PC World Komputer 1998 May
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727 lines
// ObjectComponents
// (C) Copyright 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// OLE Registration implementation
#include <ocf/ocfpch.h>
#include <ocf/ocreg.h>
#include <ocf/appdesc.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // atol()
DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP(OcDll, true, 1);
#if defined(BI_APP_DLL)
extern TRegistrar* DllRegistrar;
void TXRegistry::Check(long stat, const char* key)
if (stat != 0 && !InstanceCount) {
if (stat == 1) // default bool true to a generic E_FAIL
stat = E_FAIL;
char buf[100];
wsprintf(buf, "Registry failure on key: %s, ErrorCode = %lX\n",
(const char far*)key, stat);
WARN(stat != 0, buf);
throw TXRegistry(buf, key);
// Internal registration template table and registration item key table
char OcRegEntryHeader[] = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\";
char OcRegEntryAssign[] = " = ";
struct TRegParam {
char* Param; // substituted parameter name
char* Default; // default value, 0 if required
char* TplList; // list of template indices to invoke
static int Find(const char* param); // associative lookup of value by param
// Registration template table, ordering determines sequence of registration
// note: the parameter table is dependent on template indices in this table
char* OcRegTemplates[] = {
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
/* 001 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\<serverctx>Server32 = <debugger> <path> <cmdline><extraopt>",
/* 001 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\<serverctx>Server = <debugger> <path> <cmdline><extraopt>",
/* 002 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\ProgID = <progid>",
/* 003 */ "CLSID\\<clsid> = <description>",
/* 004 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DefaultIcon = <path>,<iconindex>",
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
/* 005 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\InprocHandler32 = <handler>",
/* 005 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\InprocHandler = <handler>",
/* 006 */ "<progid>\\CLSID = <clsid>",
/* 007 */ "<progid> = <description>",
/* 010 */ "<progid>\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\verb\\0 = <verb0>",
/* 011 */ "<progid>\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\verb\\1 = <verb1>",
/* 012 */ "<progid>\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\verb\\2 = <verb2>",
/* 013 */ "<progid>\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\verb\\3 = <verb3>",
/* 014 */ "<progid>\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\verb\\4 = <verb4>",
/* 015 */ "<progid>\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\verb\\5 = <verb5>",
/* 016 */ "<progid>\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\verb\\6 = <verb6>",
/* 017 */ "<progid>\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\verb\\7 = <verb7>",
/* 020 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Verb\\0 = <verb0>,<verb0opt>",
/* 021 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Verb\\1 = <verb1>,<verb1opt>",
/* 022 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Verb\\2 = <verb2>,<verb2opt>",
/* 023 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Verb\\3 = <verb3>,<verb3opt>",
/* 024 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Verb\\4 = <verb4>,<verb4opt>",
/* 025 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Verb\\5 = <verb5>,<verb5opt>",
/* 026 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Verb\\6 = <verb6>,<verb6opt>",
/* 027 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Verb\\7 = <verb7>,<verb7opt>",
/* 030 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DataFormats\\GetSet\\0 = <format0>",
/* 031 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DataFormats\\GetSet\\1 = <format1>",
/* 032 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DataFormats\\GetSet\\2 = <format2>",
/* 033 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DataFormats\\GetSet\\3 = <format3>",
/* 034 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DataFormats\\GetSet\\4 = <format4>",
/* 035 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DataFormats\\GetSet\\5 = <format5>",
/* 036 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DataFormats\\GetSet\\6 = <format6>",
/* 037 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DataFormats\\GetSet\\7 = <format7>",
/* 040 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\MiscStatus = <aspectall>",
/* 041 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\MiscStatus\\1 = <aspectcontent>",
/* 042 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\MiscStatus\\2 = <aspectthumbnail>",
/* 043 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\MiscStatus\\4 = <aspecticon>",
/* 044 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\MiscStatus\\8 = <aspectdocprint>",
/* 045 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\AuxUserType\\2 = <menuname>",
/* 046 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\AuxUserType\\3 = <appname>",
/* 047 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Insertable",
/* 050 */ "<permid> = <permname>",
/* 051 */ "<permid>\\CLSID = <clsid>",
/* 052 */ "<permid>\\CurVer = <progid>",
/* 053 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\VersionIndependentProgID = <permid>",
/* 054 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Version = <version>",
/* 055 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\DataFormats\\DefaultFile = <filefmt>",
/* 056 */ "CLSID\\<clsid>\\Ole1Class = <progid>", // is this really needed?
