PC World Komputer 1998 May
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,523 lines
// ObjectWindows
// (C) Copyright 1992, 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// Definition of DC classes
#if !defined(OWL_DC_H)
#define OWL_DC_H
#if !defined(OWL_GDIBASE_H)
# include <owl/gdibase.h>
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16) && !defined(__PRINT_H)
# include <print.h> // Win16 printing and some general DC APIs
class _OWLCLASS TPen;
class _OWLCLASS TBrush;
class _OWLCLASS TFont;
class _OWLCLASS TBitmap;
class _OWLCLASS TPalette;
class _OWLCLASS TIcon;
class _OWLCLASS TDib;
class _OWLCLASS TRegion;
class _OWLCLASS TMetaFilePict;
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
// Win 32 object defines for 16 bit GetCurrentObject emulation
# define OBJ_PEN 1
# define OBJ_BRUSH 2
# define OBJ_PAL 5
# define OBJ_FONT 6
// class TDC
// ----- ---
// Root class for GDI DC. This class can be instantiated, or
// specialized subclasses can be used to get specific behavior.
// Tracks & restores handles of first GDI objects that are replaced by
// ::SelectObject()
// Can be used as an interface to a borrowed handle.
class _OWLCLASS TDC : private TGdiBase {
// Constructors / destructor
TDC(HDC handle); // use an existing DC, doesn't auto delete it
virtual ~TDC();
// Type Conversion Operators
operator HDC() const {return HDC(Handle);} // Must assume const is OK
// DC functions
bool GetDCOrg(TPoint& point) const;
virtual int SaveDC() const;
virtual bool RestoreDC(int savedDC = -1);
virtual int GetDeviceCaps(int index) const;
virtual bool ResetDC(DEVMODE far& devMode);
// Select GDI objects into this DC and restore them to original
void SelectObject(const TBrush& brush);
void SelectObject(const TPen& pen);
virtual void SelectObject(const TFont& font);
void SelectObject(const TPalette& palette, bool forceBackground=false);
virtual void SelectStockObject(int index);
void RestoreBrush();
void RestorePen();
virtual void RestoreFont();
void RestorePalette();
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
void RestoreTextBrush();
void RestoreObjects();
HANDLE GetCurrentObject(uint objectType) const;
// Drawing tool functions
bool GetBrushOrg(TPoint& point) const;
bool SetBrushOrg(const TPoint& origin, TPoint far* oldOrg=0);
int EnumObjects(uint objectType, GOBJENUMPROC proc, void far* data) const;
// Color and palette functions
TColor GetNearestColor(TColor Color) const;
int RealizePalette();
void UpdateColors();
uint GetSystemPaletteEntries(int start, int num,
PALETTEENTRY far* entries) const;
uint GetSystemPaletteUse() const;
int SetSystemPaletteUse(int usage);
// Drawing attribute functions
TColor GetBkColor() const;
virtual TColor SetBkColor(TColor color);
int GetBkMode() const;
int SetBkMode(int mode);
int GetPolyFillMode() const;
int SetPolyFillMode(int mode);
int GetROP2() const;
int SetROP2(int mode);
int GetStretchBltMode() const;
int SetStretchBltMode(int mode);
TColor GetTextColor() const;
virtual TColor SetTextColor(TColor color);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
bool SetMiterLimit(float newLimit, float* oldLimit=0);
// Viewport & window mapping functions
int GetMapMode() const;
virtual int SetMapMode(int mode);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
bool SetWorldTransform(XFORM far& xform);
bool ModifyWorldTransform(XFORM far& xform, uint32 mode);
bool GetViewportOrg(TPoint& point) const;
TPoint GetViewportOrg() const;
virtual bool SetViewportOrg(const TPoint& origin, TPoint far* oldOrg=0);
virtual bool OffsetViewportOrg(const TPoint& delta, TPoint far* oldOrg=0);
bool GetViewportExt(TSize& extent) const;
TSize GetViewportExt() const;
virtual bool SetViewportExt(const TSize& extent, TSize far* oldExtent=0);
virtual bool ScaleViewportExt(int xNum, int xDenom, int yNum, int yDenom,
TSize far* oldExtent=0);
bool GetWindowOrg(TPoint& point) const;
TPoint GetWindowOrg() const;
bool SetWindowOrg(const TPoint& origin, TPoint far* oldOrg=0);
bool OffsetWindowOrg(const TPoint& delta, TPoint far* oldOrg=0);
bool GetWindowExt(TSize& extent) const;
TSize GetWindowExt() const;
virtual bool SetWindowExt(const TSize& extent, TSize far* oldExtent=0);
virtual bool ScaleWindowExt(int xNum, int xDenom, int yNum, int yDenom,
TSize far* oldExtent=0);
// Coordinate functions
bool DPtoLP(TPoint* points, int count = 1) const;
bool LPtoDP(TPoint* points, int count = 1) const;
// Clip & Update Rect & Rgn functions
int GetClipBox(TRect& rect) const;
TRect GetClipBox() const;
int ExcludeClipRect(const TRect& rect);
int ExcludeUpdateRgn(HWND wnd);
int IntersectClipRect(const TRect& rect);
int OffsetClipRgn(const TPoint& delta);
int SelectClipRgn(const TRegion& region);
bool PtVisible(const TPoint& point) const;
bool RectVisible(const TRect& rect) const;
bool GetBoundsRect(TRect& bounds, uint16 flags) const;
uint SetBoundsRect(TRect& bounds, uint flags);
bool GetClipRgn(TRegion& region) const;
// MetaFile functions
int EnumMetaFile(const TMetaFilePict& metaFile,
MFENUMPROC callback, void far* data) const;
bool PlayMetaFile(const TMetaFilePict& metaFile);
void PlayMetaFileRecord(HANDLETABLE far& Handletable,
METARECORD far& metaRecord, int count);
// Output functions- Current position
bool GetCurrentPosition(TPoint& point) const;
bool MoveTo(int x, int y);
