PC World Komputer 1998 May
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C/C++ Source or Header
113 lines
// ObjectWindows - (C) Copyright 1991, 1993 by Borland International
#if !defined(__APPWIN_H)
#define __APPWIN_H
#include <owl\menu.h>
#include <owl\floatfra.h>
#include <owl\opensave.h>
#include <owl\bitmapga.h>
#include "appbtnba.h"
#include "appmgr.h"
#include "appbtn.h"
#define NO_ENTRY '2' // does not exist in INI file.
#define INUSE '1' // in use by another instance of AppLauncher.
#define NOT_INUSE '0' // open, not used by any instance of AppLauncher.
#define NEntries 128 // maximum number of instances that can be running.
// Frame window of app. Contains the button bar and application manager.
class TAppWindow : public TFloatingFrame {
static const int NumBufSize; // max size of number buffer.
TAppWindow(char* title, TWindow* client, string& startupPath);
void SetupWindow();
void CleanupWindow();
LRESULT CmProperties(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT CmButtonPressed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT CmButtonDrag(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void EvNCRButtonDown(UINT modKeys, TPoint& point);
void EvDropFiles(TDropInfo drop);
void EvEndSession(BOOL b);
void CmAddApp();
void CmRemoveApps();
void CmConfigOptions();
void CmReadConfig();
void CmHelp();
void CmDummy() {}
void CmPlaceHolder();
unsigned CurINISecNum; // section of INI file in use.
int SaveOnExit; // save settings to INI file on exit?
int Orientation; // 0 = Vertical, 1 = Horizontal.
string& StartupPath; // dir. AppLauncher was started from.
unsigned MaxApps; // max. # of apps given screen res.
unsigned XExt; // vertical screen size.
unsigned YExt; // horizontal screen size.
TPopupMenu PopupMenu; // main menu.
TAppMgr AppMgr; // manages internal rep. of apps.
TAppButtonBar* AppButtons; // cache client object.
TBitmapGadget* AppRemoverGadget; // used when no apps.
int CleanedUp; // have we called shutdown routine?
int ConfirmOnRemove; // confirm on remove enabled?
char* InUseEntries; // INI sections in use.
int CM_REQUEST_ID;// request ids from other instances.
int CM_SENDING_ID;// send id to other instances.
int WaitingForMsg; // are we waiting for message?
TOpenSaveDialog::TData FileData; // save/restore info.
int DoAddApp(const string& path, int loc, const string& rec);
void RemoveApp(unsigned loc);
TGadget* CreateButton(string& path, int loc);
int RestoreFromINIFile(unsigned secNumber = UINT_MAX);
int RestoreXYLoc(const string& section);
int RestoreOrientation(const string& section);
int RestoreSaveOnExit(const string& section);
int RestoreConfirmOnRemove(const string& section);
int RestoreApps(const string& section);
int GetINIEntry(const string& entry, const string& section,
char* dest, unsigned destBufLen);
int SaveToINIFile(unsigned secNumber);
int SaveXYLoc(const string& section);
int SaveOrientation(const string& section);
int SaveSaveOnExit(const string& section);
int SaveConfirmOnRemove(const string& section);
int SaveApps(const string& section);
int WriteINIEntry(const string& section, const string& entryKey,
const string& entryValue);
void UpdateAppButtons();
void ReIdButtons();
void DisplayHelp();
int LocOfNearestButtonFromPoint(const TPoint& point);
void AppLauncherCleanup();
BOOL ConfirmRemove(const string& p);
void AnimateAppRemoverGadget();
// INI section management.
void InitEntries();
int SectionInUse(unsigned sec);
BOOL MarkInUse(unsigned sec, BOOL mark);
unsigned NextAvailableSection();
unsigned NextSection();
int INISectionExists(unsigned sec);
LRESULT CmRequestId(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT CmSendingId(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void FillEntries(int skipClear = 0);
void EvTimer(UINT);
#endif // __APPWIN_H