PC World Komputer 1998 May
next >
Text File
974 lines
129 All files (*.*)|*.*|
130 load
131 save
144 The file '%s' does not exist!
145 Not enough memory in drive %c:, to save %s!
146 Error while opening file %s.
147 Cannot copy file %s !
148 The file '%s' does not exist!\nDo you want to search for it yourself?
257 Invalid function
258 Cannot find file
259 Cannot find path
260 To many files open
261 Access denied
262 Invalid handle
263 Arena damaged
264 Not enough memory
265 Invalid block
266 Area damaged
267 Wrong format
268 Invalid access
269 Invalid data
271 Invalid drive
272 Current directory
273 Not the same machine
274 No more data
275 Write protection error
276 Unit faulty
277 Not ready
278 Wrong command
279 CRC-error
280 Wrong length
281 Search error
282 No MS-DOS-disc
283 Cannot find sector
284 No paper
285 Error while writing
286 Error while reading
287 General error
288 Error while joint access
289 Error while blocking
290 Wrong drive
291 FCB not available
292 Joint buffer exceeded
306 Not supported
307 Network-user not listed
308 Double name
309 Wrong networkpath
310 Network still busy
311 Machine does not exist
312 To many commands
313 Carts-hardware-error
314 Wrong network-reaction
315 Unexpected network error
316 Wrong card in network
317 Printerqueue full
318 No space to wait
319 Printing canceled
320 Network-name deleted
321 Network-access denied
322 Wrong machinetype
323 Wrong network-name
324 To many names
325 To many sessions
326 Joint access stopped
327 Demand denied
328 Turning stopped
336 File does not exist
337 FCB double
338 Cannot compilieren
339 Interruption 24 failed
340 No more structures
341 Already assigned
342 Invalid password
343 Invalid parameter
344 Network writing error
448 Too little memory, exportable file faulty or invalid relocation.
450 File not found.
451 Path not found.
453 Attempt to integrate a task, or a share- or network-error.
454 Library needs separated datasegments for each task.
456 Too little memory to start the application.
458 Wrong window-version.
459 Invalid .EXE-file (No window-.EXE or error in .EXE-illustration.
460 Created an application for a different operating system.
461 DOS 4.0 application.
462 Unknown .EXE-type.
463 Attempt to load a real-mode-application (which was produced for a previous window-version).
464 Attempt to load a second instance of an .EXE-file, which includes several not write protected datasegments.
467 Attempt to load a compressed .EXE-file. The file has to be decompressed beforehand.
468 Invalid dynamic-link library (DLL). One of the needed DLL's for this application was faulty.
469 Application needs 32-bit-extension.
513 SEEK
514 Header
515 Memory
516 hRead
518 Different Heads
519 Write
520 Write Header
521 Checksum
522 Wrong block size
523 Wrong blID
641 No memory
656 Error while trying to open the file %s.
657 Error while loading the file %s.\nCannot read Header.
658 Error while loading the file %s.\nWrong file size.
659 Error while loading the file %s.\nUnknown ID %lx.
660 Error while loading the file %s.\nWrong label.
661 Error while loading the file %s.\nIndex\n%s.
662 Error while loading the file %s.\nCondition\n%s.
663 Error while loading the file %s.\nDesktop\n%s.
664 Error while loading the file %s.\nWorldobject\n%s.
665 Error while loading the file %s.\nWrong label '%s'.
666 Error while loading the file %s.\nWrong version %lx.
688 Error while saving the file %s\nNot enough space in drive '%c:'.