bool MoveTo(const TPoint& point);
bool MoveTo(const TPoint& point, TPoint& oldPoint);
// Output functions- Icons
bool DrawIcon(int x, int y, const TIcon& icon);
bool DrawIcon(const TPoint& point, const TIcon& icon);
// Output functions- Rects
bool FrameRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const TBrush& brush);
bool FrameRect(const TRect& rect, const TBrush& brush);
bool FillRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const TBrush& brush);
bool FillRect(const TRect& rect, const TBrush& brush);
bool InvertRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
bool InvertRect(const TRect& rect);
bool DrawFocusRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
bool DrawFocusRect(const TRect& rect);
// Filled rect using ExtTextOut, no dithered colors & uses or sets BkColor
bool TextRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
bool TextRect(const TRect& rect);
bool TextRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, TColor color);
bool TextRect(const TRect& rect, TColor color);
void OWLFastWindowFrame(TBrush &brush, TRect &r, int xWidth, int yWidth);
// Output functions- Regions
bool FrameRgn(const TRegion& region, const TBrush& brush, const TPoint& p);
bool FillRgn(const TRegion& region, const TBrush& brush);
bool InvertRgn(const TRegion& region);
bool PaintRgn(const TRegion& region);
// Output functions- Shapes
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
bool AngleArc(int x, int y, uint32 radius, float startAngle,
float sweepAngle);
bool AngleArc(const TPoint& center, uint32 radius, float startAngle,
float sweepAngle);
bool Arc(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4,
int y4);
bool Arc(const TRect& r, const TPoint& start, const TPoint& end);
bool Chord(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4,
int y4);
bool Chord(const TRect& R, const TPoint& Start, const TPoint& End);
bool Pie(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4,
int y4);
bool Pie(const TRect& rect, const TPoint& start, const TPoint& end);
bool Ellipse(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
bool Ellipse(const TPoint& p1, const TPoint& p2);
bool Ellipse(const TPoint& point, const TSize& size);
bool Ellipse(const TRect& rect);
bool LineTo(int x, int y);
bool LineTo(const TPoint& point);
bool Polyline(const TPoint* points, int count);
bool Polygon(const TPoint* points, int count);
bool PolyPolygon(const TPoint* points, const int* PolyCounts,
int count);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
bool PolyPolyline(const TPoint* points, const int* PolyCounts,
int count);
bool PolyBezier(const TPoint* points, int count);
bool PolyBezierTo(const TPoint* points, int count);
bool PolyDraw(const TPoint* points, uint8* types, int count);
bool PolylineTo(const TPoint* points, int count);
bool Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
bool Rectangle(const TPoint& p1, const TPoint& p2);
bool Rectangle(const TPoint& point, const TSize& s);
bool Rectangle(const TRect& rect);
bool RoundRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);
bool RoundRect(const TPoint& p1, const TPoint& p2, const TPoint& rad);
bool RoundRect(const TPoint& p, const TSize& s, const TPoint& rad);
bool RoundRect(const TRect& rect, const TPoint& rad);
// Output functions- bitmaps & blitting
TColor GetPixel(int x, int y) const;
TColor GetPixel(const TPoint& point) const;
TColor SetPixel(int x, int y, TColor color);
TColor SetPixel(const TPoint& p, TColor color);
bool BitBlt(int dstX, int dstY, int w, int h, const TDC& srcDC,
int srcX, int srcY, uint32 rop=SRCCOPY);
bool BitBlt(const TRect& dst, const TDC& srcDC,
const TPoint& src, uint32 rop=SRCCOPY);
bool PatBlt(int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32 rop=PATCOPY);
bool PatBlt(const TRect& dst, uint32 rop=PATCOPY);
bool ScrollDC(int x, int y, const TRect& scroll, const TRect& clip,
TRegion& updateRgn, TRect& updateRect);
bool ScrollDC(const TPoint& delta, const TRect& scroll,
const TRect& clip, TRegion& updateRgn,
TRect& updateRect);
bool StretchBlt(int dstX, int dstY, int dstW, int dstH,
const TDC& srcDC, int srcX, int srcY, int srcW,
int srcH, uint32 rop=SRCCOPY);
bool StretchBlt(const TRect& dst, const TDC& srcDC,
const TRect& src, uint32 rop=SRCCOPY);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
bool MaskBlt(const TRect& dst, const TDC& srcDC,
const TPoint& src, const TBitmap& maskBm,
const TPoint& maskPos, uint32 rop=SRCCOPY);
bool PlgBlt(const TPoint& dst, const TDC& srcDC,
const TRect& src, const TBitmap& maskBm,
const TPoint& maskPos, uint32 rop=SRCCOPY);
bool GetDIBits(const TBitmap& bitmap, uint16 startScan, uint16 numScans,
void HUGE* bits, const BITMAPINFO far& info,
uint16 usage);
bool GetDIBits(const TBitmap& bitmap, TDib& dib);
bool SetDIBits(TBitmap& bitmap, uint16 startScan, uint16 numScans,
const void HUGE* bits, const BITMAPINFO far& Info,
uint16 usage);
bool SetDIBits(TBitmap& bitmap, const TDib& dib);
bool SetDIBitsToDevice(const TRect& dst, const TPoint& src,
uint16 startScan, uint16 numScans,
const void HUGE* bits,
const BITMAPINFO far& bitsInfo, uint16 usage);
bool SetDIBitsToDevice(const TRect& dst, const TPoint& src,
const TDib& dib);
bool StretchDIBits(const TRect& dst, const TRect& src,
const void HUGE* bits,
const BITMAPINFO far& bitsInfo,
uint16 usage, uint32 rop=SRCCOPY);
