PC World Komputer 1998 May
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// ObjectWindows
// (C) Copyright 1992, 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// Definition of abstract GDI object class and derived classes
#if !defined(OWL_GDIOBJEC_H)
#if !defined(OWL_GDIBASE_H)
# include <owl/gdibase.h>
class _BIDSCLASS TFile;
class _OWLCLASS TBrush;
class _OWLCLASS TBitmap;
class _OWLCLASS TDib;
class _OWLCLASS TPalette;
class _OWLCLASS TClipboard;
class _OWLCLASS TMetaFilePict;
// GDI Orphan control - Object reference counting & orphan recovery
// enabled by default unless NO_GDI_ORPHAN_CONTROL is defined.
# define OBJ_REF_ADD(handle,type) TGdiObject::RefAdd((handle), (type))
# define OBJ_REF_REMOVE(handle) TGdiObject::RefRemove(handle)
# define OBJ_REF_INC(handle) TGdiObject::RefInc(handle)
# if defined(__TRACE)
# define OBJ_REF_DEC(handle, wantDelete) TGdiObject::RefDec((handle),\
# else
# define OBJ_REF_DEC(handle, wantDelete) TGdiObject::RefDec((handle))
# endif
# define OBJ_REF_COUNT(handle) TGdiObject::RefCount(handle)
struct TObjInfo;
# define OBJ_REF_ADD(handle,type) handle
# define OBJ_REF_REMOVE(handle) handle
# define OBJ_REF_INC(handle) handle
# define OBJ_REF_DEC(handle,wantDelete) handle
# define OBJ_REF_COUNT(handle) -1
// class TGdiObject
// ----- ----------
// Abstract class for Windows GDI objects. Provides base, destruction &
// orphan control for true GDI objects
class _OWLCLASS TGdiObject : private TGdiBase {
// virtual destructor--all GDI objects inherit this.
/*virtual*/ ~TGdiObject();
operator HGDIOBJ() const {return HGDIOBJ(Handle);}
int GetObject(int count, void far* object) const;
bool operator ==(const TGdiObject& other) const {return Handle == other.Handle;}
enum TType {
None, Pen, Brush, Font, Palette, Bitmap, TextBrush
static TObjInfo* RefFind(HANDLE object);
static void RefAdd(HANDLE handle, TType type);
static void RefRemove(HANDLE handle);
static void RefInc(HANDLE handle);
#if defined(__TRACE)
static void RefDec(HANDLE handle, bool wantDelete);
static void RefDec(HANDLE handle);
static int RefCount(HANDLE handle);
TGdiBase::CheckValid; // make this function available to derivatives
TGdiBase::Handle; // and these members too
// constructors for use by derived classes only
TGdiObject(HANDLE handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TGdiObject(const TGdiObject&); // Protect against copying of GDI objects
TGdiObject& operator =(const TGdiObject&);
// class TPen
// ----- ----
// GDI Pen class. Can construct a pen from explicit info, or indirectly
class _OWLCLASS TPen : public TGdiObject {
// Constructors
TPen(HPEN handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TPen(TColor color, int width=1, int style=PS_SOLID);
TPen(const LOGPEN far* logPen);
TPen(const TPen&);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
TPen(uint32 penStyle, uint32 width, const TBrush& brush, uint32 styleCount,
uint32* style);
TPen(uint32 penStyle, uint32 width, const LOGBRUSH& logBrush,
uint32 styleCount, uint32* style);
operator HPEN() const {return HPEN(HGDIOBJ(*this));}
// Get GDI Pen Object information
bool GetObject(LOGPEN far& logPen) const;
TPen& operator =(const TPen&);
// class TBrush
// ----- ------
// GDI Brush class. Can construct a brush from explicit info, creating a
// solid, styled, or patterned brush. Can also create a brush indirectly.
