PC World Komputer 1998 May
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C/C++ Source or Header
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// ObjectWindows
// (C) Copyright 1991, 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// Base window class definition, including HWND encapsulation.
#if !defined(OWL_WINDOW_H)
#define OWL_WINDOW_H
#if !defined(OWL_OWLDEFS_H)
# include <owl/owldefs.h>
#if !defined(OSL_GEOMETRY_H)
# include <osl/geometry.h>
#if !defined(OWL_CLIPBOAR_H)
# include <owl/clipboar.h>
#if !defined(OWL_WINDOWEV_H)
# include <owl/windowev.h>
#if !defined(OWL_APPLICAT_H)
# include <owl/applicat.h>
#if defined(BI_MULTI_THREAD) && !defined(CLASSLIB_THREAD_H)
# include <classlib/thread.h>
#include <owl/window.rh>
class _OWLCLASS TApplication;
class _OWLCLASS TModule;
class _OWLCLASS TScroller;
class _OWLCLASS TRegion;
class _OWLCLASS TWindow;
// enum TWindowFlag
// ---- -----------
enum TWindowFlag {
wfAlias = 0x0001, // TWindow is an alias to a preexisting HWND
wfAutoCreate = 0x0002, // Create the HWindow when our parent is created
wfFromResource = 0x0004, // HWindow comes from HWND created from resource
wfShrinkToClient = 0x0008, // Shrink a frame window to its client's size
wfMainWindow = 0x0010, // This frame window is the main window
wfFullyCreated = 0x0020, // Window is fully created & not being destroyed
wfStreamTop = 0x0040, // This window is the topmost one to stream
wfPredefinedClass = 0x0080, // Window class used was not defined by Owl
wfTransfer = 0x0100, // Transfer enabled
wfUnHidden = 0x0200, // Used temporarily when destroying MDI child
wfUnDisabled = 0x0400, // Used temporarily when destroying MDI child
wfDeleteOnClose = 0x0800 // Window is condemned on EvClose
// Transfer function flags
enum TTransferDirection {
tdGetData, // Get data from the window into the buffer
tdSetData, // Set data from the buffer into the window
tdSizeData // Just query the window data size in bytes
// Mixin window event implementation return status
enum TEventStatus {
esPartial, // Additional handlers may be invoked
esComplete // No additional handlers are needed
// special background color flags for EvEraseBkgnd processing
const uint32 NoColor = 0xFF000000l; // let DefWindowProc erase
const uint32 NoErase = 0xFE000000l; // don't erase, wait for Paint
// windows 3.1 windowsx.h name confict with TWindows::GetFirstChild()
#if defined(GetFirstChild)
# undef GetFirstChild(hwnd)
// Member and non-member action and conditional function types used with
// ForEach and FirstThat.
typedef void (*TActionFunc)(TWindow* win, void* param);
typedef bool (*TCondFunc)(TWindow* win, void* param);
typedef void (TWindow::*TActionMemFunc)(TWindow* win, void* param);
typedef bool (TWindow::*TCondMemFunc)(TWindow* win, void* param);
// class TCommandEnabler
// ----- ---------------
// base class for an extensible interface for auto enabling/disabling of
// commands (menu items, tool bar buttons, ...)
class _OWLCLASS TCommandEnabler {
const uint Id;
TCommandEnabler(uint id, HWND hWndReceiver = 0);
virtual void Enable(bool enable = true); // sets "Handled" to true
virtual void SetText(const char far* text) = 0;
enum {Unchecked, Checked, Indeterminate};
virtual void SetCheck(int check) = 0; // Pass above enum
bool SendsCommand() const {return !(Handled&NonSender);}
bool GetHandled() {return Handled & WasHandled;}
bool IsReceiver(HWND hReceiver) {return hReceiver==HWndReceiver;}
void SetHandled() {Handled |= WasHandled;}
const HWND HWndReceiver;
enum {WasHandled = 1, NonSender = 2};
// Will rename this member in a later rev. Use accessors to Get/Set
uint Handled;
// struct TWindowsAttr
// ------ ------------
// Window *Creation* attributes. Don't rely on these to track once HWindow
// has been created, use member functions to access information.
struct TWindowAttr {
uint32 Style;
uint32 ExStyle;
int X, Y, W, H;
TResId Menu; // Menu resource id
int Id; // Child identifier
char far* Param;
TResId AccelTable; // Accelerator table resource id
// class TWindow
// ----- -------
class _OWLCLASS TWindow : virtual public TEventHandler,
virtual public TStreamableBase {
class _OWLCLASS_RTL TXWindow : public TXOwl {
TXWindow(TWindow* win = 0, uint resourceId = IDS_INVALIDWINDOW);
TXWindow(const TXWindow& src);
int Unhandled(TModule* app, unsigned promptResId);
TXOwl* Clone();
void Throw() {throw *this;}
TWindow* Window;
static string Msg(TWindow* wnd, uint resourceid);
TStatus Status;
HWND HWindow; // handle to associated MS-Windows window
char far* Title;
TWindow* Parent;
TWindowAttr Attr;
WNDPROC DefaultProc;
TScroller* Scroller;
TWindow(TWindow* parent,
const char far* title = 0,
TModule* module = 0);
TWindow(HWND hWnd, TModule* module = 0);
virtual ~TWindow();
// two iterators that take function pointers
TWindow* FirstThat(TCondFunc test, void* paramList = 0);
void ForEach(TActionFunc action, void* paramList = 0);
// two iterators that take pointers to member functions
TWindow* FirstThat(TCondMemFunc test, void* paramList = 0);
void ForEach(TActionMemFunc action, void* paramList = 0);
// other functions for iteration
TWindow* Next() {return SiblingList;}
void SetNext(TWindow* next) {SiblingList = next;}
TWindow* GetFirstChild()
{return ChildList ? ChildList->SiblingList : 0;}
TWindow* GetLastChild() {return ChildList;}
TWindow* Previous();
unsigned NumChildren(); // number of child windows
// query and set the flags
void SetFlag(TWindowFlag mask) {Flags |= uint32(mask);}
void ClearFlag(TWindowFlag mask) {Flags &= uint32(~mask);}
bool IsFlagSet(TWindowFlag mask) {return (Flags & mask) ? 1 : 0;}
// sets/clears flag which indicates that the TWindow should be
