PC World Komputer 1998 November
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645 lines
Begin VB.Form NewLineType
Caption = "Create a New Linetype"
ClientHeight = 4335
ClientLeft = 750
ClientTop = 4890
ClientWidth = 5520
Height = 4740
Left = 690
LinkTopic = "Form2"
MaxButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 4335
ScaleWidth = 5520
ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False
Top = 4545
WhatsThisButton = -1 'True
WhatsThisHelp = -1 'True
Width = 5640
Begin VB.CommandButton CopyCmd
Caption = "Copy"
Height = 375
Left = 240
TabIndex = 10
Top = 2760
Width = 735
Begin VB.CommandButton DelCmd
Caption = "Delete"
Height = 375
Left = 240
TabIndex = 9
Top = 2280
Width = 735
Begin VB.CommandButton DnCmd
Caption = "Mv Dn"
Height = 375
Left = 240
TabIndex = 8
Top = 1800
Width = 735
Begin VB.CommandButton UpCmd
Caption = "Mv Up"
Height = 375
Left = 240
TabIndex = 7
Top = 1320
Width = 735
Begin VB.TextBox SpaceLength
Height = 375
Left = 4440
TabIndex = 5
Text = "SpaceLength"
Top = 1920
Width = 855
Begin VB.TextBox DashLength
Height = 375
Left = 4440
TabIndex = 3
Text = "DashLength"
Top = 1440
Width = 855
Begin VB.CommandButton DotCmd
Caption = "Do&t"
Height = 375
Left = 3360
TabIndex = 6
Top = 2400
Width = 975
Begin VB.CommandButton SpaceCmd
Caption = "&Space"
Height = 375
Left = 3360
TabIndex = 4
Top = 1920
Width = 975
Begin VB.CommandButton DashCmd
Caption = "&Dash"
Height = 375
Left = 3360
TabIndex = 2
Top = 1440
Width = 975
Begin VB.CommandButton HelpCmd
Caption = "&Help"
Height = 375
Left = 3840
TabIndex = 15
Top = 3840
Width = 1455
Begin VB.CommandButton CancelCmd
Caption = "Cancel"
Height = 375
Left = 2040
TabIndex = 14
Top = 3840
Width = 1455
Begin VB.ListBox NewLinePieces
Height = 1785
Left = 1200
TabIndex = 11
Top = 1320
Width = 1815
Begin VB.TextBox LineTypeDesc
Height = 375
Left = 1440
TabIndex = 1
Top = 720
Width = 3975
Begin VB.TextBox LineTypeName
Height = 375
Left = 1440
TabIndex = 0
Top = 120
Width = 3975
Begin VB.PictureBox NewLineSample
BackColor = &H00000000&
Height = 255
Left = 120
ScaleHeight = 225
ScaleWidth = 5265
TabIndex = 12
Top = 3360
Width = 5295
Begin VB.CommandButton DoneCmd
Caption = "OK"
Default = -1 'True
Height = 375
Left = 240
TabIndex = 13
Top = 3840
Width = 1455
Begin VB.Label Label2
Caption = "Description"
Height = 255
Left = 120
TabIndex = 17
Top = 840
Width = 1215
Begin VB.Label Label1
Caption = "Linetype Name"
Height = 255
Left = 120
TabIndex = 16
Top = 240
Width = 1215
Attribute VB_Name = "NewLineType"
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Public ltDirtyFlag%
Sub AddPiece(Piece As Single)
' adds a new piece to the pieces list,
' it takes a value and translates it into an english string
' There's some hokey code here (the Piece * 10000) below. This is
' to store a floating point number in a long integer space. This
' cuts off any data past four decimals, and looses any data greater
' than 200,000 (approximately). Seems a likely risk.
' Proper method would be to use the item data field instead as an
' index in to an array of doubles.
If (Piece = 0) Then
NewLinePieces.AddItem "Dot"
NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.NewIndex) = 0
End If
If (Piece < 0) Then
NewLinePieces.AddItem "Space " & Str$(Piece) & " Units"
NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.NewIndex) = Piece * 10000
End If
If (Piece > 0) Then
NewLinePieces.AddItem "Dash " & Str$(Piece) & " Units"
NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.NewIndex) = Piece * 10000
End If
End Sub
Sub DoButtons()
' activate or deactive list editing buttons as needed
If (NewLinePieces.ListCount > 0) Then
UpCmd.Enabled = True
DnCmd.Enabled = True
DelCmd.Enabled = True
If (NewLinePieces.ListIndex <> -1) Then
CopyCmd.Enabled = True
CopyCmd.Enabled = False
End If
UpCmd.Enabled = False
DnCmd.Enabled = False
DelCmd.Enabled = False
CopyCmd.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Sub DoSample()
' make the sample line type
Dim MaxX, Y, X1, X2, SF, Cntr As Integer
Dim ptr%, ptr2% ' used in parsing the spec string
Dim lng#
Dim LT$
' if there's nothing to display, then clear the sample and end
If (NewLinePieces.ListCount = 0) Then
GoTo DoSample_Exit
End If
' draw a sample of the line
MaxX = NewLineSample.Width ' run the line sample the full width
Y = (NewLineSample.Height / 2) - 20 ' run the line across the center of the box
X1 = 0
X2 = 0
SF = MaxX / 8 ' sort of a scale factor
NewLineSample.Cls ' clear the sample box
Cntr = 0 ' for determing how often to call DoEvents()
' put together the description string
For ptr% = 0 To NewLinePieces.ListCount - 1
LT$ = LT$ + Str$(NewLinePieces.ItemData(ptr%) / 10000) & ","
If (Right$(LT$, 1) = ",") Then
LT$ = Left$(LT$, Len(LT$) - 1)
End If
ptr% = 1
ptr2% = 1
' get total length of one iteration of line, so that it may be
' scaled accordingly for the sample window
Dim LenIter As Single
ptr2% = InStr(ptr%, LT$, ",")
If (ptr2% <> 0) Then
LenIter = LenIter + Abs(Val(Mid$(LT$, ptr%, ptr2%)))
ptr% = ptr2% + 1
GoTo Loup
LenIter = LenIter + Abs(Val(Mid$(LT$, ptr%)))
End If
' is this right? What about a line spec that is just DOT ?
