1002 Port %d is already in use!\n\nMake sure there is no other applications or instances of HttpSvr running that are already bound to that port.
1003 Can't listen on port %d!\n\nMake sure the TCP/IP transport is set up correctly and that no other applications are already listening on that port.
1004 Server not listening
32771 View hit documents as large icons
32772 View hit documents as small icons
32773 View hit documents in a list
32774 View details of hit documents
32775 Clear view of all hit documents; reset all counts
32776 Edit the server configuration options
32777 Quit the server; no longer provide HTTP service
32780 Edit this document
32781 Open this document
32782 Does nothing yet
32783 Clear this item from the server's tracking view
32784 Reset the hit count to zero and clear the last hit information
32785 Sync the view's contents with the actual web root tree
32787 Restart the server listen connection
57344 HTTP Server
57345 Waiting for web accesses...
57346 %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z
57347 %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S
57348 Server Options
57349 %m/%d/%y %H:%M
57352 %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT
57353 MS-MFC-HttpSvr/1.0
57354 Log %Y%m%d.hsl
57355 %03d
57356 %s (http://%s:%d)
57357 Hit Log for %s\n\n
57358 %A, %B %d, %Y
57359 %s (http://%s)
57360 Uptime: 00h 00m
57361 Uptime: %Hh %Mm
57362 Uptime: %Dd %Hh %Mm
57600 Create a new server listening on default settings
57601 Open an existing configuration file
57602 Close the current server configuration and stop listening
57603 Save the current configuration
57604 Save current configuration under a different name
57616 Open this server configuration file
57617 Open this server configuration file
57618 Open this server configuration file
57619 Open this server configuration file
57648 <html><h1>
57649 </h1><p>\n
57650 <pre> Last Modified Size %sName\n<hr>\n
57651 %-15s %s <a href="%s">%s%-1s</a>\n
57652 The URL specified is a folder that does not contain a default document or application. The following is a listing of what documents and subfolders it does have; please select one:<p>\n