(s) as desired. This will save the
- configuration information, clear the Taskbar tray of the old POPIt envelope icons, and
- re-install the icons as per the new configuration. POPIt will now check any POP3 client that
- has been enabled for automatic checking.
- Hit the CANCEL button to cancel the configuration and go back to the previous client
- information. All edits made during the configuration session will be lost.
- Choose the EXIT POPIT button to discard changes and terminate the program.
- The Host section is were you will enter the POP3 server and mailbox account information for a client profile. You
- MUST enter at least one host profile for POPIt to operate.
- For this section enter the appropriate information for each field.
- Servers:POP3 Server
- Enter the DNS name (domain) of the POP3 server (ex: mail.Pro-Pro.com).
- If you use a PROXY server, enter the name of your PROXY server here (ex: gateway).
- The Port field may be changed from the default POP3 port of 110 if necessary (Consult your
- network Administrator).
- Servers:SMTP Server (optional)
- This is an optional field to enter the DNS name (domain) of the server that handles your outgoing
- (SMTP) mail. You may leave this field blank if your SMTP server and POP3 server are the
- same.
- The Port field may be changed from the default SMTP port of 25 if necessary (Consult your
- network Administrator).
- An SMTP server is require to use the InstaReply and InstaNote features.
- Servers:Connection Timeout (optional)
- This is an optional field to adjust the amount of time POPIt will allow for
- connection to the POP3 or SMTP server. The default is 30 seconds.
- Increase this value if your server(s) is slow in connecting.
- Login:Account Name
- Enter your POP3 login name (ex: racman).
- Do Not Put The "@" Symbol Or Your POP3 Domain Name.
- Login:Account Password
- Enter your POP login password. The characters will be hidden as you type.
- The Checking section allows you to customize the way that POPIt will check your maildrop
- for mail. For this section enter the appropriate information for each field or option.
- Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of
- these items. The default settings will check for mail using the existing Internet connection
- when POPIt first launches and every five (5) minutes thereafter.
- First Mailbox Check
- Toggle this option to enable / disable POPIt from automatically checking
- for new mail on Startup.
- Automatically check
- Toggle this option to enable / disable POPIt from automatically checking
- for new mail. If this option is unchecked, you will have to manually check
- the maildrop for messages.
- Enter the number of minutes to wait between checking for new mail.
- Note: A setting of zero (0) seconds will prevent any automatic checking.
- Connection Options:Dial-On-Demand
- Enable this option is you want POPIt to use the Dial-Up profile to connect
- to the provider automatically to check for mail.
- Note: This option is disabled until a Dial-Up Networking RAS Service is
- configured. Press the CONFIGURE RAS button to configure RAS for POPIt.
- Connection Options:Remain Connected
- Select this option if you want POPIt to remain connected to the provider if
- there is any mail in the maildrop. POPIt will not automatically hang up.
- Note: This option is disabled if Dial-On-Demand is unchecked.
- Connection Options:Always Disconnect
- Select this option if you want POPIt to hang up after each maildrop check.
- POPIt will not remain online even if you have mail (old or new).
- Note: This option is disabled if Dial-On-Demand is unchecked.
- The Notify section allows you to customize a client profile in the way that POPIt will
- respond when new mail has arrived. For this section enter the appropriate information for
- each field or option.
- Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of
- these items. The default settings will not use audible or visual alerts, and will not launch
- an executable program.
- Sound Options:WAV File
- Enter the complete path and file name of the WAV file to play each time
- new mail is received.
- Enter the word "BEEP" to use the windows default beep sound, or leave
- blank for no audible notification.
- Use the Find button to search for the desired WAV file.
- Use the Test button to hear the notification wave sound.
- Sound Options:Repetitive Sound Notification
- Select this option if you would like the WAV file (or "beep") to play once ever time the mail is
- checked until any new mail is acknowledged (using InstaScan).
- Sound Options:Repetitive Sound Notification
- Select this option if you would like the WAV file (or "beep") to play once
- ever time the mail is checked until any new mail is acknowledged (using
- InstaScan).
