if (thisRoll <> 0) and not(rollover(43) or rollover(44) or rollover(45) or rollover(46) or rollover(47) or rollover(48) or rollover(16) or rollover(17) or rollover(18) or rollover(19) or rollover(20) or rollover(21) or rollover(22) or rollover(23)) then
set the text of member "totaltext" = "Given your AGI, tax filing and employment status, "
case filingStatus of
if deduction > 0 then
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & "you can contribute up to " & deductionText & " into a tax-deductible IRA."
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & "you cannot take a deduction for contributions to an IRA."
end if
if deduction > 0 then
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & "you and your spouse can contribute up to " & deductionText & " into a tax-deductible IRA."
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & "you and your spouse cannot take a deduction for contributions to an IRA."
end if
if deduction > 0 then
if spousededuction > 0 then
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & "you can contribute up to " & deductionText & " into a tax-deductible IRA. Likewise, your spouse can contribute up to " & spouseDeductionText & "."
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & "you can contribute up to " & deductionText & " into a tax-deductible IRA. However, your spouse cannot take a deduction for contributions into an IRA."
end if
if spousededuction > 0 then
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & "you cannot take a deduction for contributions into a tax-deductible IRA, but your spouse can contribute up to " & spouseDeductionText & "."
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & "neither you nor your spouse can take a deduction for contributions into a tax-deductible IRA."
end if
end if
end case
if payment > 0 then
case filingStatus of
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & RETURN & RETURN & "Based on your eligibility, the rate of return and the number of years you plan to contribute, you will have " & totalAmountText & " in your IRA at the end of this period."
2, 3:
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & RETURN & RETURN & "Based on your eligibility, the rate of return and the number of years you plan to contribute, you and your spouse will have " & totalAmountText & " in your IRA at the end of this period."
end case
set the text of member "totaltext" = the text of member "totaltext" & " This assumes you will not withdraw any of your IRA funds before age 59 1/2. If you withdraw before then, you will be subject to a 10 percent penalty, plus any monies withdrawn will be subject to taxes as regular income. The number cited is before any taxes are assessed."