If (LenIter = 0) Then
GoTo DoSample_Exit
End If
Debug.Print "Iteration length = " & Str$(LenIter)
If (MaxX / (LenIter * SF)) < 4 Then
' arbitrarily scale it so that we get at least 4 iterations
SF = SF * (1 / LenIter)
Debug.Print "Rescaled: SF = " & Str$(SF)
End If
ptr% = 1
ptr2% = 1
While X2 < NewLineSample.Width
Cntr = Cntr + 1 ' allows other processing to procede while line is being drawn
If Cntr Mod 10 = 0 Then
End If
' parse the spec string to get the next piece to be drawn
ptr2% = InStr(ptr%, LT$, ",")
If (ptr2% <> 0) Then
lng# = Val(Mid$(LT$, ptr%, ptr2%))
ptr% = ptr2% + 1
lng# = Val(Mid$(LT$, ptr%))
ptr% = 1
End If
' draw the segment
X1 = X2
If (lng# < 0) Then ' space
X2 = X1 + Abs((lng# * SF))
If (lng# = 0) Then ' dot
X2 = X1 + 2 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX ' dot has no intrinsic length of its own
Else ' dash
X2 = X1 + (lng# * SF)
End If
NewLineSample.Line (X1, Y)-(X2, Y), QBColor(14), BF
End If
' Debug.Print "(X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2) = (" & Str$(X1) & "," & Str$(Y) & ")-(" & Str$(X2) & "," & Str$(Y) & ")"
End Sub
Private Sub CancelCmd_Click()
' quit without saving
Covered = False
Unload NewLineType
End Sub
Private Sub CopyCmd_Click()
' copy currently highlighted item, and
' insert it in the space following current item
Dim Idx%
Idx% = NewLinePieces.ListIndex
If (Idx% <> -1) Then
Dim t$, l&
t$ = NewLinePieces.List(Idx%)
l& = NewLinePieces.ItemData(Idx%)
Idx% = Idx% + 1
NewLinePieces.AddItem t$, Idx%
NewLinePieces.ItemData(Idx%) = l&
NewLinePieces.ListIndex = Idx%
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DashCmd_Click()
' add a dash of the given length to the pieces
If (Val(DashLength.Text) = 0) Then
MsgBox "Invalid length for Dash"
AddPiece Val(DashLength.Text) ' add the new token to the list
DoSample ' refresh the line sample
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DelCmd_Click()
' remove hightlighted item from list
Dim Idx%
Idx% = NewLinePieces.ListIndex
If (Idx% <> -1) Then
NewLinePieces.RemoveItem Idx%
If (Idx% < NewLinePieces.ListCount) Then
NewLinePieces.ListIndex = Idx%
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DnCmd_Click()
' move highlighted item up one in list
Dim i As Integer
If (NewLinePieces.ListIndex <> -1) Then
i = NewLinePieces.ListIndex
If (i < NewLinePieces.ListCount - 1) Then
Dim t$, l&
t$ = NewLinePieces.List(i)
l& = NewLinePieces.ItemData(i)
NewLinePieces.RemoveItem (i)
NewLinePieces.AddItem t$, i + 1
NewLinePieces.ItemData(i + 1) = l&
NewLinePieces.ListIndex = i + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DoneCmd_Click()
' done with new line type
' if there are no specs entered, then just exit without saving
If (NewLinePieces.ListCount = 0) Then GoTo DoneCmd_Quit
' there are pieces, be sure there is a name for the line type
If (LineTypeName.Text = "") Then
GoTo DoneCmd_Exit
End If
' put together the specification string
Dim ptr%, LT$
For ptr% = 0 To NewLinePieces.ListCount - 1
LT$ = LT$ + Str$(NewLinePieces.ItemData(ptr%) / 10000) & ","
If (Right$(LT$, 1) = ",") Then
LT$ = Left$(LT$, Len(LT$) - 1)
End If
Dim D$, aIdx%, sIdx%
D$ = LineTypeName.Text
If (gblMode = 0) Then
' stuff the information on the main form
Form1.AcadLineList.AddItem D$
aIdx% = Form1.AcadLineList.NewIndex
Form1.AcadLineSpecs.AddItem LT$
sIdx% = Form1.AcadLineSpecs.NewIndex
Form1.AcadLineList.ItemData(aIdx%) = sIdx%
Form1.AcadLineSpecs.ItemData(sIdx%) = aIdx%
Form1.AcadLineList.ListIndex = aIdx% ' hightlight the new line
' stuff modified information back into the same slot
Form1.AcadLineList.List(gblLineIdx) = D$
sIdx% = Form1.AcadLineList.ItemData(gblLineIdx)
Form1.AcadLineSpecs.List(sIdx%) = LT$
End If