bool StretchDIBits(const TRect& dst, const TRect& src,
const TDib& dib, uint32 rop=SRCCOPY);
bool FloodFill(const TPoint& point, TColor color);
bool ExtFloodFill(const TPoint& point, TColor color, uint16 fillType);
// Output functions- text
virtual bool TextOut(int x, int y, const char far* str, int count=-1);
bool TextOut(const TPoint& p, const char far* str, int count=-1);
virtual bool ExtTextOut(int x, int y, uint16 options, const TRect* r,
const char far* str, int count=-1,
const int far* dx = 0);
bool ExtTextOut(const TPoint& p, uint16 options, const TRect* r,
const char far* str, int count=-1,
const int far* dx = 0);
virtual bool TabbedTextOut(const TPoint& p, const char far* str, int count,
int numPositions, const int far* positions,
int tabOrigin, TSize& size);
bool TabbedTextOut(const TPoint& p, const char far* str, int count,
int numPositions, const int far* positions,
int tabOrigin);
virtual int DrawText(const char far* str, int count, const TRect& r,
uint16 format=0);
virtual bool GrayString(const TBrush& brush, GRAYSTRINGPROC outputFunc,
const char far* str, int count, const TRect& r);
// Text functions
bool GetTextExtent(const char far* str, int stringLen, TSize& size);
TSize GetTextExtent(const char far* str, int stringLen);
bool GetTabbedTextExtent(const char far* str, int stringLen,
int numPositions, const int far* positions,
TSize& size) const;
TSize GetTabbedTextExtent(const char far* str, int stringLen,
int numPositions, const int far* positions) const;
uint GetTextAlign() const;
uint SetTextAlign(uint flags);
int GetTextCharacterExtra() const;
int SetTextCharacterExtra(int extra);
bool SetTextJustification(int breakExtra, int breakCount);
int GetTextFace(int count, char far* facename) const;
bool GetTextMetrics(TEXTMETRIC far& metrics) const;
uint32 GetGlyphOutline(uint chr, uint format, GLYPHMETRICS far& gm,
uint32 buffSize, void far* buffer,
const MAT2 far& mat2);
int GetKerningPairs(int pairs, KERNINGPAIR far* krnPair);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
uint32 GetOutlineTextMetrics(uint data, OUTLINETEXTMETRIC far& otm);
uint16 GetOutlineTextMetrics(uint data, OUTLINETEXTMETRIC far& otm);
// Font functions
bool GetCharWidth(uint firstChar, uint lastChar, int* buffer);
uint32 SetMapperFlags(uint32 flag);
bool GetAspectRatioFilter(TSize& size) const;
int EnumFonts(const char far* faceName, OLDFONTENUMPROC callback,
void far* data) const;
int EnumFontFamilies(const char far* family,
FONTENUMPROC proc, void far* data) const;
uint32 GetFontData(uint32 table, uint32 offset, void* buffer, long data);
bool GetCharABCWidths(uint firstChar, uint lastChar, ABC* abc);
// Path functions
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
bool BeginPath();
bool CloseFigure();
bool EndPath();
bool FlattenPath();
bool WidenPath();
bool FillPath();
bool StrokePath();
bool StrokeAndFillPath();
bool SelectClipPath(int mode);
HRGN PathToRegion();
TGdiBase::CheckValid; // make this function available to derivatives
TGdiBase::Handle; // The handle of this DC
TGdiBase::ShouldDelete; // Should object delete the Handle in dtor?
HBRUSH OrgBrush; // Original objects when DC was created
HPEN OrgPen;
HFONT OrgFont;
HPALETTE OrgPalette;
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
HBRUSH OrgTextBrush;
TDC(); // For use by derived classes only
TDC(HDC handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete); //use an existing DC
void Init();
// Override to implement a twin DC object, like TPrintPreviewDC
virtual HDC GetAttributeHDC() const;
HDC GetHDC() const {return HDC(Handle);}
// hidden to prevent accidental copying or assignment
TDC(const TDC&);
TDC& operator =(const TDC&);
// class TWindowDC
// ----- ---------
// A DC class that provides access to the entire area owned by a window. Is
// the base for any DC class that Releases its handle when done.
class _OWLCLASS TWindowDC : public TDC {
TWindowDC(HWND wnd);
TWindowDC(); // for derived classes
TWindowDC(const TWindowDC&);
TWindowDC& operator =(const TWindowDC&);
// class TScreenDC
// ----- ---------
// A DC class that provides direct access to the screen bitmap. Gets a DC for
// Window handle 0, which is for the whole screen w/ no clipping, etc. will
// paint on top of everything.
class _OWLCLASS TScreenDC : public TWindowDC {
TScreenDC(const TScreenDC&);
TScreenDC& operator =(const TScreenDC&);
// class TDesktopDC
// ----- ----------
// A DC class that provides access to the desktop window's client area which
// is the screen behind all other windows.
class _OWLCLASS TDesktopDC : public TWindowDC {
TDesktopDC(const TDesktopDC&);
TDesktopDC& operator =(const TDesktopDC&);
// class TClientDC
// ----- ---------
// A DC class that provides access to the client area owned by a window
class _OWLCLASS TClientDC : public TWindowDC {
TClientDC(HWND wnd);
TClientDC(const TClientDC&);
TClientDC& operator =(const TClientDC&);
// class TPaintDC
// ----- --------
// A DC class that wraps begin and end paint calls for use in an WM_PAINT
// response function.
class _OWLCLASS TPaintDC : public TDC {
TPaintDC(HWND wnd);
TPaintDC(const TPaintDC&);
TPaintDC& operator =(const TPaintDC&);
// class TMetaFileDC
// ----- -----------
// A DC class that provides access to a DC with a metafile selected into it
// for drawing on (into).
