PC World Komputer 1998 May
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C/C++ Source or Header
210 lines
// ObjectWindows
// (C) Copyright 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
#if !defined(OWL_OLEWINDO_H)
#if !defined(OWL_WINDOW_H)
# include <owl/window.h>
#if !defined(OWL_OCFEVENT_H)
# include <owl/ocfevent.h>
#if !defined(OCF_OCREMVIE_H)
# include <ocf/ocremvie.h>
#if !defined(OCF_OCPART_H)
# include <ocf/ocpart.h>
#if !defined(OWL_UIHANDLE_H)
# include <owl/uihandle.h>
#if !defined(OCF_OCLINK_H)
# include <ocf/oclink.h>
// class TOleWindow
// ----- ----------
// The generic ole 2 window. Use as a client of a frame window.
class _USERCLASS TOleWindow : public TWindow {
TOleWindow(TWindow* parent = 0, TModule* module = 0);
// Accessors
TOcDocument* GetOcDoc() {return OcDoc;}
TOcView* GetOcView() {return OcView;}
TOcRemView* GetOcRemView() {return TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST(OcView, TOcRemView);}
TOcApp* GetOcApp() {return OcApp;}
bool HasActivePart();
bool SelectEmbedded() {return DragPart != 0;}
bool IsOpenEditing() const;
bool IsRemote() const {return Remote;}
virtual bool OleShutDown();
virtual void SetupDC(TDC& dc, bool scale = true);
virtual TOcView* CreateOcView(TRegLink* link, bool isRemote, IUnknown* outer);
// Overridables
virtual void GetInsertPosition(TRect& rect);
virtual void InvalidatePart(TOcInvalidate invalid); // server only
virtual bool Deactivate();
virtual bool Select(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
virtual bool PaintSelection(TDC& dc, bool erase, TRect& rect,
void* userData = 0){return false;}
virtual bool PaintParts(TDC& dc, bool erase, TRect& rect, bool metafile);
virtual bool PaintLink(TDC& dc, bool erase, TRect& rect,
TString& moniker) {return false;}
virtual void GetLogPerUnit(TSize& logPerUnit);
virtual void SetScale(uint16 percent);
virtual void SetSelection(TOcPart* part);
virtual bool ShowCursor(HWND wnd, uint hitTest, uint mouseMsg);
void SetupWindow();
void CleanupWindow();
bool IdleAction(long idleCount);
LRESULT EvCommand(uint id, HWND hWndCtl, uint notifyCode);
void EvCommandEnable(TCommandEnabler& commandEnabler);
bool CanClose();
bool InClient(TDC& dc, TPoint& point);
void EvPaint();
void EvSize(uint sizeType, TSize& size);
void EvMDIActivate(HWND hWndActivated, HWND hWndDeactivated);
uint EvMouseActivate(HWND topParent, uint hitCode, uint msg);
void EvSetFocus(HWND hWndLostFocus);
virtual bool EvOcViewPartInvalid(TOcPartChangeInfo& changeInfo);
void CeFileClose(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CmEditDelete();
void CmEditCut();
void CmEditCopy();
void CmEditPaste();
void CmEditPasteSpecial();
void CmEditPasteLink();
void CmEditLinks();
void CmEditConvert();
void CmEditInsertObject();
void CmEditShowObjects();
void CeEditDelete(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditCut(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditCopy(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditPaste(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditPasteSpecial(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditPasteLink(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditLinks(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditObject(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditConvert(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditVerbs(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditInsertObject(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void CeEditShowObjects(TCommandEnabler& ce);
void EvMouseMove(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvRButtonDown(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvLButtonUp(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvLButtonDown(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvLButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
bool EvSetCursor(HWND hWndCursor, uint hitTest, uint mouseMsg);
void EvDropFiles(TDropInfo dropInfo);
void EvHScroll(uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl);
void EvVScroll(uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl);
void EvMenuSelect(uint menuItemId, uint flags, HMENU hMenu);
LRESULT EvOcEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// uint32 EvOcViewDiscardUndo(void far* undo);
// Container specific messages
const char far* EvOcViewTitle();
void EvOcViewSetTitle(const char far* title);
bool EvOcViewBorderSpaceReq(TRect far* rect);
bool EvOcViewBorderSpaceSet(TRect far* rect);
bool EvOcViewDrop(TOcDragDrop far& ddInfo);
bool EvOcViewDrag(TOcDragDrop far& ddInfo);
bool EvOcViewScroll(TOcScrollDir scrollDir);
bool EvOcViewGetScale(TOcScaleFactor& scaleFactor);
bool EvOcViewGetSiteRect(TRect far* rect);
bool EvOcViewSetSiteRect(TRect far* rect);
bool EvOcViewPartActivate(TOcPart& ocPart);
bool EvOcViewPasteObject(TOcInitInfo& init);
// Server specific messages
bool EvOcPartInvalid(TOcPart far& /*part*/) {return false;}
bool EvOcViewSavePart(TOcSaveLoad far& ocSave);
bool EvOcViewLoadPart(TOcSaveLoad far& ocLoad);
bool EvOcViewPaint(TOcViewPaint far& vp);
bool EvOcViewInsMenus(TOcMenuDescr far& sharedMenu);
bool EvOcViewShowTools(TOcToolBarInfo far& tbi);
bool EvOcViewGetPalette(LOGPALETTE far* far* palette);
bool EvOcViewClipData(TOcFormatData far& format);
bool EvOcViewSetData(TOcFormatData far& format);
bool EvOcViewClose();
bool EvOcViewPartSize(TOcPartSize far& size);
bool EvOcViewOpenDoc(const char far* path);
bool EvOcViewAttachWindow(bool attach);
bool EvOcViewSetScale(TOcScaleFactor& scaleFactor);
bool EvOcViewGetItemName(TOcItemName& item);
bool EvOcViewSetLink(TOcLinkView& view);
bool EvOcViewBreakLink(TOcLinkView& view);
bool EvOcViewDoVerb(uint verb);
TPopupMenu* CreateVerbPopup(const TOcVerb& ocVerb);
void EvDoVerb(uint whichVerb);
void Init();
TOcPart* DragPart;
TUIHandle::TWhere DragHit;
TDC* DragDC;
TPoint DragPt;
TRect DragRect;
TPoint DragStart;
TOcScaleFactor Scale; // current scaling factor
TRect Pos; // current position
TOcDocument* OcDoc; // associated OCF document partner
TOcView* OcView; // associated OCF view partner
TOcApp* OcApp; // associated OCF app partner
string ContainerName; // Name for this container
bool Remote; // Using a remote OC view?
bool ShowObjects; // Show embedded part frames?
int MinWidth; // minimum width of part
int MinHeight; // minimum height of part
// class TOleClientDC
// ----- ------------
// The TOleClientDC is a client dc with window origin, ext, and viewport
// origin, ext set up to reflect the current scrolling and scaling information.
class TOleClientDC : public TClientDC {
TOleClientDC(TOleWindow& win, bool scale = true);