PC World Komputer 1998 May
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C/C++ Source or Header
521 lines
// ObjectSupport
// (C) Copyright 1992, 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// Classes for geometric encapsulation
#if !defined(OSL_GEOMETRY_H)
#if !defined(OSL_DEFS_H)
# include <osl/defs.h>
#if !defined(OSL_INLINES_H)
# include <osl/inlines.h>
#if !defined(CLASSLIB_OBJSTRM_H) //!CQ move this to osl/streaming
# include <classlib/objstrm.h>
class TSize;
class _BIDSCLASS TRect;
// Geometry C-structs compatible with MSW
#if !defined(BI_PLAT_MSW)
struct tagPOINT {
int x;
int y;
typedef struct tagPOINT POINT;
struct tagSIZE {
int cx;
int cy;
typedef struct tagSIZE SIZE;
struct tagRECT {
int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;
typedef struct tagRECT RECT;
// class TPoint
// ----- ------
class TPoint : public tagPOINT {
// Constructors
TPoint() {}
TPoint(int _x, int _y) {x = _x; y = _y;}
TPoint(const POINT far& point) {x = point.x; y = point.y;}
TPoint(const TPoint far& point) {x = point.x; y = point.y;}
TPoint(const SIZE far& size) {x = size.cx; y = size.cy;}
TPoint(uint32 dw) {x = int16(LOWORD(dw)); y = int16(HIWORD(dw));}
// Information functions/operators
bool operator ==(const TPoint& other) const;
bool operator !=(const TPoint& other) const;
// Functions/binary-operators that return points or sizes
TPoint OffsetBy(int dx, int dy) const {return TPoint(x+dx, y+dy);}
TPoint operator +(const TSize& size) const;
TSize operator -(const TPoint& point) const;
TPoint operator -(const TSize& size) const;
TPoint operator -() const {return TPoint(-x, -y);}
// Functions/assignement-operators that modify this point
TPoint& Offset(int dx, int dy);
TPoint& operator +=(const TSize& size);
TPoint& operator -=(const TSize& size);
inline ipstream& operator >>(ipstream& is, TPoint& p)
{ return is >> p.x >> p.y; }
inline opstream& operator <<(opstream& os, const TPoint& p)
{ return os << p.x << p.y; }
inline ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const TPoint& p)
{ return os << '(' << p.x << ',' << p.y << ')'; }
inline istream& operator >>(istream& is, TPoint& p)
{ char c; return is >> c >> p.x >> c >> p.y >> c; }
// class TSize
// ----- -----
class TSize : public tagSIZE {
// Constructors
TSize() {}
TSize(int dx, int dy) {cx = dx; cy = dy;}
TSize(const POINT far& point) {cx = point.x; cy = point.y;}
TSize(const SIZE far& size) {cx = size.cx; cy = size.cy;}
TSize(const TSize far& size) {cx = size.cx; cy = size.cy;}
TSize(uint32 dw) {cx = LOWORD(dw); cy = HIWORD(dw);}
// Information functions/operators
bool operator ==(const TSize& other) const;
bool operator !=(const TSize& other) const;
int Magnitude() const;
// Functions/binary-operators that return sizes
TSize operator +(const TSize& size) const;
TSize operator -(const TSize& size) const;
TSize operator -() const {return TSize(-cx, -cy);}
// Functions/assignement-operators that modify this size
TSize& operator +=(const TSize& size);
TSize& operator -=(const TSize& size);
inline ipstream& operator >>(ipstream& is, TSize& s)
{ return is >> s.cx >> s.cy; }
inline opstream& operator <<(opstream& os, const TSize& s)
{ return os << s.cx << s.cy; }
inline ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const TSize& s)
{ return os << '(' << s.cx << 'x' << s.cy << ')'; }
// class TRect
// ----- -----
class _BIDSCLASS TRect : public tagRECT {
// Constructors
TRect() {}
TRect(const RECT far& rect);
TRect(const TRect far& rect);
TRect(int _left, int _top, int _right, int _bottom);
TRect(const TPoint& upLeft, const TPoint& loRight);
TRect(const TPoint& origin, const TSize& extent);
// (re)Initializers
void SetNull();
void SetEmpty() {SetNull();}
void Set(int _left, int _top, int _right, int _bottom);
// Type Conversion operators
operator const TPoint*() const {return (const TPoint*)this;}
operator TPoint*() {return (TPoint*)this;}
// Testing functions
bool IsEmpty() const;
bool IsNull() const;
bool operator ==(const TRect& other) const;
bool operator !=(const TRect& other) const;
// Information/access functions(const and non-const)
const TPoint& TopLeft() const {return *(TPoint*)&left;}
TPoint& TopLeft() {return *(TPoint*)&left;}
TPoint TopRight() const {return TPoint(right, top);}
TPoint BottomLeft() const {return TPoint(left, bottom);}
const TPoint& BottomRight() const {return *(TPoint*)&right;}
TPoint& BottomRight() {return *(TPoint*)&right;}
int Width() const {return right-left;}
int Height() const {return bottom-top;}
TSize Size() const {return TSize(Width(), Height());}
long Area() const {return long(Width())*long(Height());}
bool Contains(const TPoint& point) const;
bool Contains(const TRect& other) const;
bool Touches(const TRect& other) const;
TRect OffsetBy(int dx, int dy) const;
TRect operator +(const TSize& size) const;
TRect operator -(const TSize& size) const;
TRect InflatedBy(int dx, int dy) const;
TRect InflatedBy(const TSize& size) const;
TRect Normalized() const;
TRect operator &(const TRect& other) const;
TRect operator |(const TRect& other) const;
// Manipulation functions/operators
TRect& Normalize();
TRect& Offset(int dx, int dy);
TRect& operator +=(const TSize& delta);
TRect& operator -=(const TSize& delta);
TRect& Inflate(int dx, int dy);
TRect& Inflate(const TSize& delta);
TRect& operator &=(const TRect& other);
TRect& operator |=(const TRect& other);
ipstream& _BIDSFUNC operator >>(ipstream& is, TRect& r);
opstream& _BIDSFUNC operator <<(opstream& os, const TRect& r);
ostream& _BIDSFUNC operator <<(ostream& os, const TRect& r);
// class TResId
// ----- ------
// Resource Id class that can be constructed from a integer or string resource
// identifier.
