PC World Komputer 1998 May
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C/C++ Source or Header
581 lines
// Copyright <c> Borland International, 1994
// Example Tools added for common OLE development.
// To enable the tools:
// --------------------
// 1) Build the OLETOOLS.DLL target.
// 2) Add the following to the [AddOns] section of your BCW.INI file:
// Addon000=Drive:Path\OLETOOLS.DLL
// Note: The 000 must actually be the next numeric value in sequence.
// That is, if you already have an entry with 000, use 001 etc...
// If the [AddOns] section doesn't exist you may create it.
// 3) On certain environments you will need to verify that the STDOLE.DLL
// resides in your windows system directory.
// Tools Descriptions:
// ------------------
// translateODLtoTLB
// Convert .odl to .tlb files.
// (Requires Non-Borland distributed MkTypLib.exe)
// msMKTypLib
// Internal (to example) tool used for converting from ODL to TLB files.
// extractAndBindTLB
// Create .tlb from .exe/.dll bind .tlb back into .dll/.exe
// oleRegister
// Internal (to example) tool used to invoke register.exe
// oleExtractTLB
// Extract TypeLib Information
// oleExtractReg
// Create a .reg file from .exe/.dll
// oleRegEditAdvanced
// Tools Menu option to invoke regedit with /v parameter.
// generateAndAddSource
// Create nodes (.cxx [.cpp] /.hxx [.h] ) in your target from .exe/.dll
// oleAutoGen
// Internal (to example) tool used to invoke Autogen.
#pragma hdrstop
// Standard include files.
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dir.h>
// IDEHOOK include file.
#include "idehook.h"
// OLE Tool names.
static char translateODLtoTLB[] = "OLE_ODLtoTLB";
static char msMkTypLib[] = "OLE_IMkTypeLib";
static char extractAndBindTLB[] = "OLE_ExtractAndBindTypeInfo";
static char oleRegister[] = "OLE_IRegister";
static char oleExtractTLB[] = "OLE_ExtractTypeInfo";
static char oleExtractReg[] = "OLE_ExtractReg";
static char oleRegEditAdvanced[] = "OLE_RegEditAdvanced";
static char generateAndAddSource[] = "OLE_GenerateAndAddSource";
static char oleAutoGen[] = "OLE_IAutoGen";
// Existing tool names provided by BCW
static char realLinker[] = "LinkTarget";
static char realResCompiler[] = "CompileResources";
static char realCppPreprocess[] = "CppPreprocessor";
// LocalToolClient ctor
// Encapsulates the callback routines for tools.
class _HOOKCLASS LocalToolClient : public ToolClient
// Callback routines.
ToolReturn _HOOKEP RunGenerateAndAddSource( ToolInvokeArgs * );
ToolReturn _HOOKEP RunExtractAndBind( ToolInvokeArgs * );
ToolReturn _HOOKEP RunTypeLibrary( ToolInvokeArgs * );
// Registers Callback routines
void RegisterMyCallBacks( ToolServer * );
int registered;
static ToolRegisterPack entryPoints[];
// Instantiated LocalToolClient object.
static LocalToolClient localToolClient;
// Static ToolRegisterPack object.
ToolRegisterPack LocalToolClient::entryPoints[] =
{ ::generateAndAddSource, (ToolMethod)&LocalToolClient::RunGenerateAndAddSource },
{ ::extractAndBindTLB, (ToolMethod)&LocalToolClient::RunExtractAndBind },
{ ::translateODLtoTLB, (ToolMethod)&LocalToolClient::RunTypeLibrary },
{ 0 }
// LocalToolClient::RegisterMyCallBacks
// Register tool callback routines.
LocalToolClient::RegisterMyCallBacks( ToolServer * ts )
// Have these been registered before?
if (!registered)
registered = 1;
ts->ToolRegisterImplementor( this, entryPoints );
// LocalToolClient::generateAndAddSource
// Create nodes (.cxx [.cpp] /.hxx [.h] ) in your target from .exe/.dll
ToolReturn _HOOKEP
LocalToolClient::RunGenerateAndAddSource(ToolInvokeArgs * args)
ToolReq trTool; // Tool Requestor.
ProjectReq prProject; // Project Requestor
ToolReturn trReturn = FatalError; // Return Value.