/* 057 */ ".<extension> = <progid>",
/* 060 */ "<progid>\\Shell\\Print\\Command = <path> %1",
/* 061 */ "<progid>\\Shell\\Open\\Command = <path> %1",
/* 062 */ "<progid>\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\server = <debugger> <path><extraopt>",
/* 063 */ "<progid>\\Insertable",
const int OcRegTemplateCount = sizeof(OcRegTemplates)/sizeof(char*);
// Registration parameter table, ordering is arbitrary, parameters lowercase
TRegParam OcRegParams[] = {
{"clsid", 0, "" },// GUID standard string form
{"progid", 0, "\001\002\003\005\006\007"},// a unique string
{"insertable", 0, "\046\047\062\063" },// defined to publish server
{"usage", ocrSingleUse, "" },// class factory registration
{"description", 0, "" },// human readable, 40 chars max
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
{"handler", "ole32.dll", "\005" },// inproc handler
{"handler", "ole2.dll", "\005" },// inproc handler
{"serverctx", 0, "\001" },// "Local"(EXE) or "Inproc"(DLL)
{"path", 0, "" },// OC defaults to load path
{"cmdline", "", "" },// /Automation if app class
{"debugger", "", "" },// debugger to invoke server
{"permid", 0, "\050\051\053" },// version independent clsid
{"permname", 0, "\052" },// version independent progid
{"iconindex", "0", "\004" },// zero-based resource icon
{"menuname", "", "\045" },// 15 characters maximum
{"appname", 0, "" },// AppName, AuxUserType/3
{"verb0", 0, "\010\020" },// name of primary verb
{"verb1", 0, "\011\021" },
{"verb2", 0, "\012\022" },
{"verb3", 0, "\013\023" },
{"verb4", 0, "\014\024" },
{"verb5", 0, "\015\025" },
{"verb6", 0, "\016\026" },
{"verb7", 0, "\017\027" },
{"verb8", 0, "\018\028" },
{"verb0opt", "0,2", "\020" },//generated from REGVERBOBT macro
{"verb1opt", "0,2", "\021" },
{"verb2opt", "0,2", "\022" },
{"verb3opt", "0,2", "\023" },
{"verb4opt", "0,2", "\024" },
{"verb5opt", "0,2", "\025" },
{"verb6opt", "0,2", "\026" },
{"verb7opt", "0,2", "\027" },
{"verb8opt", "0,2", "\028" },
{"format0", 0, "\030" },//generated from REGFORMAT macro
{"format1", 0, "\031" },
{"format2", 0, "\032" },
{"format3", 0, "\033" },
{"format4", 0, "\034" },
{"format5", 0, "\035" },
{"format6", 0, "\036" },
{"format7", 0, "\037" },
{"format8", 0, "\038" },
{"filefmt", 0, "\055" },// default file format name
{"aspectall", "0", "\040" },// option flags for all aspects
{"aspectcontent", 0, "\041" },// option flags for content view
{"aspectthumbnail", 0, "\042" },// option flags thumbnail view
{"aspecticon", 0, "\043" },// option flags for icon view
{"aspectdocprint", 0, "\044" },// option flags docprint view
{"extension", 0, "\057\060\061" },// extension for shell loading
{"version", 0, "\054" },// app/typelib version string
{"helpdir", 0, "" },// help directory for typehelp
{"typehelp", 0, "" },// help file for type library
{"language", 0, "" },// set internally from func arg
{"docflags", "0", "" },
{"directory", 0, "" },
{"docfilter", 0, "" },
{"debugclsid", 0, ""/*INTERNAL GEN*/},// internal,NOT USER SPECIFIED
{"extraopt", "", ""/*INTERNAL USE*/},// cmdline debug/non-debug flag
{"debugprogid", 0, "" },// define to force debug reg
{"debugdesc", 0, "" },// different string for debug
const int OcRegParamCount = sizeof(OcRegParams)/sizeof(TRegParam);
int TRegParam::Find(const char* param)
int i = ::OcRegParamCount;
while (--i >= 0) {
if (strcmp(::OcRegParams[i].Param, param) == 0)
return i;
// Generate registration file image to an output stream
static int OcRegWrite(const char* key, const char* val, ostream& out)
out << OcRegEntryHeader << key;
if (val)
out << OcRegEntryAssign << val;
out << '\n';
return 0;
long OcRegisterClass(TRegList& regInfo, HINSTANCE module, ostream& out,
TLangId lang, char* filter, TRegItem* defaults,
TRegItem* extra)
long docFlags = 0;
