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- // This function calculates annual interest rate income on monthly
- // compound basis.
- function annualDeposit(balance, interest)
- {
- var numMon = 12
- var retBal = balance
- var monthlyInt = interest / numMon
- while(numMon > 0) { // do the monthly compounding
- retBal = retBal * (1 + monthlyInt)
- numMon = numMon - 1
- }
- retBal = retBal - balance // get net interest rate income
- return retBal
- }
- // This function calculates annual interest rate income on monthly
- // compound and quarterly deposit basis.
- function quarterDeposit(balance, interest, amount)
- {
- var retBal = balance
- var monthlyInt = interest / 12 // monthly interest
- var i, j
- i = 0
- while(i < 4) { // quarterly loop
- j = 0
- while(j < 3) { // monthly loop
- retBal = retBal * (1 + monthlyInt)
- j = j + 1
- }
- i = i + 1
- retBal = retBal + amount // add the quarterly deposit
- }
- retBal = retBal - (balance + amount * 4) // net interest rate income
- return retBal
- }
- // This function calculates annual interest rate income on monthly
- // compound and monthly deposit basis.
- function monthDeposit(balance, interest, amount)
- {
- var retBal = balance
- var monthlyInt = interest / 12 // monthly interest
- var i
- i = 0
- while(i < 12) {
- retBal = retBal * (1 + monthlyInt)
- retBal = retBal + amount
- i = i + 1
- }
- retBal = retBal - (balance + amount * 12)
- return retBal
- }
- // This function calculates all the values for the result page.
- function getResultSet1()
- {
- var sto = parent.data
- var numYear
- var prevBal, totalTax, totalInterest, yearlyRet, yearlyDep
- prevBal = sto.deposit_balance
- totalTax = 0
- totalInterest = 0
- numYear = sto.deposit_term
- if(sto.deposit_freq == 0) // yearly deposit
- sto.result_deposit = sto.deposit_regular * numYear
- else if(sto.deposit_freq == 1) // quarterly deposit
- sto.result_deposit = sto.deposit_regular * numYear * 4
- else if(sto.deposit_freq == 2) // monthly deposit
- sto.result_deposit = sto.deposit_regular * numYear * 12
- sto.result_deposit = Math.round(sto.result_deposit)
- for(i=0; i<numYear; i++) {
- if(sto.deposit_freq == 0) { // deposit annually
- yearlyRet = annualDeposit(prevBal, sto.interest_rate)
- yearlyDep = sto.deposit_regular
- }
- else if(sto.deposit_freq == 1) { // deposit quarterly
- yearlyRet = quarterDeposit(prevBal, sto.interest_rate, sto.deposit_regular)
- yearlyDep = sto.deposit_regular * 4
- }
- else if(sto.deposit_freq == 2) { // deposit monthly
- yearlyRet = monthDeposit(prevBal, sto.interest_rate, sto.deposit_regular)
- yearlyDep = sto.deposit_regular * 12
- }
- // interest earning is pre-taxed.
- totalInterest = totalInterest + yearlyRet
- // net saving is either taxed or not
- if(sto.taxrate_istaxed == 1) {
- totalTax = totalTax + yearlyRet * sto.taxrate_taxrate
- prevBal = prevBal + yearlyRet * ( 1 - sto.taxrate_taxrate)
- }
- else
- prevBal = prevBal + yearlyRet
- prevBal += yearlyDep
- }
- sto.result_saved = Math.round(prevBal)
- sto.result_interest = Math.round(totalInterest)
- sto.result_tax = Math.round(totalTax)
- sto.result_term = sto.deposit_term * 12
- sto.result_regular = sto.deposit_regular
- }
- function getResultSet2(goal)
- {
- var sto = parent.data
- var numMonth, numYear, numQuarter
- var prevBal, totalTax, totalInterest
- var monthlyRet, monthlyDep, cumMonthlyRet
- prevBal = sto.deposit_balance
- totalTax = totalInterest = numMonth = cumMonthlyRet = 0
- while(1) {
- monthlyRet = prevBal * sto.interest_rate / 12
- if(((sto.deposit_freq==0) && (numMonth%12==0) && (numMonth>0)) ||
- ((sto.deposit_freq==1) && (numMonth%3==0) && (numMonth>0)) ||
- ((sto.deposit_freq==2) && (numMonth>0)))
- monthlyDep = sto.deposit_regular
- else
- monthlyDep = 0
- cumMonthlyRet += monthlyRet // do the cumulative monthly return
- // interest earning is pre-taxed.
