PC World Komputer 1998 May
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<TITLE>Server Configuration</TITLE>
<BODY bgcolor=#ffffff>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function Form_Validator(theForm)
if (theForm.port.value == "")
alert("Please enter a value for the \"Server Port\" field.");
return (false);
if (theForm.maxconns.value == "")
alert("Please enter a value for the \"Maximum Connections\" field.");
return (false);
if (theForm.watcherto.value == "")
alert("Please enter a value for the \"Watcher Timeout\" field.");
return (false);
if (theForm.homepage.value == "")
alert("Please enter a value for the \"Home Page\" field.");
return (false);
<A HREF="/sysadmin/index.stm" TARGET=_top>
<IMG border=0 ALIGN=left SRC="/images/system/console.gif"></A>
<CENTER><FONT SIZE=6>Server Configuration</FONT>
<I>Changes don't take effect until system restart.</I>
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/session/sysconfig" TARGET=_top onsubmit="return Form_Validator(this)">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="RCpage" VALUE="/sysadmin/index.stm">
<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>System Administrator</FONT>
<SELECT NAME=sysadmin>
<RCXselectuser username=RCEsysadmin>
<TD>The System Administrator username is used to access these sysadmin folder
and administrator methods. By default, the administrator username is 'admin'.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Server Port</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="port" VALUE="<RCEport>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
<TD>The TCP/IP protocol has a number of ports which are used to differentiate
requests to different processes. The standard HTTP port number is 80. You can
choose any port number from 1 to 65000, however, many port numbers on your
system are reserved for other applications. Should you choose any port other
than port 80, you will have to access you homepage with the port number
appended to the URL (i.e. http://www.sambar.com:1080/ ).
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Maximum Connections</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="maxconns" VALUE="<RCEmaxconns>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
<TD>Configure the maximum simultaneous connections supported by the system.
Connections differ from users in that a connection is only maintained
by the HTTP server for the duration of the transaction (HTTP request).
Therefore, while you might wish to support 200 simultaneous users, the
number of simultaneous connections needed to support that number of users
would likely be no more than 20.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Resolve Host Names</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="resolvedns" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEresolvedns = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="resolvedns" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEresolvedns = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
<TD>Configure the server to perform a DNS lookup on every host connection
to resolve the hostname. <I>WARNING: </I>This requires communicating with
a DNS server which can be quite slow if not properly configured. You
should absolutely NOT turn this feature on if your DNS server is on the
other side of a WAN, modem dial-up, or if you expect user heavy traffic.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Home Page</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="homepage" VALUE="<RCEhomepage>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
<TD>The HTTP page served when users request the home page (/) from the server.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Default Page</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="defpage" VALUE="<RCEdefpage>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
<TD>The HTTP page served when users request a page from a directory without
specifying a path to a URL.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Documents Directory</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="docsdir" VALUE="<RCEdocsdir>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=60>
<TD>The directory in which documents are served out of. If not preceded by
a drive letter (i.e. d:\wwwdir), this directory is assumed to be relative to
the installation directory of the Sambar Server.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>HTTP PUT Users</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="putusers" VALUE="<RCEputusers>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=60>
<TD>A space separated list of server users that have permission to use
the HTTP PUT method. Directory access can be further restricted with the
security interfaces.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Server Side Includes</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="ssi" VALUE="<RCEssi>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
<TD>A space separated list of HTML file extensions that correspond with
files containing server side includes. As parsing server-side include files
is expensive, it is recommended that the extensions be limited to <I>shtml</I>.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Log Format</FONT>
<SELECT NAME="logformat">
<OPTION VALUE="performance" <RCif RCElogformat = performance> SELECTED<RCendif>> Sambar Server Format
<OPTION VALUE="combined" <RCif RCElogformat = combined> SELECTED<RCendif>> NCSA Combined Log Format
<OPTION VALUE="common" <RCif RCElogformat = common> SELECTED<RCendif>> NCSA Common Log Format
<TD>The log format options are:
<LI>performance - Sambar Server performance format
<LI>combined - NCSA combined log format
<LI>common - NCSA Common Log Format
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Log Buffer Size</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="logsize" VALUE="<RCElogsize>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
<TD>Configure the maximum number of lines permitted in the server log
file (server.log). Once this number is reached for a server session,
the log is reset to the first line (it operates much like a circular buffer).
For an infinite log size, set the log size value to 0.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Run Watcher</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="watcher" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEwatcher = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="watcher" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEwatcher = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
<TD>Start a Watcher Daemon when the server is started to monitor the
WWW server and restart it in the event of a failure. This feature should
NOT be used when the Sambar Server is run as an NT Service.
<TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Watcher Timeout</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="watcherto" VALUE="<RCEwatcherto>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
<TD>Configure the delay in seconds between each wwwping of the server
by the watcher daemon. This time should exceed 60 seconds (300 is the default).
After two consecutive failures, the server will automatically be terminated
and restarted.
<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Update Server Configuration">
<A HREF="/"><IMG border=0 SRC="/images/system/powerby.gif"></A>