- Visual Alert
- Select this option if you would like a large visual indication that new mail
- has been received. A large POPIt icon will appear in the center of the
- screen when new mail is received.
- Mail Program:Launch
- Select this option if you want POPIt to automatically launch the
- pre-configured e-mail Program each time new mail is received.
- Mail Program:File
- Enter the complete path and file name of the E-MAIL program executable
- file (or any other EXE, COM or BAT file) that you wish to launch from
- within POPIt for this client configuration.
- Leave the field blank if you do not wish to use this feature.
- Use the FIND button to search for the desired EXE or BAT file.
- Use the TEST button to start the configured E-MAIL program and verify
- that it is working.
- The Identity section allows you to customize a client profile with personal information. For
- this section enter the appropriate information for each field or option.
- Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of
- these items.
- Real Name
- Enter the name or nickname to appear in the "From:" field for InstaReply
- and InstaNote messages.
- This feature is only available to registered users.
- Mail Personalization:Return Address
- Enter the complete return EMail address for this client.
- (ex: RACMan@Pro-Pro.com)
- This is useful when your return address is different than the Account Name
- and Server (domain).
- Mail Personalization:Signature File
- Enter the complete path and file name of the Signature File to use when
- sending any reply or message. The file MUST be an ASCII text file with
- the extension <.txt>, <.sig>, or <.prn> only.
- For best results, keep each line in the file under 80 characters long.
- Use the FIND button to search for the desired TXT, SIG, or PRN file.
- Use the EDIT button to modify the signature file shown.
- The Options section allows you to customize this clients User's Storage Folder, mailbox
- security and the message deletion confirmation options. For this section enter the appropriate
- information for each field or option.
- Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of
- these items.
- User's Storage Folder
- This is the root location of the folder in which attachments and archive files
- for this mailbox.
- The default location creates a folder under the POPIt path called
- "ClientXX" where XX is the profile number.
- Example of default user path(s): POPIT
- `Client04
- `Client05
- `Client10
- Enter a valid drive and path or network URL for the folder location.
- Use the TEST button to verify that the folder path exists and is valid.
- Message Security
- Enter a password that you want to use to secure InstaScan header viewing
- and InstaView message viewing.
- In addition, the password prevents others from POPIt access of the User's
- Storage Folder.
- Disable this feature by removing the password (default).
- Message Deletion
- Select this option if you wish to confirm the deletion of messages for this
- client profile (default).
- Unselect this option to allow POPIt to automatically delete the message(s)
- you have chosen for deletion without asking you for confirmation.
- SPAM-X(TM) is a powerful built-in Anti-SPAM tool that allows POPIt to quietly screen the
- maildrop during normal notification monitoring and will filter out SPAM junk mail on
- spammer's address, domain name or numeric account name. The SPAM-X(TM) feature can
- be programmed to automatically notify the user (visual and/or audio) upon receiving SPAM
- mail, automatically delete the SPAM, send a reply to the spammer or report the spammer to
- "postmaster@spammersdomain" (or any combination of these actions).. For this section
- enter the appropriate information for each field or option.
- Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of
- these items. SPAM-X(TM) is disabled from checking for SPAM by default.
- SPAM Filter Options:Compare sender against list
- Select this option to have the SPAM-X(TM) feature test the sender (FROM:)
- of each message received against a list of known spammer addresses
- and/or domains.
- Enter the complete path and file name of the "known spammer's list" file to
- be used for the comparison. The ASCII text file contains a list of email
- address or domain names (one per line terminated with a Carriage
- Return/Line Feed). This will be the file that is added to when the
- SPAM-X button is pressed in InstaScan or InstaView. If the file does not
- exist, POPIt will create it.
- Use the FIND button to search for the desired LST, TXT or PRN file.
- Use the EDIT button to modify the "spammer list" file shown.
- SPAM Filter Options:Filter numeric sender names
- Select this option to have the SPAM-X(TM) filter out any message that has a
- number as the user name.
- (Example of numeric name: 73787819@microsoft.com)
- Because all CompuServe email addresses are numeric, the next option is
- automatically selected by default when this option is selected to prevent
- undesired filtering on all CompuServe sent messages.
