PC World Komputer 1998 May
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/* */
/* DEQUES.H */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1991, 1994 Borland International */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* */
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_DEQUES_H )
#if !defined( __CHECKS_H )
#include <checks.h>
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_DEFS_H )
#include <classlib/defs.h>
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_SHDDEL_H )
#include <classlib/shddel.h>
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_VECTIMP_H )
#include <classlib/vectimp.h>
#if !defined( CLASSLIB_DLISTIMP_H )
#include <classlib/dlistimp.h>
#pragma option -Vo-
#if defined( BI_CLASSLIB_NO_po )
#pragma option -po-
/* */
/* template <class Vect, class T> class TDequeAsVectorImp */
/* */
/* Implements the fundamental dequeue operations, using a vector */
/* as the underlying implementation. The type Vect specifies the */
/* form of the vector, either a TVectorImp<T0> or a */
/* TIVectorImp<T0>. The type T specifies the type of the */
/* objects to be put in the dequeue. When using TVectorImp<T0>, */
/* T should be the same as T0. When using TIVectorImp<T0>, T */
/* should be of type pointer to T0. See TQueueAsVector and */
/* TIQueueAsVector for examples. */
/* */
template <class Vect, class T> class TDequeAsVectorImp
TDequeAsVectorImp( unsigned max = DEFAULT_DEQUE_SIZE ) :
int IsFull() const
return Right == Prev( Left );
int IsEmpty() const
return Right == Left;
int GetItemsInContainer() const
return (Right>=Left) ? Right - Left : Data.Limit()-(Left-Right);
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
int isFull() const { return IsFull(); }
int isEmpty() const { return IsEmpty(); }
int getItemsInContainer() const { return GetItemsInContainer(); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
Vect Data;
unsigned Left;
unsigned Right;
unsigned Prev( unsigned index ) const
if( index == 0 )
index = Data.Limit();
return --index;
unsigned Next( unsigned index ) const
if( index == Data.Limit() )
index = 0;
return index;
/* */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMDequeAsVector */
/* */
/* Implements a managed dequeue of objects of type T, using a vector as */
/* the underlying implementation. */
/* */
template <class T, class Alloc> class TMDequeAsVectorIterator;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMDequeAsVector :
public TDequeAsVectorImp<TMVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T>
typedef TDequeAsVectorImp<TMVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T> Parent;
friend TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>;
typedef void (*IterFunc)(T&, void *);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const T&, void *);
TMDequeAsVector( unsigned max = DEFAULT_DEQUE_SIZE ) :
TDequeAsVectorImp<TMVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T>( max )
const T& PeekLeft() const
return Data[Left];
const T& PeekRight() const
return Data[Prev(Right)];
T GetLeft();
T GetRight();
void PutLeft( const T& );
void PutRight( const T& );
void ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args );
T *FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const;
T *LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const;
void Flush()
Left = Right = 0;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
const T& peekLeft() const { return PeekLeft(); }
const T& peekRight() const { return PeekRight(); }
T getLeft() { return GetLeft(); }
T getRight() { return GetRight(); }
void putLeft( const T& t ) { PutLeft(t); }
void putRight( const T& t ) { PutRight(t); }
void forEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
{ ForEach( iter, args ); }
T *firstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return FirstThat( cond, args ); }
T *lastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return LastThat( cond, args ); }
void flush( TShouldDelete::DeleteType = TShouldDelete::DefDelete )
{ Flush(); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
template <class T, class Alloc> T TMDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::GetRight()
Right = Prev(Right);
T t = Data[Right];
Data[Right] = T();
return t;
template <class T, class Alloc>
void TMDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::PutRight( const T& t )
Data[Right] = t;
Right = Next(Right);
template <class T, class Alloc> T TMDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::GetLeft()
T t = Data[Left];
Data[Left] = T();
Left = Next(Left);
return t;
template <class T, class Alloc>
void TMDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::PutLeft( const T& t )
Left = Prev(Left);
Data[Left] = t;
template <class T,class Alloc>
void TMDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
for( unsigned index = Left; index != Right; index=Next(index) )
iter( Data[index], args );
template <class T,class Alloc>
T *TMDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
for( unsigned index = Left; index != Right; index=Next(index) )
if( cond( Data[index], args ) )
return &Data[index];
return 0;
template <class T,class Alloc>
T *TMDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
T *res = 0;
for( unsigned index = Left; index != Right; index=Next(index) )
if( cond( Data[index], args ) )
res = &Data[index];
return res;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_MDequeAsVector TMDequeAsVector
/* */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMDequeAsVectorIterator */
/* */
/* Implements an iterator for the family of Deques as Vectors. */
/* */
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMDequeAsVectorIterator
TMDequeAsVectorIterator( const TMDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>& );
operator int();
const T& Current();
const T& operator ++ ( int );
const T& operator ++ ();
void Restart();
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
const T& current() { return Current(); }
void restart() { Restart(); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
unsigned Left;
unsigned Right;
const TMVectorImp<T,Alloc> *Vect;
TMVectorIteratorImp<T,Alloc> Iter;
int Second;
void NextBlock();
template <class T,class Alloc>
TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::TMDequeAsVectorIterator( const TMDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>& v ) :
Iter( v.Data )
Vect = &v.Data;
Left = v.Left;
Right = v.Right;
template <class T,class Alloc>
TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::operator int()
return int(Iter);
template <class T,class Alloc>
const T& TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::Current()
return Iter.Current();
template <class T,class Alloc>
const T& TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::operator ++ ( int )
const T& temp = Iter++;
return temp;
template <class T,class Alloc>
const T& TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::operator ++ ()
return Current();
template <class T,class Alloc>
void TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::Restart()
if( Left <= Right )
Iter.Restart( Left, Right );
Iter.Restart( Left, Vect->Limit() );
Second = 0;
template <class T,class Alloc>
void TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::NextBlock()
if( int(Iter) == 0 && !Second && Left > Right )
Iter.Restart( 0, Right );
Second = 1;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_MDequeAsVectorIterator TMDequeAsVectorIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TDequeAsVector */
/* template <class T> class TDequeAsVectorIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a dequeue of objects of type T, using a vector as the */
/* underlying implementation and TStandardAllocator as its memory */
/* manager. */
/* */
template <class T> class TDequeAsVector :
public TMDequeAsVector<T,TStandardAllocator>
TDequeAsVector( unsigned max = DEFAULT_DEQUE_SIZE ) :
TMDequeAsVector<T,TStandardAllocator>( max )
template <class T> class TDequeAsVectorIterator :
public TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>
TDequeAsVectorIterator( const TDequeAsVector<T>& d ) :
TMDequeAsVectorIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>( d )
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_DequeAsVector TDequeAsVector
#define BI_DequeAsVectorIterator TDequeAsVectorIterator
/* */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIDequeAsVector */
/* */
/* Implements a managed dequeue of pointers to objects of type T, */
/* using a vector as the underlying implementation. */
/* */
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIDequeAsVectorIterator;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIDequeAsVector :
public TDequeAsVectorImp<TMIVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T *>,
public TShouldDelete
typedef TDequeAsVectorImp<TMIVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T *> Parent;
friend TMIDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>;
typedef void (*IterFunc)(T&, void *);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const T &, void *);
TMIDequeAsVector( unsigned sz = DEFAULT_DEQUE_SIZE ) :
TDequeAsVectorImp<TMIVectorImp<T,Alloc>,T *>(sz)
T *PeekLeft() const
return Data[Left];