689 Error while saving the file %s\nCannot read Header.
690 Error while saving the file %s.
691 Error while saving the file %s.
692 Error while saving the file %s\nCannot save backup file.
693 Error while saving the file %s\nContents\n%s.
694 Error while saving the file %s\nCondition\n%s.
695 Error while saving the file %s\nDesktop\n%s.
696 Error while saving the file %s\nWorldobject\n%s.
704 Error in the index of the file %s.\nWrong ID (%lx)
705 Error in the index of the file %s.\nWrong size (%lx).
768 cderr_GeneralCodes
769 cderr_StructSize
770 cderr_Initialization
771 cderr_NoTemplate
772 cderr_NoHInstance
773 cderr_LoadStrFailure
774 cderr_FindResFailure
775 cderr_LoadResFailure
776 cderr_LockResFailure
777 cderr_MemAllocFailure
778 cderr_MemLockFailure
779 cderr_NoHook
780 cderr_RegisterMsgFail
784 pderr_PrinterCodes
785 pderr_SetupFailure
786 pderr_ParseFailure
787 pderr_RetDefFailure
788 pderr_LoadDrvFailure
789 pderr_GetDevModeFail
790 pderr_InitFailure
791 pderr_NoDevices
792 pderr_NoDefaultPrn
793 pderr_DNDMMismatch
794 pderr_CreateICFailure
795 pderr_PrinterNotFound
796 pderr_DefaultDifferent
800 cferr_ChooseFontCodes
801 cferr_NoFonts
802 cferr_MaxLessThanMin
816 fnerr_FilenameCodes
817 fnerr_SubclassFailure
818 fnerr_InvalidFilename
819 fnerr_BufferTooSmall
832 frerr_FindReplaceCodes
833 frerr_BufferLengthZero
848 ccErr_ChoseColorCodes
1025 LMP32_lmReadObjInfo
1026 LMP32_lmReadObjGeo
1027 Error occured while trying to load an object from the file %s.
1028 Error occured while trying to delete '%s'\n%s
1035 Cannot load the texture names from '%s'!
1036 Error while loading texture '%s'!
1072 Cannot set the textures of '%s'.
1073 Error while calculating the BBox.
1089 ArCon is unable to move the indicated wall.\nArrange the masonry simpler or move the wall to a different position.
1090 ArCon is unable to delete the indicated wall.
1091 ArCon is unableto change the indicated wall.
1104 Cannot load the ground plan view of '%s'.
1105 Error while loading the project.\nUnknown Object type '%ld'.
1136 <Group without names>
1153 Create an instance of 3D-cursor !
1154 Not enough memory!
1155 Cannot open Metafile '%s'!
1156 Error while closing Metafile '%s'!
1157 Error while saving '%s'!\nProbable not enough memory!
1158 Error while saving '%s'!
1168 lmMB_ProvideFZAlias
1169 Save picture. Cancel with <ESC>
1170 Print print
1171 ArCon prints now %i pages.\nAre you sure?
1172 x(Width): %s%s y(Depth): %s%s z(Height): %s%s
1173 x(Width): ab %s%s %s%s y(Depth): ab %s%s %s%s z(Height): ab %s%s %s%s
1174 Width: %s%s Depth: %s%s Height: %s%s
1175 x(Width): %s%s y(Depth): %s%s
1176 x(Width): ab %s%s %s%s y(Depth): ab %s%s %s%s
1217 Not enough memory for the FZ-Buffer!
1281 Inadmissible input!
1282 The given value has to be between %s and %s!
1472 KAMIN\DKAMIN1_.lmo
1474 KAMIN\SKAMSWN_.lmo|KAMIN\SKSISWN_.lmo|0.5|1
1509 Foundation
1510 Ground
1511 Cellar
1512 Ground story
1513 Upper story
1514 Attic
1515 <Story>
1520 Write AVI
1521 Raytracing. Cancel with <ESC>
1522 There is not enough memory for this procedure!
1523 There is not enough memory! A further program performance is not possible!\n\nArCon will be closed.
1524 <none>
1525 The window or door will not fit the wall with the new dimensions!
1526 untextured
1527 ArCon cannot find the textures\n%s!
1528 ArCon cannot find the texture '%s'!
1529 With the current scale, the room you want to insert will not be shown comletely.\nDo you want to adjust the scale to 1 : %i?
