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/ PC World Komputer 1998 November / pcwk_11_98a.iso / Wtestowe / Vistdtk / Install / Data.Z / Setup.INS (.txt) < prev    next >
InstallShield Script  |  1997-11-26  |  145KB  |  1,071 lines

  1. Stirling Technologies, Inc.  (c) 1990-1994
  15. SHARED
  16. UNINST
  17. ISRES
  18. ISUSER
  29. _sdRECT
  30. right
  31. bottom
  33. major
  34. minor
  35. build
  37. origX
  38. origY
  39. _sdSIZE
  40. KERNEL32
  41. WritePrivateProfileStringA
  42. KERNEL32
  43. LoadLibraryA
  44. KERNEL32
  45. GetCurrentDirectoryA
  46. KERNEL32
  47. SetCurrentDirectoryA
  48. KERNEL32
  49. GetVersionExA
  50. _ExSetup
  51. exGetUserLangID
  52. _ExSetup
  53. exGetMaxFilenameLength
  54. _ExSetup
  55. exSelfRegisterDLL
  56. _ExSetup
  57. exGetIniString
  58. _ExSetup
  59. exCreateShortcut    
  60. _ExSetup
  61. exIsLocalSpeller
  62. _ExSetup
  63. exUseLocalSpeller
  64. _ExSetup
  65. exIsBackupOption
  66. _ExSetup
  67. exCleanupPriorVersion
  68. _ExSetup
  69. exWinExecWait
  70. _ExSetup
  71. exCleanupLoggedUI
  72. ExSetup
  73. exQueryInterface
  74. ExSetup
  75. exNotifyStart
  76. ExSetup
  77. exCopyInstallInfo
  78. ExSetup
  79. exCrossGrade
  80. ExSetup    
  81. exGetInfo
  82. ExSetup
  83. exNotifyStop
  84. VisioVBA
  85. VisioVBAInstall
  86. KERNEL32
  87. GetPrivateProfileStringA
  88. SHELL
  89. ShellExecute
  90. SHELL32
  91. ShellExecuteA
  92. SHELL
  93. FindExecutable
  94. SHELL32
  95. FindExecutableA
  96. SelectObject
  97. GetTextExtentPoint
  98. EnableWindow
  99. GetClassName
  100. GetDC
  101. GetDlgItem
  102. GetFocus
  103. GetWindowLong
  104. GetWindowRect
  105. GetWindowWord
  106. IsIconic
  107. IsWindow
  108. IsWindowEnabled
  109. MoveWindow
  110. USER    
  111. ReleaseDC
  112. SetFocus
  113. SetWindowText
  114. ShowWindow
  115. LoadString
  116. KERNEL
  117. GetModuleHandle
  118. GetClientRect
  119. SetWindowPos
  120. PostMessage
  121. ShowCursor
  122. SystemParametersInfo
  123. SetupLIB
  124. SetupLIB
  125. Setup.Z
  126. Setup.Za
  127. wksta.tag
  128. _ExSetup.DLL
  129. config.ini
  130. config3.ini
  131. Config_2.INI
  132. New Visio Drawing
  133. Initializationa
  134. CleanupIniR
  135. cleanup.ini%
  136. InitializationF
  137. /-signal-!
  138. setup.ini
  139. /-NoDao-!
  140. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinlogonR
  141. Shell28
  142. userhook!
  143. Setup has detected that USERHOOK.EXE is running which may cause DAO and Visio Start Menu options to be incorrectly installed. Dell Computer Corporation has posted a fix which you can download from their World Wide Web site ata
  144. http://www.dell.com/filelib/31be.htm.
  145. Note:  The Dell Computer Corporation Web site address may change without notice.  If this occurs, link to the Dell Computer Corporation home page at http://www.dell.com.
  146. Would you like to continue setup ?(
  150. WinNT b
  152. 3.51(
  153. Setup has detected that you are running NT3.51. For proper operation of Visio 5.0 you must be running Windows 95 or Windows NT4.
