home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- object frmRegistration: TfrmRegistration
- Left = 313
- Top = 148
- BorderIcons = []
- BorderStyle = bsSingle
- Caption = 'Registration Info'
- ClientHeight = 213
- ClientWidth = 328
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- OnClose = FormClose
- OnCreate = FormCreate
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 13
- object Label13: TLabel
- Left = 13
- Top = 112
- Width = 304
- Height = 45
- Cursor = crArrow
- Alignment = taCenter
- Caption =
- 'If you want more information on how to register CheckMail, visit' +
- ' the CheckMail homepage and press Register or run REGISTER.EXE. ' +
- 'The URL to the webpage is:'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object Label11: TLabel
- Left = 15
- Top = 72
- Width = 41
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Serial no'
- end
- object Label10: TLabel
- Left = 15
- Top = 28
- Width = 45
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Full name'
- end
- object Label12: TLabel
- Left = 5
- Top = 5
- Width = 69
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Registration'
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object cmdOK: TButton
- Left = 12
- Top = 180
- Width = 80
- Height = 25
- Caption = '&Ok'
- Enabled = False
- ModalResult = 1
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 3
- OnClick = cmdOKClick
- end
- object txtHTML: TEdit
- Left = 57
- Top = 161
- Width = 224
- Height = 16
- Cursor = crUpArrow
- Hint = 'Click here to start your browser!'
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- Color = clBtnFace
- Ctl3D = False
- ParentCtl3D = False
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 2
- Text = 'http://www.ajsoftware.com/CheckMail32.htm'
- OnChange = txtHTMLChange
- OnClick = txtHTMLClick
- end
- object edsSerialno: TEdit
- Left = 15
- Top = 88
- Width = 300
- Height = 21
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 1
- OnChange = edsSerialnoChange
- end
- object edsFullName: TEdit
- Left = 15
- Top = 44
- Width = 300
- Height = 21
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 0
- OnChange = edsFullNameChange
- end
- object cmdCancel: TButton
- Left = 232
- Top = 180
- Width = 80
- Height = 25
- Cancel = True
- Caption = '&Cancel'
- ModalResult = 2
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 4
- OnClick = cmdCancelClick
- end
- object cmdRegister: TButton
- Left = 122
- Top = 180
- Width = 80
- Height = 25
- Caption = 'Order &Now!'
- Enabled = False
- ModalResult = 4
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 5
- OnClick = cmdRegisterClick
- end
- end