1530 (No graphic)
1531 This graphic format is not suited for the textures.
1532 %s as 3D-view
1533 %s as floor plan
1534 Print out of page %i
1535 Windows/doors had to be deleted, because there was not enough space in the wall.
1537 Shows list of contents
1538 Searches for key-word
1539 Help for the use of the keyboard
1540 Help for the use of the mouse
1541 Help for the use of help
1542 Needs no explanation
2048 Perspective view|Perspective view
2049 Top view (colored)|Top view
2050 Floor plan view (designmode)|Floor plan (design)
2051 Floor plan view (construction mode)|Floor plan (construction)
2305 Scroll up|Scroll up
2306 Scroll down|Scroll down
2307 Load new texture from file|Texture from file
2308 Duplicate catalog|Copy catalog
2309 Up one catalog level|Close catalog
2310 Close catalogs|Close catalogs
2311 Preview loaded texture|Loaded texture
2312 Unicolored 'texture'|Color as texture
2313 Preview of an element|??????
2314 Subcatalog
2315 Name of current (sub-)catalog|Catalog name
4096 Dummy, bis alles eingegeben ist
4097 ArCon
4098 ArCon
4099 ArCon.hlp
4100 ArCon.ini
4101 View %i
4102 ArCon « Visual Architecture, Copyright ⌐ 1997 mb-Programme --- Wersja polska do nabycia w INTERsoft tel 042 814-529
4103 <New project>
4104 ArConBAK
4105 ArCon was closed unexpectedly and saved your current project automatically. Do you want to use this?
4106 Do you want to save the current project now?
4107 0.180|0.270|0.270|0.180|0.270|0.390|0.390|0.270
4108 <Saving automatically>
4109 Standard
4110 Elements
4111 Textures
4112 Sounds
4113 Windows
4114 Doors
4115 Floor
4116 Ceiling
4117 Underside
4118 Upperside
4119 Edge
4128 Window input
4129 Door input
4144 Number under or on the right of the line
4145 Number under or on the left of the line
4146 Line surrounds number
4147 Number under or on the right of the line
4148 Number under or on the left of the line
4149 Line surrounds number
4160 <outside>
4352 ArCon projects (*.acp)|*.acp|
4353 acp
4354 Project
4355 ArCon objects (*.aco)|*.aco|
4356 aco
4357 Object
4358 ArCon objects (*.aco;*.lmo)|*.aco;*.lmo|
4359 aco
4360 Object
4361 lmo
4362 Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
4363 bmp
4364 Texture
4365 ArCon groups (*.acg)|*.acg|
4366 acg
4367 Groups
4369 Object settings
4370 Group settings
4371 Choose directories
4372 Picture
4373 wmf
4374 Windows Metafile (*.wmf)|*.wmf|
4375 bmp
4376 Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
4385 bak
4386 ArCon projects (*.acp)|*.acp|ArCon backups (*.bak)|*.bak|All files (*.*)|*.*|
4401 View %i
4402 View %i - floor plan
4403 View %i - perspective view
4404 View %i - top view
4405 View %i - walk about
4406 Service.hlp
4407 Partner.hlp
4408 Demo.hlp
8193 Symbol list
8194 Create new project|New project
8195 Open project
8196 Save project
8197 Install printer
8198 Print
8199 Save image
8200 Help
8201 Window cascading
8202 Window tiling
8203 Arrange window symbols
8204 Grid on/off
8206 Wall hatching on/off
8207 Dimensioning on/off
8208 Labels on/off
8209 New view
8210 Minimize/Enlarge|Zoom
8211 Change to design mode|Design mode
