PC World Komputer 1998 May
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436 lines
// ObjectWindows
// (C) Copyright 1991, 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// Definition of class TListBox and TlistBoxData. This defines the
// basic behavior of all list box controls.
#if !defined(OWL_LISTBOX_H)
#if !defined(OWL_CONTROL_H)
# include <owl/control.h>
#if !defined(CLASSLIB_ARRAYS_H)
# include <classlib/arrays.h>
// class TListBox
// ----- --------
class _OWLCLASS TListBox : public TControl {
TListBox(TWindow* parent,
int id,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
TModule* module = 0);
TListBox(TWindow* parent, int resourceId, TModule* module = 0);
// list box attributes
virtual int GetCount() const;
virtual int FindString(const char far* str, int index) const;
int FindExactString(const char far* str, int searchIndex) const;
int GetTopIndex() const;
int SetTopIndex(int index);
bool SetTabStops(int numTabs, int far* tabs);
int GetHorizontalExtent() const;
void SetHorizontalExtent(int horzExtent);
void SetColumnWidth(int width);
int GetCaretIndex() const;
int SetCaretIndex(int index, bool partScrollOk);
// query individual list items
virtual int GetStringLen(int index) const;
virtual int GetString(char far* str, int index) const;
virtual uint32 GetItemData(int index) const;
virtual int SetItemData(int index, uint32 itemData);
int GetItemRect(int index, TRect& rect) const;
virtual int GetItemHeight(int index) const;
virtual int SetItemHeight(int index, int height);
// operations on the list box itself
virtual void ClearList();
virtual int DirectoryList(uint attrs, const char far* fileSpec);
// operations on individual list box items
virtual int AddString(const char far* str);
virtual int InsertString(const char far* str, int index);
virtual int DeleteString(int index);
// single selection list boxes only (combos overload these)
virtual int GetSelIndex() const;
virtual int SetSelIndex(int index);
int GetSelString(char far* str, int maxChars) const;
int SetSelString(const char far* str, int searchIndex);
// multiple selection list boxes only
int GetSelCount() const;
int GetSelStrings(char far** strs, int maxCount,
int maxChars) const;
int SetSelStrings(const char far** prefixes, int numSelections,
bool shouldSet);
int GetSelIndexes(int* indexes, int maxCount) const;
int SetSelIndexes(int* indexes, int numSelections, bool shouldSet);
bool GetSel(int index) const;
int SetSel(int index, bool select);
int SetSelItemRange(bool select, int first, int last);
// Override TWindow virtual member functions
uint Transfer(void *buffer, TTransferDirection direction);
// Override TWindow virtual member functions
char far *GetClassName();
// hidden to prevent accidental copying or assignment
TListBox(const TListBox&);
TListBox& operator =(const TListBox&);
// list box notification macros. methods are: void method()
// EV_LBN_DBLCLK(id, method)
// EV_LBN_ERRSPACE(id, method)
// EV_LBN_KILLFOCUS(id, method)
// EV_LBN_SELCANCEL(id, method)
// EV_LBN_SELCHANGE(id, method)
// EV_LBN_SETFOCUS(id, method)
// Container classes
// --------- -------
class _OWLCLASS TStringArray {
typedef void (*IterFunc)(string&, void*);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const string&, void*);
TStringArray(int upper, int lower, int delta);
int LowerBound() const;
int UpperBound() const;
unsigned ArraySize() const;
int IsFull() const;
int IsEmpty() const;
unsigned GetItemsInContainer() const;
int Add(const string& t);
int Detach(const string& t);
int Detach(int loc);
int Destroy(const string& t);
int Destroy(int loc);
int HasMember(const string& t) const;
int Find(const string& t) const;
string& operator [](int loc);
string& operator [](int loc) const;
void ForEach(IterFunc iter, void* args);
string* FirstThat(CondFunc cond, void* args) const;
string* LastThat(CondFunc cond, void* args) const;
void Flush();
TArrayAsVector<string> Data;
friend class TStringArrayIterator;
class TStringArrayIterator : public TArrayAsVectorIterator<string> {
TStringArrayIterator(const TStringArray& array)
: TArrayAsVectorIterator<string>(array.Data) {}
struct TInt {
int i;
TInt() {}
TInt(int _i) {i = _i;}
