PC World Komputer 1998 May
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// ObjectWindows
// (C) Copyright 1993, 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// Defines classes TDocument, TView,TWindowView, TStream,TInStream,TOutStream
#if !defined(OWL_DOCVIEW_H)
#if !defined(OWL_APPLICAT_H)
# include <owl/applicat.h>
#if !defined(OWL_FRAMEWIN_H)
# include <owl/framewin.h>
#if !defined(__COMMDLG_H)
# include <commdlg.h>
class _OWLCLASS TDocManager;
class _OWLCLASS TDocTemplate;
class _OWLCLASS TMenuDescr;
// Some types & functions available in Win32/Ole2 that are emulated under Win16
// NOTE: This must always be in synch with Win32/Ole2 headers
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
# if !defined(_FILETIME_)
struct far tagFILETIME {uint32 dwLowDateTime; uint32 dwHighDateTime;};
# define _FILETIME_
# endif
# include <io.h>
void DateTimeToFileTime(struct date* dosd, struct time* dost, FILETIME far* pft);
bool FileTimeToDateTime(FILETIME far* pft, struct date* dosd, struct time* dost);
int FormatDateTime(struct date, struct time, void far* dest, int textlen);
int _OWLFUNC FormatFileTime(FILETIME* pft, void far* dest, int textlen);
// document open and sharing modes - used in storage and stream constructors
// note: the bits values are those of file streams, not same as RTL or OLE
enum {
ofParent = 0, // use open mode of parent storage
ofRead = 0x0001, // ios::in, open for reading
ofWrite = 0x0002, // ios::out, open for writing
ofReadWrite = (ofRead|ofWrite),
ofAtEnd = 0x0004, // ios::ate, seek to eof upon original open
ofAppend = 0x0008, // ios::app, append mode: all additions at eof
ofTruncate = 0x0010, // ios::trunc, truncate file if already exists
ofNoCreate = 0x0020, // ios::nocreate, open fails if file doesn't exist
ofNoReplace = 0x0040, // ios::noreplace, open fails if file already exists
ofBinary = 0x0080, // ios::binary, binary (not text) file, no CR stripping
ofIosMask = 0x00FF, // all of the above bits as used by class ios
ofTransacted= 0x1000, // STGM_TRANSACTED, supports commit and revert
ofPreserve = 0x2000, // STGM_CONVERT, backup old data of same name
ofPriority = 0x4000, // STGM_PRIORITY, temporary efficient peeking
ofTemporary = 0x8000, // STGM_DELETEONRELEASE, delete when destructed
shCompat = 0x0600, // for non-compliant applications, avoid if possible
shNone = 0x0800, // EXCLUSIVE functionality
shRead = 0x0A00, // DENY_WRITE functionality
shWrite = 0x0C00, // DENY_READ functionality
shReadWrite = 0x0E00, // DENY_NONE functionality
shDefault = 0, // use stream implementation default value
shMask = (shCompat|shNone|shRead|shWrite)
#define PREV_OPEN (ofNoCreate|ofNoReplace)
#define IS_PREV_OPEN(omode) ((omode & PREV_OPEN)==PREV_OPEN)
// Definitions of vnXxxx view notification event IDs
// event ID's up to vnCustomBase reserved for general doc-view notifications
const int vnViewOpened = 1; // a new view has just been constructed
const int vnViewClosed = 2; // another view is about to be destructed
const int vnDocOpened = 3; // document has just been opened
const int vnDocClosed = 4; // document has just been closed
const int vnCommit = 5; // document is committing, flush cached changes
const int vnRevert = 6; // document has reverted, reload data from doc
const int vnIsDirty = 7; // respond true if uncommitted changes present
const int vnIsWindow = 8; // respond true if passed HWND is that of view
const int vnCustomBase = 100; // base of document class specific notifications
// Document and view property access flags
const int pfGetText = 1; // property accessible as text format
const int pfGetBinary = 2; // property accessible as native non-text format
const int pfConstant = 4; // property is invariant for object instance
const int pfSettable = 8; // property settable as native format
const int pfUnknown = 16; // property defined but unavailable in object
const int pfHidden = 32; // property should be hidden from normal browse
const int pfUserDef =128; // property has been user-defined at run time
// Classes defined later in this file
class _OWLCLASS_RTL TStream;
class _OWLCLASS_RTL TInStream;
class _OWLCLASS_RTL TOutStream;
class _OWLCLASS TDocument;
class _OWLCLASS TView;
// class TDocument - abstract base class for document/view management
// ----- ---------
class _OWLCLASS TDocument : public TStreamableBase {
enum TDocProp {
PrevProperty = 0,
DocumentClass, // text
TemplateName, // text
ViewCount, // int
StoragePath, // text
DocTitle, // text
class _OWLCLASS List {
List() : DocList(0) {}
~List() {Destroy();}
bool Insert(TDocument* doc); // insert new document, fails if there