T *PeekRight() const
return Data[Prev(Right)];
T *GetLeft();
T *GetRight();
void PutLeft( T *t );
void PutRight( T *t );
void Flush( TShouldDelete::DeleteType = TShouldDelete::DefDelete );
void ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args );
T *FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const;
T *LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
T *peekLeft() const { return PeekLeft(); }
T *peekRight() const { return PeekRight(); }
T *getLeft() { return GetLeft(); }
T *getRight() { return GetRight(); }
void putLeft( T *t ) { PutLeft(t); }
void putRight( T *t ) { PutRight(t); }
void flush( TShouldDelete::DeleteType dt = TShouldDelete::DefDelete )
{ Flush( dt ); }
void forEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
{ ForEach( iter, args ); }
T *firstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return FirstThat( cond, args ); }
T *lastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return LastThat( cond, args ); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
template <class T, class Alloc>
T *TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::GetRight()
Right = Prev(Right);
T *t = Data[Right];
Data[Right] = 0;
return t;
template <class T, class Alloc>
void TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::PutRight( T *t )
Data[Right] = t;
Right = Next(Right);
template <class T, class Alloc>
T *TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::GetLeft()
T *t = Data[Left];
Data[Left] = 0;
Left = Next(Left);
return t;
template <class T, class Alloc>
void TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::PutLeft( T *t )
Left = Prev(Left);
Data[Left] = t;
template <class T,class Alloc>
void TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::Flush( TShouldDelete::DeleteType dt )
if( DelObj(dt) != 0 )
if( Left <= Right )
Data.Flush( 1, Right, Left );
Data.Flush( 1, Data.Limit(), Left );
Data.Flush( 1, Right, 0 );
Left = Right = 0;
template <class T,class Alloc>
void TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
for( unsigned index = Left; index != Right; index=Next(index) )
iter( *(Data[index]), args );
template <class T,class Alloc>
T *TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
for( unsigned index = Left; index != Right; index=Next(index) )
if( cond( *(Data[index]), args ) )
return Data[index];
return 0;
template <class T,class Alloc>
T *TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>::LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
T *res = 0;
for( unsigned index = Left; index != Right; index=Next(index) )
if( cond( *(Data[index]), args ) )
res = Data[index];
return res;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_MIDequeAsVector TMIDequeAsVector
#define BI_MIDequeAsVectorIterator TMIDequeAsVectorIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TMIDequeAsVectorIterator */
/* */
/* Implements an iterator for the family of indirect Deques as Vectors. */
/* */
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIDequeAsVectorIterator
TMIDequeAsVectorIterator( const TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>& );
operator int();
T *Current();
T *operator ++ ( int );
T *operator ++ ();
void Restart();
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
T *current() { return Current(); }
void restart() { Restart(); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
unsigned Left;
unsigned Right;
const TMIVectorImp<T,Alloc> *Vect;
TMIVectorIteratorImp<T,Alloc> Iter;
int Second;
void NextBlock();
template <class T,class Alloc>
TMIDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::TMIDequeAsVectorIterator( const TMIDequeAsVector<T,Alloc>& v ) :
Iter( v.Data )
Vect = &v.Data;
Left = v.Left;
Right = v.Right;
template <class T,class Alloc>
TMIDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::operator int()
return int(Iter);
template <class T,class Alloc>
T *TMIDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::Current()
return Iter.Current();
template <class T,class Alloc>
T *TMIDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::operator ++ ( int )
T *temp = Iter++;
return temp;
template <class T,class Alloc>
T *TMIDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::operator ++ ()
return Iter.Current();
template <class T,class Alloc>
void TMIDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::Restart()
if( Left <= Right )
Iter.Restart( Left, Right );
Iter.Restart( Left, Vect->Limit() );
Second = 0;
template <class T,class Alloc>
void TMIDequeAsVectorIterator<T,Alloc>::NextBlock()
if( int(Iter) == 0 && !Second && Left > Right )
Iter.Restart( 0, Right );
