set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 16
set the text of member "info" = "A typical funeral costs about $6,000 but can run double that. Cremation is less expensive, costing as little as $1,300, although some states require you to buy a coffin anyway."
if (rollover(n) and (thisRoll <> (the memberNum of sprite n)) and (n <> 43)) then
resetColors n
end if
set n = n + 1
end repeat
set n = 16
repeat while (n < 21)
if (rollover(n) and (thisRoll <> (the memberNum of sprite n))) then
resetColors n
end if
set n = n + 1
end repeat
on exitFrame
go the frame
on mouseDown
global numValues
if (rollover(16) or rollover(21)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 21
set the text of member "info" = "A typical funeral costs about $6,000 but can run double that. Cremation is less expensive, costing as little as $1,300, although some states require you to buy a coffin anyway."
end if
if (rollover(17) or rollover(22)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 22
set the text of member "info" = "Include the maximum out-of-pocket costs allowed by your medical insurance plus airfare for immediate family attending the funeral."
end if
if (rollover(18) or rollover(23)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 23
set the text of member "info" = "Federal inheritance taxes range from 37% to 55% of estates valued at $600,000 or more. Some states impose taxes on estates worth less than that amount, so consult an attorney if you're not sure."
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 16
set the text of member "info" = "If any relatives would continue to live in your home after your death, it is smart to make sure that the mortgage can be paid off."
if (rollover(n) and (thisRoll <> (the memberNum of sprite n)) and (n <> 44)) then
resetColors n
end if
set n = n + 1
end repeat
set n = 16
repeat while (n < 21)
if (rollover(n) and (thisRoll <> (the memberNum of sprite n))) then
resetColors n
end if
set n = n + 1
end repeat
on exitFrame
go the frame
on mouseDown
global numValues
if (rollover(16) or rollover(21)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 21
set the text of member "info" = "If any relatives would continue to live in your home after your death, it is smart to make sure that the mortgage can be paid off."
end if
if (rollover(17) or rollover(22)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 22
set the text of member "info" = "Credit card debt, car loans, student loans. You don't want to saddle your executor or relatives with selling other assets in your estate just to pay off your debts."
end if
if (rollover(18) or rollover(23)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 23
set the text of member "info" = "Figure on $15,000 per year for a public university or use the College Savings Calculator."
end if
if (rollover(19) or rollover(24)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 24
set the text of member "info" = "This is any extra amount that you may want your family to have. You should probably include at least $25,000 for an emergency fund."
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 16
set the text of member "info" = "Enter your current annual after-tax living expenses. The calculator multiplies this by 0.8, because it is assumed that your family's living expenses will decline 20 percent after you are gone."
if (rollover(n) and (thisRoll <> (the memberNum of sprite n)) and (n <> 45)) then
resetColors n
end if
set n = n + 1
end repeat
set n = 16
repeat while (n < 21)
if (rollover(n) and (thisRoll <> (the memberNum of sprite n))) then
resetColors n
end if
set n = n + 1
end repeat
on exitFrame
go the frame
on mouseDown
global numValues
if (rollover(16) or rollover(21)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 21
set the text of member "info" = "Enter your current annual after-tax living expenses. The calculator multiplies this by 0.8, because it is assumed that your family's living expenses will decline 20 percent after you are gone."
end if
if (rollover(17) or rollover(22)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 22
set the text of member "info" = "Enter an estimate of your spouse's annual take-home pay."
end if
if (rollover(18) or rollover(23)) then
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 23
set the text of member "info" = "How much will your family receive annually in Social Security survivorship benefits?"
set the locV of sprite 12 = 7 + the locV of sprite 16
set the text of member "info" = "How many years will your family need help covering the difference between income and expenses?"
calcNum string(shortfall)
set incomeString = the result
calcDollar string(incomeString)
set tempResult = the result
if char 1 of tempResult = "-" then
delete char 1 of tempResult
end if
if (shortfall > 0) then
set the text of member 27 = "Without your work income, your family will face an annual shortfall of " & tempResult & ". Insurance will be needed to cover this shortfall until circumstances change (as when your children become employed)."
end if
if (shortfall < 0) then
set the text of member 27 = "Without your work income, your family will earn " & tempResult & " more than they need annually."
end if
if (shortfall = 0) then
set the text of member 27 = "Without your work income, your family's earnings will exactly match their needs."
if (thisRoll <> 0) and not(rollover(42) or rollover(43) or rollover(44) or rollover(45) or rollover(46) or rollover(47) or rollover(48) or rollover(16) or rollover(17) or rollover(18) or rollover(19) or rollover(20)) then
global numValues, totalValue, onetimeValue, livingValue, totalassetsValue, shortfall
set n = 0
set onetimeValue = 0
set livingValue = 0
set totalassetsValue = 0
repeat while n < 7
set n = n + 1
set onetimeValue = onetimeValue + (getAt(numValues, n))
end repeat
set livingValue = getAt(numValues, 8)
set livingValue = integer(livingValue * 0.8)
set livingValue = livingValue - getAt(numValues, 9) - getAt(numValues, 10)
set shortfall = livingValue
set livingValue = livingValue * getAt(numValues, 11)
set totalassetsValue = getAt(numValues, 12) + getAt(numValues, 13)
set totalValue = onetimeValue + livingValue - totalassetsValue
calcNum string(totalvalue)
set incomeString = the result
calcDollar string(incomeString)
if totalValue > 0 then
set the text of member "totaltext" = "To ensure your family's continued well-being, you should have an additional " & the result & " in life insurance coverage."
set the text of member "totaltext" = "You have more than enough coverage for your family's needs."
end if
calcNum string(onetimevalue)
set incomeString = the result
calcDollar string(incomeString)
set the text of member "totaldeath" = "One-time expenses add up to " & the result
calcNum string(shortfall)
set incomeString = the result
calcDollar string(incomeString)
set tempResult = the result
if char 1 of tempResult = "-" then
delete char 1 of tempResult
end if
if (shortfall > 0) then
set the text of member "totalshortfall" = "Your family will experience an income shortfall of " & tempResult & " annually for " & the text of member 55 & " after your death."
set the text of member "totalshortfall" = "However, your family will earn " & tempResult & " more than they need annually for " & the text of member 55 & " after your death."
end if
if (shortfall = 0) then
set the text of member "totalshortfall" = "Your family will earn exactly what they need to live on for " & the text of member 55 & " after your death."
end if
calcNum string(totalAssetsValue)
set incomeString = the result
calcDollar string(incomeString)
if totalAssetsValue > 0 then
set the text of member "totalassets" = "Insurance and other existing assets totaling " & the result & " will help mitigate your family's loss."
set the text of member "totalassets" = "There are no other assets to help mitigate your family's loss."