PC World Komputer 1998 May
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C/C++ Source or Header
476 lines
// ObjectComponents
// (C) Copyright 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// Definition of Compound Document TOcView Class
#if !defined(OCF_OCVIEW_H)
#define OCF_OCVIEW_H
#if !defined(OCF_OCDOC_H)
# include <ocf/ocdoc.h> // Client related
#if !defined(OCF_OCAPP_H)
# include <ocf/ocapp.h> // Client related
// Classes referenced
class _ICLASS TOcStorage;
class _ICLASS TOcDataProvider;
class TRegList;
// View options flags, set with SetOption
enum TOcViewOptions {
voNoInPlace = 0x0001, // If FALSE, allow inplace activate in container
voNoNestedInPlace = 0x0002, // If FALSE, allow nested inplace activate " "
voNoInPlaceServer = 0x0004, // If FALSE, allow server to activate inplace
// Clipboard format wrapper
class TOcFormat {
TOcFormat(uint fmtId, char far* fmtName, char far* fmtResultName,
uint fmtMedium, bool fmtIsLinkable,
uint aspect = 1, uint direction = 1);
void operator =(const TOcFormatInfo&);
bool operator ==(const TOcFormat& other) {return ToBool(&other == this);}
void SetFormatId(uint id) {Id = id;}
void SetFormatName(char far* name, TOcApp& ocApp);
void SetFormatName(uint id, TOcApp& ocApp);
void SetMedium(uint medium) {Medium = (ocrMedium)medium;}
void SetAspect(uint aspect) {Aspect = aspect;}
void SetDirection(uint direction) {Direction = direction;}
void SetLinkable(bool link = true) {IsLinkable = link;}
void Disable(bool disable = true) {Disabled = disable;}
uint GetFormatId() const {return Id;}
char far* GetRegName() {return RegName;}
char far* GetFormatName() {return Name;}
uint GetMedium() const {return Medium;}
uint GetAspect() const {return Aspect;}
uint GetDirection() const {return Direction;}
bool IsDisabled() const {return Disabled;}
void GetFormatInfo(TOcFormatInfo far& f);
uint Id;
char RegName[32];
char Name[32];
char ResultName[32];
ocrMedium Medium;
bool IsLinkable;
uint Aspect; // last three data members added & maintained by ocf
uint Direction;
bool Disabled; // Format not available
// Container of clipboard formats with iterator
class TOcFormatList : private TICVectorImp<TOcFormat> {
void operator delete(void* ptr) {TStandardAllocator::operator delete(ptr);}
TOcFormat*& operator [](unsigned index) {return Base::operator[](index);}
void Clear(int del = 1) {Base::Flush(del);}
int Add(TOcFormat* format) {return Base::Add(format);}
int IsEmpty() const {return Base::IsEmpty();}
unsigned Find(const TOcFormat* format) const {return Base::Find(format);}
virtual uint Count() const {return Base::Count();}
int Detach(const TOcFormat* format, int del = 0)
{return Base::Detach(Find(format), del);}
TOcFormat* Find(uint const id) const;
typedef TICVectorImp<TOcFormat> Base;
friend class TOcFormatListIter;
class TOcFormatListIter : public TICVectorIteratorImp<TOcFormat> {
typedef TICVectorIteratorImp<TOcFormat> Base;
TOcFormatListIter(const TOcFormatList& c) : Base(c) {}
operator int() const {return Base::operator int();}
TOcFormat* Current() const {return Base::Current();}
TOcFormat* operator ++(int) {return Base::operator ++(0);}
TOcFormat* operator ++() {return Base::operator ++();}
void Restart() {Base::Restart();}
void Restart(unsigned start, unsigned stop) {Base::Restart(start, stop);}
// class TOcView
// ----- -------
// The TOcView partner is a container (viewer) of a given (server/client)
// document.