Covered = False
Unload NewLineType
End Sub
Private Sub DotCmd_Click()
' add a dot to the pieces
AddPiece 0 ' add the new token to the list
DoSample ' refresh the line sample
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
' start of NewLineType form
' If gblMode = 0 then this form is to create a new linetype
' If gblMode = 1 then this form is to edit an existing linetype
WindowOnTop hWnd
Covered = True
NewLineType.Top = ((Screen.Height - NewLineType.Height) / 2)
NewLineType.Left = ((Screen.Width - NewLineType.Width) / 2)
' default values for edit boxes, etc
DashLength.Text = "0.25"
SpaceLength.Text = "0.25"
LineTypeName.Text = ""
LineTypeDesc.Text = ""
NewLineSample.Cls ' clear the sample window
If (gblMode = 0) Then
NewLineType.Caption = "Create a New Linetype"
UpCmd.Enabled = False
DnCmd.Enabled = False
DelCmd.Enabled = False
CopyCmd.Enabled = False
End If
If (gblMode = 1) Then
NewLineType.Caption = "Edit Existing Linetype"
LineTypeName.Text = gblLTName
LineTypeDesc.Text = gblLTDesc
Dim ptr1%, ptr2%, p$
ptr1% = 1
ptr2% = 1
Debug.Print "gblLTSpec = " & gblLTSpec
ptr1% = InStr(ptr2%, gblLTSpec, ",")
If (ptr1% <> 0) Then
p$ = Mid$(gblLTSpec, ptr2%, ptr1% - ptr2%)
p$ = Mid$(gblLTSpec, ptr2%)
End If
If Val(p$) = 0 Then
NewLinePieces.AddItem "Dot"
NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.NewIndex) = 0
End If
If Val(p$) < 0 Then
NewLinePieces.AddItem "Space " & Abs(Val(p$)) & " Units"
NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.NewIndex) = Val(p$) * 10000
End If
If Val(p$) > 0 Then
NewLinePieces.AddItem "Dash " & Val(p$) & " Units"
NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.NewIndex) = Val(p$) * 10000
End If
If (ptr1% <> 0) Then
ptr2% = ptr1% + 1
GoTo Loupy
End If
End If
ltDirtyFlag% = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Paint()
End Sub
Private Sub NewLinePieces_Click()
' user clicked on an item in the list
' there will probably be an item hightlighted now.
' activate or not the copy button accordingly.
If (NewLinePieces.ListIndex <> -1) Then
CopyCmd.Enabled = True
CopyCmd.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub NewLinePieces_DblClick()
' if user double clicks on an item, then allow him to edit it
Dim Idx%
Idx% = NewLinePieces.ListIndex
If (Idx% <> -1) Then
gblEditValue = Val(NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.ListIndex) / 10000)
EditPiece.Show 1
NewLinePieces.RemoveItem Idx%
' NewLinePieces.AddItem Str$(gblEditValue), Idx%
If (gblEditValue = 0) Then
NewLinePieces.AddItem "Dot", Idx%
NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.NewIndex) = 0
End If
If (gblEditValue < 0) Then
NewLinePieces.AddItem "Space " & Str$(gblEditValue) & " Units", Idx%
NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.NewIndex) = gblEditValue * 10000
End If
If (gblEditValue > 0) Then
NewLinePieces.AddItem "Dash " & Str$(gblEditValue) & " Units", Idx%
NewLinePieces.ItemData(NewLinePieces.NewIndex) = gblEditValue * 10000
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SpaceCmd_Click()
' add a space of the given length to the pieces
If (Val(SpaceLength.Text) = 0) Then
MsgBox "Invalid length for Space"
AddPiece -1 * Abs(Val(SpaceLength.Text)) ' add the new token to the list
DoSample ' refresh the line sample
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpCmd_Click()
' move highlighted item up one in list
Dim i As Integer
If (NewLinePieces.ListIndex <> -1) Then
i = NewLinePieces.ListIndex
If (i <> 0) Then
Dim t$, l&
t$ = NewLinePieces.List(i)
l& = NewLinePieces.ItemData(i)
NewLinePieces.RemoveItem (i)
NewLinePieces.AddItem t$, i - 1
NewLinePieces.ItemData(i - 1) = l&
NewLinePieces.ListIndex = i - 1
End If
End If
End Sub