class _OWLCLASS TMetaFileDC : public TDC {
TMetaFileDC(const char far* filename = 0);
TMetaFileDC(const TMetaFileDC&);
TMetaFileDC& operator =(const TMetaFileDC&);
// class TCreatedDC
// ----- ----------
class _OWLCLASS TCreatedDC : public TDC {
TCreatedDC(const char far* driver, const char far* device,
const char far* output, const DEVMODE far* initData=0);
TCreatedDC(HDC handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete); // use an existing DC
TCreatedDC(const TCreatedDC&);
TCreatedDC& operator =(const TCreatedDC&);
// class TIC
// ----- ---
class _OWLCLASS TIC : public TCreatedDC {
TIC(const char far* driver, const char far* device,
const char far* output, const DEVMODE far* initData=0);
TIC(const TIC&);
TIC& operator =(const TIC&);
// class TMemoryDC
// ----- ---------
// A DC class that provides access to a memory DC
class _OWLCLASS TMemoryDC : public TCreatedDC {
TMemoryDC(const TDC& DC); // Make it compatible with an existing DC
TMemoryDC(HDC handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete); // use an existing DC
// Select GDI objects into this DC and restore them to original
void SelectObject(const TBrush& brush) {TDC::SelectObject(brush);}
void SelectObject(const TPen& pen) {TDC::SelectObject(pen);}
void SelectObject(const TFont& font) {TDC::SelectObject(font);}
void SelectObject(const TPalette& palette, bool forceBackground=false)
{TDC::SelectObject(palette, forceBackground);}
void SelectObject(const TBitmap& bitmap);
void RestoreBitmap();
void RestoreObjects() {TDC::RestoreObjects(); RestoreBitmap();}
HBITMAP OrgBitmap;
TMemoryDC(const TMemoryDC&);
TMemoryDC& operator =(const TMemoryDC&);
// class TDibDC
// ----- ------
// A DC class that provides access to DIBs using the DIB.DRV driver
class _OWLCLASS TDibDC : public TCreatedDC {
TDibDC(const TDib& dib);
TDibDC(const TDibDC&);
TDibDC& operator =(const TDibDC&);
// A DC class that provides access to a printer
struct TBandInfo { // Equivalent to BANDINFOSTRUCT
bool HasGraphics;
bool HasText;
TRect GraphicsRect;
class _OWLCLASS TPrintDC : public TCreatedDC {
TPrintDC(HDC handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
TPrintDC(const char far* driver, const char far* device,
const char far* output, const DEVMODE far* initData);
int Escape(int escape, int count=0, const void* inData=0,
void* outData=0);
int SetAbortProc(ABORTPROC proc);
int StartDoc(const char far* docName, const char far* output);
int StartPage();
int BandInfo(TBandInfo& bandInfo);
int NextBand(TRect& rect);
int EndPage();
int EndDoc();
int AbortDoc();
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
bool QueryAbort(int rsvd=0);
uint QueryEscSupport(int escapeNum);
int SetCopyCount(int reqestCount, int& actualCount);
static uint32 DeviceCapabilities(const char far* driver,
const char far* device,
const char far* port,
int capability, char far* output=0,
LPDEVMODE devmode=0);
TPrintDC(const TPrintDC&);
TPrintDC& operator =(const TPrintDC&);
// Inlines for DC classes
// Get the GDI object headers so that we have access to conversion operators,
// etc.
#if !defined(OWL_GDIOBJEC_H)
# include <owl/gdiobjec.h>
#if !defined(OWL_METAFILE_H)
# include <owl/metafile.h>
inline bool TDC::GetDCOrg(TPoint& point) const {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
return ::GetDCOrgEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &point);
point = ::GetDCOrg(GetAttributeHDC());
return true;
inline bool TDC::GetBrushOrg(TPoint& point) const {
return ::GetBrushOrgEx(GetHDC(), &point);
inline bool TDC::SetBrushOrg(const TPoint& org, TPoint far* oldOrg) {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
return ::SetBrushOrgEx(GetHDC(), org.x, org.y, oldOrg);
if (oldOrg)
*oldOrg = ::SetBrushOrg(GetHDC(), org.x, org.y);
::SetBrushOrg(GetHDC(), org.x, org.y);
return true;
inline int TDC::EnumObjects(uint objectType, GOBJENUMPROC proc, void far* data) const {
return ::EnumObjects(GetHDC(), objectType, proc, (LPARAM)data);
inline TColor TDC::GetNearestColor(TColor color) const {
return ::GetNearestColor(GetAttributeHDC(), color);
inline int TDC::RealizePalette() {
return ::RealizePalette(GetHDC());
inline void TDC::UpdateColors() {
inline uint TDC::GetSystemPaletteEntries(int start, int num, PALETTEENTRY far* entries) const {
return ::GetSystemPaletteEntries(GetHDC(), start, num, entries);
inline uint TDC::GetSystemPaletteUse() const {
return ::GetSystemPaletteUse(GetHDC());
inline int TDC::SetSystemPaletteUse(int usage) {
return ::SetSystemPaletteUse(GetHDC(), usage);
inline TColor TDC::GetBkColor() const {
return ::GetBkColor(GetAttributeHDC());
inline int TDC::GetBkMode() const {
return ::GetBkMode(GetAttributeHDC());
inline int TDC::SetBkMode(int mode) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::SetBkMode(GetHDC(), mode);
return ::SetBkMode(GetAttributeHDC(), mode);
inline int TDC::GetPolyFillMode() const {
return ::GetPolyFillMode(GetAttributeHDC());
inline int TDC::SetPolyFillMode(int mode) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::SetPolyFillMode(GetHDC(), mode);
return ::SetPolyFillMode(GetAttributeHDC(), mode);
inline int TDC::GetROP2() const {
return ::GetROP2(GetAttributeHDC());
inline int TDC::SetROP2(int mode) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::SetROP2(GetHDC(), mode);
return ::SetROP2(GetAttributeHDC(), mode);
inline int TDC::GetStretchBltMode() const {
return ::GetStretchBltMode(GetAttributeHDC());
inline int TDC::SetStretchBltMode(int mode) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::SetStretchBltMode(GetHDC(), mode);
return ::SetStretchBltMode(GetAttributeHDC(), mode);
inline TColor TDC::GetTextColor() const {
return ::GetTextColor(GetAttributeHDC());
inline int TDC::GetMapMode() const {
