PC World Komputer 1998 May
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// ObjectComponents
// (C) Copyright 1994 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
// OLE Registration definitions
#if !defined(OCF_OCREG_H)
#define OCF_OCREG_H
#if !defined(OCF_AUTODEFS_H)
# include <ocf/autodefs.h>
#if !defined(OSL_GEOMETRY_H)
# include <osl/geometry.h> // defines TPointer
class _EXPCLASS istream;
class _EXPCLASS ostream;
// TXRegistry - Windows Registry related exception object
class TXRegistry : public TXBase {
TXRegistry(const char* msg, const char* key);
TXRegistry(const TXRegistry& copy);
static void Check(long stat, const char* key);
const char* Key;
inline TXRegistry::TXRegistry(const char* msg, const char* key)
: TXBase(msg), Key(key) {}
inline TXRegistry::TXRegistry(const TXRegistry& src)
: TXBase(src), Key(src.Key) {}
// Clipboard and registry data transfer format definitions
const int ocrVerbLimit = 8; // maximum number of verbs registered per class
const int ocrFormatLimit = 8; // maximum number of data formats per class
// format: standard clipboard numeric format, or name of custom format
enum ocrClipFormat {
ocrText = 1, // CF_TEXT
ocrBitmap = 2, // CF_BITMAP
ocrMetafilePict = 3, // CF_METAFILEPICT
ocrSylk = 4, // CF_SYLK
ocrDif = 5, // CF_DIF
ocrTiff = 6, // CF_TIFF
ocrOemText = 7, // CF_OEMTEXT
ocrDib = 8, // CF_DIB
ocrPalette = 9, // CF_PALETTE
ocrPenData = 10, // CF_PENDATA
ocrRiff = 11, // CF_RIFF
ocrWave = 12, // CF_WAVE
ocrUnicodeText = 13, // CF_UNICODETEXT Win32 only
ocrEnhMetafile = 14, // CF_ENHMETAFILE Win32 only
#define ocrRichText "Rich Text Format"
#define ocrEmbedSource "Embed Source"
#define ocrEmbeddedObject "Embedded Object"
#define ocrLinkSource "Link Source"
#define ocrObjectDescriptor "Object Descriptor"
#define ocrLinkSrcDescriptor "Link Source Descriptor"
// aspect: view types supported by transfer
enum ocrAspect {
ocrContent = 1, // DVASPECT_CONTENT normal display representation
ocrThumbnail = 2, // DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL picture appropriate for browser
ocrIcon = 4, // DVASPECT_ICON iconized representation of object
ocrDocPrint = 8, // DVASPECT_DOCPRINT print preview representation
// medium: means of data transfer
enum ocrMedium {
ocrNull = 0,
ocrHGlobal = 1, // TYMED_HGLOBAL global memory handle
ocrFile = 2, // TYMED_FILE data as contents of file
ocrIStream = 4, // TYMED_ISTREAM instance of an IStream object
ocrIStorage = 8, // TYMED_ISTORAGE streams within an instance of IStorage
ocrGDI = 16, // TYMED_GDI GDI object in global handle
ocrMfPict = 32, // TYMED_MFPICT CF_METAFILEPICT containing global handle
ocrStaticMed = 1024 // OLE 2 static object
// direction: transfer directions supported
enum ocrDirection {
ocrGet = 1,
ocrSet = 2,
ocrGetSet = 3,
// Miscellaneous registry definitions
// IOleObject miscellaneous status flags, defined for each or all aspects
enum ocrObjectStatus {
ocrRecomposeOnResize = 1, // request redraw on container resize
ocrOnlyIconic = 2, // only useful context view is Icon
ocrInsertNotReplace = 4, // should not replace current select.
ocrStatic = 8, // object is an OLE static object
ocrCantLinkInside = 16, // should not be the link source
ocrCanLinkByOle1 = 32, // only used in OBJECTDESCRIPTOR
ocrIsLinkObject = 64, // set by OLE2 link for OLE1 compat.
