5001 This application requires Microsoft Windows 95 or higher.
5002 Insert
5003 Standard
5004 Format/Style
5005 Form Tools
5006 Properties/Views
5007 Normal
5008 Heading 1
5009 Heading 2
5010 Heading 3
5011 Heading 4
5012 Heading 5
5013 Heading 6
5014 Preformatted
5015 Address
5016 Numbered List
5017 Bullet List
5018 Term
5019 Definition
5020 Image Tools
5021 Layer Tools
5022 Link to
5027 Link to the URL shown\nLink To
5028 Remove Link\nRemove
5039 Shutdown Visual Page and launch LiveUpdate?
5040 Link to:
5041 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
5042 Download remote file and save as
5047 Build 220tv
5049 Trial Version 2.0
5051 You can purchase Visual Page online at the Symantec web site.\n\nTo connect now via your default browser, press Ok.
5054 This Trial Version of %1 expires in %2 day(s).\n\nYou can purchase %1 by clicking the 'Buy' button or by selecting LiveUpdate from the Help menu.
5055 This Trial Version of %1 has expired.\n\nYou may purchase %1 online at %2 by clicking the 'Buy' button.
5056 An error has occured conversing with the Windows system.\n\n%1 cannot run at this time.
5057 It appears there has been tampering to overcome the time limits of this Trial Version.\n\n%1 is being disabled. If you have a browser installed, you may purchase %1 online at %2 by clicking the 'Buy' button.
5058 Welcome to %1.\n\nThis software is provided for evaluation purposes and is fully functional for %2 days.
5059 Bye
5060 Running your browser requires an internet connection. If you use a modem, please establish your modem connection before continuing.
5061 http://shop.symantec.com/
5076 Top:%d Left:%d
5077 Width:%d Height:%d
12001 Font
12002 Paragraph
12003 Background
12004 Borders/Margins
12005 Bullets
12006 Advanced
12007 All Styles
12011 ----------
12012 em
12013 ex
12014 Pixels
12015 Inches
12016 Millimeters
12017 Centimeters
12018 Picas
12019 Points
12020 Percent
12021 Default
12022 None
12023 Disc
12024 Circle
12025 Square
12026 1, 2, 3...
12027 i, ii, iii...
12028 I, II, III...
12029 a, b, c...
