PageRef|125 3 ~3PageRef BookmarkName - Returns the page where the specified bookmark resides. <Pageref Chapter5>
NextRec|125 4 ~ NextRec - Advance to the next record while merging, eg: allows multiple records on the same page. <NextRec>
Skip|125 5 ~ Skip - While merging, this field will not print the current record, but skips to the next. <IF country != "USA" Skip ENDIF>
CreateDate|125 7 ~1CreateDate - The creation date or time of the current document. <CreateDate %Db>, <CreateDate %T6>
EditDate|125 8 ~1EditDate - The date or time the current document was last saved. <EditDate %Db>, <EditDate %T6>
NumEdits|125 9 ~ NumEdits - Returns the number of times the current file was saved. <"Version 1.{NumEdits}">
TotalEditingTime|125 10 ~ TotalEditingTime - The accumulated edit time (in minutes). <Set Cost Rate * TotalEditingTime>
NumPages|125 11 ~ NumPages - Returns the total number of pages in this document. <"Page {getpageno()} of {NumPages}">
NumWords|125 12 ~ NumWords - Returns the total number of words in this document. <NumWords>
NumChars|125 13 ~ NumChars - Returns the total number of characters in this document. <NumChars>
FileSize|125 14 ~ FileSize - The size of the current document (in thousands of bytes). <FileSize>
MergeRec|125 16 ~ MergeRec - The current record number when merging. <IF MergeRec = 1 set total subtotal ELSE set total total + subtotal ENDIF>
Include|125 17 ~ Include filename[!bookmark] - Inserts an entire file or a bookmark from another file. <Include "Standard.sam!Greeting">
Defined|125 18 ~ Defined Variable - Check to see if the given variable is defined. <IF Defined totalpages totalpages ELSE "?" ENDIF>
PrintEscape|125 19 ~ PrintEscape "Escape codes" - Sends Escape codes directly to the printer. <PrintEscape "[27]&&l2H">, <PrintEscape "[0x1b]&&l30">
Index|125 20 ~ Index "Primary" [#] ["Secondary"] ["other"] - Mark for index, same as Text/Mark Text As/Index Entry...
Void|125 21 ~ Void expression - This function nullifies the return value from field. <Void Exec("clock.exe", "", 2)>
User|125 22 ~ User Anything - Returns nothing but gives the macro programmer a way to mark a location. <User 1,Something>
Description|125 23 ~ Description - Doc Info description from the current document. <Description>
DivisionName|125 27 ~ DivisionName - Name of the current division. <DivisionName>
SectionName|125 28 ~ SecionName - Name of the current section. <SectionName>
UserName|125 30 ~ UserName - Name of the current user. <UserName>
Initials|125 31 ~ Initials - Initials of the current user. <Initials>
Title|125 32 ~ Title - Title of the current user. <Title>
Company|125 33 ~ Company - Company of the current user. <Company>
Address1|125 34 ~ Address1 - Address1 of the current user. <Address1>
Address2|125 35 ~ Address2 - Address2 of the current user. <Address2>
Address3|125 36 ~ Address3 - City and State of the current user. <Address3>
PostalCode|125 37 ~ PostalCode - PostalCode of the current user. <PostalCode>
PhoneNumber|125 38 ~ Phone - Phone Number of the current user. <PhoneNumber>
FaxNumber|125 39 ~ FaxNumber - Fax number of the current user. <FaxNumber>
Email|125 40 ~ Email - Email address of the current user. <Email>
PersonalData1|125 41 ~ PersonalData1 - Personal Data1 of the current user. <PersonalData1>
PersonalData2|125 42 ~ PersonalData2 - Personal Data2 of the current user. <PersonalData2>
PersonalData3|125 43 ~ PersonalData3 - Personal Data3 of the current user. <PersonalData3>
PersonalData4|125 44 ~ PersonalData4 - Personal Data4 of the current user. <PersonalData4>
ParaRef|125 45 ~3ParaRef BookmarkName - Returns the paragraph number where the specified bookmark resides. <ParaRef Chapter5>
TOC|125 25 ~ Toc Level "Text..." - Mark for Table of Contents, same as Text/Mark Text As/TOC Entry...
MergeField|125 26 ~ MergeField Mergefieldname - Insert the contents of this field at merge time.
ExecuteScript|125 29 ~ ExecuteScript "Filename!Function" - Execute a LotusScript function. !Function will execute a script function stored behind Globals of this document
;keycodes|116 decimalvalue
%Backspace|116 8
%Tab|116 9
%Enter|116 13
%Space|116 32
%PgUp|116 33
%PgDn|116 34
%End|116 35
%Home|116 36
%Left|116 37
%Up|116 38
%Right|116 39
%Down|116 40
%Ins|116 45
%Del|116 46
%Esc|116 27
%F1|116 112
%F2|116 113
%F3|116 114
%F4|116 115
%F5|116 116
%F6|116 117
%F7|116 118
%F8|116 119
%F9|116 120
%F10|116 121
%F11|116 122
%F12|116 123
;macro_functions_name|105 class parm_cnt
Query$|105 1 -1 ~ *Query$("Message text" [,"Default text"]) - Displays a dialog box requesting input from the user. <Query$("What is your name?")>
StrField$|105 20 3 ~ *StrField$(expression, n, sep) - Return the n'th element in expression, using sep as a delimeter. <StrField$("one,two,three", 2, ",")>
StrField|105 20 3
MultiDecide|105 21 -2
Exec|105 22 -1 ~ *Exec(program, parameters [,show]) - Run another program. <Exec("123w.exe", Query$("Spread sheet name?"))>