class _ICLASS TOcView : public TUnknown,
public IBContainer,
public IBContains,
public IBDropDest {
TOcView(TOcDocument& doc, TRegList* regList=0, IUnknown* outer=0);
virtual void ReleaseObject();
TOcDocument& GetOcDocument() {return OcDocument;}
// Helper functions
IBRootLinkable* GetLinkable() {return BLDocumentI;}
// Clipboard support
bool RegisterClipFormats(TRegList& regList);
bool BrowseClipboard(TOcInitInfo& initInfo);
bool PasteNative(TOcInitInfo& init, TPoint far* where = 0);
bool Paste(bool linking = false);
void SetOcData(TOcDataProvider* ocData = 0) {OcData = ocData;}
TOcDataProvider* GetOcData() {return OcData;}
// View related
void SetupWindow(HWND hWin, bool embedded = false);
TPoint GetOrigin() const {return Origin;}
TRect GetWindowRect() const;
void ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy);
void InvalidatePart(TOcPartChangeInfo& changeInfo);
virtual void Rename();
TOcLinkView* GetDocLink();
bool IsOptionSet(uint32 option) const;
void SetOption(uint32 bit, bool state);
// Get/Set active part
TOcPart* GetActivePart() {return ActivePart;}
void SetActivePart(TOcPart* part) {ActivePart = part;} // Internal use
bool ActivatePart(TOcPart* part);
// IBDocument pass-thrus
void EvResize();
void EvActivate(bool activate);
virtual void EvClose();
virtual bool EvSetFocus(bool set);
bool EnumLinks(IBLinkInfo far* far*);
bool BrowseLinks();
bool UpdateLinks();
// Object reference & lifetime managment
// For internal OCF use only
ulong _IFUNC AddRef() {return GetOuter()->AddRef();}
ulong _IFUNC Release() {return GetOuter()->Release();}
HRESULT _IFUNC QueryInterface(const GUID far& iid, void far*far* iface)
{return GetOuter()->QueryInterface(iid, iface);}
// IBContains implementation for BOle to use
HRESULT _IFUNC GetPart(IBPart far* far*, LPCOLESTR);
// IBDataNegotiator implementation
uint _IFUNC CountFormats();
HRESULT _IFUNC GetFormat(uint, TOcFormatInfo far*);
// IBWindow implementation
HWND _IFUNC GetWindow();
HRESULT _IFUNC GetWindowRect(TRect far* r);
LPCOLESTR _IFUNC GetWindowTitle();
void _IFUNC AppendWindowTitle(LPCOLESTR title);
HRESULT _IFUNC RequestBorderSpace(const TRect far*);
HRESULT _IFUNC SetBorderSpace(const TRect far*);
HRESULT _IFUNC InsertContainerMenus(HMENU, TOcMenuWidths far*);
void _IFUNC RestoreUI();
HRESULT _IFUNC Accelerator(MSG far*);
HRESULT _IFUNC GetAccelerators(HACCEL far*, int far*);
// IBDropDest implementation
HRESULT _IFUNC Drop(TOcInitInfo far*, TPoint far*, const TRect far*);
void _IFUNC DragFeedback(TPoint far*, const TRect far*, TOcMouseAction, uint, HRESULT& hr);
HRESULT _IFUNC Scroll(TOcScrollDir scrollDir);
HRESULT _IFUNC GetScrollRect(TRect far*);
// IBContainer implementation
HRESULT _IFUNC FindDropDest(TPoint far*, IBDropDest far* far*);
HRESULT _IFUNC AllowInPlace();
HRESULT _IFUNC BringToFront();
uint32 ForwardEvent(int eventId, const void far* param);
uint32 ForwardEvent(int eventId, uint32 param = 0);
void Shutdown();// called from derived class destructor to release helpers
// TUnknown overrides
HRESULT QueryObject(const IID far& iid, void far* far* iface);
// BOle side support
IUnknown* BDocument; // Document helper object
IBDocument* BDocumentI; // Document interface on the document
IUnknown* BContainer; // Container helper object
IBRootLinkable* BLDocumentI; // RootLinkable interface on the container
// OC wiring
TOcApp& OcApp; // Our OC application object
TOcDocument& OcDocument; // Our OC document object
// App side support
HWND Win; // Actual app container window
TOcPart* ActivePart; // Currently active part, if any
uint32 Options;
#if defined(BI_DATA_NEAR)
TPoint& Origin; // Origin of view topleft relative to the document
TSize& Extent; // Extent of view's perception of document?
string& WinTitle; // Merged window title string
TOcFormatList& FormatList; // list of clipboard formats supported
TString& OrgTitle; // Original window title string
TPoint Origin;
TSize Extent;
string WinTitle;
TOcFormatList FormatList;
TString OrgTitle; // Original window title string
int LinkFormat; // adjustment for format count
TRegList* RegList;
TOcDataProvider* OcData; // Dataprovider representing this view
friend class _ICLASS TOcPart;
friend class _ICLASS TOcDataProvider;
friend class _ICLASS TOcLinkView;
// Subdispatch IDs for TOcApp clients
#define OC_VIEWTITLE 0x0200 // Get view window title
#define OC_VIEWSETTITLE 0x0201 // Set view window title
#define OC_VIEWBORDERSPACEREQ 0x0202 // Request/Set border space in view
#define OC_VIEWBORDERSPACESET 0x0203 // Request/Set border space in view
#define OC_VIEWDROP 0x0204 // Accept a drop
#define OC_VIEWDRAG 0x0205 // Provide drag feedback (c&s)
#define OC_VIEWSCROLL 0x0206 // scroll view
#define OC_VIEWPARTINVALID 0x0207 // a part needs repainting
#define OC_VIEWPAINT 0x0300 // paint remote view. Like WM_PAINT + extra
#define OC_VIEWLOADPART 0x0301 // ask server to load document
#define OC_VIEWSAVEPART 0x0302 // ask server to save document