ProjectNode pnParent = args->numNodes ? *args->nodeArray : 0;
if (pnParent)
// Obtain code generation tool.
ToolObj toAutoGen = trTool->ToolFind(::oleAutoGen);
if (toAutoGen)
// Base used for new file names.
char acBaseName[10];
// Project Node Information.
ProjectNodeInfo pniParent;
// Get filename from node information.
// Extract base file name.
// Check for valid name.
if (acBaseName[0] != 0)
char acNodeNameCXX[14];
char acNodeNameHXX[14];
// Create New Node Names
ToolObj regServer = trTool->ToolFind( oleRegister );
if (regServer)
// Create needed .olb file.
if (trTool->ToolInvoke( regServer, pnParent, "$TARGET -TypeLib=$NAME($TARGET).olb") == Success)
// Invoke tool and generate new source modules.
// upon success, add new source modules to the project.
if (trTool->ToolInvoke( toAutoGen, (const char *)0, "$NAME($TARGET).olb" ) == Success )
// Add generated source code to project.
ProjectNode pnCpp = prProject->NodeAdd(pnParent,acNodeNameCXX,".cpp");
trReturn = Success;
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"AutoGen Reported Failure","Error",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"Register Reported Failure","Error",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"REGISTER.EXE Not Found","Error",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"Base File Name Not Found","Error",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"AUTOGEN.EXE Not Found","Error",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"Parent Node Invalid","Error",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
return (trReturn);
// extractAndBindTLB
// Create .tlb from .exe/.dll bind .tlb back into .dll/.exe
ToolReturn _HOOKEP
LocalToolClient::RunExtractAndBind( ToolInvokeArgs * args )
ProjectReq ps;
EditorReq editor;
ToolReq server;
ToolReturn trReturn = FatalError;
ProjectNode targetNode = args->numNodes ? *args->nodeArray : 0;
if (targetNode)
// Extract the .tlb from the .dll/.exe
ToolObj regServer = server->ToolFind( oleRegister );
if (regServer)
server->ToolInvoke( regServer, targetNode, "$TARGET -TypeLib=__temp.tlb" );
// Create a .rc node
static char rcNodeName[] = "__temp.rc";
ProjectNode rcNode = ps->NodeAdd( targetNode, rcNodeName );
if (rcNode)
// Create a edit buffer for the .rc script
static char rcStatement[] = "TYPELIB 1 __temp.tlb";
BufferId newBuffer_id = editor->create_buffer( 0, rcNodeName, 0 );
BufferId currBuffer_id = editor->set_buffer(newBuffer_id);
editor->insert( rcStatement );
// Resource compile the .rc script
ToolObj resCompiler = server->ToolFind( realResCompiler );
if (resCompiler)
server->ToolInvoke( resCompiler, rcNode, 0);
// Run the linker (this re-bind the .dll with the new .res)
ToolObj linker = server->ToolFind( realLinker );
if (linker)
server->ToolInvoke( linker, targetNode, 0 );
trReturn = Success;
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"Internal Linker Not Found","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
// Re-register now that the .tlb is inside the .dll/.exe
server->ToolInvoke( regServer, targetNode, "$TARGET -RegServer" );
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"Internal Resource Compiler Not Found","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
// Restore the user's editor state
editor->set_buffer( currBuffer_id );
editor->delete_buffer( newBuffer_id );
// Remove temporary node.
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"Unable to create a temporary node.","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"REGISTER.EXE Not Found","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"Target Node Not Found","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
return( trReturn );
// translateODLtoTLB
// Convert .odl to .tlb files. (Requires Non-Borland distributed MkTypLib.exe?)
ToolReturn _HOOKEP
LocalToolClient::RunTypeLibrary( ToolInvokeArgs * args )
static char cppCmdLine[]
= "+$RSP(-D__MKTYPLIB__;$DEF -I$INC -P- -otlbt@@@.tm~) $EDNAME";
ToolReq server;
ProjectNode node = args->numNodes ? *args->nodeArray : 0;
ToolObj preprocessor = server->ToolFind( realCppPreprocess );
ToolObj msTool = 0;
if ( preprocessor )
if ( server->ToolInvoke( preprocessor, node, cppCmdLine) == Success )
if ((msTool = server->ToolFind( ::msMkTypLib )) == 0)
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"Can't find mktyplib.exe tool", "Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(),"CppPreprocess did not complete ok!","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
if ( msTool )
return( server->ToolInvoke( msTool, node, args->cmdLine ) );
return( Errors );
// Project Client Implementation
// Encapsulates Project Manager Notifications
class _HOOKCLASS LocalProjClient : public ProjectClient
// Ctor
// Required pure virtual implementations.
