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/ PC World Komputer 1998 July & August / Pcwk78a98.iso / E-MAIL / Chkml32 / CHKML32.EXE / 0 / RCDATA / TFRMREGISTRATION / TFRMREGISTRATION.txt
Text File  |  1998-03-26  |  2.7 KB  |  134 lines

  1. object frmRegistration: TfrmRegistration
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  24.     Caption = 
  25.       'If you want more information on how to register CheckMail, visit' +
  26.       ' the CheckMail homepage and press Register or run REGISTER.EXE. ' +
  27.       'The URL to the webpage is:'
  28.     WordWrap = True
  29.   end
  30.   object Label11: TLabel
  31.     Left = 15
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  35.     Caption = 'Serial no'
  36.   end
  37.   object Label10: TLabel
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  42.     Caption = 'Full name'
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  56.   object cmdOK: TButton
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  68.   end
  69.   object txtHTML: TEdit
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  83.     Text = 'http://www.ajsoftware.com/CheckMail32.htm'
  84.     OnChange = txtHTMLChange
  85.     OnClick = txtHTMLClick
  86.   end
  87.   object edsSerialno: TEdit
  88.     Left = 15
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  93.     ShowHint = True
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  96.   end
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  106.   end
  107.   object cmdCancel: TButton
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  116.     ShowHint = True
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  119.   end
  120.   object cmdRegister: TButton
  121.     Left = 122
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  125.     Caption = 'Order &Now!'
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  129.     ShowHint = True
  130.     TabOrder = 5
  131.     OnClick = cmdRegisterClick
  132.   end
  133. end