class TResId {
TResId() : Id(0) {}
TResId(const char far* resString) : Id(resString) {}
TResId(int resNum) : Id((const char far*)uint32(unsigned(resNum))) {}
operator char far*() {return (char far*)Id;}
bool IsString() const {return ToBool(HIWORD(Id));}
const char far* Id;
friend ipstream& _BIDSFUNC operator >>(ipstream& is, TResId& id);
friend opstream& _BIDSFUNC operator <<(opstream& os, const TResId& id);
friend ostream& _BIDSFUNC operator <<(ostream& os, const TResId& id);
#if defined(BI_PLAT_MSW)
// class TDropInfo
// ----- ---------
class TDropInfo {
TDropInfo(HDROP handle) : Handle(handle) {}
operator HDROP() {return Handle;}
uint DragQueryFile(uint index, char far* name, uint nameLen)
{return ::DragQueryFile(Handle, index, name, nameLen);}
uint DragQueryFileCount() {return ::DragQueryFile(Handle, -1, 0, 0);}
uint DragQueryFileNameLen(uint index)
{return ::DragQueryFile(Handle, index, 0, 0);}
bool DragQueryPoint(TPoint& point)
{return ::DragQueryPoint(Handle, &point);}
void DragFinish() {::DragFinish(Handle);}
HDROP Handle;
// class TProcInstance
// ----- -------------
class TProcInstance {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
TProcInstance(FARPROC p) {Instance = ::MakeProcInstance(p, _hInstance);}
~TProcInstance() {::FreeProcInstance(Instance);}
TProcInstance(FARPROC p) {Instance = FARPROC(p);}
operator FARPROC() {return Instance;}
FARPROC Instance;
#endif // BI_PLAT_MSW
// class TPointer
// ----- --------
template<class T> class TPointerBase {
T& operator *() {return *P;}
operator T*() {return P;}
operator T&() {return *P;}
int operator !() {return P==0;}
void operator ~() {P = 0;}
TPointerBase(T* pointer) : P(pointer) {}
~TPointerBase() {delete P;}
TPointerBase() : P(0){}
T* P;
void* operator new(size_t) {return 0;} // prohibit use of new
void operator delete(void* p) {((TPointerBase<T>*)p)->P=0;}
template<class T> class TPointer : public TPointerBase<T> {
TPointer() : TPointerBase<T>(){}
TPointer(T* pointer) : TPointerBase<T>(pointer) {}
T* operator =(T* src) {delete P; return P = src;}
T* operator =(const TPointer<T>& src)
{delete P; return P = src.P;}
T* operator->() {return P;} // should throw exception if P==0
class TPointer<char> : public TPointerBase<char> {
TPointer() : TPointerBase<char>(){}
TPointer(char* pointer) : TPointerBase<char>(pointer) {}
char* operator =(char* src) {delete P; return P = src;}
char* operator =(const TPointer<char>& src)
{delete P; return P = src.P;}
char& operator[](int i) {return P[i];}
// class TCmdLine
// ----- --------
// Command line argument processing class, processes in the form:
// <Name> | {-/}<Option>[{:=}<Value>] ...
