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- README for Symantec Visual Page Trial Version 2.0
- =================================================================
- Copyright (c) 1998 by Symantec Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- Other brands and their products are trademarks of their respective
- holders.
- Table of Contents:
- I. Welcome!
- II. Minimum System Requirements
- III. Installation Notes
- IV. General Notes
- V. User Tips
- VI. Known Problems
- VII. Contacting Symantec
- * * * * * *
- I. Welcome!
- =================================================================
- Welcome to Symantec's Visual Page Trial for Windows 95 and
- Windows NT. This is a fully functional version of the retail
- product, but will time out 30-days after the first launch.
- Please take a few minutes to read this file, which contains the
- latest information regarding this release.
- The Visual Page templates, complete Active Desktop set, sample style
- sheets and Art Collection are only available in the retail product.
- * * * * * *
- II. Minimum System Requirements
- =================================================================
- IBM PC or 100% compatible
- Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0 or higher
- 486-66 MHz or above
- 20 MB free hard disk space
- VGA (256 colors are required for previewing Java Applets)
- 8 MB of RAM for Windows 95
- 12 MB of RAM for Windows NT
- * * * * * *
- III. Installation Notes
- =================================================================
- Installing from Symantec's Web Site
- -----------------------------------
- If you download the files from our Web site, please copy them
- into an empty directory. To expand the installation files, run
- the executable from File | Run, or at a DOS prompt. Once
- expanded, run SETUP.EXE to install Visual Page.
- If you choose not to download the full version of Visual Page,
- you may at any time download individual supporting files, such
- as the Tour (Getting Started) or Help. Place these
- supporting files; e.g. tour.bin, into the directory containing
- the installer and then run Setup.exe.
- Note: When downloading individual components (*.bin)
- Netscape Communicator may incorrectly append an extension
- to the file name. Once the file has been downloaded to your
- computer please rename the file to contain the appropriate
- extension; e.g. help.bin, tour.bin, or template.bin.
- We have included the User's Guide and Getting Started manuals
- in PDF format which are optimized for printing, because of this,
- some images may appear blurry when viewed through Acrobat Reader.
- Getting Started Tour and Templates
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- The Tour files are also available in uncompressed form on
- the retail CD in the \uncompressed\tour directory.
- The Getting Started and User's Guide are available in PDF format
- in the \documentation directory on the CD.
- If you purchased the trial version from the web, please download
- the self extracting exe file: documentation.exe to any directory
- on your local drive and then run it.
- As with any new software, please install the trial version of
- Visual Page into a clean directory.
- Please do not install the trial version over an existing version of
- Visual Page.
- Installing the ACDSee Image Browser
- ---------------------------------------
- A shareware version of ACD Systems' ACDSee image browser with a 30-day
- license is included on the retail CD for the viewing of the Visual Page
- Art Collection. ACDSee can also be downloaded from:
- http://www.acdsystems.com/acd/acdsee32.html
- To add any of the images to your web pages, hold down the Control key
- while dragging the image from ACDSee to Visual Page. You will be
- prompted with the Save As dialog allowing you to choose an appropriate
- location for the image such as an image directory relative to your web
- pages, as opposed to a link back to the Visual Part Art directory, which
- may be on the CD. To use any of the images as backgrounds, copy the image
- into the appropriate directory (i.e. /images), open the Page Properties
- dialog and navigate to the directory.
- IV. General Notes
- =================================================================
- Trial Time-out Mechanism
- ---------------------------------------
- The 30 day time-out mechanism in the Visual Page 2.0 trial version
- is instantiated the first time the application is launched. After
- 30 days, the 2.0 Trial version can not be made to run under that
- install of the Windows operating system unless the software
- is purchased.
- Visual Page Highlights
- ---------------------------------------
- To view the highlights main page, open highlights.htm located in the
- \Visual Page\Highlights directory. The highlights can also be viewed
- using your browser and is accessible from the Symantec Visual Page
- program group.
- Visual Page Getting Started Errata
- ---------------------------------------
- 1. On page 3-6 of Visual Page Getting Started, click Browse instead
- of New to add the ImportMe.html. To import this file, navigate
- to the Tour folder and open Importme.html. This file will add
- all the necessary files for you to complete the tour. Continue
- on Page 3-8, step #6.