8212 Display furniture, etc.
8213 Change to construction mode|Construction mode
8215 Guides on/off
8216 Sheets on/off
8217 Set origin
8218 Set grid origin
8219 Set coordination- and grid origin
8227 Roofs on/off
8228 Rule on/off
8229 Object- and texture catalog on/off/switch off|Catalog on/off
8499 Choose element
8500 Insert outer wall (thick) (Std.-thickness 36.5 cm)|Insert wall
8501 Insert outer wall (thin) (Std.-thickness 24 cm)|Insert wall
8502 Insert bearing wall (thick) (Std.-thickness 24 cm)|Insert wall
8503 Insert bearing wall (thin) (Std.-thickness 17.5 cm)|Insert wall
8504 Insert non-bearing inside wall (thick) (Std.-thickness 17.5 cm)|Insert wall
8505 Insert non-bearing inside wall (thin) (Std.-thickness 11.5 cm)|Insert wall
8506 Insert dividing wall (Std.-thickness 10 cm)|Insert wall
8513 Outer wall (thick)
8514 Outer wall (thin)
8515 Bearing wall (thick)
8516 Bearing wall (thin)
8517 Non-bearing wall (thick)
8518 Non-bearing wall (thin)
8519 Dividing wall
8534 Insert window (standard)|Insert window
8535 Insert window with skylight|Insert window
8536 Insert double-window (unsymmetrical)|Insert window
8537 Insert astragal window|Insert window
8538 Insert Double-window (symmetrical)|Insert window
8539 Insert round window|Insert window
8540 Window (standard)
8541 Window with skylight
8542 Double-window (unsymmetrical)
8543 Astragal window
8544 Double-window (symmetrical)
8545 Round window
8546 Insert door (incl. frame, standard)|Insert door
8547 Insert door (incl. frame, classic)|Insert door
8548 Insert door with skylight (incl. frame)|Insert door
8549 Insert glas door (incl. frame)|Insert door
8550 Insert front door (incl. frame)|Insert door
8551 Insert folding door (incl. frame, closed)|Insert door
8552 Insert folding door (incl. frame, half open)|Insert door
8553 Insert sliding door (incl. frame, closed)|Insert door
8554 Insert sliding door (incl. frame, half open)|Insert door
8555 Insert double door (incl. frame)|Insert door
8556 Insert double-wing folding door (incl. frame, closed)|Insert door
8557 Insert double-wing folding door (incl. frame, half open)|Insert door
8558 Insert frame|Insert door
8559 Insert wide frame|Insert door
8562 Door (incl. frame, standard)
8563 Door (incl. frame, classic)
8564 Door with skylight (incl. frame)
8565 Glass door (incl. frame)
8566 Front door (incl. frame)
8567 Multifolding door (incl. frame, closed)
8568 Multifolding door (incl. frame, half open)
8569 Sliding door (incl. frame, closed)
8570 Sliding door (incl. frame, half open)
8571 Double door (incl. frame)
8572 Multifolding door (incl. frame, closed)
8573 Multifolding door (incl. frame, half open)
8574 Door frame
8575 Double door frame
8584 Insert chimney (single-flue without ventilation)|Insert chimney
8585 Insert chimney (single-flue with ventilation)|Insert chimney
8586 Insert chimney (double-flue with ventilation)|Insert chimney
8589 Single-flue without ventilation
8590 Single-flue with ventilation
8591 Double-flue with ventilation
8601 Place round support|Place support
8602 Place rectangular support|Place support