ocrInsideOut = 128, // can be activated concurrently
ocrActivateWhenVisible = 256, // hint to cntnr when ocrInsideOut set
ocrRenderingIsDeviceIndependent= 512, // no decisions made based on target
ocrNoSpecialRendering = 512, // older enum for previous entry
// IOleObject verb menu flags
enum ocrVerbMenuFlags {
ocrGrayed = 1, // MF_GRAYED
ocrDisabled = 2, // MF_DISABLED
ocrChecked = 8, // MF_CHECKED
ocrMenuBarBreak= 32, // MF_MENUBARBREAK
ocrMenuBreak = 64, // MF_MENUBAR
// IOleObject verb attribute flags
enum ocrVerbAttributes {
ocrNeverDirties = 1, // verb can never cause object to become dirty
ocrOnContainerMenu = 2, // only useful context view is Icon
// Entries for <usage> registration parameter, class factory registration mode
#define ocrSingleUse "1" // single client per instance
#define ocrMultipleUse "2" // multiple clients per instance
#define ocrMultipleLocal "3" // multiple clients, separate inproc server
long // returns numeric value of <docflags>
OcRegisterClass(TRegList& regInfo, // obj holding array of reg parameters
HINSTANCE hInst, // 0 defaults to current task
ostream& out, // open ostream to stream reg entries
TLangId lang, // language for registration
char* filter = 0, // internal use to restrict entries
TRegItem* defaults = 0,// optional registration default list
TRegItem* extra = 0); // optional registration override list
int // returns error count, 0 if success
OcUnregisterClass(TRegList& regInfo, // registration table used for register
TRegItem* extra=0); // optional additional regitration item
int OcRegistryValidate(istream& in); // returns number of mismatched entires
void OcRegistryUpdate(istream& in);
int // return: 0=no debug reg, -1=user clsid, 1=default used
OcSetupDebugReg(TRegList& regInfo, // original registration list
TRegItem* regDebug, // temp override list[DebugReplaceCount]
TLangId lang, // language for registration
char* clsid); // default temp debug clsid string buf
const int DebugRegCount = 4+1; // replacements + room for terminator
extern char AppDebugFilter[]; // templates needed for debug app reg
extern char DocDebugFilter[]; // templates needed for debug doc reg
extern TRegItem OcRegNoDebug[]; // override list to shut off "debugger"
extern TRegItem OcRegNotDll[]; // override to shut off EXE-only items
// TRegistrar - Application registration manager interface class
// application running mode and registration flags
// these are initialized when processing command line or registration requests
// the application's copy of the initial option flags is dynamically updated
enum TOcAppMode {
amRegServer = 0x0001, // complete registration database update requested
amUnregServer = 0x0002, // registration database unregistration requested
amAutomation = 0x0004, // set from cmdline when EXE lauched for automation
amEmbedding = 0x0008, // cmdline, overridden per Instance if embedded DLL
amLangId = 0x0010, // user registration requested a particular LangId
amTypeLib = 0x0020, // requested typelib to be generated and registered
amDebug = 0x0040, // user requested launching for debugging
amNoRegValidate= 0x0080, // user request to suppress registry validation
amExeModule = 0x0100, // set for EXE components, 0 if DLL inproc server
amExeMode = 0x0200, // may be overridden per instance if running DLL
amServedApp = 0x0400, // per instance flag, app refcnt held by container
amSingleUse = 0x0800, // set from app reg, may be forced on per instance
amQuietReg = 0x1000, // suppress error UI during registration processing
amRun = 0x2000, // set in factory call to run application msg loop
amShutdown = 0x4000, // set in factory call to shutdown/delete app
amAnyRegOption = amRegServer | amUnregServer | amTypeLib,
typedef IUnknown*
(*TComponentFactory)(IUnknown* outer, uint32 options, uint32 id = 0);
class _ICLASS TAppDescriptor;
class _ICLASS TRegistrar {
TRegistrar(TRegList& regInfo, TComponentFactory callback,
string& cmdLine, HINSTANCE hInst = ::_hInstance);
virtual ~TRegistrar();
TUnknown* CreateAutoApp(TObjectDescriptor app, uint32 options,
IUnknown* outer=0);