class _OWLCLASS TBrush : public TGdiObject {
// Constructors
TBrush(HBRUSH handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TBrush(TColor color);
TBrush(TColor color, int style);
TBrush(const TBitmap& pattern);
TBrush(const TDib& pattern);
TBrush(const LOGBRUSH far* logBrush);
TBrush(const TBrush& src);
operator HBRUSH() const {return HBRUSH(HGDIOBJ(*this));}
// Get GDI Brush Object information
bool GetObject(LOGBRUSH far& logBrush) const;
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
bool UnrealizeObject(); // Use TDC::SetBrushOrg() for Win32
TBrush& operator =(const TBrush&);
// class THatch8x8Brush
// ----- --------------
// Mini 8x8 monochrome configurable hatch brush class, with predefined patterns
class _OWLCLASS THatch8x8Brush : public TBrush {
THatch8x8Brush(const uint8 hatch[], TColor fgColor=TColor::White,
TColor bgColor=TColor::Black);
void Reconstruct(const uint8 hatch[], TColor fgColor, TColor bgColor);
const static uint8 Hatch22F1[8]; // 2-on, 2-off, offset 1 per row forward
const static uint8 Hatch13F1[8]; // 1-on, 3-off, offset 1 per row forward
const static uint8 Hatch11F1[8]; // 1-on, 1-off, offset 1 per row
const static uint8 Hatch22B1[8]; // 2-on, 2-off, offset 1 per row backward
const static uint8 Hatch13B1[8]; // 1-on, 3-off, offset 1 per row backward
static HBRUSH Create(const uint8 hatch[], TColor fgColor, TColor bgColor);
// class TFont
// ----- -----
// GDI Font class. Can construct a font from explicit info, or indirectly.
class _OWLCLASS TFont : public TGdiObject {
// Constructors
TFont(HFONT handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
// Convenient font ctor
TFont(const char far* facename=0,
int height=0, int width=0, int escapement=0, int orientation=0,
int weight=FW_NORMAL,
uint8 italic=false, uint8 underline=false, uint8 strikeout=false,
uint8 outputPrecision=OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
uint8 clipPrecision=CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
uint8 quality=DEFAULT_QUALITY);
// CreateFont() matching font ctor
TFont(int height, int width, int escapement=0, int orientation=0,
int weight=FW_NORMAL,
uint8 italic=false, uint8 underline=false, uint8 strikeout=false,
uint8 outputPrecision=OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
uint8 clipPrecision=CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
uint8 quality=DEFAULT_QUALITY,
const char far* facename=0);
TFont(const LOGFONT far* logFont);
TFont(const TFont&);
operator HFONT() const {return HFONT(HGDIOBJ(*this));}
// Get GDI Font Object information
bool GetObject(LOGFONT far& logFont) const;
TFont& operator =(const TFont&);
// class TPalette
// ----- --------
// GDI Palette class. Can construct a palette from explicit info, or
// indirectly from various color table types that are used by DIBs.
class _OWLCLASS TPalette : public TGdiObject {
// Constructors
TPalette(HPALETTE handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TPalette(const TClipboard&);
TPalette(const TPalette& palette); // Copy whole palette
TPalette(const LOGPALETTE far* logPalette);
TPalette(const PALETTEENTRY far* entries, int count);
TPalette(const BITMAPINFO far* info, uint flags=0); //Win 3.0 DIB hdr
TPalette(const BITMAPCOREINFO far* core, uint flags=0);//PM 1.0 DIB header
TPalette(const TDib& dib, uint flags=0); // DIB object
operator HPALETTE() const {return HPALETTE(HGDIOBJ(*this));}
// Palette functions
bool ResizePalette(uint numEntries);
void AnimatePalette(uint start, uint count, const PALETTEENTRY far* entries);
uint SetPaletteEntries(uint16 start, uint16 count, const PALETTEENTRY far* entries);
uint SetPaletteEntry(uint16 index, const PALETTEENTRY far& entry);
uint GetPaletteEntries(uint16 start, uint16 count, PALETTEENTRY far* entries) const;
uint GetPaletteEntry(uint16 index, PALETTEENTRY far& entry) const;
uint GetNearestPaletteIndex(TColor color) const;
bool GetObject(uint16 far& numEntries) const;
uint16 GetNumEntries() const;
// Put this palette onto the clipboard
void ToClipboard(TClipboard& Clipboard);
bool UnrealizeObject() {return ::UnrealizeObject(Handle);}
void Create(const BITMAPINFO far* info, uint flags);
void Create(const BITMAPCOREINFO far* core, uint flags);
TPalette& operator =(const TPalette&);
inline TClipboard& operator <<(TClipboard& clipboard, TPalette& palette)
{palette.ToClipboard(clipboard); return clipboard;}
// class TBitmap
// ----- -------
// GDI Bitmap class. Can construct a bitmap from many sources. This bitmap
// is the lowest level object that is actually selected into a DC.
