PC World Komputer 1998 May
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C/C++ Source or Header
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// ObjectSupport
// (C) Copyright 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// TString, TUstring - localized name support
// TRegItem, TRegList - associative array of localizable string parameters
#if !defined(OSL_USTRING_H)
#if !defined(OSL_DEFS_H)
# if !defined(INC_OLE2)
# define INC_OLE2 // Locale needs Ole2 when 16bit, let osl/defs get it
# endif
# include <osl/defs.h>
#elif !defined(__OLE2_H) && !defined(_OLE2_H_)
# if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
# include <ole2.h> // Get Win16 Ole2 headers now if we missed above
# if !defined(__DISPATCH_H)
# include <dispatch.h>
# endif
# if !defined(__OLENLS_H)
# include <olenls.h>
# endif
# else
# error Win32 Ole2 headers cannot be included after Windows.h, define INC_OLE2 first
# endif
#if !defined(BI_PLAT_MSW)
# error Locale classes are only supported under MSW
#if !defined(OSL_LOCALE_H)
# include <osl/locale.h>
#if !defined(__COMMDLG_H)
# include <commdlg.h> // only for OFN_xxx defines
#if !defined(__CSTRING_H)
# include <cstring.h>
// OLECHAR & BSTR is char under Win16, and wchar_t under Win32
#if !defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
# define BI_OLECHAR_WIDE // OLECHAR is wide (wchar_t)
# define BI_HAS_WCHAR // platform has wide char functions
// TUString class - privately used by TString to manage string pointers
// This is a reference counted union of various string representatons
// Constructors/destructors are private to enforce reference count model
// Create functions are used to facilitate rapid allocation schemes
// Null pointers are never stored; instead a static null object is ref'd
class TUString {
static TUString* Create(const char far* str);
static TUString* Create(char* str);
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
static TUString* Create(const wchar_t* str);
static TUString* Create(wchar_t* str);
static TUString* Create(BSTR str, bool loan, TLangId lang = 0);
static TUString* Create(const string& str);
TUString* Assign(const TUString& s);
TUString* Assign(const string& s);
TUString* Assign(const char far* s);
TUString* Assign(char* s);
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
TUString* Assign(const wchar_t* s);
TUString* Assign(wchar_t* s);
TUString* Assign(BSTR str, TLangId lang);
operator const char far*() const;
operator char*();
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
operator const wchar_t*() const;
operator wchar_t*();
TUString& operator ++(); // preincrement operator only
TUString& operator --(); // predecrement operator only
int Length() const; // return appropriate string length
bool IsNull() const; // is the string a null string?
TLangId Lang;
void RevokeBstr(BSTR s); // used to restore if Created with loan==true
void ReleaseBstr(BSTR s); // used to unhook if Created with loan==true
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
static wchar_t* ConvertAtoW(const char* src, size_t len = -1);
static char* ConvertWtoA(const wchar_t* src, size_t len = -1);
TUString(const char far& str);
TUString(char& str);
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
TUString(const wchar_t& str);
TUString(wchar_t& str);
TUString(BSTR str, bool loan, TLangId lang);
TUString(const string& str);
~TUString() {Free();}
void Free();
char* ChangeToCopy();
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
wchar_t* ChangeToWCopy();
enum TKind {
isNull=0, isConst, isCopy, isWConst, isWCopy, isBstr, isExtBstr, isString
} Kind;
int RefCnt;
union {
const char far* Const; // Passed-in string, NOT owned here, read-only
char* Copy; // Local copy, must be deleted, read-write
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
const wchar_t* WConst; // Unicode version of Const (Win32)
wchar_t* WCopy; // Unicode version of Copy (Win32)
BSTR Bstr; // Copy of pointer, owned here
TStringRef* String; // Placeholder for string:: object
static TUString Null; // null TString references this
TUString() : Kind(isNull),Const(0),RefCnt(1),Lang(0) {} // for Null object
// TString class - reference to reference counted string object TUString
// Lightweight reference object consisting of a pointer to actual object
// Facilitates copying and assignment with minimal string reallocations
class TString {
TString(const char far* s = 0) : S(TUString::Create(s)) {}
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
TString(const wchar_t* s) : S(TUString::Create(s)) {}
//!CQ no non-const? UString always assumes [W]Const union member
TString(BSTR s, bool loan) : S(TUString::Create(s, loan)) {}
TString(const string& s) : S(TUString::Create(s)) {}
TString(TUString* s) : S(s) {}
TString(const TString& src) : S(src.S) {++*S;}
~TString() {--*S;}
int Length() const {return S->Length();}
bool IsNull() const {return S->IsNull();}
TString& operator =(const TString& s) {S = S->Assign(*s.S); return *this;}
TString& operator =(const string& s) {S = S->Assign(s); return *this;}
TString& operator =(const char far* s) {S = S->Assign(s); return *this;}
TString& operator =(char* s) {S = S->Assign(s); return *this;}
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
TString& operator =(const wchar_t* s) {S = S->Assign(s); return *this;}
TString& operator =(wchar_t* s) {S = S->Assign(s); return *this;}
operator const char far*() const {return S->operator const char far*();}
operator char*() {return S->operator char*();}
#if defined(BI_HAS_WCHAR)
operator const wchar_t*() const {return S->operator const wchar_t*();}
operator wchar_t*() {return S->operator wchar_t*();}
TLangId GetLangId() {return S->Lang;}
void SetLangId(TLangId id) {S->Lang = id;}
TUString* S;
// Provide ANSI to Wide conversion when OLE requires wide chars
// Allocate a unicode BSTR from an ANSI char*
#if defined(BI_OLECHAR_WIDE)
# define OleStr(s) TString(s)
# define OleText(s) L##s
inline BSTR SysAllocString(const char far* str) {
return ::SysAllocString((const wchar_t*)TString(str));
# define OleStr(s) s
# define OleText(s) s
// Inlines
inline TUString& TUString::operator ++()
return *this;
inline TUString& TUString::operator --()
if (--RefCnt != 0)
return *this;
delete this;
return Null;
inline bool TUString::IsNull() const
return Kind == isNull;
#endif // OSL_USTRING_H