  154. For more information please consult the Readme.TXT file on the CD.A
  155. stringsa
  156. NotAdminR4
  157. stringsa
  158. AdminOptionR4
  159. VISIOA
  160. Setup has determined that the following applications are running:
  161. Visio
  162. AppsRunning23
  163. App_!
  164. AppsRunningb<
  165. AppsRunningMsgb<
  166. We recommend that you quit these applications before continuing.
  167. Setup has determined that the following applications are running:
  168. We recommend that you quit these applications before continuing.#
  169. /-no_welcome-!
  170. Configuring installation options..."
  171. Initializationa
  172. RootDirb2
  173. Workstation Optionsa
  174. wksta
  175. wkstaa
  176. _wksta_A
  177. Install Optionsa
  178. roota
  179. _custom_A
  180. /-cache-!
  181. _cache.ini
  182. System%
  183. Visio.BIN
  184. System
  185. Visio.BIN!
  186. Unable to remove Visio.BINA
  187. stringsa    
  188. ExitSetupR4
  189. Exit setup?(
  190. Product NameR%
  191. Product KeyR'
  192. Company NameR$
  193. Visio
  194. Product VersionR&
  195. Deinstall KeyR(
  196. Uninstall NameR)
  197. Application ExeR*
  198. SelfGUIDR6
  199. Initializationa
  200. DefaultDirR
  201. Visio Technical Test Drive
  202. _custom_,
  203. _typical_,
  204. _minimum_
  205. Initializationa
  206. DefaultDirR
  207. Visio Technical Test Drive
  208. Startupa
  209. AppNameR
  210. Visio$
  211. Network Setup
  212. Dialog WKSTAa
  213. TitleR
  214. Dialog WKSTAa
  215. Line1R
  216. wkstaA
  217. _custom_,
  218. roota
  219. The destination directory may not have enough space for all of the options you have selected.
  220. Do you want to continue anyway?A
  221. root!
