PC World Komputer 1998 May
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136 lines
// ObjectWindows
// (C) Copyright 1992, 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// Definition of class TButtonGadget.
#if !defined(OWL_BUTTONGA_H)
#if !defined(OWL_GADGET_H)
# include <owl/gadget.h>
class _OWLCLASS TCelArray;
// class TButtonGadget
// ----- -------------
// buttons begin highlighting and do a capture when pressed (the mouse down
// occurs). they cancel highlighting when the mouse exits, but begin
// highlighting again when the mouse re-enters. when the mouse goes up the
// capture is released
// there are two basic type of buttons: commands and settings (attribute
// buttons). Settings can be exclusive (like a radio button) or non-exclusive
// (like a check box)
// there are three normal button states: up, down, and indeterminate. in
// addition the button can be highlighting (pressed) in all three states
// commands can only be in the "up" state. settings can be in all three states
class _OWLCLASS TButtonGadget : public TGadget {
enum TState {Up, Down, Indeterminate};
enum TType {Command, Exclusive, NonExclusive};
enum TShadowStyle {SingleShadow = 1, DoubleShadow = 2};
TButtonGadget(TResId bmpResId,
int id,
TType type = Command,
bool enabled = false, // initial state before cmd enabling
TState state = Up,
bool repeat = false);
void SetButtonState(TState);
TState GetButtonState() {return State;}
TType GetButtonType() {return Type;}
void GetDesiredSize(TSize& size);
void SetBounds(TRect& r);
// A couple of button style options
void SetNotchCorners(bool notchCorners=true)
{NotchCorners = notchCorners;}
void SetShadowStyle(TShadowStyle style=DoubleShadow);
void SetAntialiasEdges(bool anti=true) {AntialiasEdges=anti;}
// Override and initiate a WM_COMMAND_ENABLE message
void CommandEnable();
void SysColorChange();
TResId ResId;
TCelArray* CelArray;
TPoint BitmapOrigin;
TState State : 4;
TType Type : 4;
TShadowStyle ShadowStyle : 4;
bool Repeat : 1;
bool NotchCorners : 1;
bool Pressed : 1;
bool AntialiasEdges : 1;
// Override basic TGadget member functions
void Paint(TDC& dc);
void Invalidate();
// Override TGadget member functions and respond to user fiddling with the
// button by self-sending button protocol messages
void LButtonDown(uint modKeys, TPoint& p);
void MouseMove(uint modKeys, TPoint& p);
void MouseEnter(uint modKeys, TPoint& p);
void MouseLeave(uint modKeys, TPoint& p);
void LButtonUp(uint modKeys, TPoint& p);
enum {
CelNormal, // Normal state
CelDisabled, // Disabled (grayed)
CelIndeterm, // Indeterminate-neither normal nor down
CelDown, // Down or checked
virtual TDib* GetGlyphDib();
virtual void ReleaseGlyphDib(TDib* glyph);
virtual void BuildCelArray();
// button protocol
// ------ --------
// invoked by mouse-down & mouse enter events. sets member data "Pressed"
// to true and highlights the button
virtual void BeginPressed(TPoint& p);
// invoked by mouse exit events. sets member data "Pressed" to false and
// paints the button in its current state
virtual void CancelPressed(TPoint& p);
// invoked by mouse-up event inside the Gadget. sets member data "Pressed"
// to false, changes state for attribute buttons, and paints the button
// in its current state
// generates WM_COMMAND
virtual void Activate(TPoint& p);
void CheckExclusively();
#endif // OWL_BUTTONGA_H