- SPAM Filter Options:Allow CompuServe
- Select this option to prevent SPAM-X(TM) from filtering out any
- CompuServe sent message because it has number as the user name
- (default).
- (Example of CompuServe address:
- 73450.3565@CompuServe.COM)
- BE CAREFUL! Disabling this option has the potential of classifying
- all CompuServe sent messages as SPAM mail!
- Corrective Action Options:Display pop-up
- Select this option if you would like a large visual indication that SPAM mail
- has been received. A large "SPAM MAIL" icon will appear in the center
- of the screen when SPAM mail is received.
- Corrective Action Options:Play WAV
- Select this option if you would like an audible notification that SPAM mail
- has been received.
- Enter the complete path and file name of the WAV file to play each time
- SPAM mail is received.
- Use the FIND button to search for the desired WAV file.
- Use the TEST button to hear the notification wave sound.
- Corrective Action Options:Intolerance Reply
- Select this option if you would like POPit to automatically send the
- spammer and the spammer's domain PostMaster a reply message stating
- your intolerance to the SPAM mail when SPAM mail has been received.
- The Subject of the Reply is "REMOVE ME -> You Are In Violation
- Of US Federal Law" to facilitate the automatic removal from most mailing
- lists.
- Corrective Action Options:Report Spammer
- Select this option if you would like POPit to automatically report the
- spammer to the spammer's domain PostMaster when SPAM mail has been
- received.
- Corrective Action Options:Delete SPAM
- Select this option if you would like POPIt to automatically delete the
- SPAM mail when received.
- When selected, this option automatically selects the next option that
- requires confirmation for deletion of SPAM mail; this is a safety precaution.
- Corrective Action Options:Confirmation required for deletion
- Select this option if you would like POPIt to automatically delete the
- SPAM mail when received (default).
- Unselect this option to allow POPIt to automatically delete the SPAM mail
- without asking you for confirmation.
- The Global section includes options that are global (the same) to all profiles configured in
- POPIt. The Dial-Up Networking section contains the information necessary for POPIt to
- use the Dial-Up Networking capabilities of Windows. For this section enter the appropriate
- information for each field or option.
- Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of
- these items. However, you must configure a valid Dial-Up Networking Service for POPIt to
- automatically dial your provider and check for mail
- WEB Browser
- Enter the complete path and file name of the WEB Browser that you wish
- use for the POPIt Online Help and the URL Trap.
- Use the FIND button to search for the desired EXE file.
- Use the TEST button to start the configured WEB Browser and verify that
- it is working.
- NOTE: This field may be required if the Windows default browser
- does not work with the Online Help or the URL Trap.
- Dial-Up Networking:Service
- Press the listbox arrow to select the appropriate Dial-Up profile to contact
- your service provider.
- If there are no profiles in the listbox, then you must configure Windows
- with one before you can select a service profile.
- Dial-Up Networking:Login
- Enter the case sensitive login name for the Dial-Up profile used.
- Note: This field is disabled until a RAS Service is selected.
- Dial-Up Networking:Password
- Enter the case sensitive account password for the Dial-Up profile used.
- Leave this field blank if you want to enter the password each time POPIt
- attempt to dial.
- Note: This field is disabled until a RAS Service is selected.
- *******************************************************************************************
- *******************************************************************************************
- Start POPIt. Once a POP3 mailbox has been configured (above), an icon that looks like an
- envelope will appear in the Taskbar tray for each POP3 mailbox configured.
- ***************************
- Place the mouse cursor over the POPIt envelope icon. A help tip will appear and state the
- current status of mailbox.
- The mailbox Nickname or Email address, the number of messages waiting and time of day
- the mailbox was last checked are indicated.
- If an error occurs during communications, the nature of the error will be described.
- ***************************
- Place the mouse cursor over a POPIt envelope icon and right click (one click). The
- POPIt Menu will appear for you to make a selection.
- Check Now!
- Manually checks the POP3 mailbox.
- Disable/Enable Checking
- Disables or enables automatic mailbox checking.
- Global Control >
- Global mailbox checking controls.