class _OWLCLASS TBitmap : public TGdiObject {
// Constructors
TBitmap(HBITMAP handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TBitmap(const TClipboard& clipboard);
TBitmap(const TBitmap& bitmap);
TBitmap(int width, int height, uint8 planes=1, uint8 bitCount=1, const void far* bits=0);
TBitmap(const BITMAP far* bitmap);
TBitmap(const TDC& Dc, int width, int height, bool discardable = false);
TBitmap(const TDC& Dc, const TDib& dib, uint32 usage=CBM_INIT);
TBitmap(const TMetaFilePict& metaFile, TPalette& palette, const TSize& size);
TBitmap(const TDib& dib, const TPalette* palette = 0);
operator HBITMAP() const {return HBITMAP(HGDIOBJ(*this));}
// Get/set GDI Object information
bool GetObject(BITMAP far& bitmap) const;
int Width() const;
int Height() const;
uint8 Planes() const;
uint8 BitsPixel() const;
uint32 GetBitmapBits(uint32 count, void far* bits) const;
uint32 SetBitmapBits(uint32 count, const void far* bits);
bool GetBitmapDimension(TSize& size) const;
bool SetBitmapDimension(const TSize& size, TSize far* oldSize=0);
// Put this bitmap onto the clipboard
void ToClipboard(TClipboard& clipboard);
// Create a bitmap & fill in it's Handle
void Create(const TDib& dib, const TPalette& palette);
void Create(const TBitmap& src);
TBitmap& operator =(const TBitmap&);
inline TClipboard& operator <<(TClipboard& clipboard, TBitmap& bitmap)
{bitmap.ToClipboard(clipboard); return clipboard;}
// class TRegion
// ----- -------
// GDI Region class. Can construct a region from various shapes
class _OWLCLASS TRegion : private TGdiBase {
// Constructors
TRegion(HRGN handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TRegion(const TRegion& region);
TRegion(const TRect& rect);
enum TEllipse {Ellipse};
TRegion(const TRect& e, TEllipse);
TRegion(const TRect& rect, const TSize& corner);
TRegion(const TPoint* points, int count, int fillMode);
TRegion(const TPoint* points, const int* polyCounts, int count,
int fillMode);
// Other initialization
void SetRectRgn(const TRect& rect);
// Type Conversion Operators
operator HRGN() const {return HRGN(Handle);}
// Test and information functions/operators
bool operator ==(const TRegion& other) const;
bool operator !=(const TRegion& other) const;
bool Contains(const TPoint& point) const;
bool Touches(const TRect& rect) const;
int GetRgnBox(TRect& box) const;
TRect GetRgnBox() const;
// Assignment operators
TRegion& operator =(const TRegion& source);
TRegion& operator +=(const TSize& delta);
TRegion& operator -=(const TSize& delta);
TRegion& operator -=(const TRegion& source);
TRegion& operator &=(const TRegion& source);
TRegion& operator &=(const TRect& source);
TRegion& operator |=(const TRegion& source);
TRegion& operator |=(const TRect& source);
TRegion& operator ^=(const TRegion& source);
TRegion& operator ^=(const TRect& source);
// class TIcon
// ----- -----
// Pseudo-GDI object Icon class. Can construct an icon from a resource or
// explicit info. Overloads the destructor since it is not a real GDI object.
