PC World Komputer 1998 November
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' Copyright (c) 1993 Lotus Development Corporation
' Description: LotusScript Global Constants.
' Variant DataType Values
Public Const V_EMPTY = 0 ' Empty variant
Public Const V_NULL = 1 ' Variant containing Null
Public Const V_INTEGER = 2 ' Integer
Public Const V_LONG = 3 ' Long integer (4 bytes)
Public Const V_SINGLE = 4 ' Single
Public Const V_DOUBLE = 5 ' Double
Public Const V_CURRENCY = 6 ' Currency
Public Const V_DATE = 7 ' Date value
Public Const V_STRING = 8 ' String
Public Const V_DISPATCH = 9 ' OLE object
Public Const V_ERROR = 10 ' ERROR (from OLE only)
Public Const V_BOOLEAN = 11 ' BOOLEAN (from OLE only)
Public Const V_VARIANT = 12 ' VARIANT array or list
Public Const V_IUNKNOWN = 13 ' OLE unknown object
Public Const V_UNISTR = 14 ' OLE unicode string
Public Const V_CLIENTHDL = 32 ' LotusScript client adt handle
Public Const V_TYPEINST = 33 ' LotusScript TYPE instance
Public Const V_LSOBJ = 34 ' LotusScript object
Public Const V_PRODOBJ = 35 ' Product object
Public Const V_BYREF = &h4000 ' By Refrence
Public Const V_ARRAY = &h2000 ' Array
Public Const V_LIST = &h0800 ' List
Public Const V_DYNAMIC = &h0200 ' Dynamic (with V_ARRAY)
' MsgBox parameters
Public Const MB_OK = 0 ' OK button only
Public Const MB_OKCANCEL = 1 ' OK and Cancel buttons
Public Const MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 2 ' Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
Public Const MB_YESNOCANCEL = 3 ' Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
Public Const MB_YESNO = 4 ' Yes and No buttons
Public Const MB_RETRYCANCEL = 5 ' Retry and Cancel buttons
Public Const MB_ICONSTOP = 16 ' Critical message
Public Const MB_ICONQUESTION = 32 ' Warning query
Public Const MB_ICONEXCLAMATION = 48 ' Warning message
Public Const MB_ICONINFORMATION = 64 ' Information message
Public Const MB_APPLMODAL = 0 ' Application Modal Message Box
Public Const MB_DEFBUTTON1 = 0 ' First button is default
Public Const MB_DEFBUTTON2 = 256 ' Second button is default
Public Const MB_DEFBUTTON3 = 512 ' Third button is default
Public Const MB_SYSTEMMODAL = 4096 ' System Modal
' MsgBox return values
Public Const IDOK = 1 ' OK button pressed
Public Const IDCANCEL = 2 ' Cancel button pressed
Public Const IDABORT = 3 ' Abort button pressed
Public Const IDRETRY = 4 ' Retry button pressed
Public Const IDIGNORE = 5 ' Ignore button pressed
Public Const IDYES = 6 ' Yes button pressed
Public Const IDNO = 7 ' No button pressed
' SetAttr, Dir, GetAttr functions
Public Const ATTR_NORMAL = 0 ' Normal files
Public Const ATTR_READONLY = 1 ' Read-only files
Public Const ATTR_HIDDEN = 2 ' Hidden files
Public Const ATTR_SYSTEM = 4 ' System-attribute set
Public Const ATTR_VOLUME = 8 ' Volume label
Public Const ATTR_DIRECTORY = 16 ' Directory
Public Const ATTR_ARCHIVE = 32 ' Archive bit set
' FileAttr function
Public Const ATTR_MODE = 1 ' Return mode of file (below)
Public Const ATTR_HANDLE = 2 ' Return OS handle for file
Public Const ATTR_INPUT = 1 ' File opened for Input mode
Public Const ATTR_OUTPUT = 2 ' File opened for Output mode
Public Const ATTR_RANDOM = 4 ' File opened for Random mode
Public Const ATTR_APPEND = 8 ' File opened for Append mode
Public Const ATTR_BINARY = 32 ' File opened for Binary mode
' Shell Window Style
Public Const SHELL_NORMAL_FOCUS = 1 ' Normal, with focus
Public Const SHELL_MIN_FOCUS = 2 ' Minimized, with focus (default)
Public Const SHELL_MAX_FOCUS = 3 ' Maximized, with focus
Public Const SHELL_NORMAL_NO_FOCUS = 4 ' Normal, no focus
Public Const SHELL_MIN_NO_FOCUS = 6 ' Minimized, no focus
' IMEStatus values
Public Const IME_NOT_INSTALLED = 0 ' value for all non-Asian countries
Public Const IME_ON = 1 ' Asia
Public Const IME_OFF = 2 ' Asia
Public Const IME_HIRAGANA = 4 ' Japan
Public Const IME_KATAKANA_DBCS = 5 ' Japan
Public Const IME_KATAKANA_SBCS = 6 ' Japan
Public Const IME_HANGEUL = 4 ' Korea
Public Const IME_HANJACONVERT = 5 ' Korea
Public Const IME_ALPHA_DBCS = 7 ' Asia
Public Const IME_ALPHA_SBCS = 8 ' Asia
' StrConv values
Public Const SC_UPPERCASE = 1 ' convert to uppercase
Public Const SC_LOWERCASE = 2 ' convert to lowercase
Public Const SC_PROPERCASE = 3 ' convert to propercase
Public Const SC_WIDE = 4 ' convert narrow to wide
Public Const SC_NARROW = 8 ' convert wide to narrow
Public Const SC_KATAKANA = 16 ' convert Hiragana to Katakana
Public Const SC_HIRAGANA = 32 ' convert Katakana to Hiragana