virtual void _HOOKEP OpenNotify(const char * name);
virtual void _HOOKEP CloseNotify();
virtual void _HOOKEP NodeDeleteNotify(ProjectNode);
virtual void _HOOKEP DependencyQueryResponder(ProjectNode ,const char *);
// Instantiated LocalProjectClient object.
static LocalProjClient LocalProjClient;
// LocalProjectClient Ctor
// Register Project Client with IDE using a Project requestor.
ProjectReq ps;
// LocalProjectClient::OpenNotify
// Register Callbacks.
// Add Tools to Project Manager.
void _HOOKEP
LocalProjClient::OpenNotify(const char * /*name */)
// Register Callbacks
// Obtain a ToolRequestor.
ToolReq ts;
// Register callbacks for tools.
localToolClient.RegisterMyCallBacks( ts );
// Add Tools
// translateODLtoTLB
// Convert .odl to .tlb files.
if ( !ts->ToolFind( ::translateODLtoTLB ) )
ToolInfo toolInfo;
toolInfo.toolType = Translator;
toolInfo.name = ::translateODLtoTLB;
toolInfo.path = 0;
toolInfo.flags = OnLocalMenu;
toolInfo.menuName = "OLE Compile to .TLB";
toolInfo.helpHint = "Translate an ODL script to automation type library";
toolInfo.defCmdLine = 0;
toolInfo.translateFrom = ".odl";
toolInfo.defaultFor = ".odl";
toolInfo.translateTo = ".tlb";
toolInfo.launchId = CALLBACK_LAUNCH_ID;
ts->ToolAdd( &toolInfo );
// msMKTypLib
// Internal (to example) tool used for converting from ODL to TLB files.
if (!ts->ToolFind( ::msMkTypLib ) )
ToolInfo toolInfo;
toolInfo.toolType = Transfer;
toolInfo.name = ::msMkTypLib;
toolInfo.path = "mktyplib.exe";
toolInfo.flags = ToolFlags(0);
toolInfo.menuName = 0;
toolInfo.helpHint = 0;
toolInfo.defCmdLine = "/W0 /nocpp /nologo /tlb $OUTNAME tlbt@@@.tm~ ";
toolInfo.translateFrom = 0;
toolInfo.defaultFor = 0;
toolInfo.translateTo = 0;
toolInfo.launchId = DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ID;
ts->ToolAdd( &toolInfo );
// oleRegister
// Internal (to example) tool used to invoke register.exe
if ( !ts->ToolFind( oleRegister ) )
ToolInfo toolInfo;
toolInfo.toolType = Transfer;
toolInfo.name = ::oleRegister;
toolInfo.path = "register.exe";
toolInfo.flags = ToolFlags(0);
toolInfo.menuName = 0;
toolInfo.helpHint = 0;
toolInfo.defCmdLine = 0;
toolInfo.translateFrom = 0;
toolInfo.defaultFor = 0;
toolInfo.translateTo = 0;
toolInfo.launchId = DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ID;
ts->ToolAdd( &toolInfo );
// extractAndBindTLB
// Create .tlb from .exe/.dll bind .tlb back into .dll/.exe
if ( !ts->ToolFind( ::extractAndBindTLB ) )
ToolInfo toolInfo;
toolInfo.toolType = Translator;
toolInfo.name = ::extractAndBindTLB;
toolInfo.path = 0;
toolInfo.flags = TargetTranslator | OnLocalMenu;
toolInfo.menuName = "OLE Bind TypeLib";
toolInfo.helpHint = "Extract Typelibrary and re-link target with .tlb";
toolInfo.defCmdLine = "$TARGET";
toolInfo.translateFrom = ".dll;.exe;AppExpert;AppExpertDLL;";
toolInfo.defaultFor = 0;
toolInfo.translateTo = 0;
toolInfo.launchId = CALLBACK_LAUNCH_ID;
ts->ToolAdd( &toolInfo );
// oleExtractTLB
// Extract TypeLib Information
if ( !ts->ToolFind( ::oleExtractTLB) )
ToolInfo toolInfo;
toolInfo.toolType = Translator;
toolInfo.name = ::oleExtractTLB;
toolInfo.path = "register.exe";