  222. ItemSet:_custom_a
  223. roota
  224. ItemSet:_custom_b
  225. Destination Folder: A
  226. Typical,
  227. Custom,
  228. Compact
  229. Install Option: A
  230. Install Option: A
  231. wksta
  232. Toolbar buttons requested for: #
  233. Program Manager Group: A
  234. Document Start Menu Folder: A
  235. Install Option: A
  236. Network Setup
  237. Destination Folder: A
  238. ItemSet:a
  239. Spell Checker
  240. Spell Checker filesa
  241. itemset
  242. System%
  243. Visio.INI
  244. Uninstall Fileb
  245. |delete|%
  246. System%
  247. Visio.BIN
  248. Uninstall FilebG
  249. |delete|%
  250. System%
  251. Visio.BIN
  252. Uninstall FilebG
  253. |delete|%
  254. Help\Visio.ftg
  255. Uninstall FilebF
  256. |delete|%
  257. Help\template.ftg
  258. Uninstall FilebF
  259. |delete|
  260. Uninstall Fileb
  261. |delete|%
  262. Startup
  263. Visio Add-onsa
  264. VisioAddonsR
  265. Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Visio Add-onsP
  266. Spell Checkera
  267. localR
  268. applicationa
  269. UserDictionaryPath1b
  270. roota
  271. Developing Visio Solutions!
  272. applicationa
  273. StencilPatha
  274. applicationa
  275. TemplatePatha
  276. applicationa
  277. AddonsPatha
  278. applicationa
  279. HelpPatha
  280. Drawings
  281. applicationa
  282. DrawingsPatha
  283. Drawings,
  284. SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Foldersa
  285. Personal2
  286. applicationa
  287. DrawingsPathb
  288. applicationa
  289. StencilPatha    
  290. Solutions
  291. applicationa
  292. TemplatePatha    
  293. Solutions
  294. applicationa
  295. AddonsPatha    
  296. Solutions
  297. applicationa
  298. HelpPatha    
  299. Solutions
  300. applicationa
  301. HelpPatha
  302. applicationa
  303. FiltersPath32a
  304. System\Filter32
  305. itemset:VBAa
  307. 0x409
  308. Software\Visiob%
  309. InstallDirA
  310. Software\Visiob%
  311. LanguageA
  313. Initializationa
  314. TopRGBR
  315. 0,128,128
  316. Initializationa    
  317. BottomRGBR
  318. 0,32,32
  319. SetupA
  320. data.zb
  321. The destination drive has insufficent disk space to complete this installation successfully.
  322. You must free up some disk space to allow Visio Setup to complete.
  323. Click OK to continue or Cancel to exit this Setup.
  324. Unable to create a directory under: b
  325. Please check write access to this directory.*
  326. General file transfer error on files: b
  327. Please check your target location and try again.$
  328. Error Number:$
  329. Dialog Finisha
  330. Line1R
  331. Dialog Finisha
  332. Line2R
  333. Setup Completeb
  334. Restart Windowsb
  335. Backing up stencils and templates...
  336. Initializationa    
  337. BackupDirR
  338. Backup
  339. .VST|!
  340. .VSS|!
  341. data.zb
  342. Processing install options...$
  343. Exclude b
  344. wkstaB
  345. pP    b3
  346. _always_B
  347. *.gid
  348. *.fts
  349. *.ftg
  350. SystemE
  351. Visio32.EXEG
  352. Installing system files...
  353. Install File,
  354. data.za
  355. Network Exclude2
  356. Network Error 1 : b
  357. Network Error 2A
  358. System
  359. SETUP
  361. Configuring installed files...T
  362. The following files were not registered correctly: b
  363. Organizing files to be installed...
  364. Stringsa
  365. CopyProductR
  366. Copying files...
  367. Install File,
  368. Install File
  369. File Control2
  370. Shell Icons
  371. File Controlb
  372. WinDir!
  373. CommonFilesDir!
  374. Microsoft Shared\DAO
  375. WinSysDir!
  376. KeepSubDir!
  377. Wksta!
  378. Icon!
  379. ShellIcon!
  380. Install Shell IconsbF
  381. Install IconsbF
  382. Repositry!
  383. MSApps%
  384. Repostry
  385. NotReplace!
  386. Date!
  387. Version!
  388. Shared!
  389. System!
  390. OS Core!
  391. DeSelfReg!
  392. System%
  393. ExSetup.INI
  394. Uninstall FilebF
  395. DllUnregisterServer(
  396. /u /s "bG
  397. REGSVR32.EXEb
  398. Uninstall FilebF
  399. DllUnregisterServer(
  400. /u /s "bG
  401. REGSVR32.EXEb
  402. SelfReg!
  403. Uninstall FilebF
  404. DllUnregisterServer%
  405. Configure FilebF
  406. DllRegisterServer,
  407. AfterBootRegister!
  408. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce!
  409. ZZ Register b
  410. regsvr32.exe /s $
  411. RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A
  412. Regserver!
  413. Uninstall FilebF
  415. Configure FilebF
  417. Help Register!
  418. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help!