8604 Round support
8605 Rectangular support
8652 Insert text
8669 Dimension (number under or on the right of the line)|Dimension
8670 Dimension (number under or on the left of the line)|Dimension
8671 Dimension (line surrounds number)|Dimension
8672 Dimension (number under or on the right of the line)|Dimension
8673 Dimension (number under or on the left of the line)|Dimension
8674 Dimension (line surrounds number)|Dimension
8678 Load background sheet
8679 Insert staircase
8680 Place roof
8681 Place floor panel
8682 Set ceiling openings
8683 Wall opening
8684 Insert guide
8685 Insert guide segments
8752 Place roof
8753 Lift rule (F5)
8754 Scale upwards (F6)
8755 Scale downwards (F6)
8756 Remove rule parallel (F7)
8757 Rotate rule (F8)
8758 Standard tabulator
8759 Remove distance
8760 Relative angle of rotation
8761 Absolute angle of rotation
8762 Turn rule by +90░ (F9)
8763 Turn rule by -90░ (F9)
8764 Rule horizontal (F10)
8803 Objects/Select groups
8804 Objects/Move groups
8805 Selected objects/Rotate groups by +90 degrees|Rotate
8806 Selected objects/Rotate groups by -90 degrees|Rotate
8807 Selected objects/Rotate groups by +45 degrees|Rotate
8808 Selected objects/Rotate groups by -45 degrees|Rotate
8809 Selected objects/Rotate groups by +30 degrees|Rotate
8810 Selected objects/Rotate groups by -30 degrees|Rotate
8811 Selected objects/Rotate groups freely|Rotate free
8812 Selected objects/create group|Group
8813 With selected objects/ungroup|Ungroup
8814 All objects/Select groups|Select all
8815 Selected objects/Delete groups|Delete
8816 Selected objects/Copy groups|Copy
8817 Selected objects/Align groups to the left (in x)|Align to left
8818 Selected objects/Align groups to the right (in x)|Align to right
8819 Selected objects/Align groups horizontally centered (in x)|Align centered l<->r
8820 Selected objects/Align groups horizontally equidistant (in x)|Equidistant l<->r
8821 Selected objects/Align groups 'to top' (in y)|Align top (rear)
8822 Selected objects/Align groups 'to bottom' (in y)|Align to bottom (front)
8823 Selected objects/Align groups vertically centered (in y)|Align centered t<->b (f<->r)
8824 Selected objects/Align groups vertically equidistant (in y)|Equidistant t<->b (f<->r)
8825 Selected objects/Align groups in height (in z)|Align height
8826 Selected objects/Align groups on the floor (in z)|Align on floor
8827 Selected objects/Align groups in height centered (in z)|Align in height centered
8828 Selected objects/Align groups in height equidistant (in z)|Equidistant in height
8829 Optimal color palette for current view|Optimal color
8830 Mirror selected objects |Mirror
8831 Switch lamps on/off|Lamps on/off
8832 Align elements
9106 Another symbol bar
9107 Floor plan view
9108 Top view (colored)
9109 Perspective view|Perspective view
9110 3D-view: wire-frame modell|Wire-frame model
9111 3D-view: colored without texture|Colored
9112 3D-view: colored with texture (average quality)|Colored + texture (average quality)
9113 3D-Ansicht: colored with texture (high quality)|Colored + texture (high quality)