return ::GetMapMode(GetAttributeHDC());
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline bool TDC::SetMiterLimit(float newLimit, float* oldLimit) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::SetMiterLimit(GetHDC(), newLimit, oldLimit);
return ::SetMiterLimit(GetAttributeHDC(), newLimit, oldLimit);
inline bool TDC::SetWorldTransform(XFORM far& xform) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::SetWorldTransform(GetHDC(), &xform);
return ::SetWorldTransform(GetAttributeHDC(), &xform);
inline bool TDC::ModifyWorldTransform(XFORM far& xform, uint32 mode) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::ModifyWorldTransform(GetHDC(), &xform, mode);
return ::ModifyWorldTransform(GetAttributeHDC(), &xform, mode);
#endif // defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline bool TDC::GetViewportOrg(TPoint& point) const {
return ::GetViewportOrgEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &point);
inline TPoint TDC::GetViewportOrg() const {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
TPoint point;
::GetViewportOrgEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &point);
return point;
return ::GetViewportOrg(GetAttributeHDC());
inline bool TDC::GetViewportExt(TSize& extent) const {
return ::GetViewportExtEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &extent);
inline TSize TDC::GetViewportExt() const {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
TSize extent;
::GetViewportExtEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &extent);
return extent;
return ::GetViewportExt(GetAttributeHDC());
inline bool TDC::GetWindowOrg(TPoint& point) const {
return ::GetWindowOrgEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &point);
inline TPoint TDC::GetWindowOrg() const {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
TPoint point;
::GetWindowOrgEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &point);
return point;
return ::GetWindowOrg(GetAttributeHDC());
inline bool TDC::GetWindowExt(TSize& extent) const {
return ::GetWindowExtEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &extent);
inline TSize TDC::GetWindowExt() const {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
TSize extent;
::GetWindowExtEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &extent);
return extent;
return ::GetWindowExt(GetAttributeHDC());
inline bool TDC::DPtoLP(TPoint* points, int count) const {
return ::DPtoLP(GetAttributeHDC(), points, count);
inline bool TDC::LPtoDP(TPoint* points, int count) const {
return ::LPtoDP(GetHDC(), points, count);
inline int TDC::GetClipBox(TRect& rect) const {
return ::GetClipBox(GetHDC(), &rect);
inline TRect TDC::GetClipBox() const {
TRect rect;
::GetClipBox(GetHDC(), &rect);
return rect;
inline int TDC::ExcludeClipRect(const TRect& rect) {
return ::ExcludeClipRect(GetHDC(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
inline int TDC::ExcludeUpdateRgn(HWND Wnd) {
return ::ExcludeUpdateRgn(GetHDC(), Wnd);
inline int TDC::IntersectClipRect(const TRect& rect) {
return ::IntersectClipRect(GetHDC(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
inline int TDC::OffsetClipRgn(const TPoint& delta) {
return ::OffsetClipRgn(GetHDC(), delta.x, delta.y);
inline int TDC::SelectClipRgn(const TRegion& region) {
return ::SelectClipRgn(GetHDC(), region);
inline bool TDC::PtVisible(const TPoint& point) const {
return ::PtVisible(GetHDC(), point.x, point.y);
inline bool TDC::RectVisible(const TRect& rect) const {
return ::RectVisible(GetHDC(), &rect);
inline bool TDC::GetBoundsRect(TRect& bounds, uint16 flags) const {
return ::GetBoundsRect(GetHDC(), &bounds, flags);
inline uint TDC::SetBoundsRect(TRect& bounds, uint flags) {
return ::SetBoundsRect(GetHDC(), &bounds, flags);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline bool TDC::GetClipRgn(TRegion& region) const {
return ::GetClipRgn(GetHDC(), region);
inline int TDC::EnumMetaFile(const TMetaFilePict& metafile, MFENUMPROC callback,
void far* data) const {
return ::EnumMetaFile(GetHDC(), metafile, callback, (long)data);
inline bool TDC::PlayMetaFile(const TMetaFilePict& metafile) {
return ::PlayMetaFile(GetHDC(), metafile);
inline void TDC::PlayMetaFileRecord(HANDLETABLE far& handletable,
METARECORD far& metaRecord, int count) {
::PlayMetaFileRecord(GetHDC(), &handletable, &metaRecord, count);
inline bool TDC::GetCurrentPosition(TPoint& point) const {
return ::GetCurrentPositionEx(GetHDC(), &point);
inline bool TDC::MoveTo(int x, int y) {
return ::MoveToEx(GetHDC(), x, y, 0);
inline bool TDC::MoveTo(const TPoint& point) {
return ::MoveToEx(GetHDC(), point.x, point.y, 0);
inline bool TDC::MoveTo(const TPoint& point, TPoint& OldPoint) {
return ::MoveToEx(GetHDC(), point.x, point.y, &OldPoint);
inline bool TDC::DrawIcon(int x, int y, const TIcon& icon) {
return ::DrawIcon(GetHDC(), x, y, icon);
inline bool TDC::DrawIcon(const TPoint& point, const TIcon& icon) {
return ::DrawIcon(GetHDC(), point.x, point.y, icon);
inline bool TDC::FrameRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const TBrush& brush) {
return ::FrameRect(GetHDC(), &TRect(x1, y1, x2, y2), brush);
inline bool TDC::FrameRect(const TRect& rect, const TBrush& brush) {
return ::FrameRect(GetHDC(), &rect, brush);
inline bool TDC::FillRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const TBrush& brush) {
return ::FillRect(GetHDC(), &TRect(x1, y1, x2, y2), brush);
inline bool TDC::FillRect(const TRect& rect, const TBrush& brush) {
return ::FillRect(GetHDC(), &rect, brush);
// rect must be normalized for inverRect
inline bool TDC::InvertRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
::InvertRect(GetHDC(), &TRect(x1, y1, x2, y2));
return true;
inline bool TDC::InvertRect(const TRect& rect) {