12030 A, B, C...
12032 Absolute
12033 Auto
12034 Baseline
12035 Blink
12036 Block
12037 Bold
12038 Bolder
12039 Bottom
12040 Capitalize
12041 Center
12042 Clip
12043 Dashed
12044 Default
12045 Dotted
12046 Double
12047 Fixed
12048 Groove
12049 Hidden
12050 Default
12051 Inline
12052 Inset
12053 Inside
12054 Italic
12055 Justify
12056 Large
12057 Larger
12058 Left
12059 Lighter
12060 Line-through
12061 ListItem
12062 Lowercase
12063 Medium
12064 Middle
12065 No repeat
12066 No wrap
12067 None
12068 Normal
12069 <Not Set>
12070 Oblique
12071 Outset
12072 Outside
12073 Overline
12074 Pre
12075 Ratio
12076 Relative
12077 Repeat
12078 Repeat X
12079 Repeat Y
12080 Ridge
12081 Right
12082 Scroll
12083 Small
12084 SmallCaps
12085 Smaller
12086 Solid
12087 Static
12088 Sub
12089 Super
12090 Text-bottom
12091 TextTop
12092 Thick
12093 Thin
12094 Top
12095 Transparent
12096 Underline
12097 Uppercase
12098 Visible
12099 100
12100 200
12101 300
12102 400
12103 500
12104 600
12105 700
12106 800
12107 900
12108 X-large
12109 X-small
12110 XX-large
12111 XX-small
12131 CSS File
12132 Server Info
12133 Folder Mappings
12141 Fix CSS Style Reference
12142 This URL must be a full path name. Visual Page will assume this URL to be %1
25865 Format the selection as an ordered list: 1, 2, 3, etc.
25866 Format the selection as an ordered list: a, b, c, etc.
25867 Format the selection as an ordered list: A, B, C, etc.
25868 Format the selection as an ordered list: i, ii, iii, etc.
25869 Format the selection as an ordered list: I, II, III, etc.
25870 Edit the document's properties\nPage Properties
25871 Edit the form's properties
25872 Create or edit a link for the selection\nHyperlink (Ctrl+L)
25873 Remove a link from the selection
25874 Edit the selected object's properties\nObject Properties (F4)
25878 Split the frame vertically
25879 Split the frame horizontally
25880 Open an existing document in the frame
25881 Open the frame document in a new window
25882 Remove the frame
25883 Create a Web page for non frame-enabled Web Browsers
25884 Edit the frame's properties
25885 Open a site window\nSite Window
25887 Open a Java console
25889 Set the image alignnment\nImage Alignment
25907 NewFolder
25909 Change paragraph style\nParagraph Styles
25921 Add a row after the selected row\nAdd Row
25922 Add a row above the selected row\nAdd Row Before
25923 Add a column after the selected column\nAdd Coloumn
25924 Add a column before the selected column\nAdd Column Before
25925 Delete the selected rows from the table\nDelete Rows
25926 Delete the selected columns from the table\nDelete Columns
25940 Move selection below objects floating in the left margin
25941 Move selection below objects floating in the right margin
25942 Move selection below objects floating in the left and right margin
26840 Find the next occurrence of the specified text
26841 Find the previous occurrence of the specified text
26843 Replace the specified text and finds the next occurrence
26850 Create a new Stylesheet document
26860 Object Proper&ties... F4
26861 Text Field Proper&ties... F4
26862 Selection Proper&ties... F4
26863 Text Area Proper&ties... F4
26864 Submit Buttons Proper&ties... F4
26865 Check Box Proper&ties... F4
26866 Radio Button Proper&ties... F4
26867 Line Proper&ties... F4
26868 Image Proper&ties... F4
26869 Table Proper&ties... F4
26870 Anchor Proper&ties... F4
26871 Plugin Proper&ties... F4
26872 Comment Proper&ties... F4
26873 HTML Tag Proper&ties... F4
26874 Movie Proper&ties... F4
26875 JavaScript Proper&ties... F4
26876 Java Applet Proper&ties... F4
26877 Spacer Proper&ties... F4
26878 Container Proper&ties... F4
26879 Show F&rame Properties...
26880 Hide F&rame Properties...
26881 Show &Invisibles
26882 Hide &Invisibles
26883 Edit HTML Source
26884 Edit Page
26885 &Link to... Ctrl+L
26886 Edit &Link... Ctrl+L
26887 Preview Page
26888 Edit Page
26889 Show Forms Palette
26890 Hide Forms Palette
26891 Show &Java Console
26892 Hide &Java Console
26893 &Save Ctrl+S
26894 Save &As...
26895 &Revert
26896 &Save Frame Set Ctrl+S
26897 Save Frame Set &As...
26898 &Revert Frame Set
26899 Hide St&yles
26900 Show St&yles
26901 Field
26902 Selection
26903 TextArea
26904 Submit
26905 Reset
26906 CheckBox
26907 Radio
26908 Anchor
26910 Option 1
26911 Option 2
26912 Option 3
26913 Submit
26914 Reset
26915 (Source)
26916 default.cgi
26917 Frame
26918 Button name:
26919 Alternate text:
26920 Java Applet Properties
26921 Movie Properties
26922 width:
26923 height:
26924 Java Console
26925 &Undo Ctrl+Z
26926 &Redo Ctrl+Z
26927 Image
26928 Font &Groups...
26929 &Other Font...
26930 None
26931 Selection
26940 untitled
26941 untitled
26942 (No Frames)
26943 (Local Styles)
26946 Revert to the last saved version of document "%1" ?
26947 Revert to the last saved version of "%1" and all its frames?
26980 Visual Page 2.0 for Windows - Trial Version
26990 last modified on
27000 Align object in relation to surrounding text\nObject Alignment
27011 there is not enough memory
27012 the file is being used by another application
27013 the URL cannot be accessed
27014 Visual Page does not support this file type
27015 the specified frame has no name. Please name it using the Frame properties dialog box and try again
27016 of a program error
27017 of a communication error
27018 the file is not found
27019 the directory is not found
27020 the disk is full
27021 a file with the same name already exists
27022 access is denied (the file may be read-only or located on a server with no write access)
27050 The selected image needs to be saved as a GIF file in order to be used in web pages. Please enter a name for the new GIF file.
27051 This image needs to be saved as a GIF file in order to be used in web pages. Please enter a name for the new GIF file.
27052 The background image needs to be saved as a GIF file in order to be used in web pages. Please enter a name for the new GIF file.