operator int() const {return i;}
class _OWLCLASS TIntArray {
typedef void (*IterFunc)(TInt&, void*);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const TInt&, void*);
TIntArray(int upper, int lower, int delta);
int LowerBound() const;
int UpperBound() const;
unsigned ArraySize() const;
int IsFull() const;
int IsEmpty() const;
unsigned GetItemsInContainer() const;
int Add(const TInt& t);
int Detach(const TInt& t);
int Detach(int loc);
int Destroy(const TInt& t);
int Destroy(int loc);
int HasMember(const TInt& t) const;
int Find(const TInt& t) const;
TInt& operator [](int loc);
TInt& operator [](int loc) const;
void ForEach(IterFunc iter, void* args);
TInt* FirstThat(CondFunc cond, void* args) const;
TInt* LastThat(CondFunc cond, void* args) const;
void Flush();
TArrayAsVector<TInt> Data;
friend class TIntArrayIterator;
class TIntArrayIterator : public TArrayAsVectorIterator<TInt> {
TIntArrayIterator(const TIntArray& array)
: TArrayAsVectorIterator<TInt>(array.Data) {}
class _OWLCLASS TDwordArray {
typedef void (*IterFunc)(uint32&, void*);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const uint32&, void*);
TDwordArray(int upper, int lower, int delta);
int LowerBound() const;
int UpperBound() const;
unsigned ArraySize() const;
int IsFull() const;
int IsEmpty() const;
unsigned GetItemsInContainer() const;
int Add(const uint32& t);
int Detach(const uint32& t);
int Detach(int loc);
int Destroy(const uint32& t);
int Destroy(int loc);
int HasMember(const uint32& t) const;
int Find(const uint32& t) const;
uint32& operator [](int loc);
uint32& operator [](int loc) const;
void ForEach(IterFunc iter, void* args);
uint32* FirstThat(CondFunc cond, void* args) const;
uint32* LastThat(CondFunc cond, void* args) const;
void Flush();
TArrayAsVector<uint32> Data;
friend class TDwordArrayIterator;
class TDwordArrayIterator : public TArrayAsVectorIterator<uint32> {
TDwordArrayIterator(const TDwordArray& array)
: TArrayAsVectorIterator<uint32>(array.Data) {}
// class TListBoxData
// ----- ------------
class _OWLCLASS TListBoxData {
TStringArray& GetStrings() {return Strings;}
TDwordArray& GetItemDatas() {return ItemDatas;}
TIntArray& GetSelIndices() {return SelIndices;}
void AddString(const char* str, bool isSelected = false);
void AddStringItem(const char* str, uint32 itemData, bool isSelected = false);
void Clear() {Strings.Flush(); ItemDatas.Flush(); ResetSelections();}
void Select(int index);
void SelectString(const char far* str);
int GetSelCount() const {return SelIndices.GetItemsInContainer();}
void ResetSelections() {SelIndices.Flush();}
int GetSelStringLength(int index = 0) const;
void GetSelString(char far* buffer, int bufferSize, int index=0) const;
void GetSelString(string& str, int index=0) const;
TStringArray Strings; // Contains all strings in listbox
TDwordArray ItemDatas; // Contains all item data uint32 in listbox
TIntArray SelIndices; // Contains all selection indices
// Inlines
inline int TListBox::GetTopIndex() const {
return (int)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->HandleMessage(LB_GETTOPINDEX);
inline int TListBox::SetTopIndex(int index) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_SETTOPINDEX, index);
inline bool TListBox::SetTabStops(int numTabs, int far* tabs) {
return (bool)HandleMessage(LB_SETTABSTOPS, numTabs, (LPARAM)tabs);
inline int TListBox::GetHorizontalExtent() const {
return (int)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->HandleMessage(LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT);
inline void TListBox::SetHorizontalExtent(int horzExtent) {
HandleMessage(LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, horzExtent);
inline void TListBox::SetColumnWidth(int width) {
HandleMessage(LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, width);
inline int TListBox::GetCaretIndex() const {
return (int)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->HandleMessage(LB_GETCARETINDEX);
inline int TListBox::SetCaretIndex(int index, bool partScrollOk) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_SETCARETINDEX, index, MAKELPARAM(partScrollOk,0));
inline uint32 TListBox::GetItemData(int index) const {
return CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->HandleMessage(LB_GETITEMDATA, index);
inline int TListBox::SetItemData(int index, uint32 itemData) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_SETITEMDATA, index, itemData);
inline int TListBox::GetItemRect(int index, TRect& rect) const {
return (int)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->
HandleMessage(LB_GETITEMRECT, index, (LPARAM)(TRect FAR*)&rect);
inline int TListBox::GetItemHeight(int index) const {
return (int)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->
HandleMessage(LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, index);
inline int TListBox::SetItemHeight(int index, int height) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, index, MAKELPARAM(height, 0));
inline int TListBox::DirectoryList(uint attrs, const char far* fileSpec) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_DIR, attrs, (LPARAM)fileSpec);
// Adds a string to an associated listbox
// Returns index of the string in the list(the first entry is at index 0),
// a negative if an error occurs.
inline int TListBox::AddString(const char far* str) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)str);
// Inserts a string in the associated listbox at the passed index,
// returns the index of the string in the list, a negative if an error occurs
inline int TListBox::InsertString(const char far* str, int index) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_INSERTSTRING, index, (LPARAM)str);
// Deletes the string at the passed index in the associated listbox
// Returns a count of the entries remaining in the list, a negative
// value if an error occurs
inline int TListBox::DeleteString(int index) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_DELETESTRING, index);
// Clears all the entries in the associated listbox
inline void TListBox::ClearList() {
// Returns the number of entries in the associated listbox, a negative
// value if an error occurs
inline int TListBox::GetCount() const {
return (int)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->HandleMessage(LB_GETCOUNT);
// Returns the index of the first string in the associated listbox which
// begins with the passed string
// Searches for a match beginning at the passed SearchIndex. If a match is
// not found after the last string has been compared, the search continues
// from the beginning of the list until a match is found or until the list
// has been completely traversed
// Searches from beginning of list when -1 is passed as the index
// Returns the index of the selected string, a negative if an error occurs
inline int TListBox::FindString(const char far* find, int indexStart) const {
return (int)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->
HandleMessage(LB_FINDSTRING, indexStart, (LPARAM)find);
// Retrieves the contents of the string at the passed index of the
// associated listbox. Returns the length of the string (in bytes
// excluding the terminating 0), a negative if the passed index is not valid
// The buffer must be large enough for the string and the terminating 0
inline int TListBox::GetString(char far* str, int index) const {
return (int)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->
HandleMessage(LB_GETTEXT, index, (LPARAM)str);
// Returns the length of the string at the passed index in the associated
// listbox excluding the terminating 0, a negative if an error occurs
inline int TListBox::GetStringLen(int index) const {
return (int)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->HandleMessage(LB_GETTEXTLEN, index);
// Get the selection state (true/false) of a particular item at 'index'
inline bool TListBox::GetSel(int index) const {
return (bool)CONST_CAST(TListBox*,this)->HandleMessage(LB_GETSEL, index);
// Set the selection state (true/false) of a particular item at 'index',
// or all items if index is -1
inline int TListBox::SetSel(int index, bool select) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_SETSEL, select, MAKELPARAM(index, 0));
inline int TListBox::SetSelItemRange(bool select, int first, int last) {
return (int)HandleMessage(LB_SELITEMRANGE, select, MAKELPARAM(first, last));
#endif // OWL_LISTBOX_H