class _OWLCLASS TIcon : private TGdiBase {
// Constructors
TIcon(HICON handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TIcon(HINSTANCE, const TIcon& icon);
TIcon(HINSTANCE, const char far* filename, int index);
TIcon(HINSTANCE, const TSize& size, int planes, int bitsPixel,
const void far* andBits, const void far* xorBits);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
TIcon(const void* resBits, uint32 resSize);
TIcon(const ICONINFO* iconInfo);
operator HICON() const {return HICON(Handle);}
bool operator ==(const TIcon& other) const {return Handle == other.Handle;}
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
bool GetIconInfo(ICONINFO* iconInfo) const;
TIcon(const TIcon&); // Protect against copying of icons
TIcon& operator =(const TIcon&);
// class TCursor
// ----- -------
// Pseudo-GDI object Cursor class. Can construct an cursor from a resource or
// explicit info. Overloads the destructor since it is not a real GDI object.
class _OWLCLASS TCursor : public TGdiBase {
// Constructors
TCursor(HCURSOR handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TCursor(HINSTANCE, const TCursor& cursor);
TCursor(HINSTANCE, const TPoint& hotSpot,
const TSize& size, void far* andBits, void far* xorBits);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
TCursor(const void* resBits, uint32 resSize);
TCursor(const ICONINFO* iconInfo);
operator HCURSOR() const {return HCURSOR(Handle);}
bool operator ==(const TCursor& other) const {return Handle == other.Handle;}
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
bool GetIconInfo(ICONINFO* iconInfo) const;
TCursor(const TCursor&); // Protect against copying of cursors
TCursor& operator =(const TCursor&);
// class TDib
// ----- ----
// Pseudo-GDI object Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) class. DIBs really have
// no Window's handle, they are just a structure containing format and palette
// information and a collection of bits (pixels). This class provides a very
// convenient way to work with DIBs like any other GDI object.
// The memory for the DIB is in one GlobalAlloc'd chunk so it can be passed to
// the Clipboard, OLE, etc.
// Overloads the destructor since it is not a real GDI object.
// This is what is really inside a .BMP file, what is in bitmap resources, and
// what is put on the clipboard as a DIB.
class _OWLCLASS TDib : private TGdiBase {
// Constructors and destructor
TDib(HGLOBAL handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TDib(const TClipboard& clipboard);
TDib(const TDib& dib);
TDib(int width, int height, int nColors, uint16 mode=DIB_RGB_COLORS);
TDib(const char* name);
#if !defined(BI_DATA_NEAR)
TDib(istream& is, bool readFileHeader = false);
TDib(const TBitmap& bitmap, const TPalette* pal = 0);
// Comparison operator
bool operator ==(const TDib& other) const {return Handle == other.Handle;}
// Access to the internal structures of the dib
const BITMAPINFO far* GetInfo() const {return Info;}
BITMAPINFO far* GetInfo() {return Info;}
const BITMAPINFOHEADER far*GetInfoHeader() const {return &Info->bmiHeader;}
BITMAPINFOHEADER far* GetInfoHeader() {return &Info->bmiHeader;}
const TRgbQuad far* GetColors() const {return (const TRgbQuad far*)Info->bmiColors;}
TRgbQuad far* GetColors() {return (TRgbQuad far*)Info->bmiColors;}
const uint16 far* GetIndices() const {return (uint16*)Info->bmiColors;}
uint16 far* GetIndices() {return (uint16*)Info->bmiColors;}
const void HUGE* GetBits() const {return Bits;}
void HUGE* GetBits() {return Bits;}
// Type convert this dib by returning pointers to internal structures
operator HANDLE() const {return Handle;}
operator const BITMAPINFO far*() const {return GetInfo();}