- InstaScan
- Displays the mail headers with InstaScan.
- InstaNote
- Send on-the-fly messages with InstaNote.
- Launch E-Mail
- Launch EMAIL application.
- User Storage Folder
- Opens Explorer to the user's storage folder.
- Configuration
- Opens the configuration window.
- Register
- Opens the registration window.
- About
- Displays program / system information.
- Online Help
- Shortcut to the POPIt Home Page.
- Exit POPIt
- Ends the program.
- The Global Control option will be displayed if more than one (1) POP3 client is
- configured. This option allows you Check all the mailboxes at the same time, or to disable /
- enable mailbox checking for all mailboxes.
- The InstaScan option will be disabled if there is no mail waiting.
- The Launch E-Mail option will be disabled if this feature has not been configured for
- this POP3 client.
- The User Storage Folder option will be disabled if there are no saved, sent, or deleted
- files or file attachments currently stored under the user's storage folder.
- The option Register will appear if the program is not yet registered. Selecting this option
- will open the Registration Dialog Box.
- ***************************
- Bring up the POPIt Menu by right clicking on the POPIt envelope icon in the Taskbar tray
- whose mail you want to check. Select the Check Mail option to instantly check for new
- mail messages. The POPIt envelope icon in the Taskbar tray will spin while the POP server
- is being checked for mail.
- NOTE: If the Dial-Up Networking options are configured and you are not currently
- "online", then POPIt will dial your provider first while the Taskbar tray icon spins and
- displays a "connection icon" (lightning bolt). If so configured, POPIt will then remain online if
- there is mail waiting, or it will hangup after retrieving the headers.
- ***************************
- Left click on the POPIt envelope icon in the Taskbar tray whose mailbox you want to
- scan and display the message headers. Enter the security password for this mailbox if
- one has been defined. The InstaScan window will appear and show each mail messages send
- date, sender, and subject.
- The InstaScan title will display the POP3 server name or the Nickname, that has been
- scanned, and the number of messages waiting. If any headers have been selected then the
- number of selected messages will be indicated.
- Message header information consisting of the message number (chronological), date
- received, who sent it and the subject are displayed.
- In addition, the size of the message is indicated to the left of the DATE, the priority of
- the message is indicated as high with a "!" to the left of the FROM, and attachments are
- indicated with a "&" to the left of the SUBJECT.
- InstaScan will display the headers of up to five (5) messages at a time. Use the vertical
- scroll bar to scroll through all of the messages when more than 5 have been received.
- Any of the header information may be copied to the clipboard and pasted into any other
- Windows application.
- Select one or more of the messages by clicking on any part of a header. Use the SHIFT
- or CTRL keys in conjunction with clicking to select more multiple messages. The entire
- header will highlight (see above) indicating that is has been selected. While any message
- header is selected the INSTAVIEW and DELETE buttons will be enabled.
- Use the INSTAVIEW button to retrieve and view the selected message contents using
- InstaView.
- Use the LAUNCH button to start the pre-programmed EMAIL program. The Launch
- button will not be enabled if this feature has not been configured for this POP3 client.
- Delete the selected header's message from the POP3 server by clicking the DELETE
- button. The InstaScan title will say "Connecting..." as POPIt contacts your POP3 server.
- The header of the message to be deleted will also flash red. If configured for "Delete
- Confirmation" a deletion conformation box will appear. Select "Yes" to permanently delete
- the message.
- A copy of the deleted message's header will be saved in a file with the current date as the
- name in the Deleted folder under the user's storage folder. (EX: 010198.TXT would be
- created on January 1st, 1998.)
- NOTE: If the Dial-Up Networking options are configured and you are not currently
- "online", then POPIt will dial your provider first while the Taskbar tray icon spins and
- displays a "connection icon" (lightning bolt). POPIt will then remain online after deleting the
- message. You will have to manually disconnect from your provider after deleting all the
- messages desired.
- Use the SPAM-X button to invoke the SPAM-X(TM) mini-Wizard to add the email
- address of the sender of the selected message to the "spammer's list", and configure or apply
- any corrective action for this SPAM mail.