// created if a create is sent while in the parent's child list
void EnableAutoCreate() {SetFlag(wfAutoCreate);}
void DisableAutoCreate() {ClearFlag(wfAutoCreate);}
// sets flag which indicates that the TWindow can/will transfer data
// via the transfer mechanism
void EnableTransfer() {SetFlag(wfTransfer);}
void DisableTransfer() {ClearFlag(wfTransfer);}
// Window's default module access functions
TModule* GetModule() const {return Module;}
void SetModule(TModule* module) {Module = module;}
TApplication* GetApplication() const {return Application;}
WNDPROC GetThunk() const {return Thunk;}
virtual bool Register();
// create/destroy an MS_Windows element to be associated with an OWL window
virtual bool Create();
virtual void PerformCreate(int menuOrId);
bool CreateChildren();
virtual void Destroy(int retVal = 0);
// suggest an Owl window to close itself
virtual void CloseWindow(int retVal = 0);
// Unconditionally shut down a given window. Destroy() is called to
// destroy the HWindow, & then the window is deleted. Non-static version
// is safe as long as it is inline and not called on itself
static void ShutDownWindow(TWindow* win, int retVal = 0);
void ShutDownWindow(int retVal = 0)
{ShutDownWindow(this, retVal);}
#if defined(BI_MULTI_THREAD)
// override TEventHandler::Dispatch() to handle multi-thread
// synchronization
virtual LRESULT Dispatch(TEventInfo& info, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp = 0);
// called from TApplication::ProcessAppMsg() to give the window an
// opportunity to perform preprocessing of the Windows message
// if you return true, further processing of the message is halted
// if you override this method in a derived class, make sure to call this
// routine because it handles translation of accelerators...
virtual bool PreProcessMsg(MSG& msg);
virtual bool IdleAction(long idleCount);
virtual bool HoldFocusHWnd(HWND hWndLose, HWND hWndGain);
int GetId() const {return Attr.Id;}
TWindow* ChildWithId(int id) const;
virtual void SetParent(TWindow* newParent);
virtual bool SetDocTitle(const char far* docname, int index);
void Show(int cmdShow);
void SetCaption(const char far* title);
void GetWindowTextTitle();
void GetHWndState();
bool SetCursor(TModule* module, TResId resId);
void SetBkgndColor(uint32 color) {BkgndColor = color;}
virtual bool CanClose();
// forwards the current event to "hWnd" using either PostMessage() or
// SendMessage(). Owl window version calls directly to window proc on send.
LRESULT ForwardMessage(HWND hWnd, bool send = true);
LRESULT ForwardMessage(bool send = true);
// send message to all children
void ChildBroadcastMessage(uint msg, WPARAM wParam=0, LPARAM lParam=0);
// Notify a window (parent usually) of a child action.
void SendNotification(int id, int notifyCode, HWND hCtl,
uint msg = WM_COMMAND);
// Called from StdWndProc to allow exceptions to be caught and suspended.
// Calls HandleMessage from within try block. Catches and suspends all
// exceptions before returning to Windows (Windows is not exception safe).
LRESULT ReceiveMessage(uint msg,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0);
// Call a Window's window proc to handle a message. Similar to SendMessage
// but more direct.
LRESULT HandleMessage(uint msg,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0);
// virtual functions called to handle a message, and to deal with an
// unhandled message in a default way.
virtual LRESULT WindowProc(uint msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual LRESULT DefWindowProc(uint msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// called by WindowProc() to handle WM_COMMANDs
// "id" - specifies the identifier of the menu item or control
// "hWndCtl" - specifies the control sending the message if the message
// is from a control; otherwise it is 0
// "notifyCode" - specifies the notification message if the message is from
// a control. if the message is from an accelerator, it is 1.
// if the message is from a menu, it is 0
virtual LRESULT EvCommand(uint id, HWND hWndCtl, uint notifyCode);
// called by WindowProc() to handle WM_COMMAND_ENABLE, & helper function
virtual void EvCommandEnable(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void RouteCommandEnable(HWND hInitCmdTarget, TCommandEnabler& ce);
// default processing, deals with special cases or calling DefWindowProc
LRESULT DefaultProcessing();
// Paint function called by base classes when responding to WM_PAINT
virtual void Paint(TDC& dc, bool erase, TRect& rect);
// transfer buffer
void SetTransferBuffer(void* transferBuffer)
{TransferBuffer = transferBuffer;}
virtual uint Transfer(void* buffer, TTransferDirection direction);
virtual void TransferData(TTransferDirection direction);
// installs the thunk as the window function and saves the previous window
// function in "DefaultProc"
void SubclassWindowFunction();
// Encapsulated HWND functions inline
// allow a TWindow& to be used as an HWND in Windows API calls
operator HWND() const {return HWindow;}
bool IsWindow() const {return ::IsWindow(HWindow);}
// messages
LRESULT SendMessage(uint msg,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0);
LRESULT SendDlgItemMessage(int childId,
uint msg,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0);
bool PostMessage(uint msg,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0);
static HWND GetCapture();
HWND SetCapture();
static void ReleaseCapture();
static HWND GetFocus();
HWND SetFocus();
bool IsWindowEnabled() const;
virtual bool EnableWindow(bool enable);
void SetRedraw(bool redraw);
// window coordinates, dimensions...