bool Remove(TDocument* doc); // remove document, fails if not there
TDocument* Next(const TDocument* doc); // returns first if doc=0
void Destroy(); // deletes all documents
TDocument* DocList;
void far* Tag; // application hook, not used internally
List ChildDoc; // linked child document chain
TDocument(TDocument* parent = 0);
virtual ~TDocument();
virtual TInStream* InStream(int mode, const char far* strmId=0) {return 0;}
virtual TOutStream* OutStream(int mode, const char far* strmId=0) {return 0;}
virtual bool Open(int mode, const char far* path=0) {return true;}
virtual bool Close(); // close document, does not delete or detach
virtual bool Commit(bool force=false); // save current data, force write
virtual bool Revert(bool clear=false); // abort changes, no reload if true
virtual TDocument& RootDocument();
TDocManager& GetDocManager() {return *DocManager;}
void SetDocManager(TDocManager& dm);
TDocument* GetParentDoc() {return ParentDoc;}
TDocTemplate* GetTemplate() {return Template;}
bool SetTemplate(TDocTemplate* tpl);
virtual bool SetDocPath(const char far* path);
const char far* GetDocPath() {return DocPath;}
virtual void SetTitle(const char far* title);
const char far* GetTitle() {return Title;}
virtual bool IsDirty(); // also queries doc and view hierarchy
void SetDirty(bool dirty = true){DirtyFlag = dirty;}
virtual bool IsOpen() {return StreamList != 0;}
virtual bool CanClose(); // returns false if unable to close
virtual bool HasFocus(HWND hwnd);
bool NotifyViews(int event, long item=0, TView* exclude=0);
TView* QueryViews(int event, long item=0, TView* exclude=0);
virtual uint PostError(uint sid, uint choice = MB_OK);
virtual int PropertyCount() {return NextProperty-1;}
virtual int FindProperty(const char far* name);// return property index
virtual int PropertyFlags(int index); // pfXxxxx bit array
virtual const char* PropertyName(int index); // locale invariant name
virtual int GetProperty(int index, void far* dest, int textlen=0);
virtual bool SetProperty(int index, const void far* src); // native type
TStream* NextStream(const TStream* strm);
TView* NextView(const TView* view);
int GetOpenMode();
void SetOpenMode(int mode);
TView* InitView(TView* view); // called from template InitView
bool IsEmbedded() {return Embedded;}
void SetEmbedded(bool embed) {Embedded = embed;}
virtual bool InitDoc() {return true;}
TView* GetViewList() {return ViewList;}
bool DirtyFlag; // document changed, might not represent views
bool Embedded; // document is an embedding
static int UntitledIndex;// last used index for Untitled document
virtual void AttachStream(TStream& strm);// called from TStream constructor
virtual void DetachStream(TStream& strm);// called from TStream destructor
TDocManager* DocManager; // pointer back to document manager
TDocument* NextDoc; // next in linked chain of active documents
TView* ViewList; // head of linked view chain, 0 if no views
TStream* StreamList; // head of linked stream chain, 0 if no streams
int OpenMode; // mode and protection flags
char far* DocPath; // path used to open/save document
char far* Title; // current document title, 0 if untitled
TDocument* ParentDoc; // parent document, 0 if this is root document
TDocTemplate* Template; // template associated with this document
void ReindexFrames(); // force view title and index update
void AttachView(TView& view); // called from TView constructor
bool DetachView(TView& view); // called from TView destructor
TDocument(TDocManager* docMan) : // create a dummy document
ParentDoc(this), DocManager(docMan){}
friend class _OWLCLASS TDocTemplate; // access to InitView()
friend class _OWLCLASS TView; // access to AttachView(), DetatchView()
friend class _OWLCLASS_RTL TStream; // access to AttachStream(), DetachStream()
friend class _OWLCLASS TDocManager;
friend class _OWLCLASS List; // access to NextDoc
// class TStream - abstract base class for storage stream access
// ----- -------
class _OWLCLASS_RTL TStream {
TDocument& GetDocument() {return Doc;}
~TStream() {Doc.DetachStream(*this);}
int GetOpenMode();
const char far* GetStreamName();
TDocument& Doc; // document owning this stream
TStream* NextStream; // next stream in linked list of active streams
TStream(TDocument& doc, const char far* name, int mode)
: Doc(doc), StreamName(name), OpenMode(mode)
int OpenMode;
const char far* StreamName;
friend class TDocument;
// class TInStream - base class for input streams
// ----- ---------
class _OWLCLASS_RTL TInStream : public TStream, public istream {
TInStream(TDocument& doc, const char far* name, int mode)