- Before starting the Tour, you must open the Edit Preferences
- dialog box and select Run Java Applets in Preview mode.
- Next, you must create and add the home.htm file by selecting the
- Tour folder and selecting the New Page icon in the toolbar.
- Name the new page "home.htm".
- 2. In Visual Page Getting Started, on page 3-14, it states:
- "To preview the contents of the Home page, double-click on the
- file icon for home.htm in the Project Manager window..."
- It should read:
- "...double-click on the file icon for home.htm that is in the
- Walkthrough folder in the Project Manager window..."
- Using the Active Desktops
- ---------------------------------------
- Win98:
- Open the display properties in the Control Panel and select the
- Background tab. Click the <Browse> button and navigate to the
- \Visual Page\Active desktops directory, open the desired
- theme directory and open the corresponding HTML file.
- Windows 95 and NT 4.0:
- Obtain and install the Windows Desktop Update from Microsoft which
- is included with Internet Explorer 4.0 and follow the above
- instructions.
- The Symantec Active Desktop is included in the Trial Version as
- an example of the Active Desktops included with the retail product.
- Cascading Style Sheets
- ----------------------------------------
- Cascading style sheets and layers work best in the 4.0 browsers.
- Additional CSS information is available from www.w3c.org/style.
- * * * * * *
- V. User Tips
- =================================================================
- Q: How do I retain my entries in the custom dictionary if I
- reinstall Visual Page to a different drive, directory or
- another machine?
- A: The Visual Page uninstaller does not remove the custom.pd file
- in the \Visual Page directory containing custom entries for
- the user dictionary. If you choose to install Visual Page into
- another directory or machine and wish to retain the dictionary,
- copy the custom.pd file into the Visual Page root directory of
- the new install. The installer will not write over an existing
- custom.pd.
- Q: I noticed after uninstalling Visual Page, the Visual Page directory
- was not deleted.
- A: The Visual Page installer logs all files installed with the
- exception of the initial spell checker's custom user
- dictionary, custom.pd. If you uninstall Visual Page, this file,
- and other files created after installation, are not uninstalled.
- Q: I'm using frames with mixed border widths. However, Netscape
- displays the entire frameset using the border width of the first
- frame.
- A: Netscape 4.0 and earlier uses the first border width value
- encountered and applies it to the entire frameset.
- Q: How do I run QuickTime Movies?
- A: In order to run QuickTime Movies in Visual Page, you must obtain
- the QuickTime software from Apple Computer, Inc. At the time
- this file was written, the QuickTime files are available at
- http://quicktime.apple.com. QuickTime is a trademark of Apple
- Computer, Inc.
- Q: Why won't my applets appear in preview mode?
- A: Make sure the "Run Applets in Preview Mode" preference item is
- checked and that you are running 256 or more colors. It is also not
- uncommon for vendors of Java applications to install any supporting
- virtual machine (VM) or Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler files into
- the system directory. Check your Windows and System directories
- (system32 for NT) for JAVAI.DLL and AWT.DLL. Rename the file(s)
- to *.SAV and relaunch Visual Page.
- Q: How can I determine why my applet won't run in preview mode?
- A: Place the HTML file in preview mode. Select Show Java Console
- from the View menu. All Java errors are displayed within this
- window. In many cases, it is likely that Visual Page is unable
- to find one or more supporting class files for the applet.
- This may occur if your applet contains a custom component.
- Create an environment variable for the Classpath variable.
- Point the Classpath variable to the zip file that contains the
- class file.
- In Windows 95, place a statement similar to the one below in the
- Set Classpath=C:\directoryname\classfile.zip.
- In Windows NT Choose Start > Control Panel > System. Select the
- Environment Tab in the System Properties dialog box. Enter the
- word Classpath in the Variable field. Enter the path to the zip
- file containing the classes in the Value field.
- Q: How Do I create CSS contextual selectors within Visual Page?
- For example, I want to change the color of bullet lists, but
- only for those contained within numbered lists.
- A: This can be accomplished by assigning the desired style(s) to the
- first selector (i.e. OL) within the Style Sheet editor and
- then adding the remaining selectors in the source editor.
- For example: OL {Color : Red}
- Change to: OL UL LI {Color : Red}
- Q: Why do file names of broken links appear in lower case when I know
- the file name is upper or mixed case?