9115 Walk about current story
9116 Day/Night
9117 View from a different angle
9118 Show all
9119 Up one story
9120 Down one story
9121 Start raytracing
9132 Use MMX-commands
9169 No Tool!
9185 Insert multiple walls
9186 Insert single walls
9187 Insert a wall vertical to a reference line|Insert vertical wall
9188 Insert a wall at a fixed angle to a reference line|Insert angled wall
9189 Insert a parallel wall to a reference wall|Insert parallel wall
9190 Insert a parallel wall to a fixed offset to a reference line|Insert parallel wall
9191 Insert a wall midway between two points|Insert midway wall
9201 Place a window
9202 Place a window with offset to a reference point|Place window with offset
9203 Place a window midway between two points|Place window midway
9217 Place a door
9218 Place a door with offset to a reference point|Place door with offset
9219 Place a door midway between two points|Place door midway
9233 Place staircase
9249 Place support
9265 Place chimney
9281 Insert a rectangular roof contour
9282 Automatic insertion of a roof contour
9283 Insert a roof as a polygon
9297 Draw vertical guides
9298 Draw horizontal guides
9299 Draw freehand guides
9300 Draw guide vertical to a reference line|Draw vertical guide
9301 Draw guide at a fixed angle to a reference line|Draw angled guide
9302 Draw guide parallel to a reference line|Draw parallel guide
9303 Draw parallel guide at a fixed offset to a reference line|Draw parallel guide with fixed offset
9304 Draw guide midway between two points|Draw midway guide
9313 Insert text
9329 Dimensioning
9330 Catenated Dimensioning
9337 Insert rectangular floor panel
9338 Insert floor panel
9345 Rectangular opening in ceiling
9346 Opening in ceiling
9353 Opening for support beam
9354 Opening for suspender beam
9355 Opening in wall
9426 Delete all walls for the current story
9427 Delete all doors for the current story
9428 Delete all windows for the current story
9429 Delete all supports for the current story
9430 Delete all chimneys for the current story
9431 Delete all staircases for the current story
9432 Delete all guides for the current story
9433 Delete all labels for the current story
9434 Delete all dimensions for the current story
9435 Insert staircases
9436 Place roof
9437 Label
9438 Dimensioning
9439 Insert floor panel
9440 Set ceiling opening
9441 Draw guide
9442 Normal view
9443 Layout view
9444 Enlarge view
9445 Minimize view
9446 Show whole page
9455 show numeric entering list
9456 Determine visible stories
9457 Create new story above existing stories
9458 Create new story below existing stories
9459 Edit current story (height, ceiling thickness, ...)
9460 Delete current story
9462 Build a group using selected objects
9463 Ungroup
9464 Delete all ceilings for the current story
9465 Delete all ceiling openings for the current story
9473 New project
9474 Open project
9475 Save project
9476 Save project with new name|Save as
9477 Close project
9479 Print
9480 Save image to file
9481 Open project
9482 Create project; Size, scale, unit, etc.|Create project
9483 Automatic save, backup, etc.|Options: save
9484 What should be printed in which definition?|Optionen: print
9486 About ArCon
9487 Settings used when starting ArCon|Startup settings
9488 Save image settings|Image settings
9489 Send project by e-Mail.
9505 Set options for saving|Options: save
9507 Define directories|Directories
9508 Standard values for new view|Options: new view
9509 Faktor for Zoom
9510 Set scale of grid|Grid scale
9511 What snaps in which distance?|Options: snapping
9512 Confirm deleting|Delete yes/no?
9513 Brightness of scene|Brightness
9514 Settings for movement, etc.|General settings
9515 Sound effects
9516 Attach object- and texture catalog to window|Attach catalog
9517 Settings for raytracer
9518 Ruler settings
9569 Load a group from file|Load group
9570 Save a group in file|Save group
9571 Load an object from file|Load object
9572 Save an object to file|Save object
9573 Direction in which it copies|Options: copy
9574 Where does the observer stand and where is he looking?|Observer settings
9575 Information about the object, if necessary change size|Object info
9632 Thickness, height and material of walls|Options: walls
9633 Thickness, place and material of windows|Options: windows
9634 Thickness, place and material of doors|Options: doors
9635 Thickness, place and material of chimneys|Options: chimneys
9636 Thickness, place and material of supports|Options: supports
9637 Material of floors and ceilings
9638 Place and material of ceilings|Options: ceilings
9639 Textformat and size for labels|Options: labels
9640 Dimension settings|Options: dimensions
9641 Create predefined rooms|Standard rooms!
9642 Insert walls
9643 Insert windows
9644 Insert doors
9645 Insert chimneys
9646 Insert supports
9664 Copying in construction mode|Copy
9665 Deleting in construction mode|Delete
9726 Tooltips on/off
9727 Exit ArCon|Exit
12289 Not enough memory!
12290 The front view distance has to be smaller than the rear one!
12291 Cannot find the initial file '%s'!\nChoose in the following dialog 'Start values...' and insert the appropriate paths.
12305 Error occured when loading 'LMP32.DLL'.\n%s\nPlease reinstall ArCon!
12306 Error in file 'LMP32.DLL'!\nPlease reinstall ArCon!
12307 A performance of ArCon was closed uncontrolled. You should save all applications and restart windows!
12308 Video for Windows (VfW) is not installed.\nInstall Video for Windows and restart ArCon!
12309 Cannot load a few internal objects (mouse, windows, doors, ...).\nRestart ArCon and correct in the dialog 'Start values...' the internal paths!