void ReleaseAutoApp(TObjectDescriptor app);
TUnknown* CreateAutoObject(TObjectDescriptor doc, TServedObject& app,
IUnknown* outer=0);
TUnknown* CreateAutoObject(const void* obj, const typeinfo& objInfo,
const void* app, const typeinfo& appInfo,
IUnknown* outer=0);
virtual void far* GetFactory(const GUID& clsid, const GUID far& iid);
virtual int Run(); // run an instance of an app if it is an EXE
virtual void Shutdown(IUnknown* releasedObj, uint32 options);
virtual bool CanUnload();
static TRegistrar* GetNext(TRegistrar* reg);// walk linked list of registrars
// Registration management functions
void RegisterAppClass();
void UnregisterAppClass();
// Command line options accessors
bool IsOptionSet(uint32 option) const;
uint32 GetOptions() const;
void SetOption(uint32 bit, bool state);
void ProcessCmdLine(string& cmdLine);
TAppDescriptor& GetAppDescriptor() {return AppDesc;} // internal use
TRegistrar(TAppDescriptor& appDesc);
TAppDescriptor& AppDesc;
static TRegistrar* RegistrarList; // linked list of registrar objects
TRegistrar* Next; // next link in registrar list
// Factory for automated OLE components, no linking/embedding support
template <class T> class TOcAutoFactory {
operator TComponentFactory() {return Create;}
// Callouts to allow replacement of individual creation steps
static T* CreateApp(HINSTANCE hInst, uint32 options);
static int RunApp(T* app);
static void DestroyApp(T* app);
// Main Create callback function called to create app and/or object
static IUnknown* Create(IUnknown* outer, uint32 options, uint32 id);
// Called when the app is not found and needs to be created
template <class T> T*
TOcAutoFactory<T>::CreateApp(HINSTANCE hInst, uint32 options)
T* app = new T(hInst, options);
return app;
// Called to run the application message loop if an EXE, or DLL in amExeMode
template <class T> int
TOcAutoFactory<T>::RunApp(T* /*app*/)
MSG msg;
while(GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) {
return 0;
// Called to destroy the application previously created
template <class T> void
TOcAutoFactory<T>::DestroyApp(T* app)
delete app;
// Main Create callback function called to create app
template <class T> IUnknown*
TOcAutoFactory<T>::Create(IUnknown* outer, uint32 options, uint32 /*id*/)
static T* exeApp; // used to hold EXE object until OLE factory call
T* app;
IUnknown* ifc = 0;
if (options & amShutdown)
return (options & amServedApp) ? 0 : outer;
if ((options & amAutomation) && (options & amServedApp)) {
app = exeApp; // if EXE, retrieve app created on initial call from main
} else {
app = CreateApp(_hInstance, options);
if ((options & amAutomation) && !(options & amServedApp)) {
exeApp = app; // if EXE, hold app until factory call when outer known
} else {
ifc = *::Registrar->CreateAutoApp(TAutoObjectDelete<T>(app),options,outer);
if (options & amRun) {
} // else DLL server, ifc will be released by controller, which deletes app
return ifc;
#if !defined(OCF_APPDESC_H)
# include <ocf/appdesc.h> // private for inline implementation only
inline TUnknown*
TRegistrar::CreateAutoApp(TObjectDescriptor app, uint32 opts, IUnknown* outer)
{return AppDesc.CreateAutoApp(app, opts, outer);}
inline void
TRegistrar::ReleaseAutoApp(TObjectDescriptor app)
inline TUnknown*
TRegistrar::CreateAutoObject(TObjectDescriptor doc, TServedObject& app,
IUnknown* outer)
{return AppDesc.CreateAutoObject(doc, app, outer);}
inline TUnknown*
TRegistrar::CreateAutoObject(const void* obj, const typeinfo& objInfo,
const void* app, const typeinfo& appInfo,
IUnknown* outer)
{return AppDesc.CreateAutoObject(obj, objInfo, app, appInfo, outer);}
inline void TRegistrar::RegisterAppClass() {AppDesc.RegisterClass();}
inline void TRegistrar::UnregisterAppClass() {AppDesc.UnregisterClass();}
inline bool TRegistrar::IsOptionSet(uint32 option) const
{return AppDesc.IsOptionSet(option);}
inline uint32 TRegistrar::GetOptions() const {return AppDesc.GetOptions();}
inline void TRegistrar::SetOption(uint32 bit, bool state)
inline void TRegistrar::ProcessCmdLine(string& cmdLine)
#endif // OCF_OCREG_H