101 Checks all of the files on your computer for viruses. If a virus is identified, the File Virus Scan notifies you so you can repair or remove it before the virus replicates itself on your computer.
102 File Virus Scan
103 Select this scan to locate viruses that might have infected files on your computer.
104 Checks system memory and critical system files for viruses using Norton AntiVirus technology. Viruses in these areas can be very dangerous and should be taken care of immediately using a full featured anti-virus product, like Norton AntiVirus, to remove the virus.
105 Active Memory Virus Scan
106 Select this scan to check critical areas of your computer for viruses and warn you if viruses are identified.
107 Scans your computer's memory and hard drive system areas for viruses.
108 Scanning memory for viruses.
109 Stop scheduling this in the future.
110 Virus Identified
111 Potential error on drive.
112 Select this solution to delete the infected file.
113 Bad Link ***???
114 Select this solution to repair the infected file.
115 A virus has infected your computer.\n\nFilename: %s\nVirus Name: %s\nVirus Description: %s\n
116 Active Memory Virus Scan
117 Select this entry to locate and remove any viruses that have infected your computer's memory or your hard disk's system areas.
118 Active Memory and Boot Sector Virus Scan
119 VitalCheck detected a memory or boot sector virus that might\nfurther infect your system if you continue using your computer.\nYou MUST shut down your computer and use a full featured\nanti-virus product, like Norton AntiVirus, to remove the virus.
120 File Virus
121 A virus has been detected on your computer. Viruses can destroy information, lock you out of your system, or infect other files or computers.
122 Select this category to view the infected files.
123 File Virus Scan: Unable to find NAVSDK.VxD. You must reinstall VitalCheck.
124 File Virus Scan: Virus library or memory is infected.
130 File Virus Scan identified the %2 virus in:\n\n% % % %1\n\nThe File Virus Scan cannot repair this virus. Use Norton AntiVirus for Windows for complete virus detection and protection.\n\nThere might be other viruses that the File Virus Scan cannot repair or other files infected with this virus.\nIn this repair session, do you want to be notified of other viruses and files that cannot be repaired?
131 The media was removed from drive %s. Please insert the\nmedia and choose Retry to retry the operation or choose\nCancel to ignore this virus (not recommended).
132 '%s'\n\nwas determined to be infected with a virus and now is not identified.\n\nIf you have renamed this file, you might now rename it back to its original name and choose Retry to retry the operation.\nIf you have deleted the file, choose Cancel.\nIf the file has been copied or moved, choose Cancel and run the scan again to fix the virus.
133 The media in drive %s is write-protected. Please write-enable\nthe media in the drive and choose Retry to retry the operation\nor choose Cancel to ignore this virus (not recommended).
134 '%s'\n\n contains a virus and appears to be in use by another application.\n\nClose the application using this file and choose Retry to fix this virus.\nChoose Cancel to ignore this virus (not recommended).
135 Delete the file.
136 Repair the file.
137 A virus has been identified on your computer. This deletes the infected file.
138 A virus has been identified on your computer. This repairs the infected file.
139 Deleted %s.
140 File Virus Scan deleted %s because it was infected with a virus.
141 Repaired %s.
142 File Virus Scan repaired %s because it was infected with a virus.