  419. RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A
  420. Office Compatible!
  421. Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\b
  422. Path!
  423. Special!
  424. Configure FilebF
  425. DllRegisterServer
  426. data.zb
  427. data.zb
  428. Assert() failed: b
  429. WinNT,
  430. Win95,
  431. Win31
  432. .VSDR
  433. \protocol\StdFileEditing\server
  434. SHELL.DLL!
  435. SHELL.DLL
  436. SHELL32.DLL!
  437. SHELL32.DLL
  438. SHELL.DLL!
  439. openb
  440. SHELL.DLL
  441. SHELL32.DLL!
  442. openb
  443. SHELL32.DLL
  444. WIN32APP%
  445. Buffer under run on GetIniList() with section b
  446.  in file $
  447. Internal StdVisio Error - NewList() failed.A
  448. PushByte.nByte out of range(
  449. PushByte.nByte out of range/
  450. DialogFinish!
  451. ResultA
  452. bOpt1A
  453. bOpt2A
  454. Finish
  455. ResultA
  456. bOpt1A
  457. bOpt2A
  458. edit(
  459. SETUPSTR862RF
  460. Disk Space0
  461. temp.txt
  462. temp.txt
  463. In function '%s':
  464. Unable to create dialog.
  465. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
  466. ErrorbG
  467. _sdSIZEa
  468. %s-%ldb
  469. SdRegisterUserEx!
  470. ResultA
  471. szNameA
  472. szCompanyA
  473. szSerialA
  474. SdRegisterUserEx!
  475. szNameA
  476. szCompanyA
  477. szSerialA
  478. ResultA
  479. SdRegisterUser!
  480. ResultA
  481. szNameA
  482. szCompanyA
  483. SdRegisterUser!
  484. szNameA
  485. szCompanyA
  486. ResultA
  487. SdConfirmRegistration!
  488. ResultA
  489. SdConfirmRegistration!
  490. ResultA
  491. SdConfirmNewDir!
  492. ResultA
  493. SdConfirmNewDir!
  494. ResultA
  495. SdAskDestPath!
  496. ResultA
  497. szDirA
  498. SdAskDestPath!
  499. szDirA
  500. ResultA
  501. SdWelcome!
  502. ResultA
  503. SdWelcome!
  504. ResultA
  505. SdShowInfoList!
  506. ResultA
  507. SdShowInfoList!
  508. ResultA
  509. SdSelectFolder!
  510. ResultA
  511. szFolderA
  512. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Foldersa
  513. Common Programs2
  514. SdSelectFolder!
  515. szFolderA
  516. ResultA
  517. SdSetupType!
  518. ResultA
  519. szDirA
  520. SdSetupType!
  521. szDirA
  522. ResultA
  523. SdShowAnyDialog!
  524. ResultA
  525. SdShowAnyDialog!
  526. ResultA
  527. SdDisplayTopics!
  528. ResultA
  529. SdDisplayTopics!
  530. ResultA
  531. SdShowMsg!
  532. SdShowMsg/
  533. _sdRECTa
  534. _sdRECTa
  535. bottom2
  536. SdAskOptionsList!
  537. ResultA
  538. ComponentA
  539. SdAskOptionsList!
  540. ComponentA
  541. ResultA
  542. SdShowFileMods!
  543. ResultA
  544. nSelectionA
  545. SdShowFileMods!
  546. nSelectionA
  547. ResultA
  548. SdShowDlgEdit1!
  549. ResultA
  550. szEdit1A
  551. SdShowEdit1!
  552. szEdit1A
  553. ResultA
  554. SdShowDlgEdit2!
  555. ResultA
  556. szEdit1A
  557. szEdit2A
  558. SdShowEdit2!
  559. szEdit1A
  560. szEdit2A
  561. ResultA
  562. SdShowDlgEdit3!
  563. ResultA
  564. szEdit1A
  565. szEdit2A
  566. szEdit3A
  567. SdShowEdit3!
  568. szEdit1A
  569. szEdit2A
  570. szEdit3A
  571. ResultA
  572. SdAskOptions!
  573. ResultA
  574. ComponentA
  575. SdAskOptions!
  576. ComponentA
  577. ResultA
  578. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  579. ResultA
  580. ComponentA
  581. szDirA
  582. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  583. szDirA
  584. ComponentA
  585. ResultA
  586. SdComponentMult!
  587. ResultA
  588. ComponentA
  589. SdComponentMult!
  590. ComponentA
  591. ResultA
  592. SdOptionsButtons!
  593. ResultA
  594. SdOptionsButtons!
  595. ResultA
  596. SdBitmap!
  597. ResultA
  598. SdBitmap!