const char* pc;
int i;
TRegItem* regItem;
const int bufSize = 512;
const int pathSize = 512;
const int langSize = 10;
const int guidSize = 64;
struct _buf {
char* buf;
_buf() { buf = new char[ bufSize + pathSize + langSize + guidSize
+ OcRegTemplateCount * sizeof(char)
+ OcRegParamCount * sizeof(char*) ]; }
~_buf() {delete[] buf;}
operator char*() {return buf;}
} buf;
char* path = buf + bufSize;
char* langBuf = path + pathSize;
char* guidBuf = langBuf + langSize;
signed char* tplEnab = (signed char*)(guidBuf + guidSize);
const char** paramVal = (const char**)(tplEnab + OcRegTemplateCount);
::GetModuleFileName(module, path, pathSize);
// Check to see if the reg format buffer overflowed during startup
if (TRegItem::Heap.Used > TRegItem::Heap.Size) {
const char frmt[] = "REGISTRATION_FORMAT_BUFFER Overflow. Need %d bytes total.";
char msg[sizeof frmt + 11];
wsprintf(msg, frmt, TRegItem::Heap.Used);
throw TXRegistry(msg, 0);
// Check for language defaulted to system configuration
if (lang == LangSysDefault)
lang = TLocaleString::SystemDefaultLangId;
else if (lang == LangUserDefault)
lang = TLocaleString::UserDefaultLangId;
// initialize local arrays of paramater values and template enable flags
int userKeyCount = 0;
for (i = OcRegParamCount; --i >= 0; paramVal[i] = OcRegParams[i].Default)
if (filter) {
memset(tplEnab, 0x80, OcRegTemplateCount); // disable all templates
for (pc = filter; (i = *pc++) != 0; )
tplEnab[i-1] = 0; // selectively allow enable
else {
memset(tplEnab, 0, OcRegTemplateCount); // initialize to unselected
// assign path parameter initially to current module load path
i = TRegParam::Find("path");
paramVal[i] = path;
// assign server context based on whether it is an EXE or a DLL
i = TRegParam::Find("serverctx");
#if defined (BI_PTR_0_32)
if (::GetModuleHandle(0) == module) // check instance handle for EXE
paramVal[i] = "Local";
paramVal[i] = "Inproc";
if (((unsigned)module | 1) == _SS) // check instance handle for 16-bit EXE
paramVal[i] = "Local";
paramVal[i] = "Inproc";
// assign language parameter to value passed in function argument
i = TRegParam::Find("language");
wsprintf(langBuf, "%X", lang);
paramVal[i] = langBuf;
// scan through defaults list(0), user list of parameters and custom keys(1),
// and extra list(2)
int step = 0;
for (regItem = defaults; ; regItem++) {
while (step <= 2 && (!regItem || (pc = regItem->Key) == 0)) {
switch (step++) {
case 0:
regItem = regInfo.Items;
case 1:
regItem = extra;
case 2:
regItem = 0;
if (!regItem || !pc)
// note presence of user-specified key and value, process afterwards
if (*pc == ' ') {
else {
// replace default with user-specified parameter value
TXRegistry::Check((i = TRegParam::Find(pc)) < 0, pc);
paramVal[i] = regItem->Value.Translate(lang);
// enable all templates invoked by parameter
for (char* pEnab = OcRegParams[i].TplList; (i = *pEnab++) != 0; )
// decode document template flags
if ((i = TRegParam::Find("docflags")) >= 0)
docFlags = atol(paramVal[i]);
// process enabled templates, substituting parameter values
regItem = regInfo.Items;
for (int itpl = 0; itpl < OcRegTemplateCount || userKeyCount--; itpl++) {
char* val = 0;
char* pb = buf;
const char* pt;
char c;
const char* userval = 0;
if (itpl < OcRegTemplateCount) { // processing standard template array
if (tplEnab[itpl] <= 0)
pt = OcRegTemplates[itpl];
else { // now processing user-defined templates
while (*(pt = regItem->Key) != ' ')
userval = regItem->Value;
do switch (c = *pt++) {
case 0:
*pb++ = 0;
if (!userval)
pt = userval;
userval = 0;
val = pb;
case '<':
pc = pb;
case '>':
*pb = 0;
pb = (char*)pc;
TXRegistry::Check((i = TRegParam::Find(pc)) < 0, pc); // internal err
TXRegistry::Check((pc = paramVal[i]) == 0, OcRegParams[i].Param);