void ScreenToClient(TPoint& point) const;
void MapWindowPoints(HWND hWndTo,
TPoint* points,
int count) const;
void GetClientRect(TRect& rect) const;
TRect GetClientRect() const;
static HWND WindowFromPoint(const TPoint& point);
HWND ChildWindowFromPoint(const TPoint& point) const;
void ClientToScreen(TPoint& point) const;
void GetWindowRect(TRect& rect) const;
TRect GetWindowRect() const;
static void AdjustWindowRect(TRect& rect, uint32 style, bool menu);
static void AdjustWindowRectEx(TRect& rect, uint32 style,
bool menu, uint32 exStyle);
// window and class Words and Longs, window properties
long GetClassName(char far* className, int maxCount) const;
long GetClassLong(int index) const;
long SetClassLong(int index, long newLong);
uint16 GetClassWord(int index) const;
uint16 SetClassWord(int index, uint16 newWord);
long GetWindowLong(int index) const;
long SetWindowLong(int index, long newLong);
uint16 GetWindowWord(int index) const;
uint16 SetWindowWord(int index, uint16 newWord);
int EnumProps(PROPENUMPROC proc);
HANDLE GetProp(uint16 atom) const;
HANDLE RemoveProp(uint16 atom) const;
bool SetProp(uint16 atom, HANDLE data) const;
HANDLE GetProp(const char far* str) const;
HANDLE RemoveProp(const char far* str) const;
bool SetProp(const char far* str, HANDLE data) const;
// window placement(X,Y) and display
bool MoveWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool repaint = false);
bool MoveWindow(const TRect& rect, bool repaint = false);
virtual bool ShowWindow(int cmdShow);
void ShowOwnedPopups(bool show);
bool IsWindowVisible() const;
bool IsZoomed() const;
bool IsIconic() const;
int GetWindowTextLength() const;
int GetWindowText(char far* str, int maxCount) const;
void SetWindowText(const char far* str);
bool GetWindowPlacement(WINDOWPLACEMENT* place) const;
bool SetWindowPlacement(const WINDOWPLACEMENT* place);
// window positioning(Z), sibling relationships
void BringWindowToTop();
static HWND GetActiveWindow();
HWND SetActiveWindow();
static HWND GetDesktopWindow();
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
static HWND GetSysModalWindow();
HWND SetSysModalWindow();
HWND GetLastActivePopup() const;
HWND GetNextWindow(uint dirFlag) const;
HWND GetTopWindow() const;
HWND GetWindow(uint cmd) const;
bool SetWindowPos(HWND hWndInsertAfter,
const TRect& rect,
uint flags);
bool SetWindowPos(HWND hWndInsertAfter,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
uint flags);
// window painting: invalidating, validating & updating
void Invalidate(bool erase = true);
void InvalidateRect(const TRect& rect, bool erase = true);
void InvalidateRgn(HRGN hRgn, bool erase = true);
void Validate();
void ValidateRect(const TRect& rect);
void ValidateRgn(HRGN hRgn);
void UpdateWindow();
bool FlashWindow(bool invert);
bool GetUpdateRect(TRect& rect, bool erase = true) const;
bool GetUpdateRgn(TRegion& rgn, bool erase = true) const;
bool LockWindowUpdate();
bool RedrawWindow(TRect* update,
HRGN hUpdateRgn,
// scrolling and scrollbars
int GetScrollPos(int bar) const;
int SetScrollPos(int bar, int pos, bool redraw = true);
void GetScrollRange(int bar, int& minPos, int& maxPos) const;
void SetScrollRange(int bar,
int minPos,
int maxPos,
bool redraw = true);
bool EnableScrollBar(uint sbFlags=SB_BOTH,
uint arrowFlags=ESB_ENABLE_BOTH);
void ShowScrollBar(int bar, bool show = true);
void ScrollWindow(int dx,
int dy,
const TRect far* scroll = 0,
const TRect far* clip = 0);
void ScrollWindowEx(int dx,
int dy,
const TRect far* scroll = 0,
const TRect far* clip = 0,
HRGN hUpdateRgn = 0,
TRect far* update = 0,
uint flags = 0);
// parent/child with Ids
int GetDlgCtrlID() const;
HWND GetDlgItem(int childId) const;
uint GetDlgItemInt(int childId,
bool* translated = 0,
bool isSigned = true) const;
void SetDlgItemInt(int childId,
uint value,
bool isSigned = true) const;
int GetDlgItemText(int childId,
char far* text,
int max) const;
void SetDlgItemText(int childId, const char far* text) const;
uint IsDlgButtonChecked(int buttonId) const;
HWND GetParent() const;
bool IsChild(HWND) const;
HWND GetNextDlgGroupItem(HWND hWndCtrl,
bool previous = false) const;
HWND GetNextDlgTabItem(HWND HWndCtrl,
bool previous = false) const;
void CheckDlgButton(int buttonId, uint check);
void CheckRadioButton(int firstButtonId,
int lastButtonId,
int checkButtonId);
// menus and menubar
HMENU GetMenu() const;
HMENU GetSystemMenu(bool revert = false) const;
bool SetMenu(HMENU hMenu);
bool HiliteMenuItem(HMENU hMenu, uint idItem, uint hilite);
void DrawMenuBar();
// obsolete way to open the global clipboard object. The recomended
// way is to construct a TClipboard object using the TClipboard(HWND) ctor
TClipboard& OpenClipboard();
// timer
bool KillTimer(uint timerId);
uint SetTimer(uint timerId, uint timeout, TIMERPROC proc = 0);
// caret, cursor, font
void CreateCaret(HBITMAP hBitmap);
void CreateCaret(bool isGray, int width, int height);
static uint GetCaretBlinkTime();
static void GetCaretPos(TPoint& point);
void HideCaret();
static void SetCaretBlinkTime(uint16 milliSecs);
static void SetCaretPos(int x, int y);
static void SetCaretPos(const TPoint& pos);
void ShowCaret();
static void DestroyCaret();
static void GetCursorPos(TPoint& pos);
void SetWindowFont(HFONT font, bool redraw);
HFONT GetWindowFont();
// hot keys
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
bool RegisterHotKey(int idHotKey,
uint modifiers,
uint virtKey);
bool UnregisterHotKey(int idHotKey);
// Misc
bool WinHelp(const char far* helpFile,
uint command,
uint32 data);
int MessageBox(const char far* text,
const char far* caption = 0,
uint type = MB_OK);
HTASK GetWindowTask() const;
void DragAcceptFiles(bool accept);
TCurrentEvent& GetCurrentEvent() {return GetApplication()->GetCurrentEvent();}
// these events are processed by TWindow
void EvClose();
int EvCreate(CREATESTRUCT far& createStruct);
void EvDestroy();
LRESULT EvCompareItem(uint ctrlId, COMPAREITEMSTRUCT far& compareInfo);
void EvDeleteItem(uint ctrlId, DELETEITEMSTRUCT far& deleteInfo);