toolInfo.flags = OnLocalMenu;
toolInfo.menuName = "OLE Extract TypeLib";
toolInfo.helpHint = "Extract automation type library from module";
toolInfo.defCmdLine = "$TARGET -TypeLib=$NAME($TARGET).olb";
toolInfo.translateFrom = ".exe;.dll;AppExpert;AppExpertDLL;";
toolInfo.defaultFor = 0;
toolInfo.translateTo = ".olb";
toolInfo.launchId = DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ID;
ts->ToolAdd( &toolInfo );
// oleExtractReg
// Create a .reg file from .exe/.dll
if ( !ts->ToolFind( ::oleExtractReg) )
ToolInfo toolInfo;
toolInfo.toolType = Translator;
toolInfo.name = ::oleExtractReg;
toolInfo.path = "register.exe";
toolInfo.flags = OnLocalMenu;
toolInfo.menuName = "OLE Extract Register";
toolInfo.helpHint = "Extract Registry database script from module";
toolInfo.defCmdLine = "$TARGET -RegServer=$NAME($TARGET).reg";
toolInfo.translateFrom = ".exe;.dll;AppExpert;AppExpertDLL;";
toolInfo.defaultFor = 0;
toolInfo.translateTo = ".reg";
toolInfo.launchId = DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ID;
ts->ToolAdd( &toolInfo );
// oleRegEditAdvanced
// Tools Menu option to invoke regedit with /v parameter.
if ( !ts->ToolFind(::oleRegEditAdvanced))
ToolInfo toolInfo;
toolInfo.toolType = Transfer;
toolInfo.name = ::oleRegEditAdvanced;
toolInfo.path = "RegEdit.exe";
toolInfo.flags = OnToolsMenu | OnLocalMenu;
toolInfo.menuName = "OLE RegEdit Advanced";
toolInfo.helpHint = "Invoke RegEdit using advanced display";
toolInfo.defCmdLine = "/v";
toolInfo.translateFrom = 0;
toolInfo.defaultFor = 0;
toolInfo.translateTo = 0;
toolInfo.launchId = DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ID;
ts->ToolAdd( &toolInfo );
// generateAndAddSource
// Create nodes (.cxx [.cpp] /.hxx [.h] ) in your target from .exe/.dll
if ( !ts->ToolFind(::generateAndAddSource))
ToolInfo toolInfo;
toolInfo.toolType = Translator;
toolInfo.name = ::generateAndAddSource;
toolInfo.path = 0;
toolInfo.flags = OnLocalMenu;
toolInfo.menuName = "OLE Generate Source";
toolInfo.helpHint = "Generate class interface source";
toolInfo.defCmdLine = 0;
toolInfo.translateFrom = ".exe;.dll;AppExpert;AppExpertDLL;";
toolInfo.defaultFor = 0;
toolInfo.translateTo = 0;
toolInfo.launchId = CALLBACK_LAUNCH_ID;
ts->ToolAdd( &toolInfo );
// oleAutoGen
// Internal (to example) tool used to invoke Autogen.
if ( !ts->ToolFind( ::oleAutoGen ) )
ToolInfo toolInfo;
toolInfo.toolType = Transfer;
toolInfo.name = ::oleAutoGen;
toolInfo.path = "autogen.exe";
toolInfo.flags = ToolFlags(0);
toolInfo.menuName = 0;
toolInfo.helpHint = 0;
toolInfo.defCmdLine = 0;
toolInfo.translateFrom = 0;
toolInfo.defaultFor = 0;
toolInfo.translateTo = 0;
toolInfo.launchId = DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ID;
ts->ToolAdd( &toolInfo );
// LocalProjectClient::CloseNotify, forced pure virtual implementation.
void _HOOKEP
// LocalProjectClient::NodeDeleteNotify, forced pure virtual implementation.
void _HOOKEP
// LocalProjectClient::DependencyQueryResponder, forced pure virtual implementation.
void _HOOKEP
LocalProjClient::DependencyQueryResponder(ProjectNode ,const char *)
// End of file