PC World Komputer 1998 May
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// ObjectWindows
// (C) Copyright 1992, 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// Declaration of class TLayoutConstraint.
#if !defined(OWL_LAYOUTCO_H)
#if !defined(OWL_OWLDEFS_H)
# include <owl/owldefs.h>
class _OWLCLASS TWindow;
#define lmParent 0
enum TEdge {lmLeft, lmTop, lmRight, lmBottom, lmCenter};
enum TWidthHeight {lmWidth = lmCenter + 1, lmHeight};
enum TMeasurementUnits {lmPixels, lmLayoutUnits};
enum TRelationship {
lmAsIs = 0,
lmPercentOf = 1,
lmAbove = 2, lmLeftOf = lmAbove,
lmBelow = 3, lmRightOf = lmBelow,
lmSameAs = 4,
lmAbsolute = 5
// struct TLayoutConstraint
// ------ -----------------
// layout constraints are specified as a relationship between an edge/size
// of one window and an edge/size of one of the window's siblings or parent
// it is acceptable for a window to have one of its sizes depend on the
// size of the opposite dimension (e.g. width is twice height)
// distances can be specified in either pixels or layout units
// a layout unit is defined by dividing the font "em" quad into 8 vertical
// and 8 horizontal segments. we get the font by self-sending WM_GETFONT
// (we use the system font if WM_GETFONT returns 0)
// "lmAbove", "lmBelow", "lmLeftOf", and "lmRightOf" are only used with edge
// constraints. they place the window 1 pixel to the indicated side(i.e.
// adjacent to the other window) and then adjust it by "Margin"(e.g. above
// window "A" by 6)
// NOTE: "Margin" is either added to ("lmAbove" and "lmLeftOf") or subtracted
// from("lmBelow" and "lmRightOf") depending on the relationship
// "lmSameAs" can be used with either edges or sizes, and it doesn't offset
// by 1 pixel like the above four relationships did. it also uses "Value"
// (e.g. same width as window "A" plus 10)
// NOTE: "Value" is always *added*. use a negative number if you want the
// effect to be subtractive
struct TLayoutConstraint {
TWindow* RelWin; // relative window, lmParent for parent
uint MyEdge : 4; // edge or size (width/height)
TRelationship Relationship : 4;
TMeasurementUnits Units : 4;
uint OtherEdge : 4; // edge or size (width/height)
// this union is just for naming convenience
union {
int Margin; // used for "lmAbove", "lmBelow", "lmLeftOf", "lmRightOf"
int Value; // used for "lmSameAs" and "lmAbsolute"
int Percent; // used for "lmPercentOf"
// struct TEdgeConstraint
// ------ ---------------
// adds member functions for setting edge constraints
struct TEdgeConstraint : public TLayoutConstraint {
// for setting arbitrary edge constraints. use it like this:
// metrics->X.Set(lmLeft, lmRightOf, lmParent, lmLeft, 10);
void Set(TEdge edge, TRelationship rel, TWindow* otherWin,
TEdge otherEdge, int value = 0)
{RelWin = otherWin; MyEdge = edge; Relationship = rel;
OtherEdge = otherEdge; Value = value;}
// these four member functions can be used to position your window with
// respective to a sibling window. you specify the sibling window and an
// optional margin between the two windows
void LeftOf(TWindow* sibling, int margin = 0)
{Set(lmRight, lmLeftOf, sibling, lmLeft, margin);}
void RightOf(TWindow* sibling, int margin = 0)
{Set(lmLeft, lmRightOf, sibling, lmRight, margin);}
void Above(TWindow* sibling, int margin = 0)
{Set(lmBottom, lmAbove, sibling, lmTop, margin);}
void Below(TWindow* sibling, int margin = 0)
{Set(lmTop, lmBelow, sibling, lmBottom, margin);}
// these two work on the same edge, e.g. "SameAs(win, lmLeft)" means
// that your left edge should be the same as the left edge of "otherWin"
void SameAs(TWindow* otherWin, TEdge edge)
{Set(edge, lmSameAs, otherWin, edge, 0);}
void PercentOf(TWindow* otherWin, TEdge edge, int percent)
{Set(edge, lmPercentOf, otherWin, edge, percent);}
// setting an edge to a fixed value
void Absolute(TEdge edge, int value)
{MyEdge = edge; Value = value; Relationship = lmAbsolute;}
// struct TEdgeOrSizeConstraint
// ------ ---------------------
template<TWidthHeight widthOrHeight>
struct TEdgeOrSizeConstraint : public TEdgeConstraint {
// percent of another window's width/height (defaults to being the same
// dimension but could be the opposite dimension, e.g. make my width 50%
// of my parent's height)
void PercentOf(TWindow* otherWin,
int percent,
TWidthHeight otherWidthHeight = widthOrHeight)
{RelWin = otherWin; MyEdge = widthOrHeight;
Relationship = lmPercentOf; OtherEdge = otherWidthHeight;
Percent = percent;}
// same as another window's width/height(defaults to being the same
// dimension but could be the opposite dimension, e.g. make my width
// the same as my height)
void SameAs(TWindow* otherWin,
TWidthHeight otherWidthHeight = widthOrHeight,
int value = 0)
{RelWin = otherWin; MyEdge = widthOrHeight;
Relationship = lmSameAs; OtherEdge = otherWidthHeight;
Value = value;}
// setting a width/height to a fixed value
void Absolute(int value)
{MyEdge = widthOrHeight; Value = value; Relationship = lmAbsolute;}
// redefine member functions defined by TEdgeConstraint that are hidden by
// TEdgeOrSizeConstraint
void Absolute(TEdge edge, int value)
{TEdgeConstraint::Absolute(edge, value);}
void PercentOf(TWindow* otherWin, TEdge edge, int percent)
{TEdgeConstraint::PercentOf(otherWin, edge, percent);}
void SameAs(TWindow* otherWin, TEdge edge)
{TEdgeConstraint::SameAs(otherWin, edge);}
typedef TEdgeOrSizeConstraint<lmWidth> TEdgeOrWidthConstraint;
typedef TEdgeOrSizeConstraint<lmHeight> TEdgeOrHeightConstraint;
#endif // OWL_LAYOUTCO_H