void EvDrawItem(uint ctrlId, DRAWITEMSTRUCT far& drawInfo);
void EvMeasureItem(uint ctrlId, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT far& measureInfo);
void EvHScroll(uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl);
void EvVScroll(uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl);
void EvMove(TPoint& clientOrigin);
void EvNCDestroy();
bool EvQueryEndSession();
void EvSize(uint sizeType, TSize& size);
void EvLButtonDown(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
bool EvEraseBkgnd(HDC);
void EvPaint();
void EvSysColorChange();
void CmExit(); // CM_EXIT
// input validation message handler
void EvChildInvalid(HWND hWnd);
// system messages
void EvCommNotify(uint commId, uint status);
void EvCompacting(uint compactRatio);
void EvDevModeChange(char far* devName);
void EvEnable(bool enabled);
void EvEndSession(bool endSession);
void EvFontChange();
int EvPower(uint powerEvent);
void EvSysCommand(uint cmdType, TPoint& point);
void EvSystemError(uint error);
void EvTimeChange();
void EvTimer(uint timerId);
void EvWinIniChange(char far* section);
// window manager messages
void EvActivate(uint active,
bool minimized,
HWND hWndOther /* may be 0 */);
void EvActivateApp(bool active, HTASK hTask);
void EvCancelMode();
void EvGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO far& minmaxinfo);
void EvGetText(uint buffSize, char far* buff);
uint EvGetTextLength();
void EvIconEraseBkgnd(HDC hDC);
void EvKillFocus(HWND hWndGetFocus /* may be 0 */);
uint EvMouseActivate(HWND hWndTopLevel,
uint hitTestCode,
uint msg);
// The following five are called under Win32 only
void EvInputFocus(bool gainingFocus);
void EvOtherWindowCreated(HWND hWndOther);
void EvOtherWindowDestroyed(HWND hWndOther);
void EvPaintIcon();
void EvHotKey(int idHotKey);
void EvNextDlgCtl(uint hctlOrDir, uint isHCtl);
void EvParentNotify(uint event,
uint childHandleOrX,
uint childIDOrY);
HANDLE EvQueryDragIcon();
bool EvQueryOpen();
void EvQueueSync();
bool EvSetCursor(HWND hWndCursor,
uint hitTest,
uint mouseMsg);
void EvSetFocus(HWND hWndLostFocus /* may be 0 */);
HFONT EvGetFont();
void EvSetFont(HFONT hFont, bool redraw);
void EvSetRedraw(bool redraw);
void EvSetText(const char far* text);
void EvShowWindow(bool show, uint status);
void EvWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS far& windowPos);
void EvWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS far& windowPos);
// keyboard input
void EvChar(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags);
void EvDeadChar(uint deadKey, uint repeatCount, uint flags);
void EvKeyDown(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags);
void EvKeyUp(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags);
void EvSysChar(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags);
void EvSysDeadChar(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags);
void EvSysKeyDown(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags);
void EvSysKeyUp(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags);
// controls
HBRUSH EvCtlColor(HDC hDC, HWND hWndChild, uint ctlType);
// mouse input
void EvLButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvLButtonUp(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvMButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvMButtonDown(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvMButtonUp(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvMouseMove(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvRButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvRButtonDown(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvRButtonUp(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
// menu related messages
void EvInitMenu(HMENU hMenu);
void EvInitMenuPopup(HMENU hPopupMenu,
uint index,
bool sysMenu);
uint EvMenuChar(uint nChar, uint menuType, HMENU hMenu);
void EvMenuSelect(uint menuItemId, uint flags, HMENU hMenu);
// dialog messages
void EvEnterIdle(uint source, HWND hWndDlg);
uint EvGetDlgCode(MSG far* msg);
// print manager messages
void EvSpoolerStatus(uint jobStatus, uint jobsLeft);
// clipboard messages
void EvAskCBFormatName(uint bufLen, char far* buffer);
void EvChangeCBChain(HWND hWndRemoved, HWND hWndNext);
void EvDrawClipboard();
void EvDestroyClipboard();
void EvHScrollClipboard(HWND hWndCBViewer,
uint scrollCode,
uint pos);
void EvPaintClipboard(HWND hWnd, HANDLE hPaintStruct);
void EvRenderAllFormats();
void EvRenderFormat(uint dataFormat);
void EvSizeClipboard(HWND hWndViewer, HANDLE hRect);
void EvVScrollClipboard(HWND hWndCBViewer,
uint scrollCode,
uint pos);
// palette manager messages
void EvPaletteChanged(HWND hWndPalChg);
void EvPaletteIsChanging(HWND hWndPalChg);
bool EvQueryNewPalette();
// drag-n-drop messages
void EvDropFiles(TDropInfo dropInfo);
// list box messages
int EvCharToItem(uint key, HWND hWndListBox, uint caretPos);
int EvVKeyToItem(uint key, HWND hWndListBox, uint caretPos);
// non-client messages
bool EvNCActivate(bool active);
uint EvNCCalcSize(bool calcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS far& params);
bool EvNCCreate(CREATESTRUCT far& createStruct);
uint EvNCHitTest(TPoint& point);
void EvNCLButtonDblClk(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
void EvNCLButtonDown(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
void EvNCLButtonUp(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
void EvNCMButtonDblClk(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
void EvNCMButtonDown(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
void EvNCMButtonUp(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
void EvNCMouseMove(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
void EvNCPaint();
void EvNCRButtonDblClk(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
void EvNCRButtonDown(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
void EvNCRButtonUp(uint hitTest, TPoint& point);
// Constructor & subsequent initializer for use with virtual derivations
// Immediate derivitives must call Init() before constructions are done.