- totalInterest = totalInterest + monthlyRet
- // net saving is either taxed or not
- if((sto.taxrate_istaxed == 1) && (numMonth%12 == 0) && (numMonth>0)) {
- totalTax = totalTax + cumMonthlyRet * sto.taxrate_taxrate
- prevBal = (prevBal + monthlyDep) -
- cumMonthlyRet * sto.taxrate_taxrate
- cumMonthlyRet = 0
- }
- else
- prevBal = (prevBal + monthlyDep) + monthlyRet
- if(prevBal >= goal) // stop looping if goal has been reached
- break;
- // move to next deposit
- numMonth = numMonth + 1
- if(numMonth > 1200)
- break;
- }
- if(numMonth < 1200) {
- sto.result_saved = Math.round(prevBal)
- sto.result_interest = Math.round(totalInterest)
- sto.result_tax = Math.round(totalTax)
- sto.result_term = numMonth
- sto.result_regular = sto.deposit_regular
- }
- else {
- sto.result_saved = 0
- sto.result_interest = 0
- sto.result_tax = 0
- sto.result_term = 0
- sto.result_regular = 0
- }
- numYear = Math.round((sto.result_term/12) - (sto.result_term%12)/12)
- numQuarter = Math.round((sto.result_term/3) - (sto.result_term%3)/3)
- if(sto.deposit_freq == 0) // yearly deposit
- sto.result_deposit = sto.deposit_regular * numYear
- else if(sto.deposit_freq == 1) // quarterly deposit
- sto.result_deposit = sto.deposit_regular * numQuarter
- else if(sto.deposit_freq == 2) // monthly deposit
- sto.result_deposit = sto.deposit_regular * numMonth
- sto.result_deposit = Math.round(sto.result_deposit)
- }
- <%
- // This function returns a annual deposit amount for a given intial
- // balance, term, and goal. The calculation is a rather invovled one.
- // Here is the formula that calculates it.
- //
- // X = (S_n - a_0 * b_0^n) / (b_0^(n-1) + b_0^(n-2) + ... + b_0)
- //
- // where a_0 is the initial balance, the n is the number of years to
- // save, the b_0 is the (1 - tax_bracket) + (1 + interest/12)^12 * tax_bracket.
- %>
- // The X gives the annual deposit amount.
- //
- function getResultSet3()
- {
- var sto = parent.data
- var monthlyInt = sto.interest_rate / 12
- var b0, bn, i, regular
- var totalInterest, yearlyRet, prevBal, totalTax
- // calculate the b0 for monthly compounding
- b0 = 1 + monthlyInt
- b0 = Math.pow(b0, 12)
- if(sto.taxrate_istaxed == 1) {
- b0 = sto.taxrate_taxrate + b0 * (1 - sto.taxrate_taxrate)
- }
- // calculate the denominator
- bn = b0
- if(monthlyInt != 0) {
- bn = (1 - Math.pow(b0, sto.deposit_term)) / (1 - b0)
- if (bn==0)
- bn = 1
- }
- else
- bn = sto.deposit_term
- // calculate annual deposit amount
- regular = (sto.deposit_goal -
- sto.deposit_balance * Math.pow(b0, sto.deposit_term)) / bn
- // calculate total interest earned
- prevBal = sto.deposit_balance
- totalInterest = 0
- totalTax = 0
- for(i=0; i<sto.deposit_term; i++) {
- yearlyRet = annualDeposit(prevBal, sto.interest_rate)
- totalInterest = totalInterest + yearlyRet
- if(sto.taxrate_istaxed == 1) {
- totalTax = totalTax + yearlyRet * sto.taxrate_taxrate
- prevBal = (prevBal + regular) +
- yearlyRet * ( 1 - sto.taxrate_taxrate)
- }
- else
- prevBal = (prevBal + regular) + yearlyRet
- }
- sto.deposit_freq = 0
- if(regular < 0)
- sto.result_regular = 0
- else
- sto.result_regular = Math.round(regular)
- sto.result_saved = sto.deposit_goal
- sto.result_term = sto.deposit_term * 12
- sto.result_deposit = sto.result_regular * sto.deposit_term
- sto.result_interest = Math.round(totalInterest)
- sto.result_tax = Math.round(totalTax)
- }