: TStream(doc, name, mode), istream() {}
// class TOutStream - base class for output streams
// ----- ---------
class _OWLCLASS_RTL TOutStream : public TStream, public ostream {
TOutStream(TDocument& doc, const char far* name, int mode)
: TStream(doc, name, mode), ostream() {}
// class TView - abstract base class for view access from document
// ----- -----
class _OWLCLASS TView : virtual public TEventHandler,
virtual public TStreamableBase {
enum {
PrevProperty = 0,
ViewClass, // text
ViewName, // text
void far* Tag; // application hook, not used internally
TView(TDocument& doc);
virtual ~TView();
TDocument& GetDocument() {return *Doc;}
unsigned GetViewId() {return ViewId;}
virtual TMenuDescr* GetViewMenu() {return ViewMenu;}
void SetViewMenu(TMenuDescr* menu);
bool IsOK() {return ViewId != 0;} // true if successfully created
static unsigned GetNextViewId() {return NextViewId;} // next ID to assign
TView* GetNextView() {return NextView;}
// must implement, used by template manager for selection
// static const char far* StaticName() {return "name of view";}
virtual const char far* GetViewName()=0; // return static name of view
virtual TWindow* GetWindow() {return 0;} // if not derived from TWindow
virtual bool SetDocTitle(const char far* docname, int index) {return false;}
virtual int PropertyCount() {return NextProperty - 1;}
virtual int FindProperty(const char far* name);// return property index
virtual int PropertyFlags(int index); // pfXxxxx bit array
virtual const char* PropertyName(int index); // locale invariant name
virtual int GetProperty(int index, void far* dest, int textlen=0);
virtual bool SetProperty(int index, const void far* src) {return false;}
TDocument* Doc;
void NotOK() {ViewId = 0;} // to flag errors in creation
TView* NextView; // linked view chain, 0 if no more views
unsigned ViewId; // unique ID for this view, used for controls
TMenuDescr* ViewMenu; // menu descriptor specific for this view or 0
static unsigned NextViewId; // next view ID to be assigned
friend class _OWLCLASS TDocument; // needs access to NextView
friend class TDocument::Streamer; // needs access to NextView
// class TWindowView
// ----- -----------
class _OWLCLASS TWindowView : public TWindow, public TView {
TWindowView(TDocument& doc, TWindow* parent = 0);
~TWindowView() {}
static const char far* StaticName() {return "Window View";} // put in resource
// inherited virtuals from TWindow
bool CanClose() {return TWindow::CanClose() && Doc->CanClose();}
// inherited virtuals from TView
const char far* GetViewName() {return StaticName();}
TWindow* GetWindow() {return (TWindow*)this;}
bool SetDocTitle(const char far* docname, int index)
{ return TWindow::SetDocTitle(docname, index); }
// event handlers
bool VnIsWindow(HWND hWnd);
// View Notification Handler Definitions
// DocView aliases to actual dispatchers
#define U_void_Dispatch U_Dispatch
#define U_int_Dispatch U_U_Dispatch
#define U_pointer_Dispatch U_POINTER_Dispatch
#define U_long_Dispatch U_LPARAM_Dispatch
// Define a DocView notification signature
// 'id' is the vnXxxXxx name of the notification
// 'arg' is the type of the arg passed to the handler
#define NOTIFY_SIG(id, arg) \
template <class T> \
inline bool (T::*id##_Sig(bool (T::*pmf)(arg)))(arg) {return pmf;}
NOTIFY_SIG(vnDocOpened, int)
NOTIFY_SIG(vnDocClosed, int)
NOTIFY_SIG(vnCommit, bool)
NOTIFY_SIG(vnRevert, bool)
NOTIFY_SIG(vnIsDirty, void)
// Define a DocView notification response entry
// 'id' is the id from NOTIFY_SIG above
// 'method' is the method name called by the notification
// 'disp' is the type of the lParam dispacher to use, and can be:
// 'void' lParam not passed
// 'int' integer size (16bit for win16, or 32bit on win32)
// 'pointer' pointer size (16bit for small & medium, or 32bit all other)
// 'long' 32 bit passed always
#define VN_DEFINE(id, method, disp) \
(TAnyDispatcher) ::U_##disp##_Dispatch, \
#define EV_VN_VIEWOPENED VN_DEFINE(vnViewOpened, VnViewOpened, pointer)
#define EV_VN_VIEWCLOSED VN_DEFINE(vnViewClosed, VnViewClosed, pointer)
#define EV_VN_DOCOPENED VN_DEFINE(vnDocOpened, VnDocOpened, int)
#define EV_VN_DOCCLOSED VN_DEFINE(vnDocClosed, VnDocClosed, int)
#define EV_VN_COMMIT VN_DEFINE(vnCommit, VnCommit, int)
#define EV_VN_REVERT VN_DEFINE(vnRevert, VnRevert, int)
#define EV_VN_ISDIRTY VN_DEFINE(vnIsDirty, VnIsDirty, void)
#define EV_VN_ISWINDOW VN_DEFINE(vnIsWindow, VnIsWindow, int)
// inline implementations
inline int
return OpenMode;
inline void
TDocument::SetOpenMode(int mode)
OpenMode = mode;
inline const char far*
return StreamName;
inline int
return OpenMode;
#endif // OWL_DOCVIEW_H