PC World Komputer 1998 May
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C/C++ Source or Header
777 lines
/* */
/* STACKS.H */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1991, 1994 Borland International */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* */
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_STACKS_H )
#if !defined( __CHECKS_H )
#include <checks.h>
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_DEFS_H )
#include <classlib/defs.h>
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_SHDDEL_H )
#include <classlib/shddel.h>
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_VECTIMP_H )
#include <classlib/vectimp.h>
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_LISTIMP_H )
#include <classlib/listimp.h>
#pragma option -Vo-
#if defined( BI_CLASSLIB_NO_po )
#pragma option -po-
/* */
/* template <class Vect, class T> class TStackAsVectorImp */
/* */
/* Implements the fundamental stack operations, using a vector */
/* as the underlying implementation. The type Vect specifies the */
/* form of the vector, either a TVectorImp<T0> or a */
/* TIVectorImp<T0>. The type T specifies the type of the */
/* objects to be put on the stack. When using TVectorImp<T0>, */
/* T should be the same as T0. When using TIVectorImp<T0>, T */
/* should be of type pointer to T0. See TStackAsVector and */
/* TIStackAsVector for examples. */
/* */
template <class Vect, class T> class TStackAsVectorImp
TStackAsVectorImp( unsigned max = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE ) :
int IsEmpty() const
return Current == 0;
int IsFull() const
return Current == Data.Limit();
int GetItemsInContainer() const
return Current;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
int isEmpty() const { return IsEmpty(); }
int isFull() const { return IsFull(); }
int getItemsInContainer() const { return GetItemsInContainer(); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
Vect Data;
unsigned Current;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_StackAsVectorImp TStackAsVectorImp
/* */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMStackAsVector */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMStackAsVectorIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a managed stack of objects of type T, using a vector as */
/* the underlying implementation. */
/* */
template <class T, class Alloc> class TMStackAsVectorIterator;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMStackAsVector :
public TStackAsVectorImp<TMVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T>
typedef TStackAsVectorImp<TMVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T> Parent;
friend class TMStackAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>;
typedef void (*IterFunc)(T&, void *);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const T&, void *);
TMStackAsVector( unsigned max = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE ) :
TStackAsVectorImp<TMVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T>( max )
void Push( const T& t )
PRECONDITION( Current < Data.Limit() );
Data[Current++] = t;
T Pop()
PRECONDITION( Current > 0 );
return Data[--Current];
const T& Top() const
PRECONDITION( Current > 0 );
return Data[Current-1];
void ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
if( !IsEmpty() )
Data.ForEach( iter, args, 0, Current );
T *FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
if( IsEmpty() )
return 0;
return Data.FirstThat( cond, args, 0, Current );
T *LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
if( IsEmpty() )
return 0;
return Data.LastThat( cond, args, 0, Current );
void Flush()
Current = 0;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
void push( const T& t ) { Push(t); }
T pop() { return Pop(); }
const T& top() const { return Top(); }
void forEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
{ ForEach( iter, args ); }
T *firstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return FirstThat( cond, args ); }
T *lastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return LastThat( cond, args ); }
void flush( TShouldDelete::DeleteType = TShouldDelete::DefDelete )
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMStackAsVectorIterator :
public TMVectorIteratorImp<T,Alloc>
TMStackAsVectorIterator( const TMStackAsVector<T,Alloc>& s ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_MStackAsVector TMStackAsVector
#define BI_MStackAsVectorIterator TMStackAsVectorIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TStackAsVector */
/* template <class T> class TStackAsVectorIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a stack of objects of type T, using a vector as */
/* the underlying implementation and TStandardAllocator as its memory */
/* manager. */
/* */
template <class T> class TStackAsVector :
public TMStackAsVector<T,TStandardAllocator>
TStackAsVector( unsigned max = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE ) :
TMStackAsVector<T,TStandardAllocator>( max )
template <class T> class TStackAsVectorIterator :
public TMStackAsVectorIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>
TStackAsVectorIterator( const TStackAsVector<T>& s ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_StackAsVector TStackAsVector