- A: The "broken" file name is only in the project file and does not
- affect any Java or HTML file. Since the reference to the real
- filename is missing, they are represented in lowercase by the
- Project Manager.
- Q: When I open a .DIB or .BMP in my project, it is opened as a .GIF
- file and saved as such when I close it.
- A: Since .DIB and .BMP are not Web image formats, Visual Page
- automatically converts them to the .GIF format.
- Q: When I make Netscape 3.x my default browser in the Viewers panel
- of the Preferences dialog, then later change the default browser
- to Netscape 4.x, Netscape 3.x still launches when I click on
- the Open in Viewer button.
- A: When Netscape 3.x was last run, it overwrote the Window's registry
- making itself the default browser instead of Netscape 4.x. The
- solution is to launch 4.x outside of Visual Page, causing it to
- become the default broswer.
- Q: I often receive two copies when printing through Netscape by
- using the Open in Viewer - Netscape Navigator (print) button.
- A: Netscape may be configured in the Window's registry such that if
- it is not running and the print function is invoked through
- Visual Page, Netscape will receive both a command line request
- and a DDE request causing two copies to print. The workaround
- is to already be running an instance of Netscape before using
- this feature in Visual Page.
- WARNING: Do not edit the Windows registry if you are not
- familiar with it.
- Q: Which version of Sun's JDK is included in Visual Page 2.0?
- A: JDK 1.1.5
- Q: When adding several files, linking a default stylesheet, or when
- opening a project after I have modified my files outside of Visual
- Page, the application appears to hang and the Windows NT Task
- Manager shows a status of "not responding." Has Visual Page
- crashed?
- A: Adding several files, linking a default stylesheet to a large
- project or performing global site operations is an intensive
- process. Completion time is dependent on the speed of your
- machine and the amount of files processed. It is not uncommon
- for Windows to report the application as not responding during
- such operations.
- Q: Can I move or copy my project directory to another drive or
- directory?
- A: Yes. However it will be necessary to recreate the .vpp project
- file using the Project Wizard. You cannot copy .vpp files to
- other locations.
- * * * * * *
- VI. Known Problems and Workarounds
- ================================================================
- o When converting 24 bit (true color or 16 million color)
- BMP files to GIF files, the palette may not be saved with the
- image. As a result the image may appear as a black square.
- We recommend you manually convert the image with an external
- program and then add the GIF to your HTML file.
- o Columns that span across multiple pages may not appear when
- printing from the Visual Editor.
- o CSS Image paths for images used as bullets are converted to
- relative paths upon saving for untitled documents. The
- Workaround is to title the page before saving.
- o Remote folders on a server can not be renamed.
- o Visual Page uses browser safe colors only when "Run Java Applets
- in Preview Mode" is unchecked in the Preferences. This the
- default setting. When this item is checked, the JDK 1.1.5
- palette is used.
- o During installation of Visual Page, you may encounter a "Please
- insert disk labeled 'DLL Installations' and press OK" message.
- This message is produced by a Microsoft redistributable file
- called the Visual Page installer. You can click Cancel with
- no ill effects and the Visual Page installation will complete
- normally.
- o It is recommended that you install the application on Windows NT
- using an account with administrator rights. Doing this makes certain
- system DLLs are properly updated. Visual Page will install on NT
- without administrator rights, however it's possible these
- DLLs will not be updated since the system32 directory is locked.
- o Visual Page does not append the file extension to file names
- changed in the server tab of the Site Project window. When
- renaming files in the server tab of the Site Project window,
- you must include the proper file extension in the new file name.
- * * * * * *
- VII. Contacting Symantec
- ================================================================
- o During the 30-day trial period we offer free and unlimited
- electronic support on Symantec's news server at:
- service.symantec.com.
- o Please refer to the newsgroups under:
- symantec.support.devtools.pc.visualpage
- Note: your company's firewall may prevent you from accessing
- this service.
- o Web based discussion groups that do not require
- news reader software are available at:
- http://www.symantec.com/techsupp/news/index.html
- o Support is also available on the Usenet newsgroup:
- comp.lang.java
- o Send bug reports to:
- Support_javawin@symantec.com
- * * * * * *
- Thank you for using Visual Page! We are confident you will find it
- to be a valuable Web page development and site management asset.
- Sincerely,
- The Symantec Internet Tools Team