Second = 1;
/* */
/* template <class T> class TIDequeAsVector */
/* template <class T> class TIDequeAsVectorIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a dequeue of pointers to objects of type T, using a vector */
/* as the underlying implementation and TStandardAllocator as its */
/* memory manager. */
/* */
template <class T> class TIDequeAsVector :
public TMIDequeAsVector<T,TStandardAllocator>
TIDequeAsVector( unsigned sz = DEFAULT_DEQUE_SIZE ) :
template <class T> class TIDequeAsVectorIterator :
public TMIDequeAsVectorIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>
TIDequeAsVectorIterator( const TIDequeAsVector<T>& d ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_IDequeAsVector TIDequeAsVector
#define BI_IDequeAsVectorIterator TIDequeAsVectorIterator
/* */
/* template <class Lst, class T> class TDequeAsDoubleListImp */
/* */
/* Implements the fundamental dequeue operations, using a list */
/* as the underlying implementation. The type Lst specifies the */
/* form of the list, either a TDoubleListImp<T0> or a */
/* TIDoubleListImp<T0>. The type T specifies the type of the */
/* objects to be put in the deque. When using TDoubleListImp<T0>, */
/* T should be the same as T0. When using TIDoubleListImp<T0>, T */
/* should be of type pointer to T0. See TDequeAsDoubleList and */
/* TIDequeAsDoubleList for examples. */
/* */
template <class Lst, class T> class TDequeAsDoubleListImp
int IsFull() const
return 0;
int IsEmpty() const
return GetItemsInContainer() == 0;
int GetItemsInContainer() const
return Data.GetItemsInContainer();
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
int isFull() const { return IsFull(); }
int isEmpty() const { return IsEmpty(); }
int getItemsInContainer() const { return GetItemsInContainer(); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
Lst Data;
/* */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMDequeAsDoubleList */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMDequeAsDoubleListIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a managed dequeue of objects of type T, using a */
/* double-linked list as the underlying implementation. */
/* */
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMDequeAsDoubleListIterator;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMDequeAsDoubleList :
public TDequeAsDoubleListImp<TMDoubleListImp<T,Alloc>,T>
typedef TDequeAsDoubleListImp<TMDoubleListImp<T,Alloc>,T> Parent;
friend TMDequeAsDoubleListIterator<T,Alloc>;
typedef void (*IterFunc)(T &, void *);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const T&, void *);
T GetLeft();
T GetRight();
void PutLeft( const T& t )
Data.Add( t );
void PutRight( const T& t )
Data.AddAtTail( t );
const T& PeekLeft() const
return Data.PeekHead();
const T& PeekRight() const
return Data.PeekTail();
void ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
Data.ForEach( iter, args );
T *FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
return Data.FirstThat( cond, args );
T *LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
return Data.LastThat( cond, args );
void Flush()
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
T peekLeft() const { return PeekLeft(); }
T peekRight() const { return PeekRight(); }
T getLeft() { return GetLeft(); }
T getRight() { return GetRight(); }
void putLeft( const T& t ) { PutLeft(t); }
void putRight( const T& t ) { PutRight(t); }
void flush( TShouldDelete::DeleteType = TShouldDelete::DefDelete )
{ Flush(); }
void forEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
{ ForEach( iter, args ); }
T *firstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return FirstThat( cond, args ); }
T *lastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return LastThat( cond, args ); }
void flush( int ) { Flush(); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
template <class T, class Alloc> T TMDequeAsDoubleList<T,Alloc>::GetLeft()
T t = Data.PeekHead();
return t;
template <class T, class Alloc> T TMDequeAsDoubleList<T,Alloc>::GetRight()
T t = Data.PeekTail();
return t;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMDequeAsDoubleListIterator :
public TMDoubleListIteratorImp<T,Alloc>
TMDequeAsDoubleListIterator( const TMDequeAsDoubleList<T,Alloc>& s ) :
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_MDequeAsDoubleList TMDequeAsDoubleList
#define BI_MDequeAsDoubleListIterator TMDequeAsDoubleListIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TDequeAsDoubleList */
/* template <class T> class TDequeAsDoubleListIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a dequeue of objects of type T, using a double-linked list */
