PC World Komputer 1998 November
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BASIC Source File
303 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "VBINV1"
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Copyright (C) 1993-1996 Visio Corporation. All rights reserved.
' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute
' the Sample Application Files (and/or any modified version) in any way
' you find useful, provided that you agree that Visio has no warranty,
' obligations or liability for any Sample Application Files.
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
'-- Win 3.1 API Helpers
Global Const OFN_HIDEREADONLY = &H4&
Global Const IDYES = 6
Global Const IDNO = 7
Global Const MB_YESNO = 4
Global Const MB_ICONQUESTION = 32
Global Const G_VERSION = "v1.1"
'-- The globals below store the delimter and separator lists used in
'-- exporting. g_TextDelims() contains the total text delimiters available
'-- and g_TextDelimIdx indicates which one is to be used. The same goes for
'-- field separators. Both arrays use zero based indexes.
'-- Finally there is a boolean Integer which decided if field names are to
'-- be included during exports.
Global g_TextDelims() As String
Global g_iTextDelimIdx As Integer
Global g_FieldSeps() As String
Global g_iFieldSepIdx As Integer
Global g_bIncFieldNames As Integer
Sub AppConnect()
'--- AppConnect -------------------------
'-- Connects to Visio. If not present we end.
If vaoGetObject() <> visOK Then
MsgBox "Visio could not be run.", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, ""
End If
End Sub
Function ApplyTextDel(ByVal strField As String) As String
'--- ApplyTextDel -------------------
'-- Formats a text field for output by adding text delimiters if needed and
'-- checking for embedded delimiters.
Dim strTemp As String, strDelim As String, I As Integer
strDelim = g_TextDelims(g_iTextDelimIdx)
If strDelim <> "" Then '-- If Using A Delimiter
strTemp = strTemp + strDelim
For I = 1 To Len(strField)
Select Case Mid(strField, I, 1)
Case strDelim:
strTemp = strTemp + strDelim
End Select
strTemp = strTemp + Mid(strField, I, 1)
Next I
strTemp = strTemp + strDelim
strTemp = strField
End If
ApplyTextDel = strTemp
End Function
Sub BeginWaitCursor()
'--- BeginWaitCursor ----------------
'-- Use this procedure in conjuction with EndWaitCursor to toggle the cursor
'-- between an hourglass, wait mode, and a regular pointer.
Screen.MousePointer = 11 '-- Set Cursor To Hourglass
End Sub
Function ConvertDelimSep(strSepDel As String) As String
'--- ConvertDelimSep ----------------
'-- Converts the text separator or delimiter passed to it into a human
'-- readable form. Only useful for special control characters.
Select Case strSepDel
Case "": ConvertDelimSep = "{none}"
Case Chr$(9): ConvertDelimSep = "{tab}"
Case Chr$(10): ConvertDelimSep = "{LF}"
Case Chr$(13): ConvertDelimSep = "{CR}"
Case Chr$(32): ConvertDelimSep = "{space}"
Case Else: ConvertDelimSep = strSepDel
End Select
End Function
Sub EndWaitCursor()
'--- EndWaitCursor ------------------
'-- Use this procedure in conjuction with BeginWaitCursor to toggle the cursor
'-- between an hourglass, wait mode, and a regular pointer.
Screen.MousePointer = 0 '-- Restore Default Mouse Pointer
End Sub
Sub ExportToFile(strFile As String)
'--- ExportToFile -------------------
'-- Exports the grid to a file.