void Init(TWindow* parent, const char far* title, TModule* module);
virtual void GetWindowClass(WNDCLASS& wndClass);
virtual char far* GetClassName();
virtual void SetupWindow();
virtual void CleanupWindow();
void DispatchScroll(uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtrl);
void LoadAcceleratorTable();
virtual void RemoveChild(TWindow* child);
TWindow* GetWindowPtr(HWND hWnd) const;
void* TransferBuffer;
HACCEL hAccel;
TModule* CursorModule;
TResId CursorResId;
uint32 BkgndColor;
WNDPROC Thunk; // Thunk that load 'this' into registers
TApplication* Application; // Application that this window belongs to
TModule* Module; // default module used for getting resources
uint32 Flags;
uint16 ZOrder;
TWindow* ChildList;
TWindow* SiblingList;
uint32 UniqueId;
static uint32 LastUniqueId;
void Init(TWindow* parent, TModule* module);
bool OrderIsI(TWindow* win, void* position);
void AssignZOrder();
void AddChild(TWindow* child);
int IndexOf(TWindow* child);
TWindow* At(int position);
void SetUniqueId();
// hidden to prevent accidental copying or assignment
TWindow(const TWindow&);
TWindow& operator =(const TWindow&);
}; // end of class TWindow
// A TActionFunc defined in window.cpp
void DoEnableAutoCreate(TWindow* win, void*);
// Raw function to retrieve a TWindow pointer given an HWND from the a given
// app, or any app (app==0). Use the TWindow or TApplication member versions
// in new code for more protection.
TWindow* _OWLFUNC GetWindowPtr(HWND hWnd, const TApplication* app = 0);
inline TWindow* GetObjectPtr(HWND hWnd) {return ::GetWindowPtr(hWnd);}
#if defined(__TRACE) || defined(__WARN)
ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const TWindow& w);
inline void
TWindow::SendNotification(int id, int notifyCode, HWND hCtl, uint msg) {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
HandleMessage(msg, MAKEWPARAM(id, notifyCode), LPARAM(hCtl));
HandleMessage(msg, id, MAKELPARAM(hCtl, notifyCode));
// HWND wrappers
inline LRESULT
TWindow::SendDlgItemMessage(int childId, uint msg,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
return ::SendDlgItemMessage(HWindow, childId, msg, wParam, lParam);
inline bool
TWindow::PostMessage(uint msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
return ::PostMessage(HWindow, msg, wParam, lParam);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetCapture() {
return ::GetCapture();
inline HWND
TWindow::SetCapture() {
return ::SetCapture(HWindow);
inline void
TWindow::ReleaseCapture() {
inline HWND
TWindow::GetFocus() {
return ::GetFocus();
inline HWND
TWindow::SetFocus() {
return ::SetFocus(HWindow);
inline bool
TWindow::IsWindowEnabled() const {
return ::IsWindowEnabled(HWindow);
inline bool
TWindow::EnableWindow(bool enable) {
return ::EnableWindow(HWindow, enable);
inline void
TWindow::SetRedraw(bool redraw) {
SendMessage(WM_SETREDRAW, redraw);
inline void
TWindow::ScreenToClient(TPoint& point) const {
::ScreenToClient(HWindow, &point);
inline void
TWindow::MapWindowPoints(HWND hWndTo, TPoint* points, int count) const {
::MapWindowPoints(HWindow, hWndTo, points, count);
inline void
TWindow::GetClientRect(TRect& rect) const {
::GetClientRect(HWindow, &rect);
inline TRect TWindow::GetClientRect() const {
TRect rect;
::GetClientRect(HWindow, &rect);
return rect;
inline HWND
TWindow::WindowFromPoint(const TPoint& point) {
return ::WindowFromPoint(point);
inline HWND
TWindow::ChildWindowFromPoint(const TPoint& point) const {
return ::ChildWindowFromPoint(HWindow, point);
inline void
TWindow::ClientToScreen(TPoint& point) const {
::ClientToScreen(HWindow, &point);
inline void
TWindow::GetWindowRect(TRect& rect) const {
::GetWindowRect(HWindow, &rect);
inline TRect
TWindow::GetWindowRect() const {
TRect rect;
::GetWindowRect(HWindow, &rect);
return rect;
inline void
TWindow::AdjustWindowRect(TRect& rect, uint32 style, bool menu) {
::AdjustWindowRect(&rect, style, menu);
inline void
TWindow::AdjustWindowRectEx(TRect& rect, uint32 style, bool menu, uint32 exStyle) {
::AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, style, menu, exStyle);
// window and class Words and Longs, window properties
inline long
TWindow::GetClassName(char far* className, int maxCount) const {
return ::GetClassName(HWindow, className, maxCount);
inline long
TWindow::GetClassLong(int index) const {
return ::GetClassLong(HWindow, index);
inline long
TWindow::SetClassLong(int index, long newLong) {
return ::SetClassLong(HWindow, index, newLong);
inline uint16
TWindow::GetClassWord(int index) const {
return ::GetClassWord(HWindow, index);
inline uint16
TWindow::SetClassWord(int index, uint16 newWord) {
return ::SetClassWord(HWindow, index, newWord);
inline long
TWindow::GetWindowLong(int index) const {
return ::GetWindowLong(HWindow, index);
inline long
TWindow::SetWindowLong(int index, long newLong) {
return ::SetWindowLong(HWindow, index, newLong);
inline uint16
TWindow::GetWindowWord(int index) const {
return ::GetWindowWord(HWindow, index);
inline uint16
TWindow::SetWindowWord(int index, uint16 newWord) {
return ::SetWindowWord(HWindow, index, newWord);
inline int
TWindow::EnumProps(PROPENUMPROC proc) {
return ::EnumProps(HWindow, proc);
inline HANDLE