- This button will be enabled only when one (1) header is selected.
- If an error occurs while retrieving the headers or deleting a message, the InstaScan
- window will automatically close, and the POPIt icon for the appropriate POP3 client will
- display the error "X" icon. The HelpTip will indicate the type of error.
- ***************************
- From the InstaScan window select one of the received messages (see above). Double click
- on the selected message or press the InstaView button to open the InstaView window. The
- window will display all of the header information, and the contents of the message.
- NOTE: If the Dial-Up Networking options are configured and you are not currently
- "online", then POPIt will dial your provider first while the Taskbar tray icon spins and
- displays a "connection icon" (lightning bolt). POPIt will then remain online after retrieving the
- message contents. You will have to manually disconnect from your provider after reading all
- the messages desired.
- The InstaView title will display the text "Connecting..." while contacting your POP3
- server. Once contact is made, the title will reflect who the message was send To:, and the
- number of the message being viewed.
- Any information displayed may be copied to the clipboard and pasted into any other
- Windows application.
- Any MIME compliant attachment will be listed in the Attachments section. Attachments
- are automatically decoded and stored in a sub-folder named Attached under the user's
- storage folder. If the message contains more than one attachment, they will be displayed in
- the drop-down list. Press the LAUNCH button to launch the selected attachment. Use the
- PURGE button to remove the attachment from the harddrive.
- The URL Trap lets you go to any URL address that is embedded within the message.
- POPIt will trap the following Universal Resource Locators: http://, ftp://, gopher://,
- news://, and https://. If the message contains any of these, they will be displayed in the
- drop-down list. Press the GO TO button to launch your Web Browser to the selected
- URL address.
- NOTE: For URL Trap to work you must have a Web Browser installed with the
- appropriate file associations.
- Use the INSTAREPLY button to reply to the message using the InstaReply feature.
- Use the LAUNCH button to start the pre-configured EMAIL program. The Launch
- button will not be enabled if this feature has not been configured for this POP3 client.
- Use the SAVE button to store the message (minus the attachment code) in a file with
- the current date as the name in the Saved folder under the user's storage folder. (EX:
- 010198.TXT would be created on January 1st, 1998.)
- Use the PRINT button to print a hard copy of the message to the default printer.
- NOTE: This option is enabled after the message has been completely received.
- Delete the displayed message from the POP3 server by clicking the DELETE button.
- The InstaView title will say "Connecting..." as POPIt contacts your POP3 server. The
- message text will also flash red. If configured for "Delete Confirmation" a deletion
- conformation box will appear. Select "Yes" to permanently delete the message.
- A copy of the deleted message's header will be saved in a file with the current date as the
- name in the Deleted folder under the user's storage folder. (EX: 010198.TXT would be
- created on January 1st, 1998.)
- NOTE: This option is enabled after the message has been completely received.
- Use the SPAM-X button to invoke the SPAM-XTM mini-Wizard to add the email
- address of the sender of the selected message to the "spammer's list", and configure or apply
- any corrective action for this SPAM mail.
- Use the < > buttons easily move from message to message in this mailbox.
- NOTE: These options are enabled after the message has been completely received and more
- than one message is waiting.
- If an error occurs while retrieving or deleting the message, the InstaView window will
- automatically close, and the POPIt icon for the appropriate POP3 client will display the error
- "X" icon. The HelpTip will indicate the type of error.
- ***************************
- From the InstaView window select the InstaReply button to open the InstaReply window.
- The window will display the Reply To address, and a text box containing the text of the
- message that you are replying to. You can not alter the Reply To recipient.
- Optionally, a "Carbon Copy" of the return message may be sent to other addresses.
- Click the CC: button to choose an address from the previously sent address list, or type an
- address in the "CC:" field.
- Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys when choosing to select multiple recipients.
- The "Subject" field may be edited from what the default which was derived from the
- original message subject..
- If you do not want to "Include original text in reply" then un-check this option. Once
- you start typing in the Message Box, you can no longer change this option.