::InvertRect(GetHDC(), &rect);
return true;
inline bool TDC::DrawFocusRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
::DrawFocusRect(GetHDC(), &TRect(x1, y1, x2, y2));
return true;
inline bool TDC::DrawFocusRect(const TRect& rect) {
::DrawFocusRect(GetHDC(), &rect);
return true;
inline bool TDC::TextRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
return ::ExtTextOut(GetHDC(), 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &TRect(x1, y1, x2, y2), 0, 0, 0);
inline bool TDC::TextRect(const TRect& rect) {
return ::ExtTextOut(GetHDC(), 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, 0, 0, 0);
inline bool TDC::TextRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, TColor color) {
return ::ExtTextOut(GetHDC(), 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &TRect(x1, y1, x2, y2), 0, 0, 0);
inline bool TDC::TextRect(const TRect& rect, TColor color) {
return ::ExtTextOut(GetHDC(), 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, 0, 0, 0);
inline bool TDC::FrameRgn(const TRegion& region, const TBrush& brush, const TPoint& p) {
return ::FrameRgn(GetHDC(), region, brush, p.x, p.y);
inline bool TDC::FillRgn(const TRegion& region, const TBrush& brush) {
return ::FillRgn(GetHDC(), region, brush);
inline bool TDC::InvertRgn(const TRegion& region) {
return ::InvertRgn(GetHDC(), region);
inline bool TDC::PaintRgn(const TRegion& region) {
return ::PaintRgn(GetHDC(), region);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline bool TDC::AngleArc(int x, int y, uint32 radius, float startAngle, float sweepAngle) {
return ::AngleArc(GetHDC(), x, y, radius, startAngle, sweepAngle);
inline bool TDC::AngleArc(const TPoint& Center, uint32 radius, float StartAngle, float SweepAngle) {
return ::AngleArc(GetHDC(), Center.x, Center.y, radius, StartAngle, SweepAngle);
inline bool TDC::Arc(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4) {
return ::Arc(GetHDC(), x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
inline bool TDC::Arc(const TRect& rect, const TPoint& start, const TPoint& end) {
return ::Arc(GetHDC(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y);
inline bool TDC::Chord(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4) {
return ::Chord(GetHDC(), x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
inline bool TDC::Chord(const TRect& rect, const TPoint& start, const TPoint& end) {
return ::Chord(GetHDC(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y);
inline bool TDC::Pie(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4) {
return ::Pie(GetHDC(), x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
inline bool TDC::Pie(const TRect& rect, const TPoint& start, const TPoint& end) {
return ::Pie(GetHDC(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y);
inline bool TDC::Ellipse(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
return ::Ellipse(GetHDC(), x1, y1, x2, y2);
inline bool TDC::Ellipse(const TPoint& p1, const TPoint& p2) {
return ::Ellipse(GetHDC(), p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
inline bool TDC::Ellipse(const TPoint& p, const TSize& s) {
return ::Ellipse(GetHDC(), p.x, p.y, p.x+s.cx, p.y+s.cy);
inline bool TDC::Ellipse(const TRect& rect) {
return ::Ellipse(GetHDC(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
inline bool TDC::LineTo(int x, int y) {
return ::LineTo(GetHDC(), x, y);
inline bool TDC::LineTo(const TPoint& point) {
return ::LineTo(GetHDC(), point.x, point.y);
inline bool TDC::Polyline(const TPoint* points, int count) {
return ::Polyline(GetHDC(), points, count);
inline bool TDC::Polygon(const TPoint* points, int count) {
return ::Polygon(GetHDC(), (TPoint*)points, count);
inline bool TDC::PolyPolygon(const TPoint* points, const int* polyCounts, int count) {
return ::PolyPolygon(GetHDC(), (TPoint*)points, (int*)polyCounts, count); // API typecast
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline bool TDC::PolyPolyline(const TPoint* points, const int* polyCounts, int count) {
return ::PolyPolyline(GetHDC(), (TPoint*)points, (uint32*)polyCounts, count); // API typecast
inline bool TDC::PolyBezier(const TPoint* points, int count) {
return ::PolyBezier(GetHDC(), (TPoint*)points, count);
inline bool TDC::PolyBezierTo(const TPoint* points, int count) {
return ::PolyBezierTo(GetHDC(), (TPoint*)points, count);
inline bool TDC::PolyDraw(const TPoint* points, uint8* types, int count) {
return ::PolyDraw(GetHDC(), (TPoint*)points, types, count);
inline bool TDC::PolylineTo(const TPoint* points, int count) {
return ::PolylineTo(GetHDC(), (TPoint*)points, count);
inline bool TDC::Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
return ::Rectangle(GetHDC(), x1, y1, x2, y2);
inline bool TDC::Rectangle(const TPoint& p1, const TPoint& p2) {
return ::Rectangle(GetHDC(), p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
inline bool TDC::Rectangle(const TPoint& p, const TSize& s) {
return ::Rectangle(GetHDC(), p.x, p.y, p.x+s.cx, p.y+s.cy);
inline bool TDC::Rectangle(const TRect& rect) {
return ::Rectangle(GetHDC(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
inline bool TDC::RoundRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) {
return ::RoundRect(GetHDC(), x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
inline bool TDC::RoundRect(const TPoint& p1, const TPoint& p2, const TPoint& rad) {
return ::RoundRect(GetHDC(), p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, rad.x, rad.y);
inline bool TDC::RoundRect(const TPoint& p, const TSize& s, const TPoint& rad) {
return ::RoundRect(GetHDC(), p.x, p.y, p.x+s.cx, p.y+s.cy, rad.x, rad.y);
inline bool TDC::RoundRect(const TRect& rect, const TPoint& rad) {
return ::RoundRect(GetHDC(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom,
