PC World Komputer 1998 November
Text File
48 lines
0 No Error
257 Software error -- contact Lotus technical support
258 An enumeration parameter value is invalid
259 A parameter is NULL when a value is required
260 A data value cannot fit in the supplied buffer
261 Name is already in use
262 Data is formatted incorrectly
263 The last data value has been retrieved
264 Requested data is unavailable
265 Property value cannot be changed
266 An illegal conversion was attempted
267 Invalid property
268 Parameter combination performs no action
269 Formula error near
270 An active result prevents the requested operation
271 Cannot locate requested information
272 This operation is not supported
513 Program compiled with incompatible HiTest API version
514 HiTest API requires Notes v3.0 or later
515 HiTest API function called before HTInit
516 The NOTES.INI file cannot be found on the search path
769 Server AddIn program should terminate
1025 Operation requires a valid certifier
1281 Operation requires a true Notes server
1282 Operation is only valid on the local machine
1537 No such database exists
2049 No such form exists in the database
2050 Strict binding is on, but no form is available
2051 Two Fields cannot have the same name within a Form
2305 No such view exists in the database
2561 No such field exists in the form
2562 Missing shared field definition in the database
2817 No such column exists in the view
3073 No such agent exists in the database
3329 Invalid index
3330 Operation requires a view-based index
3331 Operation requires a hierarchical index
3332 Missing or invalid index key column number
3585 Invalid document handle or ID
3586 Non data document requires docopen_design
3841 No such item exists in the document
4353 No such file attachment exists in the document
4609 No mail recipient
4865 Invalid composite
4866 No such import/export format exists
4867 No such font exists in the document font table
5633 Invalid datetime value