- The Message Box (large white area) is a pseudo-WYSIWYG text editor were you type
- the reply message to send. Any information displayed may be copied to and from the
- Windows clipboard. The box will first be displayed with the cursor in the upper left corner
- from which you may start typing. If you have configured a Signature File for this mailbox,
- then its contents will be displayed. The text of the message that you are responding to will be
- two lines under it.
- Check the "Urgent" option if you would to mark this message as High / Urgent priority
- when sent.
- Check the "Return Receipt" option if you would like an acknowledgement that the
- message was received at its destination.
- A single file attachment may be included with your return message.
- Click the ATTACH: button to search and choice the file to send, or enter the complete path
- and file-name in the Attach field.
- The SEND button will be enabled after you start typing in the Message Box. Press
- this button to mail your reply. The progress bar will indicate the status of the SMTP mail
- process.
- NOTE: If the Dial-Up Networking options are configured and you are not currently
- "online", then POPIt will dial your provider first while the Taskbar tray icon spins and
- displays a "connection icon" (lightning bolt). POPIt will then hangup after sending your
- message.
- Click the CANCEL button to exit InstaReply without sending the message.
- If an error occurs while sending the reply, a popup message will notify you, and allow you
- the choice of re-sending the message.
- When the reply is successfully send, a copy of the sent message (minus the attachment
- code) is saved in a file with the current date as the name in the Sent folder under the user's
- storage folder. (EX: 010198.TXT would be created on January 1st, 1998.)
- ***************************
- Right click on the POPIt envelope icon in the Taskbar tray of the user / client that you want
- to originate the message from. Select the InstaNote option from the POPIt menu. A window
- will display several fields to be filled in before the message can be sent.
- You must enter a valid destination address in the "To:" field before the message can be
- sent.
- Click the TO: button to choose an address from the previously sent address list, or type an
- address in the "To:" field.
- Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys when choosing to select multiple recipients.
- Optionally, a "Carbon Copy" of the message may be sent to another address.
- Click the CC: button to choose an address from the previously sent address list, or type an
- address in the "CC:" field.
- Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys when choosing to select multiple recipients.
- An optional subject may be entered in the "Subject" field.
- The Message Box (large white area) is a pseudo-WYSIWYG text editor were you type
- the message to send. If you have configured a Signature File for this mailbox, then its
- contents will be displayed. Any information displayed may be copied to and from the
- Windows clipboard.
- Check the "Urgent" option if you would to mark this message as High / Urgent priority
- when sent.
- Check the "Return Receipt" option if you would like an acknowledgement that the
- message was received at its destination.
- A single file attachment may be included with your message.
- Click the ATTACH: button to search and choice the file to send, or enter the complete path
- and file-name in the Attach field.
- The SEND button will be enabled after a valid destination address is in the "To:"
- field . Press this button to mail your message. The progress bar will indicate the status of the
- SMTP mail process.
- NOTE: If the Dial-Up Networking options are configured and you are not currently
- "online", then POPIt will dial your provider first while the Taskbar tray icon spins and
- displays a "connection icon" (lightning bolt). POPIt will then hangup after sending your
- message.
- Click the CANCEL button to exit InstaNote without sending the message.
- If an error occurs while sending the message, a popup message will notify you, and allow
- you the choice of re-sending the message.
- When the message is successfully send, a copy of the sent message (minus the attachment
- code) is saved in a file with the current date as the name in the Sent folder under the user's
- storage folder. (EX: 010198.TXT would be created on January 1st, 1998.)
- ***************************
- Exiting POPIt
- Bring up the POPIt Menu by right clicking on any POPIt envelope in the Taskbar.
- Choose the EXIT POPIt option to terminate the program. POPIt will remove all of its
- icons from the taskbar, and terminate communications with the WINSOCK stack. It may
- take upto 60 seconds for POPIt to cleanly end communications (Thanks Microsoft!).
- *******************************************************************************************
- Roger A. Clary
- Productive Programming Inc
- 262 E. Doe Run Road
- Kennett Square, PA 19348 USA
- *******************************************************************************************
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 Productive Programming, Inc
- Windows(r) 95 and Windows(r) NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.
- and other countries.