/* as the underlying implementation and TStandardAllocator as its */
/* memory manager. */
/* */
template <class T> class TDequeAsDoubleList :
public TMDequeAsDoubleList<T,TStandardAllocator>
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_DequeAsDoubleList TDequeAsDoubleList
template <class T> class TDequeAsDoubleListIterator :
public TMDequeAsDoubleListIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>
TDequeAsDoubleListIterator( const TDequeAsDoubleList<T>& s ) :
TMDequeAsDoubleListIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>(s) {}
/* */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIDequeAsDoubleList */
/* template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIDequeAsDoubleListIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a managed dequeue of pointers to objects of type T, */
/* using a double-linked list as the underlying implementation. */
/* */
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIDequeAsDoubleListIterator;
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIDequeAsDoubleList :
public TDequeAsDoubleListImp<TMIDoubleListImp<T,Alloc>,T *>,
public TShouldDelete
typedef TDequeAsDoubleListImp<TMIDoubleListImp<T,Alloc>,T *> Parent;
friend TMIDequeAsDoubleListIterator<T,Alloc>;
typedef void (*IterFunc)(T&, void *);
typedef int (*CondFunc)(const T&, void *);
T *GetLeft();
T *GetRight();
void PutLeft( T *t )
Data.Add( t );
void PutRight( T *t )
Data.AddAtTail( t );
T *PeekLeft() const
return STATIC_CAST(T *,Data.PeekHead());
T *PeekRight() const
return STATIC_CAST(T *,Data.PeekTail());
void Flush( TShouldDelete::DeleteType dt = TShouldDelete::DefDelete )
Data.Flush( DelObj(dt) );
void ForEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
Data.ForEach( iter, args );
T *FirstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
return Data.FirstThat( cond, args );
T *LastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
return Data.LastThat( cond, args );
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
T *peekLeft() const { return PeekLeft(); }
T *peekRight() const { return PeekRight(); }
T *getLeft() { return GetLeft(); }
T *getRight() { return GetRight(); }
void putLeft( T *t ) { PutLeft(t); }
void putRight( T *t ) { PutRight(t); }
void flush( TShouldDelete::DeleteType dt = TShouldDelete::DefDelete )
{ Flush(dt); }
void forEach( IterFunc iter, void *args )
{ ForEach( iter, args ); }
T *firstThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return FirstThat( cond, args ); }
T *lastThat( CondFunc cond, void *args ) const
{ return LastThat( cond, args ); }
#endif // BI_OLDNAMES
template <class T,class Alloc> class TMIDequeAsDoubleListIterator :
public TMIDoubleListIteratorImp<T,Alloc>
TMIDequeAsDoubleListIterator( const TMIDequeAsDoubleList<T,Alloc>& s ) :
template <class T, class Alloc>
T *TMIDequeAsDoubleList<T,Alloc>::GetLeft()
T *t = Data.PeekHead();
Data.Detach( t, 0 );
return t;
template <class T, class Alloc>
T *TMIDequeAsDoubleList<T,Alloc>::GetRight()
T *t = Data.PeekTail();
Data.Detach( t, 0 );
return t;
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_MIDequeAsDoubleList TMIDequeAsDoubleList
#define BI_MIDequeAsDoubleListIterator TMIDequeAsDoubleListIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TIDequeAsDoubleList */
/* template <class T> class TIDequeAsDoubleListIterator */
/* */
/* Implements a dequeue of pointers to objects of type T, using a */
/* double-linked list as the underlying implementation and */
/* TStandardAllocator as its memory manager. */
/* */
template <class T> class TIDequeAsDoubleList :
public TMIDequeAsDoubleList<T,TStandardAllocator>
template <class T> class TIDequeAsDoubleListIterator :
public TMIDequeAsDoubleListIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>
TIDequeAsDoubleListIterator( const TIDequeAsDoubleList<T>& s ) :
TMIDequeAsDoubleListIterator<T,TStandardAllocator>(s) {}
#if defined( BI_OLDNAMES )
#define BI_IDequeAsDoubleList TIDequeAsDoubleList
#define BI_IDequeAsDoubleListIterator TIDequeAsDoubleListIterator
/* */
/* template <class T> class TDeque */
/* template <class T> class TDequeIterator */
/* */
/* Easy names for TDequeAsVector and TDequeAsVectorIterator. */
/* */
template <class T> class TDeque :
public TDequeAsVector<T>
TDeque( unsigned max = DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE ) :
TDequeAsVector<T>( max )
template <class T> class TDequeIterator :
public TDequeAsVectorIterator<T>
TDequeIterator( const TDeque<T>& a ) :
#if defined( BI_CLASSLIB_NO_po )
#pragma option -po.
#pragma option -Vo.