if (*pc == 0 && *pt == ' ')
while (*pc != 0)
*pb++ = *pc++;
case '=':
while (*(pb-1) == ' ')
*pb++ = 0;
val = pb;
while (*pt == ' ')
*pb++ = c;
} while (c);
OcRegWrite(buf, val, out);
return docFlags;
void OcRegistryUpdate(istream& in)
struct TempKey {
HKEY key;
TempKey() {::RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", &key);}
~TempKey() {::RegCloseKey(key);}
} tempKey;
while (!in.eof()) {
char buf[512];
char* pc;
char* val;
in.getline(buf, sizeof(OcRegEntryHeader));
if (strcmp(buf, OcRegEntryHeader) != 0)
in.getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
if ((val = pc = strchr(buf, '=')) != 0) {
while (*(pc-1) == ' ')
*pc = 0;
while (*(++val) == ' ')
val = "";
TXRegistry::Check(::RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,buf, REG_SZ,val,0),buf);
// Unregister application or class from registration database
char* OcUnregParams[] = {
"extension", // special case: extension key needs '.' prepended
const int OcUnregParamCount = sizeof(OcUnregParams)/sizeof(char*);
int OcUnregisterClass(TRegList& regInfo, TRegItem* extra)
struct TempKey {
TempKey() {::RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", &Key);}
~TempKey() {::RegCloseKey(Key);}
} tempKey;
int errorCount = 0;
// Loop to remove each root level key, thus cleaning up all nested keys too
for (int i = 0; i < OcUnregParamCount; i++) {
const char* regKey = regInfo[OcUnregParams[i]];
if (!regKey && extra && strcmp(extra->Key, OcUnregParams[i]) == 0)
regKey = extra->Value;
if (regKey) {
char buff[16];
if (i == 0) { // special case prepending of '.' to extension
buff[0] = '.';
strcpy(buff+1, regKey);
regKey = buff;
if (::RegDeleteKey(*regKey=='{' ? tempKey.Key : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, regKey)
!= ERROR_SUCCESS) // }matching brace for brace counting editors
errorCount++; // should throw exception if certain errors?
return errorCount;
int OcRegistryValidate(istream& in)
struct TempKey {
HKEY key;
TempKey() {::RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", &key);}
~TempKey() {::RegCloseKey(key);}
} tempKey;
int diffCount = 0;
while (!in.eof()) {
char entry[512];
char buf[300];
long bufSize = sizeof(buf);
char* pc;
char* val;
in.getline(entry, sizeof(OcRegEntryHeader));
if (strcmp(entry, OcRegEntryHeader) != 0)
in.getline(entry, sizeof(entry));
if ((val = pc = strchr(entry, '=')) != 0) {
while (*(pc-1) == ' ')
*pc = 0;
while (*(++val) == ' ')
if (::RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,entry,buf,&bufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS
|| (val && strcmp(val, buf) != 0))
return diffCount;
// Separate debugging registration for application and documents
// Overrides non-debug values with values from debug keys
struct DebugRegKey { enum { progid, clsid, description, extraopt};};
char* OcReplaceKeys[] = { "progid", "clsid","description", "extraopt"};
char* OcDebugKeys[] = {"debugprogid", "debugclsid","debugdesc", "debugopt"};
const int DebugReplaceCount = sizeof(OcReplaceKeys)/sizeof(char*);
TRegItem OcRegNoDebug[] = { {"debugger", {""}}, {0,{0}} };
TRegItem OcRegNotDll[] = { {"cmdline", {""}}, {"debugger", {""}}, {0,{0}} };
char AppDebugFilter[] = "\001\002\003\005\006\007";
char DocDebugFilter[] = "\001\002\003\005\006\007"
int OcSetupDebugReg(TRegList& regInfo, TRegItem* regDebug, TLangId lang,
char* clsid)
int stat = -1; // initialize for user-supplied clsid
char** oldKey = OcReplaceKeys;
char** newKey = OcDebugKeys;
for (int i = 0; i < DebugReplaceCount; i++,oldKey++,newKey++,regDebug++) {
const char* value = regInfo.Lookup(*newKey, lang);
if (!value) {
switch(i) {
case DebugRegKey::progid:
return 0; // no debug registration
case DebugRegKey::extraopt:
value = " /Debug";
case DebugRegKey::clsid:
if (clsid) {
