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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1997-08-06  |  7KB  |  200 lines

  1. :Base vdraft.hlp>main
  2. :Title Virtual Drafter (Vdraft) Help
  3. :Index cmds1.rtf=vdraft.hlp
  4. :Index cmds2.rtf=vdraft.hlp
  5. :Index defs.rtf=vdraft.hlp
  6. :Index keycon.rtf=vdraft.hlp
  7. :Index quo.rtf=vdraft.hlp
  8. :Index tips.rtf=vdraft.hlp
  9. :Link cmds1.rtf
  10. :Link cmds2.rtf
  11. :Link defs.rtf
  12. :Link keycon.rtf
  14. 2 Be a Vdraft Power User--Pronto!=IDH_Read
  15. 2 How to Use Help=IDH_HHelp
  16. 1 Quick References
  17. 2 Toolbar Overview/Quick Reference=IDH_TbOvw
  18. 2 Menu Command Overview/Quick Reference=IDH_MenuOvw
  19. 2 Vdraft Command Quick Reference=IDH_CmdRef>CmdRef
  20. 2 Vdraft Precision Drafting Quick Reference=popDQref
  21. 2 AutoCAD Help=IDH_ACRef
  22. 1 Getting Started
  23. 2 Vdraft Quick Tour=!EF(`qt.hlp',`',1)
  24. 2 Using Pop-up Menus for Drawing Speed and Power=popUsePops
  25. 2 Drawing by Coordinates--Direct Entry Method=popCoordA
  26. 2 Drawing by Coordinates--"Auto-enter" Method=popCoordB
  27. 2 Drawing by Cursor Tips=popCtip
  28. 2 Using Object Snaps for Precision=popOsnaps
  29. 2 Toggling Coordinate Settings as You Draw=popCoordsqr
  30. 2 Selecting Objects=popSel
  31. 2 Using the Object Properties Box=popPropBox
  32. 2 Using Flicks for Drawing Productivity=popFlick
  33. 1 Vdraft Reference
  34. 2 Key Concepts
  35. 3 SVF Files=IDH_kcSVF
  36. 3 Copy, Cut, and Paste Operations=kctCopy
  37. 3 Redraw and Regen Operations=kctRR
  38. 3 Modelspace, Paperspace, and Paperspace Ports=IDH_kcDSpace
  39. 3 Managing Layers, Colors, and Linetypes=IDH_kcManageL
  40. 3 Object Snaps=kctOsnaps
  41. 3 Text and Fonts=kctText
  42. 2 Menus and Commands
  43. 3 File Menu Commands
  44. 4 File Menu Overview=IDH_MenuOvw
  45. 5 New command=IDH_New
  46. 5 Open command=IDH_Open
  47. 5 Close command=IDH_Close
  48. 5 Close All command=IDH_CloseAll
  49. 5 Save command=IDH_Save
  50. 5 Save As command=IDH_SaveAs
  51. 5 Save As Release command=IDH_SaveAsRel
  52. 5 Projects command=IDH_Projs
  53. 5 Print command=IDH_Print
  54. 5 Plot HPGL File=IDH_PlotHPGL
  55. 5 Output SVF command=IDH_OutSVF
  56. 5 Applications command=IDH_Apps
  57. 5 Send command=IDH_Send
  58. 5 Exit command=IDH_Exit
  59. 3 Edit Menu Commands
  60. 4 Edit Menu Overview=IDH_MenuOvw
  61. 5 Undo command=IDH_Undo
  62. 5 Redo command=IDH_Redo
  63. 5 Undo/Redo List command=IDH_URList
  64. 5 Cut to Clipboard command=IDH_CutClip
  65. 5 Copy to Clipboard command=IDH_CopyClip
  66. 5 Paste from Clipboard command=IDH_Paste
  67. 5 Window to Clipboard command=IDH_WinClip
