40 There is a problem with your installation. Please reinstall Money from your original disks.
267 Your on-line quotes provider has been changed to free Internet quotes. Contact your previous provider if you were being charged for this service.
15042 The file you attempted to import appears to be invalid or contains corrupt data. Please download the file again. If this problem continues, contact your financial institution.
15131 Your call completed, but 1 item could not be processed.
15132 Your call completed, but %d items could not be processed.
15153 Subject:
15154 From:
15155 To:
15156 Mail Has Arrived From Online Services:
15157 Date:
15158 Time:
15159 ----------------------------------
15171 Text Files(*.txt)|*.txt|All Files(*.*)|*.*||
15172 Microsoft Money
15173 There was a problem saving the file. Please check that the file name is valid and try again.
15174 You are running low on memory. Please close some other applications.
15191 Initializing and contacting server
15192 Establishing a secure connection
16128 You have new statements to read. Go to the Online area for this financial institution.
16146 TXT
22221 Transferring financial data
22222 Retrieving stock quotes and news from Investor
22378 Internet data has already been downloaded today. New headlines and rates information has not been posted since your last download.\n\nTo download updated stock quotes for your portfolio you must re-enable Quotes. Select Options from the Tools menu and go to the Online Services tab.
22386 Online Services Setup File
22389 Money cannot update contact information because this account is not enabled for Online Services.
22390 Money cannot update contact information because your financial institution's location is not specified. In the left pane, click Online Setup, click Investigate Offerings, and complete the wizard.
22399 File import completed successfully.
22407 " Headlines and news from your Financial Institution
22408 " Money service and planning data
22409 " Special Money feature updates
22410 " Money announcements and news
22411 " Market indexes and currency exchange rates from Investor
22412 " Articles and news from Decision Center
22413 " Current mortgage and tax rates from Decision Center