  599. ResultA
  600. SdComponentDialog2!
  601. ResultA
  602. ComponentA
  603. _HiddenOptions_2
  604. _HiddenOptions_b
  605. _HiddenOptions_2
  606. The destination directory may not have enough space for all of the options you have selected.
  607. Do you want to continue anyway?A
  608. SdComponentDialog2!
  609. _HiddenOptions_b
  610. _HiddenOptions_2
  611. ComponentA
  612. ResultA
  613. SdComponentDialogEx
  614. SdComponentDialogEx!
  615. _HiddenOptions_b
  616. SdComponentDialog!
  617. ResultA
  618. ComponentA
  619. szDirA
  620. SdComponentDialog!
  621. szDirA
  622. ComponentA
  623. ResultA
  624. SdLicense!
  625. ResultA
  626. ResultA
  627. SdStartCopy!
  628. ResultA
  629. ResultA
  630. SdFinishReboot!
  631. ResultA
  632. BootOptionA
  633. ResultA
  634. BootOptionA
  635. ResultA
  636. ResultA
  637. BootOptionA
  638. SdFinish!
  639. ResultA
  640. bOpt1A
  641. bOpt2A
  642. ResultA
  643. bOpt1A
  644. bOpt2A
  645. SdAskDestPath!
  646. ResultA
  647. szDirA
  648. Setup has determined that the destination drive does not support long file names.
  649. Please choose another drive.A
  650. Directory %s does not exist.
  651. Do you want to create it?b
  652. Setup has determined that the destination drive does not support long file names.
  653. Please choose another drive.A
  654. SdAskDestPath!
  655. szDirA
  656. ResultA
  657. SdSetupType!
  658. ResultA
  659. szDirA
  660. Setup has determined that the destination drive does not support long file names.
  661. Please choose another drive.A
  662. Directory %s does not exist.
  663. Do you want to create it?b
  664. SdSetupType!
  665. Setup has determined that the destination drive does not support long file names.
  666. Please choose another drive.A
  667. szDirA
  668. ResultA
  669. SdShowDlgEdit1!
  670. ResultA
  671. szEdit1A
  672. SdShowEdit1!
  673. szEdit1A
  674. ResultA
  675. SdComponentDialogAdv
  676. ResultA
  677. ComponentA
  678. szDirA
  679. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  680. szDirA
  681. ComponentA
  682. ResultA
  683. GetModuleHandle/
  684. ShowWindow!
  685. SetFocus!
  686. GetDlgItem!
  687. Enable!
  688. SetWindowText!
  689. IsWindow!
  690. GetWindowRect!
  692. origX2
  694. origY2
  696. relX2
  698. relY2
  699. GetClientRect!
  701. origX2
  703. origY2
  705. relX2
  707. relY2
  708. SetWindowPos!
  709. MoveWindow!
  710. PostMessage!
  711. InstallShield can not call DLL function: b
  712. Configuring Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Data Access Object (DAO) files...%
  713. ODBC.INI
  714. odbcinst.ini
  716. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersiona
  717. CommonFilesDir2
  718. ODBC\Data Sources
  719. ODBC.INI%
  720. ODBC File DSN%
  721. ODBC\Data SourcesQ
  722. DefaultDSNDirB
  723. ODBC 32 bit Drivers2
  724. driverR
  725. ODBC 32 bit Driversb
  726.  (32 bit)
  727. ODBC 32 bit DriversbF
  729. ODBC DriversQ
  730. driver!
  731. setup!
  732.  (32 bit)
  734.  (32 bit)
  735. 32 bita
  736. disable!
  737. Internal Error: Can't use GetConfigString() without defining both section and keya
  738. _cache.ini
  739. Option:b
  740. ownerR
  741. Option:b
  742. itemsetR
  743. Option:b
  744. dependentR
  745. Option:b
  746. descriptionR
  747. _cache.ini$
  748. ph    bF
  749. Internal Error: failed to add component to ownera
  750.  collection!
  751. _HiddenOptions_b
  752. ItemSet:b
  753. _size_R
  754. file!
  755. itemset!
  756. _size_b
  757. data.zb
  758. app:b
  759. sizeR
  760. itemset
  761. itemset
  762. ItemSet:b
  763. file!