operator BITMAPINFO far*() {return GetInfo();}
operator const BITMAPINFOHEADER far*() const {return GetInfoHeader();}
operator BITMAPINFOHEADER far*() {return GetInfoHeader();}
operator const TRgbQuad far*() const {return GetColors();}
operator TRgbQuad far*() {return GetColors();}
// Put this Dib onto the clipboard
void ToClipboard(TClipboard& clipboard);
// Get info about this Dib
bool IsOK() const {return Info != 0;}
bool IsPM() const {return IsCore;}
int Width() const {return W;}
int Height() const {return H;}
TSize Size() const {return TSize(W,H);}
long NumColors() const {return NumClrs;}
uint16 StartScan() const {return 0;}
uint16 NumScans() const {return uint16(H);}
uint16 Usage() const {return Mode;}
// Write this dib to a file by name, to file object or to an ostream
bool WriteFile(const char* filename);
bool Write(TFile& file, bool writeFileHeader = false);
#if !defined(BI_DATA_NEAR)
bool Write(ostream& os, bool writeFileHeader = false);
// Work with the dib in PAL or RGB mode
bool ChangeModeToPal(const TPalette& pal);
bool ChangeModeToRGB(const TPalette& pal);
TColor GetColor(int entry) const;
void SetColor(int entry, TColor color);
int FindColor(TColor color);
int MapColor(TColor fromColor, TColor toColor, bool doAll = false);
uint16 GetIndex(int entry) const;
void SetIndex(int entry, uint16 index);
int FindIndex(uint16 index);
int MapIndex(uint16 fromIndex, uint16 toIndex, bool doAll = false);
enum {
MapFace = 0x01, // Or these together to control colors to map
MapText = 0x02, // to current SysColor values
MapShadow = 0x04,
MapHighlight = 0x08,
MapFrame = 0x10
void MapUIColors(uint mapColors, TColor* bkColor = 0);
TGdiBase::CheckValid; // make this function available to derivatives
TGdiBase::Handle; // and these members too
BITMAPINFO far* Info; // Locked global alloc'd block
void HUGE* Bits; // Pointer into above block at bits
long NumClrs;
int W;
int H;
uint16 Mode;
bool IsCore : 1;
bool IsResHandle : 1;
// Protected ctor- derived classes need to fillin handle & get info
void InfoFromHandle();
bool ReadFile(const char* name);
bool Read(TFile& file, bool readFileHeader = false);
#if !defined(BI_DATA_NEAR)
bool Read(istream& is, bool readFileHeader = false);
bool LoadResource(HINSTANCE, TResId);
bool LoadFile(const char* name) {return ReadFile(name);} // old name
TDib& operator =(const TDib&);
inline TClipboard& operator <<(TClipboard& clipboard, TDib& dib)
{dib.ToClipboard(clipboard); return clipboard;}
// Inlines for abstract GDI object class and derived classes.
#if !defined(OWL_DC_H)
# include <owl/dc.h>
#if !defined(OWL_CLIPBOAR_H)
# include <owl/clipboar.h>
inline int TGdiObject::GetObject(int count, void far* object) const {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
# if defined(UNICODE)
return ::GetObjectW(Handle, count, object);
# else
return ::GetObjectA(Handle, count, object);
# endif
return ::GetObject(Handle, count, object);
inline bool TPen::GetObject(LOGPEN far& logPen) const {
return TGdiObject::GetObject(sizeof(logPen), &logPen) != 0;
inline bool TBrush::GetObject(LOGBRUSH far& logBrush) const {
return TGdiObject::GetObject(sizeof(logBrush), &logBrush) != 0;
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
inline bool TBrush:: UnrealizeObject() {
return ::UnrealizeObject(Handle);
inline bool TFont::GetObject(LOGFONT far& logFont) const {
return TGdiObject::GetObject(sizeof(logFont), &logFont) != 0;
inline bool TPalette::ResizePalette(uint numEntries) {
return ::ResizePalette((HPALETTE)Handle, numEntries);
inline void TPalette::AnimatePalette(uint start, uint count, const PALETTEENTRY far* entries) {
::AnimatePalette((HPALETTE)Handle, start, count, entries);