27103 Save Changes to Frame %1 ?
27104 Save Frame As
27106 Delete %1?
27107 Delete selected %1 items?
27108 Get the latest version of Symantec Visual Page from Symantec's FTP site
27111 Connecting to host...
27112 Change the root folder
27113 Cancel the operation\nCancel (Ctrl+Brk)
27114 Delete the selection\nDelete (Del)
27115 Download the selected item(s) from the FTP site\nDownload (Ctrl+D)
27116 Create a new folder\nNew Folder (Ctrl+M)
27117 Publish items to the selected folder\nPublish (Ctrl+U)
27118 Refresh file list\nRefresh (F5)
27119 Rename the selected file\nRename (F2)
27120 Change the root folder\nChange Folder (Ctrl+G)
27121 FTP - %1
27123 Check the page for spelling errors\nSpell Check (F7)
27200 2
27201 Arial Group
27202 Arial, Helvetica
27203 Courier Group
27204 Courier New, Courier
27221 Paragraph
27222 Heading 1
27223 Heading 2
27224 Heading 3
27225 Heading 4
27226 Heading 5
27227 Heading 6
27228 Preformatted
27229 Address
27232 Numbered List
27233 Bullet List
27234 Definition List
27235 Blockquote
27236 DIV
27237 List Item
27238 Definition Term
27239 Definition Description
27243 Body
27244 Normal Link
27245 Active Link
27246 Visited Link
27247 Keyboard
27248 Sample
27249 Variable
27250 Bold
27251 Italic
27252 Underline
27253 Strike Thru
27254 TypeWriter
27255 Emphasis
27256 Strong Emphasis
27257 Citation
27258 Code
27259 Superscript
27260 Subscript
27280 <html>
27281 <html>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text.<br>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text Sample Text
27282 <html>Sample Header
27283 <html><DIV>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text.<br>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text Sample Text
27284 <html><blockquote>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text.<br>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text Sample Text
27285 <html><OL><P>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text.<br>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text
27286 <html><UL><P>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text.<br>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text
27287 <html>List Item
27288 <html><DL>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text.<br>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text
27289 <html><DL><DT>Definition Term
27290 <html><DL><DD>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text.<br>Sample Text Sample text Sample Text
27291 <html>Links are displayed using this style
27292 <html>Active links are displayed using this style
27293 <html>Visited links are displayed using this style
27320 Please enter a style name or choose a base style to modify.
27321 This style name is already used. Are you sure you want to reuse the same name?
27322 This style is already defined. Are you sure you want to add it again?
27323 This style is being used. Are you sure you want to remove it?
27324 One or more of these styles are being used. Are you sure you want to remove them?
27325 One or more of the pasted styles have names that are already used or they are already defined. Proceed anyway ?
27326 This style cannot have a name
27327 The project was created by an older version of Visual Page
27328 The file '%1' has been modified outside of Visual Page. Do you want to reload it?
27329 The file '%1' has been modified outside of Visual Page. Do you want to reload it and lose the changes made in VisualPage?
27330 Sorry, this operation can not be completed because error %1 occured.
27331 Sorry, this operation can not be completed because %1.
27332 Save changes to the document '%1' before opening it in the viewer?
27333 Save changes to the document '%1' and its frames before opening it in the viewer?
27334 This style is used in one or more HTML files.\nClicking the OK button will save this style sheet file and update the HTML files using the style.\n\nThis operation is not undoable!
27335 The selected style(s) is used in one or more HTML files.\nClicking the OK button will save this style sheet file and remove the references to the style from the HTML files.\n\nThis operation is not undoable!
27336 This project file can not be opened because it was created by a newer version of Visual Page.
27337 The file '%1' is read-only, so you can not save any changes to it. Do you want to open it anyway?.
27338 The selected object uses the file '%1' which is outside the site root folder '%2', so it will not be published to your web server.\nDo you want to use a copy of the file instead?
27339 Style names should not include space characters.
27340 Sorry, this project cannot be opend because its root folder path '%1' is invalid. The folder may have been moved or deleted.