  764. Install App2
  765. app:b
  766. Configuring b
  767. messageR
  768. DoInstallR
  769. argsR
  770. ISObjectR
  771. setup.iss
  772. System
  773. AskDestPath-0a
  774. szPathbF
  775. AskDestPath-0a
  776. szPathb2
  777. SdSelectFolder-0a
  778. szFolderb
  779. install.exe%
  780. install.exe
  781. lzwserv.exe%
  782. lzwserv.exe
  783. install.exe
  784. setup.ins$
  785. install.exe
  786.  -f1$
  787. ISObjectR
  788. UninstallR
  790. UninstallString2
  792. Uninstall FilebF
  793. |run|
  794. itemset:VBAa
  795. VBACODE2
  796. itemset:VBAa
  797. VBACODE2
  798. Installing English VBAA
  799. Visio32.exe
  800. The destination directory may not have enough space for all of the options you have selected.,
  801. Some VBA components to be installed are in use.,
  802. VBA: A provided distribution file has wrong size. Contact Technical Support,
  803. VBA: (end marker) 1 or more group files not supplied intact. Contact Technical Support,
  804. VBA: The LCID in the FSINIT struct is not known. Contact Technical Support,
  805. VBA: ContinueInstall() could not locate a requested file. Contact Technical Support,
  806. Another VBA installer is running. Please close it and re-try installing. Setup will now continue.,
  807. VBA Errorsa
  808. generalR
  809. VBA was not properly installed.  Please call Technical Support.$
  810. |Win!
  811. 3.51(
  812. WinNT3.51!
  813. WinNT40!
  814. Win95!
  815. Configure File2
  816. Configure Fileb
  817. .EXE|!
  818. .DLL|!
  819. DllRegisterServer
  820. Configure Filea
  821. System%
  822. ExSetup.DLL
  823. ExSetup.DLL
  824. Stringsa
  825. IconUninstallR4
  826. Uninstall:
  827. |icon|b0
  829. UninstallString2
  830. UninstallStringB
  831. |uninstall|
  832. Uninstall Fileb"
  833. Special: b
  834. Special: b
  835. |VBA Uninstall|!
  836. Visio32.exe
  837. -u -hb
  838. Uninstall b
  839. AskPrior!
  840. Dialog PVR-
  841. CleanupCrossGrade!
  842. Initializationa    
  843. BackupDirR
  844. Backup%
  845. System%
  846. ExSetup.INI
  847. System%
  848. ExSetup1.INI
  849. System%
  850. ExSetup1.INI
  851. Uninstall File2
  852. Uninstall Fileb
  853. Uninstall Fileb
  854. CleanupPrior!
  855. Cleaning up prior version...
  856. prior version
  857. Initializationa    
  858. BackupDirR
  859. Backup%
  860.  icons
  861.  files
  862.  files
  863.  icons
  864. System%
  865. ExSetup.INI
  866. System%
  867. ExSetup1.INI
  868. Uninstall File2
  869. Uninstall Fileb
  870. Uninstall Fileb
  871. Uninstall File2
  872. Uninstall Fileb
  873. Uninstall Fileb
  874. CleanupPrior!
  875. prior version filesb1
  876. prior version tags2
  877. prior version tagsb
  878. |version|!
  879. AskCrossGrade!
  880. Product Nameb
  881. Initializationa    
  882. CGAppNameb
  883. Dialog CGR/
  884. Initializationa    
  885. CGAppNamea
  886. AskExisting!
  887. Dialog BECR.
  888. Visio32.EXE
  889. data.za
  890. Visio32.EXEBI
  891. Dialog CAa
  892. titleb
  893. Dialog CAa
  894. line1b
  895. Dialog CAa
  896. line2b
  897. Dialog CAa
  898. SnLabelb
  899. Dialog CAa
  900. noSerialNumR4
  901. The serial number is not valid for upgrade.
  902. Would you like to try again?(
  903. _VSetup.DLL
  904. _VSetup.DLL
  905. _VSetup.DLL,
  906. Systema
  907. _VSetup.DLL
  908. data.zbF
  909. error stringsa
  910. compromisedR4
  911. Tampered data file.
  912. Setup halted.*
  913. visiotst.exe!
  914. vistst16.exe!
  915. vistst32.exe!
  916. visiohm.exe!