value = clsid;
stat = 1; // flag use of supplied clsid
} // else fall through to throw exception
case DebugRegKey::description:
TXRegistry::Check(1, *newKey); // incomplete debug registration
regDebug->Key = *oldKey;
regDebug->Value = value;
regDebug->Key = 0; // null-terminate reg list
return stat;
// TRegistrar - Application registration manager interface class
TRegistrar* TRegistrar::RegistrarList = 0;
TRegistrar::TRegistrar(TRegList& regInfo, TComponentFactory callback,
string& cmdLine, HINSTANCE hInst)
AppDesc(*new TAppDescriptor(regInfo, callback, cmdLine, hInst))
Next = RegistrarList;
RegistrarList = this;
TRACEX(OcRefCount, 1, "TRegistrar() @" << (void*)this);
TRegistrar::TRegistrar(TAppDescriptor& appDesc) : AppDesc(appDesc)
Next = RegistrarList;
RegistrarList = this;
// since TRegistrars are destroyed when the module is shutdown
// we do not need to detach each registrar from the linked list
delete &AppDesc;
TRegistrar* TRegistrar::GetNext(TRegistrar* reg)
return reg ? reg->Next : RegistrarList;
void far* TRegistrar::GetFactory(const GUID& clsid, const GUID far& iid)
void far* retObj = 0;
if (clsid != AppDesc.AppClassId)
return 0;
((IUnknown&)AppDesc).QueryInterface(iid, &retObj);
return retObj; // QueryInterface sets to null if fails
bool TRegistrar::CanUnload()
return static_cast<bool>(!AppDesc.IsBound());
int TRegistrar::Run()
if (!IsOptionSet(amExeModule))
return 0; // inproc server waits until class factory created and called
TComponentFactory factory = AppDesc.GetFactory();
if (!factory)
return 1;
if (AppDesc.IsAutomated() && IsOptionSet(amAutomation))
IUnknown* ifc = factory(0, GetOptions() | amRun); // create app and run it
// app is now running its message loop, factory may get called again by OLE
ifc = factory(ifc, GetOptions() | amShutdown); // EXE finished, destroy it
if (ifc && !(GetOptions() & amServedApp))
ifc->Release(); // we own the reference count, else container released it
return 0;
void TRegistrar::Shutdown(IUnknown* releasedObj, uint32 options)
if (!AppDesc.GetFactory())
releasedObj = AppDesc.GetFactory()(releasedObj, options|amShutdown);
if (releasedObj)
// DLL server entry points
// Entry point for complete registration management via command line
STDAPI __export DllRegisterCommand(const char far* cmdLine)
try {
bool isDebug = false;
TRegistrar* registrar = 0;
// Need to set up typelibrary state information in case multiple components
while ((registrar = TRegistrar::GetNext(registrar)) != 0) {
string cmd(cmdLine);
if (registrar->IsOptionSet(amDebug))
isDebug = true;
if (isDebug)
__emit__(0xCC); // force debugg trap if REGISTER.EXE loaded with debugger
return HR_OK;
catch (...) {
return HR_FAIL;
// OLE 2.0 entry point for obtaining a class factory for a particular CLSID
STDAPI __export DllGetClassObject(const GUID far& clsid, const GUID far& iid,
void far* far* retObj)
try {
TRegistrar* registrar = 0;
while ((registrar = TRegistrar::GetNext(registrar)) != 0) {
*retObj = registrar->GetFactory(clsid, iid);
if (*retObj)
return HR_OK;
return HR_FAIL;
catch (...) {
return HR_FAIL;
// OLE 2.0 entry point for checking if DLL has no clients and can be unloaded
STDAPI __export DllCanUnloadNow(void)
TRegistrar* registrar = 0;
while ((registrar = TRegistrar::GetNext(registrar)) != 0) {
if (!registrar->CanUnload()) {
TRACEX(OcDll, 1, "DllCanUnloadNow returning " << hex << uint32(HR_FALSE));
return HR_FALSE;
TRACEX(OcDll, 1, "DllCanUnloadNow returning " << hex << uint32(HR_OK));
return HR_OK;
// OLE 2.0 entry point for registering DLL, no locale info passed
STDAPI __export DllRegisterServer()
return DllRegisterCommand("/RegServer");
// OLE 2.0 entry point for unregistering DLL
STDAPI __export DllUnregisterServer()
return DllRegisterCommand("/UnregServer");