27400 Create a new project\nNew Project
27401 Open Project
32101 Add a new untitled web page to the project\nNew Page (Ctrl+Alt+N)
32102 Add a new untitled folder to the project\nNew Folder (Ctrl+Alt+M)
32103 Add a new server to the project for the current site\nNew Server
32104 Add files to the project\nAdd Files (Ctrl+Alt+A)
32107 Check Links\nCheck Links
32108 Download the selected items from the current server\nDownload (Ctrl+Alt+D)
32109 Upload the selected items to the current server\nUpload (Ctrl+Alt+U)
32110 Publish\nPublish (Ctrl+Alt+P)
32112 Displays the graphical link view from left to right\nHorizontal Display
32113 Displays the graphical link view from top to bottom\nVertical Display
32114 Shows or hides the links that are contained inside of your site\nInternal Links
32115 Shows or hides the external links in your site\nExternal Links
32116 Shows the broken links refenced by the selected html file\nBroken Links
32117 Shows the gif files refrenced by the selected html file\nGIF Links
32131 Refreshes the current view\nRefresh (F5)
32134 Shows or hides email links within you site\nEmail Links
32135 Shows or hides any missing links within your site\nMissing Links
32136 Shows or hides any invalid links within your site\nInvalid Links
32137 Shows or hides the links to images within your site\nImage Links
32138 Shows or hides the anchors within your site\nAnchors
32139 Your must specify a name for this project. Click on the Browse button to specify the file.
32140 You must specify a home page for your project. Click on the New button to create a new home page or click on the Browse button to select an existing one.
32142 You must specify a site folder for your project. Click on the Browse button to specify the folder.
32143 Add Files
32145 New Home Page
32146 New Project
32148 Select Site Folder
32149 Opens the project options dialog\nProject Options (Ctrl+Alt+O)
32150 Select Home Page
32151 Connect to the server\nConnect
32152 Project.vpp
32153 Abort the current operation\nAbort (Ctrl+Alt+B)
32154 Disconnect from the server\nDisconnect
32155 Delete selected item(s)\nDelete (Del)
32162 Rename the selected item\nRename (Ctrl+Alt+R)
32163 You are about to delete the selected items from this project. Do you want to delete it from your disk as well?
32164 You are about to delete the selected item from this project. Do you want to delete them from your disk as well?
32165 You are about to delete "%1". Do you want to delete it from your disk as well?
32166 untitled
32167 The project name you have specified is invalid. It must have an extension of ".vpp".
32168 The home page you have specified is invalid. It must have an extension of ".htm", ".html", or ".shtml".
32169 You have entered information in one or more of the server information fields, but you have left the host information blank. Please fill out the host information or remove the information from the other fields to continue.
32170 The server is currently busy. Would you like to abort the current operation and close the project window?
32171 The server is currently is busy. You must wait until the operation is complete before you can close the project window.
32172 Cannot rename this item. An item with the name you specified already exists. Please specify a different name.
32173 The project file that you have specified already exists. Do you want to replace it?
32174 One or more of the files that you were attempting to add to your project was located outside of your site folder. You will need to copy them inside the folder and add them again.
32175 The site folder that you have specified does not exist or is invalid. Please click on the 'Browse' button to specify a valid site folder.
40001 Change the text size to the default value (defined by the browser)
40002 Change the text size to 1
40003 Change the text size to 2
40004 Change the text size to 3
40005 Change the text size to 4
40006 Change the text size to 5
40007 Change the text size to 6
40008 Change the text size to 7
40009 Increase the text size \nIncrease (Ctrl+])
40010 Decrease the text size\nDecrease (Ctrl+[)
40029 Change the text size to 9 Point
40030 Change the text size to 10 Point
40032 Change the text size to 12 Point
40034 Change the text size to 14 Point
40038 Change the text size to 18 Point
40044 Change the text size to 24 Point
40056 Change the text size to 36 Point
40099 Enter a custom text size in a dialog box
40100 Make the selection plain; removes existing text styling
40101 Format the selection as keyboard input from the user
40102 Format the selection with sample output from programs or scripts
40103 Format the selection as a variable or argument to commands
40104 Make the selection bold\nBold (Ctrl+B)
40105 Make the selection italic\nItalic (Ctrl+I)
40106 Make the selection underline\nUnderline (Ctrl+U)
40107 Make the selection strike thru
40108 Make the selection to fixed width\nFixed Width
40109 Format the selection with emphasis in an italic font
40110 Format the selection with strong emphasis in a bold font
40111 Format the selection as a citation or reference
40112 Format the selection as an extract from program code
40113 Make the selection superscript
40114 Make the selection subscript
40115 Make the selection Java Script
40140 Remove all text attributes
40200 Set the text font\nText Font
40201 Change the selected text font to the default value (defined by the browser)
42000 Switch to the layers mode (Insert and work with layers)\nLayer Mode
42001 Insert a container\nInsert Container
42002 Switch to the text mode (Word processor mode)\nText Mode
42003 Move the selected objects forward
42004 Move the selected objects to front\nMove to front
42005 Move the selected objects backward
42006 Move the selected objects to back\nMove to back
42007 Align left edges of the selected objects\nAlign left edges
42008 Align top edges of the selected objects\nAlign top edges
42009 Align right edges of the selected objects\nAlign right edges
42010 Align bottom edges of the selected objects\nAlign bottom edges