  68. 5 Text to Clipboard command=IDH_TextClip
  69. 5 Delete command=IDH_Del
  70. 3 Modify Menu Commands
  71. 4 Modify Menu Overview=IDH_MenuOvw
  72. 5 Copy command=IDH_Copy
  73. 5 Copy Multiple=IDH_CopyMult
  74. 5 Offset command=IDH_Offset
  75. 5 Array/Rectangular command=IDH_ArrayR
  76. 5 Array/Polar command=IDH_ArrayP
  77. 5 Move command=IDH_Move
  78. 5 Rotate command=IDH_Rot
  79. 5 Scale command=IDH_Scale
  80. 5 Mirror command=IDH_Mir
  81. 5 Mirror Copy command=IDH_CopyMir
  82. 5 Grips/Display command=IDH_GripsDisplay
  83. 5 Grips/Erase command=IDH_GripsErase
  84. 5 Grips/Auto Grips command=IDH_GripsAuto
  85. 5 Stretch command=IDH_Stretch
  86. 5 Extend to Objects command=IDH_Ext
  87. 5 Trim to Objects command=IDH_Trim
  88. 5 Break command=IDH_Break
  89. 5 Fillet command=IDH_Fillet
  90. 5 Chamfer command=IDH_Chamfer
  91. 5 Explode Blocks command=IDH_ExBlock
  92. 5 Explode Dimensions command=IDH_ExDim
  93. 5 Explode Polylines command=IDH_ExPline
  94. 3 View Menu Commands
  95. 4 View Menu Overview=IDH_MenuOvw
  96. 5 Zoom Window command=IDH_ZWin
  97. 5 Zoom In command=IDH_ZIn
  98. 5 Zoom Out command=IDH_ZOut
  99. 5 Zoom Scale command=IDH_ZScale
  100. 5 Pan command=IDH_Pan
  101. 5 Extents command=IDH_Xtents
  102. 5 Plan command=IDH_Plan
  103. 5 Last View command=IDH_LView
  104. 5 Named Views command=IDH_NViews
  105. 5 3D Rotate command=IDH_3DRot
  106. 5 Viewpoint command=IDH_Viewpt
  107. 5 Redraw command=IDH_Rdraw
  108. 5 Redraw All=IDH_RdrawAll
  109. 5 Regen command=IDH_Regen
  110. 5 Regen All command=IDH_RegenAll
  111. 5 Paperspace command=IDH_Pspace
  112. 5 Paperspace Ports command=IDH_PspaceP
  113. 5 Modelspace command=IDH_Mspace
  114. 5 New Viewport command=IDH_NVport
  115. 5 Delete Viewport command=IDH_DelVport
  116. 5 Distance/Area command=IDH_DistArea
  117. 3 Draw Menu Commands
  118. 4 Draw Menu Overview=IDH_MenuOvw
  119. 5 Line command=IDH_Line
  120. 5 2D Polyline command=IDH_2DPline
  121. 5 3D Polyline command=IDH_3DPline
  122. 5 Double Polyline command=IDH_DLine
  123. 5 Arc/Continous 3-Point command=IDH_ArcCont3Pt
  124. 5 Arc/Center, Start, End Angle command=IDH_ArcCSE
  125. 5 Arc/Start, Center, End=IDH_ArcSCE
  126. 5 Arc/Start, Direction, End command=IDH_ArcSDE
  127. 5 Arc/Start, End, Center command=IDH_ArcSEC
  128. 5 Circle/2-Point command=IDH_Circle2Pt
  129. 5 Circle/3-Point command=IDH_Circle3Pt
  130. 5 Circle/Center, Radius command=IDH_CircleCR
  131. 5 2D Solid command=IDH_2DSolid
  132. 5 3D Face command=IDH_3DFace
  133. 5 Point command=IDH_Point
  134. 5 Rectangle/2-Point command=IDH_Rectang2Pt
  135. 5 Rectangle/3-Point command=IDH_Rectang3Pt
  136. 5 Polygon/Center, Vertex command=IDH_PgonCV