inline uint TPalette::SetPaletteEntries(uint16 start, uint16 count, const PALETTEENTRY far* entries) {
return ::SetPaletteEntries((HPALETTE)Handle, start, count, entries);
inline uint TPalette::SetPaletteEntry(uint16 index, const PALETTEENTRY far& entry) {
return ::SetPaletteEntries((HPALETTE)Handle, index, 1, &entry);
inline uint TPalette::GetPaletteEntries(uint16 start, uint16 count, PALETTEENTRY far* entries) const {
return ::GetPaletteEntries((HPALETTE)Handle, start, count, entries);
inline uint TPalette::GetPaletteEntry(uint16 index, PALETTEENTRY far& entry) const {
return ::GetPaletteEntries((HPALETTE)Handle, index, 1, &entry);
inline uint TPalette::GetNearestPaletteIndex(TColor Color) const {
return ::GetNearestPaletteIndex((HPALETTE)Handle, Color);
inline bool TPalette::GetObject(uint16 far& numEntries) const {
return TGdiObject::GetObject(sizeof(numEntries), &numEntries);
inline uint16 TPalette::GetNumEntries() const {
uint16 numEntries;
if (TGdiObject::GetObject(sizeof(numEntries), &numEntries))
return numEntries;
return 0;
inline uint32 TBitmap::GetBitmapBits(uint32 count, void far* bits) const {
return ::GetBitmapBits((HBITMAP)Handle, count, bits);
inline uint32 TBitmap::SetBitmapBits(uint32 count, const void far* bits) {
return ::SetBitmapBits((HBITMAP)Handle, count, bits);
inline bool TBitmap::GetBitmapDimension(TSize& size) const {
return ::GetBitmapDimensionEx((HBITMAP)Handle, &size);
inline bool TBitmap::SetBitmapDimension(const TSize& size, TSize far* oldSize) {
return ::SetBitmapDimensionEx((HBITMAP)Handle, size.cx, size.cy, oldSize);
inline bool TBitmap::GetObject(BITMAP far& Bitmap) const {
return TGdiObject::GetObject(sizeof(Bitmap), &Bitmap) != 0;
inline void TRegion::SetRectRgn(const TRect& rect) {
::SetRectRgn((HRGN)Handle, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
inline bool TRegion::operator ==(const TRegion& other) const {
return ::EqualRgn((HRGN)Handle, other);
inline bool TRegion::operator !=(const TRegion& other) const {
return !::EqualRgn((HRGN)Handle, other);
inline bool TRegion::Contains(const TPoint& point) const {
return ::PtInRegion((HRGN)Handle, point.x, point.y);
inline bool TRegion::Touches(const TRect& rect) const {
return ::RectInRegion((HRGN)Handle, (TRect*)&rect); // API <const> typecast
inline int TRegion::GetRgnBox(TRect& box) const {
return ::GetRgnBox((HRGN)Handle, &box);
inline TRect TRegion::GetRgnBox() const {
TRect box;
::GetRgnBox((HRGN)Handle, &box);
return box;
inline TRegion& TRegion::operator =(const TRegion& source) {
::CombineRgn((HRGN)Handle, source, 0, RGN_COPY);
return *this;
inline TRegion& TRegion::operator +=(const TSize& delta) {
::OffsetRgn((HRGN)Handle, delta.cx, delta.cy);
return *this;
inline TRegion& TRegion::operator -=(const TSize& delta) {
::OffsetRgn((HRGN)Handle, -delta.cx, -delta.cy);
return *this;
inline TRegion& TRegion::operator -=(const TRegion& source) {
::CombineRgn((HRGN)Handle, (HRGN)Handle, source, RGN_DIFF);
return *this;
inline TRegion& TRegion::operator &=(const TRegion& source) {
::CombineRgn((HRGN)Handle, (HRGN)Handle, source, RGN_AND);
return *this;
inline TRegion& TRegion::operator |=(const TRegion& source) {
::CombineRgn((HRGN)Handle, (HRGN)Handle, source, RGN_OR);
return *this;
inline TRegion& TRegion::operator ^=(const TRegion& source) {
::CombineRgn((HRGN)Handle, (HRGN)Handle, source, RGN_XOR);
return *this;
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline bool TIcon::GetIconInfo(ICONINFO far* IconInfo) const {
return ::GetIconInfo((HICON)Handle, IconInfo);
inline bool TCursor::GetIconInfo(ICONINFO far* IconInfo) const {
return ::GetIconInfo((HICON)(HCURSOR)Handle, IconInfo);
#endif // OWL_GDIOBJEC_H