rad.x, rad.y);
inline TColor TDC::GetPixel(int x, int y) const {
return ::GetPixel(GetHDC(), x, y);
inline TColor TDC::GetPixel(const TPoint& point) const {
return ::GetPixel(GetHDC(), point.x, point.y);
inline TColor TDC::SetPixel(int x, int y, TColor color) {
return ::SetPixel(GetHDC(), x, y, color);
inline TColor TDC::SetPixel(const TPoint& point, TColor color) {
return ::SetPixel(GetHDC(), point.x, point.y, color);
inline bool TDC::BitBlt(int dstX, int dstY, int w, int h, const TDC& srcDC,
int srcX, int srcY, uint32 rop) {
return ::BitBlt(GetHDC(), dstX, dstY, w, h, srcDC, srcX, srcY, rop);
inline bool TDC::BitBlt(const TRect& dst, const TDC& srcDC, const TPoint& src,
uint32 rop) {
return ::BitBlt(GetHDC(), dst.left, dst.top, dst.Width(), dst.Height(),
srcDC, src.x, src.y, rop);
inline bool TDC::PatBlt(int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32 rop) {
return ::PatBlt(GetHDC(), x, y, w, h, rop);
inline bool TDC::PatBlt(const TRect& dst, uint32 rop) {
return ::PatBlt(GetHDC(), dst.left, dst.top, dst.Width(), dst.Height(), rop);
inline bool TDC::ScrollDC(int dx, int dy, const TRect& scroll, const TRect& clip,
TRegion& updateRgn, TRect& updateRect) {
return ::ScrollDC(GetHDC(), dx, dy, &scroll, &clip, updateRgn, &updateRect);
inline bool TDC::ScrollDC(const TPoint& delta, const TRect& scroll, const TRect& clip,
TRegion& updateRgn, TRect& updateRect) {
return ::ScrollDC(GetHDC(), delta.x, delta.y, &scroll, &clip, updateRgn, &updateRect);
inline bool TDC::StretchBlt(int dstX, int dstY, int dstW, int dstH,
const TDC& srcDC, int srcX, int srcY, int srcW,
int srcH, uint32 rop) {
return ::StretchBlt(GetHDC(), dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH,
srcDC, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, rop);
inline bool TDC::StretchBlt(const TRect& dst, const TDC& srcDC,
const TRect& src, uint32 rop) {
return ::StretchBlt(GetHDC(),
dst.left, dst.top, dst.Width(), dst.Height(),
srcDC, src.left, src.top,
src.Width(), src.Height(), rop);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline bool TDC::MaskBlt(const TRect& dst,
const TDC& srcDC, const TPoint& src,
const TBitmap& maskBm, const TPoint& maskPos,
uint32 rop) {
return ::MaskBlt(GetHDC(), dst.left, dst.top, dst.Width(), dst.Height(),
srcDC, src.x, src.y, maskBm, maskPos.x, maskPos.y,
inline bool TDC::PlgBlt(const TPoint& dst,
const TDC& srcDC, const TRect& src,
const TBitmap& maskBm, const TPoint& maskPos, uint32 rop) {
return ::PlgBlt(GetHDC(), (TPoint*)&dst,
srcDC, src.left, src.top, src.Width(), src.Height(),
maskBm, maskPos.x, maskPos.y);
inline bool TDC::GetDIBits(const TBitmap& bitmap, uint16 startScan, uint16 numScans,
void HUGE* bits, const BITMAPINFO far& info,
uint16 usage) {
return ::GetDIBits(GetHDC(), bitmap, startScan, numScans, bits,
(BITMAPINFO far*)&info, usage);
inline bool TDC::GetDIBits(const TBitmap& bitmap, TDib& dib) {
return ::GetDIBits(GetHDC(), bitmap, dib.StartScan(), dib.NumScans(),
dib.GetBits(), dib.GetInfo(), dib.Usage());
inline bool TDC::SetDIBits(TBitmap& bitmap, uint16 startScan, uint16 numScans,
const void HUGE* bits, const BITMAPINFO far& info,
uint16 usage) {
return ::SetDIBits(GetHDC(), bitmap, startScan, numScans,
bits, (BITMAPINFO far*)&info, usage);
// API typecast
inline bool TDC::SetDIBits(TBitmap& bitmap, const TDib& dib) {
return ::SetDIBits(GetHDC(), bitmap, dib.StartScan(), dib.NumScans(),
dib.GetBits(), (BITMAPINFO far*)dib.GetInfo(), dib.Usage());
// API typecast
inline bool TDC::SetDIBitsToDevice(const TRect& dst, const TPoint& src,
uint16 startScan, uint16 numScans,
const void HUGE* bits,
const BITMAPINFO far& info, uint16 usage) {
return ::SetDIBitsToDevice(
GetHDC(), dst.left, dst.top,
dst.Width(), dst.Height(), src.x, src.y,
startScan, numScans,
(void HUGE*)bits, (BITMAPINFO far*)&info, usage
); // API typecast
inline bool TDC::SetDIBitsToDevice(const TRect& dst, const TPoint& src,
const TDib& dib) {
return ::SetDIBitsToDevice(
dst.left, dst.top, dst.Width(), dst.Height(),
src.x, src.y,
dib.StartScan(), dib.NumScans(),
(void HUGE*)dib.GetBits(),
(BITMAPINFO far*)dib.GetInfo(), dib.Usage()
); // API typecast
inline bool TDC::StretchDIBits(const TRect& dst, const TRect& src,
const void HUGE* bits,
const BITMAPINFO far& info,
uint16 usage, uint32 rop) {
return ::StretchDIBits(
GetHDC(), dst.left, dst.top, dst.Width(), dst.Height(),
src.left, src.top, src.Width(), src.Height(),
bits, (BITMAPINFO far*)&info, usage, rop
// API typecast
inline bool TDC::StretchDIBits(const TRect& dst, const TRect& src,
const TDib& dib, uint32 rop) {
return ::StretchDIBits(
dst.left, dst.top, dst.Width(), dst.Height(),
src.left, src.top, src.Width(), src.Height(),
(BITMAPINFO far*)dib.GetInfo(),
dib.Usage(), rop
// API typecast
inline bool TDC::FloodFill(const TPoint& point, TColor C) {
return ::FloodFill(GetHDC(), point.x, point.y, C);
inline bool TDC::ExtFloodFill(const TPoint& point, TColor color, uint16 fillType) {
return ::ExtFloodFill(GetHDC(), point.x, point.y, color, fillType);
inline bool TDC::TextOut(const TPoint& p, const char far* str, int count) {
return TextOut(p.x, p.y, str, count);
inline bool TDC::ExtTextOut(const TPoint& p, uint16 options, const TRect* rect,
const char far* str, int count, const int far* dx) {
return ExtTextOut(p.x, p.y, options, rect, str, count, dx);
inline bool TDC::TabbedTextOut(const TPoint& p, const char far* str, int count,
int numPositions, const int far* positions,
int tabOrigin) {
TSize size;
TabbedTextOut(p, str, count, numPositions, positions, tabOrigin, size);
return true;
inline bool TDC::GetTextExtent(const char far* str, int stringLen, TSize& size) {
return ::GetTextExtentPoint(GetAttributeHDC(), str, stringLen, &size);