  137. 5 Polygon/Center, Midpoint command=IDH_PgonCM
  138. 5 Polygon/Edge command=IDH_PgonE
  139. 5 Spline/2D command=IDH_2DSpline
  140. 5 Donut command=IDH_Donut
  141. 5 Text command=IDH_Text
  142. 5 Dimensions command=IDH_Dims
  143. 5 Horizontal Dimension command=IDH_DimHor
  144. 5 Vertical Dimension command=IDH_DimVert
  145. 5 Rotated Dimension command=IDH_DimRot
  146. 5 Aligned Dimension command=IDH_DimAli
  147. 5 Angular command=IDH_DimAng
  148. 5 Diameter Dimension command=IDH_DimDiam
  149. 5 Radius Dimension command=IDH_DimRad
  150. 5 X-Ordinate Dimension command=IDH_DimXOrd
  151. 5 Y-Ordinate Dimension command=IDH_DimYOrd
  152. 5 Leader command=IDH_DimLdr
  153. 5 Continued Dimension command=IDH_DimCont
  154. 5 Baseline Dimension command=IDH_DimBasel
  155. 3 Block Menu Commands
  156. 4 Block Menu Overview=IDH_MenuOvw
  157. 5 Block/Xref Manager command=IDH_BXMgr
  158. 5 Create Block command=IDH_CBlock
  159. 5 Define Attribute command=IDH_DefAtt
  160. 5 Save Objects As command=IDH_SObj
  161. 5 Save Blocks As command=IDH_SBlock
  162. 3 Settings Menu Commands
  163. 4 Setttings Menu Overview=IDH_MenuOvw
  164. 5 Properties command=IDH_Props
  165. 5 Net Hyperlinks/Create Link command=IDH_NetHypeC
  166. 5 Net Hyperlinks/Edit Link command=IDH_NetHypeEdit
  167. 5 Net Hyperlinks/Unmake Link command=IDH_NetHypeUn
  168. 5 Net Hyperlinks/Hyper Tip command=IDH_NetHypeTip
  169. 5 Net Hyperlinks/Select Links command=IDH_NetHypeSel
  170. 5 Coordinates command=IDH_Coord
  171. 5 Snap/Grid command=IDH_SGrid
  172. 5 Units command=IDH_Units
  173. 5 Object Creation command=IDH_ObjCreate
  174. 5 Layers command=IDH_Layers
  175. 5 Colors command=IDH_Colors
  176. 5 Linetypes command=IDH_LTypes
  177. 5 Text Styles command=IDH_TextStys
  178. 5 Dimension Styles command=IDH_DimStys
  179. 5 Point Display command=IDH_PtDisp
  180. 5 Drawing Dependencies command=IDH_DwgDeps
  181. 5 Preferences command=IDH_Prefs
  182. 3 Window Menu Commands
  183. 4 Window Menu Overview=IDH_MenuOvw
  184. 5 Cascade command=IDH_Cscade
  185. 5 Tile Horizontally command=IDH_TileH
  186. 5 Tile Vertically command=IDH_TileV
  187. 5 Arrange Icons command=IDH_ArrIcons
  188. 3 Help Menu Commands
  189. 4 Help Menu Overview=IDH_MenuOvw
  190. 5 Vdraft Help command=IDH_VHelp
  191. 5 Customization Help command=IDH_CHelp
  192. 5 Quick Tour command=IDH_QTour
  193. 5 Tip of the Day command=IDH_Tip
  194. 5 AutoCAD Help command=IDH_ACHelp
  195. 5 About Vdraft command=IDH_About
  196. 2 Vdraft Extended Glossary
  197. 2 Vdraft Extended Glossary=IDH_Gloss>Gloss
  198. 1 Customizing Vdraft
  199. 2 Customization Help=!EF(`v_api.hlp',`',1)