  917. license.txt
  918. license.txt
  919. _minimum_(
  920. Setup will add a Visio program icon to the Start menu Programs list and a folder that contains templates you can open directly from the Programs menu. You can type a new name for the templates program folder, or choose one from the Existing Folders list./
  921. Install Icons2
  922. Creating Program Folder and Icons..."
  923. Install Iconsb
  924. |icon|b
  925. Install Iconsa
  926. Initializationa
  927. FolderR
  928. Documentation
  929. Install Shell Icons2
  930. VisioDOC.ICO
  931. Install Shell Iconsb
  932. VisioDOC.ICO
  933. |icon|b
  934. Install Shell Iconsa
  935. Solutions
  936. *.vstR
  937. System%
  938. Template.ICO
  939. .EXE)
  940. System%
  941. Template.ICO
  942. |icon|bF
  943. *.vstR
  944. ItemSet:b3
  945. Spell CheckerR
  946. ItemSet:b3
  947. SpellingR
  948. _minimum_(
  949. Dialog Spell Checkera
  950. TitleR
  951. Dialog Spell Checkera
  952. LocalR
  953. Dialog Spell Checkera
  954. Dialog Spell Checkera
  955. Line1R
  956. Dialog Spell Checkera
  957. Line2R
  958. Dialog Spell Checkera
  959. CaptionR,
  960. 12120b,
  961. Dialog Toolbara
  962. titleR
  963. Dialog Toolbara
  964. messageR
  965. Toolbar Buttons
  966. TypeR
  967. Microsoft(
  968. Lotus(
  969. Adding toolbar buttons to selected applications...
  970. TypeR
  971. Microsoft(
  972. Lotus(
  973. ExtensionR
  974. VersionR
  976. MacroR
  977. MacroDirR
  978. Macro%
  979. ScriptR
  980. ScriptDirR
  981. Script%
  982. IconR
  983. IconDirR
  984. Icons%
  985. ExtensionR
  986. VersionR
  988. MaxVersionR
  990. MacroR
  991. DestDirR
  992. Uninstall FilebF
  993. |delete|%
  994. ShortcutDirR
  995. Uninstall FilebG
  996. |delete|
  997. UseShellExecR
  998. |icon|1
  999. |icon|!
  1000. |section|!
  1001. Programs%
  1002. Programs
  1003. ItemSet:b
  1004. file!
  1005. itemset!
  1006. exception!
  1007. ItemSet:b
  1008. ItemSet:_minimum_(
  1009. ItemSet:_minimum_(
  1010. file!
  1011. itemset!
  1012. exception!
  1013. Install Fileb
  1014. Install Appb
  1015. Spell Checker(
  1016. Spell Checker filesB
  1017. System%
  1018. ExSetup.DLL
  1019. Master Interfacesb7
  1020. CleanInstall
  1021. CleanupPrior
  1022. CleanInstall
  1023. NotifyStart!
  1024. ExSetup.DLL
  1025. ExSetup.DLL
  1026. CopyInstallInfo!
  1027. System
  1028. ExSetup1.INI
  1029. NotifyStop!
  1030. TitleR
  1031. Line1R
  1032. Line2R
  1033. YesOptionR
  1034. NoOptionR
  1035. Dialog CG!
  1036. Line1aR
  1037. Line2aR
  1038. Initializationa    
  1039. CGAppNameR
  1040. CaptionR
  1041. 12120b
  1042. active b
  1043. active common b
  1044. active b
  1045. active common b
  1046. active files2
  1047. prior version files2
  1048. prior version filesb
  1049. |CleanUpFile|(
  1050. prior version files2
  1051. prior version filesb
  1052. |CleanUpFile|(
  1053.  UI Log
  1054. ItemSet:b3
  1055. Visio DocumentationR
  1056. _minimum_(
  1057. Startupa
  1058. AppNameR
  1059. ItemSet:b3
  1060. rootV
  1061. _HiddenOptions_2
  1062. _HiddenOptions_b
  1063. _HiddenOptions_b
  1064. _HiddenOptions_a
  1065. data.zb
  1066. AppRunDialog
  1067. Error in defining dialogA
  1068. Dialog failedA
  1069. _MRQ^;
  1070. 3.00.077