On Error GoTo FileExportErrHandler
Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer, Temp As String
Dim iOldRow As Integer, iOldCol As Integer
Dim iFileNum As Integer, ctlQueryGrid As Grid
Dim sFieldSep As String
Set ctlQueryGrid = frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid '-- Alias Grid
sFieldSep = g_FieldSeps(g_iFieldSepIdx)
iFileNum = FreeFile
Open strFile For Output As iFileNum
iOldRow = ctlQueryGrid.Row '-- Save Last Row And Column
iOldCol = ctlQueryGrid.Col
If g_bIncFieldNames Then
ctlQueryGrid.Row = 0 '-- Move To Field Row
For iCol = 0 To ctlQueryGrid.Cols - 1
ctlQueryGrid.Col = iCol
If iCol <> 0 Then Temp = Temp + sFieldSep
Temp = Temp + ApplyTextDel(ctlQueryGrid.Text)
Next iCol
Temp = Temp + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) '-- Append CR/LF
Print #iFileNum, Temp; '-- Print Field Names
End If
For iRow = 1 To ctlQueryGrid.Rows - 1
ctlQueryGrid.Row = iRow
Temp = ""
For iCol = 0 To ctlQueryGrid.Cols - 1
ctlQueryGrid.Col = iCol
If iCol <> 0 Then Temp = Temp + sFieldSep
Temp = Temp + ApplyTextDel(ctlQueryGrid.Text)
Next iCol
Temp = Temp + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) '-- Append CR/LF
Print #iFileNum, Temp; '-- Output To File
Next iRow
ctlQueryGrid.Row = iOldRow '-- Restore Last Row And Column
ctlQueryGrid.Col = iOldCol
Close iFileNum
Exit Sub
If iFileNum > 0 Then Close iFileNum
Exit Sub
Resume Next
End Sub
Function iIsWithin%(CompVal As Integer, LowerBnd As Integer, UpperBnd As Integer)
'--- iIsWithin ----------------------
'-- Performs a range check on the two parameters. Note, it checks that
'-- CompVal is equal to or within the bounds, not inbetween.
'-- To overload this function just use a new prefix/suffix combination for the
'-- type you want to compare on and adjust the parameter types.
'-- Parameters : CompVal Value to apply range check to.
'-- LowerBnd Lower bound of range.
'-- UpperBnd Upper bound of range.
'-- Returns : BOOLEAN True if
If CompVal >= LowerBnd And CompVal <= UpperBnd Then
iIsWithin% = True
iIsWithin% = False
End If
End Function
Function iMax(Param1 As Integer, Param2 As Integer) As Integer
'--- iMax ---------------------------
'-- Returns the largest object of the two passed. To overload this function
'-- just use a new prefix/suffix combination for the type you want to compare
'-- on and adjust the parameter types.
'-- Parameters : Param1, Param2 Values to compare.
'-- Returns : The larger of the two values passed.
If Param1 < Param2 Then
iMax = Param2
iMax = Param1
End If
End Function
Sub InitExportOptions()
'--- InitExportOptions --------------
'-- Sets up the text delimiters and field separators for exporting.
g_bIncFieldNames = True '-- Default To Include Field Names
'-- Setup Text Delimiters
ReDim g_TextDelims(0 To 2) '-- Setup Text Delimiters....
g_TextDelims(0) = "" '-- Nothing
g_TextDelims(1) = Chr$(34) '-- Double Quote
g_TextDelims(2) = "'" '-- Single Quote
g_iTextDelimIdx = 0 '-- Default To First Delimiter
'-- Setup Field Separators
ReDim g_FieldSeps(0 To 2) '-- Setup Field Separators....
g_FieldSeps(0) = Chr$(9) '-- Tab
g_FieldSeps(1) = "," '-- Comma
g_FieldSeps(2) = " " '-- Space
g_iFieldSepIdx = 0 '-- Default To First Separator
End Sub
Function StripPath(strFileName As String) As String
'--- StripPath ----------------------
'-- Strips the path out of a string passed.
'-- Parameters : strFileName String containing the file name whose path is to
'-- be stripped out.
'-- Returns : String containg file name with path stripped out.
Dim I As Integer
Dim strFile As String
strFile = strFileName '-- Default To No Path
For I = Len(strFileName) To 1 Step -1
If Mid$(strFileName, I, 1) = "\" Or Mid$(strFileName, I, 1) = ":" Then
strFile = Right$(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - I)
Exit For
End If
Next I
StripPath = strFile '-- Return File Name
End Function