TWindow::GetProp(uint16 atom) const {
return :: GetProp(HWindow, (LPCSTR)(uint32)atom);
inline HANDLE
TWindow::RemoveProp(uint16 atom) const {
return :: RemoveProp(HWindow, (LPCSTR)(uint32)atom);
inline bool
TWindow::SetProp(uint16 atom, HANDLE data) const {
return :: SetProp(HWindow, (LPCSTR)(uint32)atom, data);
inline HANDLE
TWindow::GetProp(const char far* str) const {
return ::GetProp(HWindow, str);
inline HANDLE
TWindow::RemoveProp(const char far* str) const {
return ::RemoveProp(HWindow, str);
inline bool
TWindow::SetProp(const char far* str, HANDLE data) const {
return ::SetProp(HWindow, str, data);
inline bool
TWindow::MoveWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool repaint) {
return ::MoveWindow(HWindow, x, y, w, h, repaint);
inline bool
TWindow::MoveWindow(const TRect& rect, bool repaint) {
return ::MoveWindow(HWindow, rect.left, rect.top,
rect.Width(), rect.Height(), repaint);
inline bool
TWindow::ShowWindow(int cmdShow) {
return ::ShowWindow(HWindow, cmdShow);
inline void
TWindow::ShowOwnedPopups(bool show) {
::ShowOwnedPopups(HWindow, show);
inline bool
TWindow::IsWindowVisible() const {
return ::IsWindowVisible(HWindow);
inline bool
TWindow::IsZoomed() const {
return ::IsZoomed(HWindow);
inline bool
TWindow::IsIconic() const {
return ::IsIconic(HWindow);
inline int
TWindow::GetWindowTextLength() const {
return ::GetWindowTextLength(HWindow);
inline int
TWindow::GetWindowText(char far* str, int maxCount) const {
return ::GetWindowText(HWindow, str, maxCount);
inline void
TWindow::SetWindowText(const char far* str) {
::SetWindowText(HWindow, str);
inline bool
TWindow::GetWindowPlacement(WINDOWPLACEMENT* place) const {
return ::GetWindowPlacement(HWindow, place);
inline bool
TWindow::SetWindowPlacement(const WINDOWPLACEMENT* place) {
return ::SetWindowPlacement(HWindow, place);
inline void
TWindow::BringWindowToTop() {
inline HWND
TWindow::GetActiveWindow() {
return ::GetActiveWindow();
inline HWND
TWindow::SetActiveWindow() {
return ::SetActiveWindow(HWindow);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetDesktopWindow() {
return ::GetDesktopWindow();
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
inline HWND
TWindow::GetSysModalWindow() {
return ::GetSysModalWindow();
inline HWND
TWindow::SetSysModalWindow() {
return ::SetSysModalWindow(HWindow);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetNextWindow(uint flag) const {
return ::GetNextWindow(HWindow, flag);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetLastActivePopup() const {
return ::GetLastActivePopup(HWindow);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetWindow(uint flag) const {
return ::GetWindow(HWindow, flag);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetTopWindow() const {
return ::GetTopWindow(HWindow);
inline bool
TWindow::SetWindowPos(HWND hWndInsertAfter, const TRect& rect, uint flags) {
return ::SetWindowPos(HWindow, hWndInsertAfter, rect.left, rect.top,
rect.Width(), rect.Height(), flags);
inline bool
TWindow::SetWindowPos(HWND hWndInsertAfter,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
uint flags) {
return ::SetWindowPos(HWindow, hWndInsertAfter, x, y, w, h, flags);
inline void
TWindow::Invalidate(bool erase) {
::InvalidateRect(HWindow, 0, erase);
inline void
TWindow::InvalidateRect(const TRect& rect, bool erase) {
::InvalidateRect(HWindow, &rect, erase);
inline void
TWindow::InvalidateRgn(HRGN hRgn, bool erase) {
::InvalidateRgn(HWindow, hRgn, erase);
inline void
TWindow::Validate() {
::ValidateRect(HWindow, 0);
inline void
TWindow::ValidateRect(const TRect& rect) {
::ValidateRect(HWindow, &rect);
inline void
TWindow::ValidateRgn(HRGN hRgn) {
::ValidateRgn(HWindow, hRgn);
inline void
TWindow::UpdateWindow() {
inline bool
TWindow::FlashWindow(bool invert) {
return ::FlashWindow(HWindow, invert);
inline bool
TWindow::GetUpdateRect(TRect& rect, bool erase) const {
return ::GetUpdateRect(HWindow, &rect, erase);
inline bool
TWindow::LockWindowUpdate() {
return ::LockWindowUpdate(HWindow);
inline bool
TWindow::RedrawWindow(TRect* update, HRGN hUpdateRgn, uint redraw) {
return ::RedrawWindow(HWindow, update, hUpdateRgn, redraw);
inline int
TWindow::GetScrollPos(int bar) const {
return ::GetScrollPos(HWindow, bar);
inline int
TWindow::SetScrollPos(int bar, int pos, bool redraw) {
return ::SetScrollPos(HWindow, bar, pos, redraw);
inline void
TWindow::GetScrollRange(int bar, int& minPos, int& maxPos) const {
::GetScrollRange(HWindow, bar, &minPos, &maxPos);
inline void
TWindow::SetScrollRange(int bar, int minPos, int maxPos, bool redraw) {
::SetScrollRange(HWindow, bar, minPos, maxPos, redraw);
inline bool
TWindow::EnableScrollBar(uint sbFlags, uint arrowFlags) {
return ::EnableScrollBar(HWindow, sbFlags, arrowFlags);
inline void TWindow::ShowScrollBar(int bar, bool show) {
::ShowScrollBar(HWindow, bar, show);
inline void
TWindow::ScrollWindow(int dx,
int dy,
const TRect far* scroll,
const TRect far* clip) {
::ScrollWindow(HWindow, dx, dy, scroll, clip);
inline void
TWindow::ScrollWindowEx(int dx,
int dy,
const TRect far* scroll,
const TRect far* clip,
HRGN hUpdateRgn,
TRect far* update,
uint flags) {
::ScrollWindowEx(HWindow, dx, dy, scroll, clip, hUpdateRgn, update, flags);