inline TSize TDC::GetTextExtent(const char far* str, int stringLen) {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
TSize size;
::GetTextExtentPoint(GetAttributeHDC(), str, stringLen, &size);
return size;
return ::GetTextExtent(GetAttributeHDC(), str, stringLen);
inline bool TDC::GetTabbedTextExtent(const char far* str, int strLen,
int numPositions, const int far* positions,
TSize& size) const {
size = ::GetTabbedTextExtent(GetAttributeHDC(), str, strLen, numPositions,
(int far*)positions); // API Typecast
return true;
inline TSize TDC::GetTabbedTextExtent(const char far* str, int strLen,
int numPositions,
const int far* positions) const {
return ::GetTabbedTextExtent(GetAttributeHDC(), str, strLen, numPositions,
(int far*)positions); // API Typecast
inline uint TDC::GetTextAlign() const {
return ::GetTextAlign(GetAttributeHDC());
inline uint TDC::SetTextAlign(uint flags) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::SetTextAlign(GetHDC(), flags);
return ::SetTextAlign(GetAttributeHDC(), flags);
inline int TDC::GetTextCharacterExtra() const {
return ::GetTextCharacterExtra(GetAttributeHDC());
inline int TDC::SetTextCharacterExtra(int extra) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::SetTextCharacterExtra(GetHDC(), extra);
return ::SetTextCharacterExtra(GetAttributeHDC(), extra);
inline bool TDC::SetTextJustification(int breakExtra, int breakCount) {
return ::SetTextJustification(GetAttributeHDC(), breakExtra, breakCount);
inline int TDC::GetTextFace(int count, char far* facename) const {
return ::GetTextFace(GetAttributeHDC(), count, facename);
inline bool TDC::GetTextMetrics(TEXTMETRIC far& metrics) const {
return ::GetTextMetrics(GetAttributeHDC(), &metrics);
inline uint32 TDC::GetGlyphOutline(uint chr, uint format, GLYPHMETRICS far& gm,
uint32 buffSize, void far* buffer,
const MAT2 far& mat2) {
return ::GetGlyphOutline(GetAttributeHDC(), chr, format, &gm, buffSize,
buffer, (MAT2*)&mat2);
inline int TDC::GetKerningPairs(int pairs, KERNINGPAIR far* krnPair) {
return ::GetKerningPairs(GetAttributeHDC(), pairs, krnPair);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline uint32
inline uint16
TDC::GetOutlineTextMetrics(uint data, OUTLINETEXTMETRIC far& otm)
return ::GetOutlineTextMetrics(GetAttributeHDC(), data, &otm);
inline bool TDC::GetCharWidth(uint firstChar, uint lastChar, int* buffer) {
return ::GetCharWidth(GetAttributeHDC(), firstChar, lastChar, buffer);
inline uint32 TDC::SetMapperFlags(uint32 flag) {
if (GetHDC() != GetAttributeHDC())
::SetMapperFlags(GetHDC(), flag);
return ::SetMapperFlags(GetAttributeHDC(), flag);
inline bool TDC::GetAspectRatioFilter(TSize& size) const {
return ::GetAspectRatioFilterEx(GetAttributeHDC(), &size);
inline int TDC::EnumFonts(const char far* faceName, OLDFONTENUMPROC callback, void far* data) const {
return ::EnumFonts(GetAttributeHDC(), faceName, callback, LPARAM(data));
inline bool TDC::GetCharABCWidths(uint firstChar, uint lastChar, ABC* abc) {
return ::GetCharABCWidths(GetAttributeHDC(), firstChar, lastChar, abc);
inline int TDC::EnumFontFamilies(const char far* familyName, FONTENUMPROC callback, void far* data) const {
return ::EnumFontFamilies(GetAttributeHDC(), familyName, callback, LPARAM(data));
inline uint32 TDC::GetFontData(uint32 table, uint32 offset, void* buffer, long data) {
return ::GetFontData(GetAttributeHDC(), table, offset, buffer, data);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline bool TDC::BeginPath() {
return ::BeginPath(GetHDC());
inline bool TDC::CloseFigure() {
return ::CloseFigure(GetHDC());
inline bool TDC::EndPath() {
return ::EndPath(GetHDC());
inline bool TDC::FlattenPath() {
return ::FlattenPath(GetHDC());
inline bool TDC::WidenPath() {
return ::WidenPath(GetHDC());
inline bool TDC::FillPath() {
return ::FillPath(GetHDC());
inline bool TDC::StrokePath() {
return ::StrokePath(GetHDC());
inline bool TDC::StrokeAndFillPath() {
return ::StrokeAndFillPath(GetHDC());
inline bool TDC::SelectClipPath(int mode) {
return ::SelectClipPath(GetHDC(), mode);
inline HRGN TDC::PathToRegion() {
return ::PathToRegion(GetHDC());
inline HMETAFILE TMetaFileDC::Close() {
HMETAFILE mf = ::CloseMetaFile(GetHDC());
Handle = 0;
return mf;
inline int TPrintDC::Escape(int esc, int count, const void* inData, void* outData) {
return ::Escape(GetHDC(), esc, count, (const char far*)inData, outData);
// API type cast
inline int TPrintDC::SetAbortProc(ABORTPROC proc) {
return ::SetAbortProc(GetHDC(), proc);
inline int TPrintDC::StartDoc(const char far* docName, const char far* output) {
DocInfo.lpszDocName = (char far*)docName;
DocInfo.lpszOutput = (char far*)output;
return ::StartDoc(GetHDC(), &DocInfo);
inline int TPrintDC::StartPage() { // Only call if not banding
return ::StartPage(GetHDC());
inline int TPrintDC::BandInfo(TBandInfo& bandInfo) {
return Escape(BANDINFO, sizeof(TBandInfo), 0, (LPSTR)&bandInfo);
inline int TPrintDC::NextBand(TRect& rect) {
return Escape(NEXTBAND, 0, 0, (void*)&rect);
inline int TPrintDC::EndPage() { // Only call if not banding
RestoreObjects(); // Make sure this TDC stays in sync with HDC
return ::EndPage(GetHDC());
inline int TPrintDC::AbortDoc() {
return ::AbortDoc(GetHDC());
inline int TPrintDC::EndDoc() {
return ::EndDoc(GetHDC());
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
inline bool TPrintDC::QueryAbort(int rsvd) {
return ::QueryAbort(GetHDC(), rsvd);
inline uint TPrintDC::QueryEscSupport(int escapeNum) {
return Escape(QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(int), &escapeNum);
inline int TPrintDC::SetCopyCount(int reqestCopies, int& actualCopies) {
return Escape(SETCOPYCOUNT, sizeof(int), &reqestCopies, &actualCopies);
#endif // OWL_DC_H