12320 The pages of the polygon will intersect!
12321 The polygon has to have at least three points, which are not on one line!
12322 The opening does not fit anywhere!
12323 A roof with this contour already exists.\nDo you still want to insert this roof?
12324 Should the writing settings be taking over as standard?
12325 Do you really want to delete the current story (%s)?
12326 There are windows or doors, which do not fit the wall.\nDo you want to delete them?
12327 There are windows or doors, which do not fit the wall.\nDo you want to delete them?
12581 Insert next point.
12582 The clear story height has to be at least %s!
12800 There is not enough memory to carry out this performance!
13312 Cannot read the project file %s!
13313 The label of the file %s is incorrect!
13314 The actual size of the file %s (%li) varies from the saved one (%li)!
13315 Error occured when trying to load the project from %s!
13440 Error occured when trying to save the current project in %s!
13441 Error occured when trying to save the current project in %s! (Not enough space)
13568 Load project
13569 Standard settings
13570 Standard settings
13571 Window positions
13572 Stories
13573 Windows and doors
13574 Roofs
13575 Staircases
13576 Ceiling panels
13577 Ceiling openings
13578 Supports
13579 Chimneys
13580 Equipment
13581 Guides
13582 Sheets
13583 Dimensions
13584 Labels
13585 Textures
13586 Wall openings
13587 Materials
13588 Extra information
16384 Directories
16385 Projects
16386 Groups
16387 Objects
16388 Textures
16390 Images
16391 Sheets
16392 Work
16393 AVI
16400 Save options
16401 Save when exiting
16402 automatic saving
16403 save every n minutes
16404 Backup copy
16408 Project window
16409 X
16410 Y
16411 Width
16412 Height
16413 WindowSHOW
16416 3D
16417 Scale factor
16418 maximum memorysize (KB)
16419 whole picture
16420 True Color
16424 Textures
16425 MipMaps
16426 Paths
16427 Cache
16432 Catalogues
16433 Basic path
16440 EXTRAS
16441 Mouse pixel
16442 All polygons
16443 n polygon
16444 Display by movement
16445 Move lamps bright
16446 by observation button exchanged left and right
16447 Right mouse button: degree of decision
16448 Right mouse button
16456 Save picture
16457 WMF or BMP
16458 Size as view
16459 Width
16460 Height
16461 Color depth
16462 Oversampling
16463 with edge filter
16464 as raytracing image
16472 Grid
16473 Kind of grid
16474 Spacing of grid
16480 Snap
16481 to guides
16482 to guide-intersections and -ends
16483 to wall axis
16484 to wall axis-intersections and -ends
16485 to wall faces
16486 to wall faces-intersections and -ends
16487 to panels and holes
16488 to intersections with panels and holes
16489 Points
16490 Snapping is to
16491 to sheets
16496 Zoom
16497 Zoom mode
16498 Zoom factor
16504 New view
16505 Kind of
16506 3D-description
16507 Day or night
16512 Print options
16513 Floor plan or view
16515 Definition
16516 no scaling
16517 on pages
16518 Background white
16528 Printer
16529 Standard printer
16530 Driver
16531 Device
16532 Interface
16536 Project
16537 NightR
16538 NightG
16539 NightB
16540 DayR
16541 DayG
16542 DayB
16543 Scale
16544 Scale 1 to
16545 Unit
16546 Paper format
16547 Printer format
16549 Paper width
16550 Paper height
16551 Format name
16560 Various
16561 Bubblehelp
16562 Confirm deleting
16563 Position when copying
16564 Show textures straight away
16565 Show objects straight away
16566 CheckDisk
16568 Show texture- and objectexplorer
16569 Connect texture- and objectexplorer
16576 Projects
16592 Raytracer
16593 with shadow
16594 Shadow fast
16595 with refraction
16596 with reflection
16597 pure Phong-Shading
16598 Floor- and ceiling settings
16599 Floor texture name
16600 Floor textured
16601 Floor texture and mix color
16602 Floor color
16603 Floor xRaport
16604 Floor yRaport
16605 Floor rotation
16606 Floor color red
16607 Floor color green
16608 Floor color yellow
16609 Use floor original size
16610 Floor visible
16611 Ceiling texture name
16612 Ceiling textured
16613 Ceiling texture and mix color
16614 Ceiling color
16615 Ceiling xRaport
16616 Ceiling yRaport
16617 Ceiling rotation
16618 Ceiling color red
16619 Ceiling color green
16620 Ceiling color yellow
16621 Use ceiling original size