#define BI_StackAsVectorIterator TStackAsVectorIterator
/* */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsVector */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsVectorIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a managed stack of pointers to objects of type T, */
/* using a vector as the underlying implementation. */
/* */
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsVectorIterator;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsVector :
public TStackAsVectorImp<TMIVectorImp<T,Alloc>, T * >,
public TShouldDelete
typedef TStackAsVectorImp<TMIVectorImp<T,Alloc>, T * > Parent;
friend class TMIStackAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>;
typedef void (*IterFunc)(T&, void *);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const T&, void *);
TMIStackAsVector( unsigned max = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE ) :
TStackAsVectorImp<TMIVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T *>( max )
void Push( T *t )
PRECONDITION( Current < Data.Limit() );
Data[Current++] = t;
T *Pop()
PRECONDITION( Current > 0 );
return Data[--Current];
T *const& Top() const
PRECONDITION( Current > 0 );
return Data[Current-1];
void Flush( DeleteType dt = DefDelete )
Data.Flush( DelObj(dt), Current );
Current = 0;
void ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
if( !IsEmpty() )
Data.ForEach( iter, args, 0, Current );
T *FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
if( IsEmpty() )
return 0;
return Data.FirstThat( cond, args, 0, Current );
T *LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
if( IsEmpty() )
return 0;
return Data.LastThat( cond, args, 0, Current );
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
void push( T *t ) { Push(t); }
T *pop() { return Pop(); }
T *top() const { return Top(); }
void flush( DeleteType dt = DefDelete ) { Flush(dt); }
void forEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
{ ForEach( iter, args ); }
T *firstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return FirstThat( cond, args ); }
T *lastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return LastThat( cond, args ); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsVectorIterator :
public TMIVectorIteratorImp<T,Alloc>
TMIStackAsVectorIterator( const TMIStackAsVector<T,Alloc>& s ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_MIStackAsVector TMIStackAsVector
#define BI_MIStackAsVectorIterator TMIStackAsVectorIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TIStackAsVector */
/* template <class T> class TIStackAsVectorIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a stack of pointers to objects of type T, */
/* using a vector as the underlying implementation and */
/* TStandardAllocator as its memory manager. */
/* */
template <class T> class TIStackAsVector :
public TMIStackAsVector<T,TStandardAllocator>
TIStackAsVector( unsigned max = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE ) :
TMIStackAsVector<T,TStandardAllocator>( max )
template <class T> class TIStackAsVectorIterator :
public TMIStackAsVectorIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>
TIStackAsVectorIterator( const TIStackAsVector<T>& s ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_IStackAsVector TIStackAsVector
#define BI_IStackAsVectorIterator TIStackAsVectorIterator
/* */
/* template <class Stk, class T> class TStackAsListImp */
/* */
/* Implements the fundamental stack operations, using a stack */
/* as the underlying implementation. The type Stk specifies the */
/* form of the stack, either a TStackImp<T0> or a */
/* TIStackImp<T0>. The type T specifies the type of the */
/* objects to be put on the stack. When using TStackImp<T0>, */
/* T should be the same as T0. When using TIStackImp<T0>, T */
/* should be of type pointer to T0. See TStackAsList and */
/* TIStackAsList for examples. */
/* */
template <class Stk, class T> class TStackAsListImp
int IsEmpty() const
return Data.IsEmpty();
int IsFull() const
return 0;
int GetItemsInContainer() const
return Data.GetItemsInContainer();
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
int isEmpty() const { return IsEmpty(); }
int isFull() const { return IsFull(); }
int getItemsInContainer() const { return GetItemsInContainer(); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
Stk Data;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_StackAsListImp TStackAsListImp
/* */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMStackAsList */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMStackAsListIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a managed stack of objects of type T, using a list as */
/* the underlying implementation. */
/* */
template <class T, class Alloc> class TMStackAsListIterator;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMStackAsList :
public TStackAsListImp<TMListImp<T,Alloc>,T>
typedef TStackAsListImp<TMListImp<T,Alloc>,T> Parent;
friend class TMStackAsListIterator<T,Alloc>;
typedef void (*IterFunc)(T&, void *);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const T&, void *);
void Push( const T& t )
Data.Add( t );
T Pop();
const T& Top() const
PRECONDITION( !Data.IsEmpty() );
return Data.PeekHead();
void ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