inline int
TWindow::GetDlgCtrlID() const {
return ::GetDlgCtrlID(HWindow);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetDlgItem(int childId) const {
return ::GetDlgItem(HWindow, childId);
inline uint
TWindow::GetDlgItemInt(int childId, bool* translated, bool isSigned) const {
return ::GetDlgItemInt(HWindow, childId, (int*)translated, isSigned);
inline void
TWindow::SetDlgItemInt(int childId, uint value, bool isSigned) const {
::SetDlgItemInt(HWindow, childId, value, isSigned);
inline int
TWindow::GetDlgItemText(int childId, char far* text, int max) const {
return ::GetDlgItemText(HWindow, childId, text, max);
inline void
TWindow::SetDlgItemText(int childId, const char far* text) const {
::SetDlgItemText(HWindow, childId, text);
inline uint
TWindow::IsDlgButtonChecked(int buttonId) const {
return ::IsDlgButtonChecked(HWindow, buttonId);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetParent() const {
return ::GetParent(HWindow);
inline bool
TWindow::IsChild(HWND hWnd) const {
return ::IsChild(HWindow, hWnd);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetNextDlgGroupItem(HWND hWndCtrl, bool previous) const {
return ::GetNextDlgGroupItem(HWindow, hWndCtrl, previous);
inline HWND
TWindow::GetNextDlgTabItem(HWND hWndCtrl, bool previous) const {
return ::GetNextDlgTabItem(HWindow, hWndCtrl, previous);
inline void
TWindow::CheckDlgButton(int buttonId, uint check) {
::CheckDlgButton(HWindow, buttonId, check);
inline void
TWindow::CheckRadioButton(int firstButtonId, int lastButtonId, int checkButtonId) {
::CheckRadioButton(HWindow, firstButtonId, lastButtonId, checkButtonId);
inline HMENU
TWindow::GetMenu() const {
return ::GetMenu(HWindow);
inline HMENU
TWindow::GetSystemMenu(bool revert) const {
return ::GetSystemMenu(HWindow, revert);
inline bool
TWindow::SetMenu(HMENU hMenu) {
return ::SetMenu(HWindow, hMenu);
inline bool
TWindow::HiliteMenuItem(HMENU hMenu, uint idItem, uint hilite) {
return ::HiliteMenuItem(HWindow, hMenu, idItem, hilite);
inline void
TWindow::DrawMenuBar() {
inline TClipboard&
TWindow::OpenClipboard() {
TClipboard& clip = TClipboard::GetClipboard();
return clip;
inline bool
TWindow::KillTimer(uint timerId) {
return ::KillTimer(HWindow, timerId);
inline uint
TWindow::SetTimer(uint timerId, uint timeout, TIMERPROC proc) {
return ::SetTimer(HWindow, timerId, timeout, proc);
inline void
TWindow::CreateCaret(HBITMAP hBitmap) {
::CreateCaret(HWindow, hBitmap, 0, 0);
inline void
TWindow::CreateCaret(bool isGray, int width, int height) {
::CreateCaret(HWindow, (HBITMAP)(isGray ? 1 : 0), width, height);
inline void
TWindow::DestroyCaret() {
inline uint
TWindow::GetCaretBlinkTime() {
return ::GetCaretBlinkTime();
inline void
TWindow::GetCaretPos(TPoint& point) {
inline void
TWindow::HideCaret() {
inline void
TWindow::SetCaretBlinkTime(uint16 milliSecs) {
inline void
TWindow::SetCaretPos(int x, int y) {
::SetCaretPos(x, y);
inline void
TWindow::SetCaretPos(const TPoint& pos) {
::SetCaretPos(pos.x, pos.y);
inline void
TWindow::ShowCaret() {
inline void
TWindow::GetCursorPos(TPoint& pos) {
inline void
TWindow::SetWindowFont(HFONT font, bool redraw) {
HandleMessage(WM_SETFONT, WPARAM(font), redraw);
inline HFONT
TWindow::GetWindowFont() {
return (HFONT)HandleMessage(WM_GETFONT);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline bool
TWindow::RegisterHotKey(int idHotKey, uint modifiers, uint virtKey) {
return ::RegisterHotKey(HWindow, idHotKey, modifiers, virtKey);
inline bool
TWindow::UnregisterHotKey(int idHotKey) {
return ::UnregisterHotKey(HWindow, idHotKey);
inline bool
TWindow::WinHelp(const char far* helpFile, uint command, uint32 data) {
return ::WinHelp(HWindow, helpFile, command, data);
inline HTASK
TWindow::GetWindowTask() const {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
return (HANDLE)::GetWindowThreadProcessId(HWindow, 0);
return ::GetWindowTask(HWindow);
inline void
TWindow::DragAcceptFiles(bool accept) {
::DragAcceptFiles(HWindow, accept);
inline TWindow* TWindow::GetWindowPtr(HWND hWnd) const {
return ::GetWindowPtr(hWnd, GetApplication());
// inline member functions that call DefWindowProc()
inline void TWindow::EvActivate(uint active,
bool minimized,
HWND hWndOther /*may be 0*/)
inline void TWindow::EvActivateApp(bool active, HTASK hTask /* threadId*/)
inline void TWindow::EvAskCBFormatName(uint bufLen, char far* buffer)
inline void TWindow::EvCancelMode()
inline void TWindow::EvChangeCBChain(HWND hWndRemoved, HWND hWndNext)
inline void TWindow::EvChar(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
inline int TWindow::EvCharToItem(uint key, HWND hWndListBox, uint caretPos)
{return (int)DefaultProcessing();}
inline int TWindow::EvVKeyToItem(uint key, HWND hWndListBox, uint caretPos)
{return (int)DefaultProcessing();}
inline void TWindow::EvCommNotify(uint commId, uint status)
inline void TWindow::EvCompacting(uint compactRatio)
inline HBRUSH TWindow::EvCtlColor(HDC hDC, HWND hWndChild, uint ctlType)
{return (HBRUSH)DefaultProcessing();}
inline void TWindow::EvDeadChar(uint deadKey, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
inline void TWindow::EvDestroyClipboard()
inline void TWindow::EvDevModeChange(char far*)
inline void TWindow::EvDropFiles(TDropInfo)