class _BIDSCLASS TCmdLine {
enum TKind {
Start, // no tokens have been parsed yet
Name, // name type token, has no leading / or -
Option, // option type token. leading / or - skipped by Token
Value, // value for name or option. leading : or = skipped by Token
Done // no more tokens
TCmdLine(const char far* cmdLine);
TKind NextToken(bool removeCurrent=false);
const char* GetLine() const {return Buffer;}
void Reset();
TKind Kind; // Kind of current token
char* Token; // ptr to current token. (Not 0-terminated)
int TokenLen; // length of current token
char* Buffer; // command line buffer
char* TokenStart; // actual start of current token
// Inlines
inline bool TPoint::operator ==(const TPoint& other) const {
return ToBool(other.x==x && other.y==y);
inline bool TPoint::operator !=(const TPoint& other) const {
return ToBool(other.x!=x || other.y!=y);
inline TPoint TPoint::operator +(const TSize& size) const {
return TPoint(x+size.cx, y+size.cy);
inline TSize TPoint::operator -(const TPoint& point) const {
return TSize(x-point.x, y-point.y);
inline TPoint TPoint::operator -(const TSize& size) const {
return TPoint(x-size.cx, y-size.cy);
inline TPoint& TPoint::Offset(int dx, int dy) {
x += dx;
y += dy;
return *this;
inline TPoint& TPoint::operator +=(const TSize& size) {
x += size.cx;
y += size.cy;
return *this;
inline TPoint& TPoint::operator -=(const TSize& size) {
x -= size.cx;
y -= size.cy;
return *this;
inline bool TSize::operator ==(const TSize& other) const {
return ToBool(other.cx==cx && other.cy==cy);
inline bool TSize::operator !=(const TSize& other) const {
return ToBool(other.cx!=cx || other.cy!=cy);
inline int TSize::Magnitude() const {
return Sqrt(long(cx)*long(cx)+long(cy)*long(cy));
inline TSize TSize::operator +(const TSize& size) const {
return TSize(cx+size.cx, cy+size.cy);
inline TSize TSize::operator -(const TSize& size) const {
return TSize(cx-size.cx, cy-size.cy);
inline TSize& TSize::operator +=(const TSize& size) {
cx += size.cx;
cy += size.cy;
return *this;
inline TSize& TSize::operator -=(const TSize& size) {
cx -= size.cx;
cy -= size.cy;
return *this;
inline void TRect::SetNull() {
left = top = right = bottom = 0;
inline void TRect::Set(int _left, int _top, int _right, int _bottom) {
left = _left;
top = _top;
right = _right;
bottom = _bottom;
inline TRect::TRect(const RECT far& rect) {
*(RECT far*)this = rect;
inline TRect::TRect(const TRect far& rect) {
*(RECT far*)this = *(RECT far*)▭
inline TRect::TRect(int _left, int _top, int _right, int _bottom) {
Set(_left, _top, _right, _bottom);
inline TRect::TRect(const TPoint& topLeft, const TPoint& bottomRight) {
Set(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y);
inline TRect::TRect(const TPoint& origin, const TSize& extent) {
Set(origin.x, origin.y, origin.x+extent.cx, origin.y+extent.cy);
inline bool TRect::IsEmpty() const {
return ToBool(left>=right || top>=bottom);
inline bool TRect::IsNull() const {
return ToBool(!left && !right && !top && !bottom);
inline bool TRect::operator ==(const TRect& other) const {
return ToBool(other.left==left && other.top==top
&& other.right==right && other.bottom==bottom);
inline bool TRect::operator !=(const TRect& other) const {
return ToBool(!(other==*this));
inline bool TRect::Contains(const TPoint& point) const {
return ToBool(point.x >= left && point.x < right
&& point.y >= top && point.y < bottom);
inline bool TRect::Contains(const TRect& other) const {
return ToBool(other.left >= left && other.right <= right
&& other.top >= top && other.bottom <= bottom);
inline bool TRect::Touches(const TRect& other) const {
return ToBool(other.right > left && other.left < right
&& other.bottom > top && other.top < bottom);
inline TRect TRect::OffsetBy(int dx, int dy) const {
return TRect(left+dx, top+dy, right+dx, bottom+dy);
inline TRect TRect::operator +(const TSize& size) const {
return OffsetBy(size.cx, size.cy);
inline TRect TRect::operator -(const TSize& size) const {
return OffsetBy(-size.cx, -size.cy);
inline TRect TRect::InflatedBy(int dx, int dy) const {
return TRect(left-dx, top-dy, right+dx, bottom+dy);
inline TRect TRect::InflatedBy(const TSize& size) const {
return InflatedBy(size.cx, size.cy);
inline TRect TRect::Normalized() const {
return TRect(Min(left, right), Min(top, bottom),
Max(left, right), Max(top, bottom));
inline TRect TRect::operator &(const TRect& other) const {
return TRect(Max(left, other.left), Max(top, other.top),
Min(right, other.right), Min(bottom, other.bottom));
inline TRect TRect::operator |(const TRect& other) const {
return TRect(Min(left, other.left), Min(top, other.top),
Max(right, other.right), Max(bottom, other.bottom));
inline TRect& TRect::operator +=(const TSize& delta) {
Offset(delta.cx, delta.cy);
return *this;
inline TRect& TRect::operator -=(const TSize& delta) {
return *this += -delta;
inline TRect& TRect::Inflate(const TSize& delta) {
return Inflate(delta.cx, delta.cy);
#endif // OSL_GEOMETRY_H