Data.ForEach( iter, args );
T *FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
return Data.FirstThat( cond, args );
T *LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
return Data.LastThat( cond, args );
void Flush()
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
void push( const T& t ) { Push(t); }
T pop() { return Pop(); }
const T& top() const { return Top(); }
void forEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
{ ForEach( iter, args ); }
T *firstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return FirstThat( cond, args ); }
T *lastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return LastThat( cond, args ); }
void flush( TShouldDelete::DeleteType = TShouldDelete::DefDelete )
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
template <class T, class Alloc> T TMStackAsList<T,Alloc>::Pop()
T t = Top();
Data.Detach( t );
return t;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMStackAsListIterator :
public TMListIteratorImp<T,Alloc>
TMStackAsListIterator( const TMStackAsList<T,Alloc>& s ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_MStackAsList TMStackAsList
#define BI_MStackAsListIterator TMStackAsListIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TStackAsList */
/* template <class T> class TStackAsListIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a stack of objects of type T, using a list as */
/* the underlying implementation and TStandardAllocator as its memory */
/* manager. */
/* */
template <class T> class TStackAsList :
public TMStackAsList<T,TStandardAllocator>
template <class T> class TStackAsListIterator :
public TMStackAsListIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>
TStackAsListIterator( const TStackAsList<T>& s ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_StackAsList TStackAsList
#define BI_StackAsListIterator TStackAsListIterator
/* */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsList */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsListIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a managed stack of pointers to objects of type T, */
/* using a linked list as the underlying implementation. */
/* */
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsListIterator;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsList :
public TStackAsListImp<TMIListImp<T,Alloc>,T *>,
public TShouldDelete
typedef TStackAsListImp<TMIListImp<T,Alloc>,T *> Parent;
friend class TMIStackAsListIterator<T,Alloc>;
typedef void (*IterFunc)(T&, void *);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const T&, void *);
void Push( T *t )
Data.Add( t );
T *Pop();
T *Top() const
PRECONDITION( !Data.IsEmpty() );
return Data.PeekHead();
void Flush( DeleteType dt = DefDelete )
Data.Flush( DelObj(dt) );
void ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
Data.ForEach( iter, args );
T *FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
return Data.FirstThat( cond, args );
T *LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
return Data.LastThat( cond, args );
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
void push( T *t ) { Push(t); }
T *pop() { return Pop(); }
T *top() const { return Top(); }
void flush( DeleteType dt = DefDelete ) { Flush(dt); }
void forEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
{ ForEach( iter, args ); }
T *firstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return FirstThat( cond, args ); }
T *lastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return LastThat( cond, args ); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
template <class T, class Alloc> T *TMIStackAsList<T,Alloc>::Pop()
T * t = Top();
Data.Detach( t );
return t;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIStackAsListIterator :
public TMIListIteratorImp<T,Alloc>
TMIStackAsListIterator( const TMIStackAsList<T,Alloc>& s ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_MIStackAsList TMIStackAsList
#define BI_MIStackAsListIterator TMIStackAsListIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TIStackAsList */
/* template <class T> class TIStackAsListIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a stack of pointers to objects of type T, */
/* using a linked list as the underlying implementation and */
/* TStandardAllocator as its memory manager. */
/* */
template <class T> class TIStackAsList :
public TMIStackAsList<T,TStandardAllocator>
template <class T> class TIStackAsListIterator :
public TMIStackAsListIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>
TIStackAsListIterator( const TIStackAsList<T>& s ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_IStackAsList TIStackAsList
#define BI_IStackAsListIterator TIStackAsListIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TStack */
/* template <class T> class TStackIterator */
/* */
/* Easy names for TStackAsVector and TStackAsVectorIterator. */
/* */
template <class T> class TStack :
public TStackAsVector<T>
TStack( unsigned max = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE ) :
TStackAsVector<T>( max )
template <class T> class TStackIterator :
public TStackAsVectorIterator<T>
TStackIterator( const TStack<T>& a ) :
#if defined( BI_CLASSLIB_NO_po )
#pragma option -po.
#pragma option -Vo.