inline void TWindow::EvDrawClipboard()
inline void TWindow::EvEnable(bool enabled)
inline void TWindow::EvEndSession(bool endSession)
inline void TWindow::EvEnterIdle(uint source, HWND hWndDlg)
inline void TWindow::EvFontChange()
inline uint TWindow::EvGetDlgCode(MSG far*)
{return (uint)DefaultProcessing();}
inline HFONT TWindow::EvGetFont()
{return (HFONT)DefaultProcessing();}
inline void TWindow::EvGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO far&)
inline void TWindow::EvGetText(uint buffSize, char far* buff)
inline uint TWindow::EvGetTextLength()
{return (uint)DefaultProcessing();}
inline void TWindow::EvHotKey(int idHotKey)
inline void TWindow::EvInputFocus(bool gainingFocus)
inline void TWindow::EvHScrollClipboard(HWND hWndCBViewer,
uint scrollCode,
uint pos)
inline void TWindow::EvIconEraseBkgnd(HDC)
inline void TWindow::EvInitMenu(HMENU)
inline void TWindow::EvKeyDown(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
inline void TWindow::EvKeyUp(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
inline void TWindow::EvLButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvLButtonUp(uint modKeys, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvMButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvMButtonDown(uint modKeys, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvMButtonUp(uint modKeys, TPoint&)
inline uint TWindow::EvMenuChar(uint nChar, uint menuType, HMENU hMenu)
{return (uint)DefaultProcessing();}
inline void TWindow::EvMenuSelect(uint menuItemId, uint flags, HMENU hMenu)
inline uint TWindow::EvMouseActivate(HWND hWndTopLevel, uint hitTestCode, uint msg)
{return (uint)DefaultProcessing();}
inline void TWindow::EvMouseMove(uint modKeys, TPoint&)
inline bool TWindow::EvNCActivate(bool active)
{return (bool)DefaultProcessing();}
inline uint TWindow::EvNCCalcSize(bool calcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS far&)
{return (uint)DefaultProcessing();}
inline bool TWindow::EvNCCreate(CREATESTRUCT far&)
{return (bool)DefaultProcessing();}
inline uint TWindow::EvNCHitTest(TPoint&)
{return (uint)DefaultProcessing();}
inline void TWindow::EvNCLButtonDblClk(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNCLButtonDown(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNCLButtonUp(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNCMButtonDblClk(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNCMButtonDown(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNCMButtonUp(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNCMouseMove(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNCPaint()
inline void TWindow::EvNCRButtonDblClk(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNCRButtonDown(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNCRButtonUp(uint hitTest, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvNextDlgCtl(uint hctlOrDir, uint isHCtl)
inline void TWindow::EvOtherWindowCreated(HWND hWndOther)
inline void TWindow::EvOtherWindowDestroyed(HWND hWndOther)
inline void TWindow::EvPaintIcon()
inline void TWindow::EvPaintClipboard(HWND, HANDLE hPaintStruct)
inline void TWindow::EvPaletteChanged(HWND hWndPalChg)
inline void TWindow::EvPaletteIsChanging(HWND hWndPalChg)
inline void TWindow::EvParentNotify(uint event,
uint childHandleOrX,
uint childIDOrY)
inline int TWindow::EvPower(uint)
{return (int)DefaultProcessing();}
inline void TWindow::EvSysCommand(uint cmdType, TPoint&)
inline HANDLE TWindow::EvQueryDragIcon()
{return (HANDLE)DefaultProcessing();}
inline bool TWindow::EvQueryNewPalette()
{return (bool)DefaultProcessing();}
inline bool TWindow::EvQueryOpen()
{return (bool)DefaultProcessing();}
inline void TWindow::EvQueueSync()
inline void TWindow::EvRenderAllFormats()
inline void TWindow::EvRenderFormat(uint dataFormat)
inline void TWindow::EvRButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvRButtonDown(uint modKeys, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvRButtonUp(uint modKeys, TPoint&)
inline void TWindow::EvSetFocus(HWND hWndLostFocus)
inline void TWindow::EvSetFont(HFONT, bool)
inline void TWindow::EvSetRedraw(bool)
inline void TWindow::EvSetText(const char far*)
inline void TWindow::EvShowWindow(bool show, uint status)
inline void TWindow::EvSizeClipboard(HWND hWndViewer, HANDLE hRect)
inline void TWindow::EvSpoolerStatus(uint jobStatus, uint jobsLeft)
inline void TWindow::EvSysChar(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
inline void TWindow::EvSysDeadChar(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
inline void TWindow::EvSysKeyDown(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
inline void TWindow::EvSysKeyUp(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
inline void TWindow::EvSystemError(uint error)
inline void TWindow::EvTimeChange()
inline void TWindow::EvTimer(uint timerId)
inline void TWindow::EvWinIniChange(char far* section)
inline void TWindow::EvVScrollClipboard(HWND hWndCBViewer,
uint scrollCode,
uint pos)
inline void TWindow::EvWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS far& windowPos)
inline void TWindow::EvWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS far& windowPos)
#endif // OWL_WINDOW_H