16622 Ceiling visible
16627 Walls
16628 Angle to reference line
16629 Distribution ratio
16630 Window input
16631 Door input
16632 Distance to reference line
16633 Distribution ratio
16640 Standard walls
16641 Wall 1
16642 Wall 2
16643 Wall 3
16644 Wall 4
16645 Wall 5
16646 Wall 6
16880 Guides
16881 Angle to reference line
16882 Distribution ratio
16883 Sketching
16884 Color
16896 Texture- and object explorer
16897 ini_exPlFlags
16898 ini_exPlCmd
16899 ini_exPlMinPosX
16900 ini_exPlMinPosY
16901 ini_exPlMaxPosX
16902 ini_exPlMaxPosY
16903 ini_exPlNrmPosLeft
16904 ini_exPlNrmPosTop
16905 ini_exPlNrmPosBottom
16906 ini_exPlNrmPosRight
16912 Sounds
16913 Use sounds
16914 when starting
16915 when walking about
16916 when opening doors
16917 when riding in lift
16918 when dropping
16928 Wall settings
16929 Texture name
16930 Textured
16931 Texture and mix color
16932 Color
16933 xRaport
16934 yRaport
16935 Rotation
16936 Color red
16937 Color green
16938 Color yellow
16939 use original texture dimensions
16940 visible in 3D
16941 Thickness
16960 Dimension
16961 Type
16962 Number after comma
16963 Snap catenated dimensioning to guides
16964 Snap catenated dimensioning to wall axis
16965 Snap catenated dimensioning to wall faces
16966 Snap catenated dimensioning to panels and openings
16967 Snap catenated dimensioning to windows and doors
16976 Frame
16977 Texture frame
16978 Textur wing 1
16979 Textur wing 2
16980 Wing type
16981 Angle
16982 Width
16983 Height
16984 Other wall side
16985 Exchanged right left
16992 Chimney
16993 Thickness
16994 Width
16995 Height
16996 Rotation
16997 To the ceiling
17008 Support
17009 Thickness
17010 Width
17011 Height
17012 Rotation
17013 To the ceiling
17024 textured
17025 Texture and mix color
17026 Color
17027 xRaport
17028 yRaport
17029 Rotation
17030 Texture width
17031 Textur height
17032 Use Org measures
17033 Name
17040 Ceiling panels
17041 Edge texture name
17042 Edge textured
17043 Edge texture and mix color
17044 Edge color
17045 Edge xRaport
17046 Edge yRaport
17047 Edge rotation
17048 Edge color red
17049 Edge color green
17050 Edge color yellow
17051 Use edge original size
17052 Edge visible
65408 '%s' ist kein gⁿltiger Integerwert
65409 '%s' ist kein gⁿltiger Gleitkommawert
65410 '%s' ist kein gⁿltiges Datum
65411 '%s' ist keine gⁿltige Zeit
65412 '%s' ist kein gⁿltiges Datum und Zeit
65413 Ungⁿltiges Argument fⁿr Zeitkodierung
65414 Ungⁿltiges Argument fⁿr Datumskodierung
65415 Speicher reicht nicht aus
65416 I/O-Fehler %d
65417 Datei nicht gefunden
65418 Ungⁿltiger Dateiname
65419 Zu viele Dateien ge÷ffnet
65420 Dateizugriff verweigert
65421 Lesen nach Dateiende (EOF)
65422 KapazitΣt der Diskette/Festplatte ersch÷pft
65423 Ungⁿltige numerische Eingabe
65424 Division durch Null
65425 Bereichsⁿberschreitung
65426 Integer-▄berlauf
65427 Fehler bei Gleitkomma-Operation
65428 Gleitkommadivision durch Null
65429 ▄berlauf bei Gleitkomma-Operation
65430 Unterlauf bei Gleitkomma-Operation
65431 Ungⁿltige Zeiger-Operation
65432 Ungⁿltige Typumwandlung
65433 Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse %p. %s von Adresse %p
65434 Stack-▄berlauf
65435 Strg-C gedrⁿckt
65436 Priviligierte Instruktion
65437 Operation abgebrochen
65438 Exception %s im Modul %s bei %p.\n%s%s
65439 Anwendungsfehler
65440 Format '%s' ungⁿltig oder inkompatibel mit Argument
65441 Kein Argument fⁿr Format '%s'
65442 Ungⁿltige Varianten-Typkonvertierung
65443 Ungⁿltige Varianten-Operation
65444 Varianten-Methodenaufrufe werden nicht unterstⁿtzt
65445 Lesen
65446 Schreiben
65447 Format-Ergebnis lΣnger als 4096 Zeichen
65448 Format-String zu lang
65449 Fehler beim Erzeugen von Varianten-Array
65450 Variante ist kein Array
65451 Varianten-Array-Index au▀erhalb des zulΣssigen Bereichs
65452 Externe Exception %x
65472 Jan
65473 Feb
65474 MΣr
65475 Apr
65476 Mai
65477 Jun
65478 Jul
65479 Aug
65480 Sep
65481 Okt
65482 Nov
65483 Dez
65488 Januar
65489 Februar
65490 MΣrz
65491 April
65492 Mai
65493 Juni
65494 Juli
65495 August
65496 September
65497 Oktober
65498 November
65499 Dezember
65504 So
65505 Mo
65506 Di
65507 Mi
65508 Do
65509 Fr
65510 Sa
65511 Sonntag
65512 Montag
65513 Dienstag
65514 Mittwoch
65515 Donnerstag
65516 Freitag
65517 Samstag