#define OC_VIEWCLOSE 0x0303 // Tell server to close this remote view
#define OC_VIEWINSMENUS 0x0304 // ask server to insert its menus in mbar
#define OC_VIEWSHOWTOOLS 0x0305 // ask server to show its tools
#define OC_VIEWGETPALETTE 0x0306 //
#define OC_VIEWCLIPDATA 0x0307 // ask server for a clip data in a format
#define OC_VIEWSETDATA 0x0308 // set format data into server
#define OC_VIEWPARTSIZE 0x0309 // ask server for a its extent
#define OC_VIEWOPENDOC 0x030A // ask server for a its extent
#define OC_VIEWATTACHWINDOW 0x030B // ask server to attach to its owner window
#define OC_VIEWSETSCALE 0x030C // ask server to handle scaling
#define OC_VIEWGETSCALE 0x030D // ask container to give scaling info
#define OC_VIEWGETSITERECT 0x030E // ask container for the site rect
#define OC_VIEWSETSITERECT 0x030F // ask container to set the site rect
#define OC_VIEWGETITEMNAME 0x0310 // ask server to name its content or selection
#define OC_VIEWSETLINK 0x0311 // ask server to establish link to item
#define OC_VIEWBREAKLINK 0x0312 // ask server to break link to item
#define OC_VIEWPARTACTIVATE 0x0313 // let container know the part is activated
#define OC_VIEWPASTEOBJECT 0x0314 // let container know a part is pasted
#define OC_VIEWDOVERB 0x0315 // ask server to do a verb
#define OC_USEREVENT 0xF000 // User defined events
struct TOcDragDrop { // for viewdrop & viewdrag
TOcInitInfo far* InitInfo; // ViewDrop event only, else 0
TPoint* Where;
TRect* Pos;
struct TOcViewPaint { // for part adornment painting over part, & painting views
TRect* Pos;
TRect* Clip;
TOcAspect Aspect;
bool PaintSelection; // paint the selection only
TString* Moniker; // moniker if any
void* UserData; // User data
// Use when doing parts save and load
class TOcSaveLoad {
: StorageI(0), SameAsLoad(false), Remember(true), SaveSelection(false),
UserData(0) {}
TOcSaveLoad(IStorage* storageI, bool sameAsLoad = true, bool remember = false,
bool saveSelection = false, void* userData = 0) {
StorageI = storageI;
SameAsLoad = sameAsLoad;
Remember = remember;
SaveSelection = saveSelection;
UserData = userData;
IStorage far* StorageI;
bool SameAsLoad; // Same IStorage as one used for loading
bool Remember; // whether to keep the IStorage ptr after save/load
bool SaveSelection; // whether to save only the selection
void* UserData; // User data
struct TOcToolBarInfo {
bool Show; // whether this is a show or a hide
HWND HFrame; // Container frame for show, Server frame for hide
// Used to obtain the size of the rectangle that encloses the selection
class TOcPartSize {
TOcPartSize() : PartRect(0, 0, 0, 0), Selection(false), Moniker(0), UserData(0) {};
TOcPartSize(TRect rect, bool selection = false, TString* moniker = 0, void* userData = 0) {
PartRect = rect;
Selection = selection;
Moniker = moniker;
UserData = userData;
TOcPartSize(bool selection, TString* moniker = 0, void* userData = 0)
: PartRect(0, 0, 0, 0) {
Selection = selection;
Moniker = moniker;
UserData = userData;
TRect PartRect; // rect enclosing the whole/part of the embedded object
bool Selection; // whether we want rect for the whole or part(selection)
TString* Moniker; // we want the selection rect for moniker
void* UserData; // User data
// Used to obtain the item name for building monikers
class TOcItemName {
TOcItemName() : Selection(false) {};
TOcItemName(bool selection) {
Selection = selection;
TString Name; // item moniker
bool Selection; // whether we want name for the whole or part(selection)
// Used to obtain the native clipboard format data
class TOcFormatData {
TOcFormatData(TOcFormat& format, void* userData = 0, HANDLE handle = 0,
bool paste = false, TPoint far* where = 0)
: Format(format), UserData(userData), Handle(handle),
Paste(paste), Where(where) {}
TOcFormat& Format; // Clipboard format
void* UserData; // User data for mapping to a selection
HANDLE Handle; // clipboard data in handle
bool Paste; // are we doing a paste?
TPoint far* Where; // Where to drop this data
// Used to obtain the item name for building monikers
class TOcItemLink {
TOcItemLink(const char far* moniker, TOcLinkView* view){
Moniker = moniker;
OcLinkView = view;
const char far* Moniker; // item moniker
TOcLinkView* OcLinkView; // view associated with the link
// class TOcScaleFactor
// ----- --------------
class TOcScaleFactor {
TOcScaleFactor(const TRect& siteRect, const TSize& partSize);
TOcScaleFactor(const TOcScaleInfo far& scaleInfo);
TOcScaleFactor& operator =(const TOcScaleInfo far& scaleInfo);
TOcScaleFactor& operator =(const TOcScaleFactor& scaleFactor);
void GetScaleFactor(TOcScaleInfo far& scaleInfo) const;
bool IsZoomed();
void SetScale(uint16 percent);
uint16 GetScale();
void Reset();
TSize SiteSize;
TSize PartSize;
inline bool TOcView::IsOptionSet(uint32 option) const
{return ToBool(Options & option);}
inline void TOcView::SetOption(uint32 bit, bool state)
{if (state) Options |= bit; else Options &= ~bit;}
#endif // OCF_OCVIEW_H